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A story of “love” and murder |
“I LOVE YOU” There he was sitting on THE bench. His beautiful brown hair was flowing in the wind.He reached for his bag and pulled out a delicious looking sandwich, as he chowed down on his sandwich i was considering how oddly satisfying it was that he did not know it would be his last meal, I contemplated how he would act if he knew what was about to happen, would he taste it different? would he even eat if he knew he was going to die, or would he see that there is no point in the action of it? As i slowly crept closer to him the adrenaline in my blood raced as it always did when i was about to murder someone.He turned around as if he knew he was being watched. I quickly crouched behind a bush, barely going unseen. This excited me unfathomably, i imagined that he knew i was there and we were just playing a game of hide and seek , not knowing where i was,his adrenaline would be racing as fast as mine, his eyes would be darting to and fro looking for me. He would question how i was so good at this childish game, but unfortunately that was not the case, he was unknowing of what was about to unfold, he turned back around and continued eating, now moving on from his sandwich, he began to consume his chips, i emerged from behind the bush and continued my lovely pursuit. I kept my pace slow and steady so i did not make anymore unwanted noise, as i got closer and closer i began to plan out how i would take this wonderful man's life.When i got within arms length i would pull out a knife i had concealed within my pants and place it on the ground underneath the bench , i would then proceed to reach around, grab his head, and pull him over the back of the bench, i would choke him and watch the life drain from his eyes slowly, slowly, slowly , surely, and right before the last drop of life washed from his body i would let go of his throat and let him breath a last fresh breath of life and then i would reach under the bench,grab the knife , and slit his throat. Finally letting him fade into darkness.YES! It would be so exquisite to add another name to my expansive list in only 2 days (that would be a personal record for me!) Finally after careful movements i got within arms length and my plan was to commence. I reached around from behind him and with one hand grabbed his lower jaw, my other hand placed over his mouth so he could not scream. I proceeded to pull him over the bench by his head and slam him to the ground. a loud thud echoed across the long abandoned park, i had chosen this time of day because i knew he would be the only one here, you see, he works the night shift at a local police station and always comes to the park to eat on his break. I had come here to watch him eat countless times over a 4 year span and had become very fond of him.He had always been my favorite to watch, but i finally felt it was time for his life to end.As his body hit the ground my hand slipped from his mouth, to my surprise instead of screaming ,he rather decided to punch me in the face as hard as he possibly could you have no idea how much this excited me(i always loved a fighter) he punched me once more before i got a hold of his arm and slammed it to the ground automatically snapping it. He still did not give up which would prove a great deal for him, he used his free hand to reach for the knife i had purposely placed underneath the bench. I let go of his jaw to race him for the knife, but it was to late, his hand was already gripped around the handle. He swung the knife hard and impaled me in the lower right side of my upper body i let out a huge laugh as he pulled the knife out of my side and stabbed me in gut, i love pain and this was exhilarating But i was not going to let it happen unpunished. I tried to reach for the knife, but he threw it over the bench, and pushed me off of him with great strength, as i lay there bleeding i was not mad, or sad as one would guess, i was happy, i was happy because i had finally found a challenge as he ran away i screamed at him saying “I LOVE YOU!” ,he turned around and looked at me with an expression of what i can only describe as Beautiful. The park had a different feeling.It felt like someone was watching me but that is what it always feels like when you are alone in the dark.I brushed off the thought and reached for my sandwich and chips, this was probably my second favorite thing in the world-peace, quiet, and a decent meal- My life at home proved to be more than i could handle without a good break here and there. I have a wife and 6 kids, yes that’s right…..6 kids .Don't get me wrong I love coming home to my gorgeous wife every morning, tired and exhausted,holding her in my arms while she kisses me on my neck, that’s why her and the kids are my first favorite thing in the world.She always tells me how much she loves me, yet I always forget to tell her, and it makes sad every time I think of it. How could a emotionally bruised guy like me get a beautiful and strong girl like her. As i sat there eating my meal and thinking of my wife, i heard a noise in the woods and turned quickly to see what it was, i scanned the area with great skepticism and saw nothing but trees and darkness.A little unsettled, i turned around and continued my meal. After 5 minutes of silence and chewing i depleted my sandwich and continued on to my chips. As I munched and crunched I looked up at the stars and was amazed as i always was at how many of them that there are, i had always wanted to be an astrologist,(even did a semester in college) but my father pressured me into to becoming a police officer like him. I had always had some resentment towards him for that, even though I knew I was the one who made the decision. I heard a slight *tink* beneath the bench i was sitting on, i was about to look underneath the bench when a man grabbed my head and pulled me over the bench, slamming me onto the ground. I was extremely surprised by the strength of this man. As he proceeded to get on top of me i could make out his face and his ungodly size.To my approximate knowledge he was around 6’7 and very very in shape, he looked like he must have been in the military because i saw dog tags hanging around his neck. The man was wearing a light green skin tight t-shirt, light green camo pants, and a tan pair of boots.His face was big and square with a razor sharp jawline, his nose was medium sized, everything on his face looked normal yet it still looked different…...it demanded me to never forget. For some odd reason he looked familiar to me as if i had seen him countless times before, or rather…..he felt familiar, i had not seen him,but felt him countless times before.As he slammed me to the ground his hand slipped from my mouth .Taking a chance, I slammed my fist into his rock hard face twice.The mysterious, terrifying man grabbed my arm with perfect strength and and threw it to the ground, brekaing it in 6 places,as the doctor would tell me later. When he forced my arm to the ground i averted my attention towards the bench and saw a precious knife laying there, i reached for the knife and as i did that he let go of my jaw and reached for it to, but i was to quick for him and got there first. I wrapped my hand around the grip of the killing device and drove it into his right side, when i did this he laughed!! He Completely disregarded the pain. The act and sound of him laughing gave me a horrible sick feeling in my stomach.I took the knife out of his side and stabbed him once more, this time in the gut. Surprising even myself i threw the knife and pushed him off of me with my free arm, i then began to run and run and run, as fast as i could i expected him to come after me but he did not instead he screamed at me with a smile on his face “I LOVE YOU” he said “I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU” he said again. I turned around and looked at him, he was smiling,blood was seeping from his eyes and teeth, a terrified expression formed on my face and…...I began to cry uncontrollably. |