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Tortured by school bullies on a daily bacis, Annie end up in her worst predicament yet. |
Through the eyes of Beatrice, the bully I'm standing in the showerhall. Against the wall behind me, sits a girl, sobbing. Two of my friends are holding her arms, keeping her in place. I'm sweaty. Our previous class was sports, and I really pushed myself running. More than you could say for Annie. She had been so pathetic it was hard to look at, and I've decided she needs a punishment for that. I have harrashed her for years now. So have my friends. She's such a loser. Mostly the abuse is verbal, but I have beaten her up once or twice, though never too bad. I stand for a moment, soaking in the delicious sound of her muted crying. It makes me feel like I'm her fucking queen. Might as well be. "Jesus fuck, Annie, you can't even run two fucking feet without turning to a staggering mess. How big a loser are you even?." My comment feels justified. My friends are laughing. I feel impowered. "Please, Beatrice. Please just let me go. Sob*. I know I'm pathetic. I promise I'll do better. Sob*. Please..." Her begging makes me feel even better about myself. I'm can't wait any longer. It's torture time. My friends were really enjoying it when I told them what I intended to do to her. They thought it would be funny and gross. Now, they are holding her in place so that I can do it to her with ease. They are such awesome friends. "Shut up, Annie, you're not going anywhere..." I pull down my gym pants and my panties, exposing to her my bare ass. "... Until you've sniffed my ass." I feel euphoric as I tell her what I'm gonna make her do. My friends bust out laughing, and Annie cries out louder and more pathetically. "Noooo! Please, oh god no. Sob*." It's only the second time I something like this to her. Last time was over a year ago. We had dragged her to the sandbox. It was one of the times we got physical. We pulled her pants down and shoved sand up her pussy. I remember clearly how much she struggled. There were two girls holding her arms, two holding her legs, one shoving her sand inside her, and I sat atop her boobs and watched the sand torture, imagining how difficult it's going get out again, and how much it would burn down there in a few days. Suddenly, I feel a fart coming, and I think to myself, I'm already so close to her face, why not let her smell it. I moved my ass backwards sitting it down on her face. The two girls holding her arms, looked at me with glee, and when they all heard my loud fart being released straight in Annies face. All the five remaining girls burst out laughing. I will never forget the way she shook her head trying to escape the stench, making the most adorable sounds she's made to date. I knew back then, that one day, I would have to continue her torture in that direction. The stinky, disgusting and humiliating direction. Looks like that day has come. I spread my asscheeks apart, revealing to her my sweaty asshole. I shove it in her face, making sure her nose meets my anus, so she can get the full smell up close. She tries to turn her head away, one of the other bullies stops her, pushing her face back in my ass. "What are you waiting for, ass-loser, an invitation, start sniffing!" I feel her inhale, the air getting colder, and moving away from my butthole and into her nose. "Ohh! Caugh* Aa, it stinks." Her words makes me wet. "Of course it stinks, it's a fucking asshole, that's why we make you smell it. Now keep at it!" She sniffs it again, lets out a disgusted moan, and then sniffs once more. Sniff. Sniff. Sniff. Fuck, what I wouldn't give to have a fart ready right now. That would be such a great climax for Annie's stinky little torture session. But I have another idea. "Kiss it." My words feel so strong. "Wha- What? No, please, don't make me do that, I sniffed it like you asked me to, dispite the smell. Just, please let me go home now." I spread my asscheeks apart a little wider. "Pucker up, loser." I'm euphoric as she breaks down into tears, crying loudly. I'm a fucking goddess comapared to her. I feel her lips push against my sweaty, moist anus. I try to image how disgusting it must feel, putting your lips against someone's asshole. It makes me smile. Knowing that I'm forcing her to do that to me. Her kiss ends. I'm satisfied, we leave her to cry on the floor. I don't shower. I'm gonna make my ass as nasty as I can for that wimp, and I'm gonna make her suffer. Her new life as my ass slave has begun. Two weeks has gone by. I make Annie smell my ass during almost every recess. Mostly I leave my panties on while she does it, but I also give it to her all natural, if I'm feeling a little extra devious. She's also become my personal fart sniffer. I make her smell every trace of my gas whenever she's around. It's about time that time now. I see Annie walking by in the hall. "Hey, Ass Slave!" I call her out, making her jump and look towards me. She looks distressed. I signal her to follow me, and she does. She fucking does it, even though she knows I'm gonna make her smell my butt. She knows better than to run. Last week, she tried to escape, but me and five of my friends caught her. We brought her to a a corner of the school, full of nettles, pulled her pants off and made her sit down in the nettles. The expression of pain on her face was priceless. We made her wiggle her butt around while she sat there. It was so fucking satisfying. When we let her get back up, her entire ass was red and pimply. It was so much fun. But after that, she didn't run from me again. I bring her to the toilet. Two of my friends are already waiting there. I make her sit against the wall. I pull down my pants and panties. I bring my asshole to her nose and obediently, she starts sniffing it. Fuck it must stink by now. I've completely stopped showering, so that my butt will just keep on getting smellier and smellier for her, every single time I make her sniff it. Can you imagine, two weeks of your sweat, shit and musk, and that loser is just sitting there breathing it all in like you owned her. That's my life. That's my perfect fucking life. She stops sniffing. I can hear her whimpering. "Oh god, it's so stinky, it's sooo stinky." her whining makes my pussy moist. "Didn't tell you to stop, did I." Crying, she puts her nose back on my dirty asshole, and resumes sniffing it. I'm relentless. I let her smell it for the entire recess, not letting her take a sigle breath that isn't from my ass. The enitre time, she's crying and mumbling about how smelly it is. The bell rings, and I finally move my ass away from her tortured nose. I pull my pants up and leave with my friends, them giggling end encouraging me for my actions. I feel like a goddess. I have to take this to the next step. I have to degrate her further... That night, I lay sleepless, thinking about what I want to do to her. I fantasize about her being tied up, while I sit on her face, and keep farting on her. I get out of bed. I have to go to pee. It's friday tomorrow, and I'll have to spend an entire weekend without Annie. I find myself thinking about her as I pee. I imagine pissing in her face. Then, I imagine her with a funnel in her mouth, and me pissing in it. Fuck I want to do that to her. I feel something move in my bowels. I have to poop as well. I push and the toilet starts to fill with my brown dough. It stinks, a lot. The smell of my own feces momentarilly ruin my fantasy. Fuck that's disgusting. I close my legs to block smell, but then my mind starts wandering again. I spread my legs again, letting the vile stench ooze out. I imagine holding Annie's head betwean my legs, facedown into the toilet bowl, makig her smell my shit. Holy fuck that would be amazing! Maybe I would even force her to... I close my legs again. No, I wouldn't go that far. That was just too cruel. I would never make her... Make her... "...Eat my shit..." I say it out loud, contemplating my words. I... I... Fuck that's hot... Through the eyes of Annie, the victim I'm approaching schoold I'll be there the at the very last moment, I make sure of that. If I come too early my bullies get an additional chance to torment me. When I get there, I scour around nervously, looking for any of my bullies. I especially look out for the leader of their pack, Beatrice, who's been doing quite degrating things with me lately. Oh god... Speaking of which. I've spotted Beatrice, she's waiting right outside the front door, smiling sadisticly at me. I start to walk slowly, prolonging the inevitable. She's waiting patiently for me. I feel like crying, but the thought that the torture is just for today, gives me the strength not to. Tommorow she can't do things to me. Tommorow I'm safe. When I get close enough, she tells me to follow her to the bathroom. Reluctently, I follow her. I know she's going to make me smell her ass. A form of bullying she's been enjoying doing to me quite a lot lately. I know she doesn't wash her ass, because it keeps getting stinkier each time she makes me sniff it. It's musky, earthy, sweaty, and has just a meek hint of shit to it. It really stinks... When we get to the bathroom, I sit down against the wall. That's where she usually places me, when she puts her ass in my face. To my surprise, Beatrice opens the door to one of the stalls, and three of her friends walks out, all chatting about how bad it smells in there. They are holding some rope, a pair of painties and a ball gag. I feel my heart start to rush. This wasn't just going to be the usual torture, was it. I stagger to my legs, panting. Without eve thinking of the consequences, I run for the door. Whatever they plan to do, I'm not gonna be part of it. Please god almightly, let me escape them, just this once. My prayers aren't answered. Three girls tackle me, and bring me to the ground. They hold me in place, I cry and I struggle. I see Beatrice sitting on the toilet the three girls just came out of, smiling at me. The girls shove the panties in my mouth. They taste filthy, but before I can spit them out, the ball-gag, it put in my mouth. They tie my hands behind my back, and they tie my legs together. I'm helpless. Beatrice rises. With her pants pulled down, she approaches me. Her sadistic smile is crushing me. She turns around, and spreads her ass cheecks. I'm looking straight at her shit stained anus. I struggle for all I'm worth, it's no use. I start crying. One thing was sniffing an unwahsed anus, now she was going to make me sniff an an unwiped one? The other girls are holding me by my hair, so I can't turn my head. Why are they so cruel. She lower's her shitty ass down onto my nose, and she leaves my no choice but to smell her shit straight off of her asshole. It's potent and fecal, with a metallic hint to it. It's the kind of poop you flush before wiping to avoid smelling it. It's horrible. I struggle and cry. It's no use. Soon, I'm sitting still, whimpering and sniffing her shitty butthole. They laugh, at my disgusting situation. "Looks like Annie finally found her true calling in life. Being a brown-noser!" - Beatrice proclaims with a giggle, while pressing her ass harder towards my nose, smearing it with her shit. "Since you like sniffing brown so much, I think you are gonna love what else we have in store for you." She removes her ass from my face. The girls all laugh at the brown spots on and around my nose. One of them puts her ass close to my face and farts. It's stinky, but not as bad as beatrice's, and not nearly as bad as sniffing shit. |