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Rated: E · Lyrics · Inspirational · #2161170
More of Jesus means less "Flesh"
So here I am , surrounded, by the bitterness and shame of my deeds
And here you are , abounding , in grace and love, sowing humility , the God Seeds
What makes you want me? Haven't I shown you what an epic failure that I am?
I tried so hard to make myself believe there's a better way, but always my way...
Was that all part of Your great Plan?...

Is it too late to become, Less, so much less, I wanna digress,
More of you and less of me...to the path of eternal peace..Somewhere at the end of me.

Peace now it flows, it astounds me, surrounds me, and heaven knows
How can this be so? Feeling the overflow of Your benevolence,
What do I do to deserve this? Or earn it? what do "I" do to save face?
What's that You say?, All it takes is Your blood and Your grace?

Broken down walls lead to a heart covered in stone, to protect it
It hurts tearing them down, While you speak into my life, and inspect it
Dare I trust You?, to save myself from me?, As many time's as I've been rejected?
What can the fruit offer the tree, except itself?, And now I'm otherwise directed.

Welcome to You, where every work of the flesh burns, withers and dies,
and the Spirit's made strong through humble tears and desperate cries.
It's not on me, It's on You, the scars upon your back, making up for what I lack,
You looked upon me, from Calvary, before I ever was and all I'd ever be.

Is it too late to become, Less, so much less, I wanna digress,
More of you and less of me...to the path of eternal peace...Somewhere at the end of me.

Peace now it flows, it astounds me, surrounds me, and heaven knows
How can this be so? Feeling the overflow of Your benevolence,
What do I do to deserve this? Or earn it? what do "I" do to save face?
What's that You say?, All it takes is Your blood and Your grace?

I'm am not alone, Now I'm a composite of God and mankind, where love and mercy dined
Because you said,"Take this and eat, this is my flesh, broken for you, and take this cup too"
Whatever's gone's no loss, I'm not looking back, My eyes upon Your Cross, There's NOTHING that I lack
I'm as good as dead, the me that I once was, the paths to where it led, I count it all but loss because...
Somewhere At the End of Me....lies The Cross

Isaiah 53:4-6
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

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