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A little motivational speech I just wrote :) |
Do you ever have them moments in your life where you feel like everything Is going perfect, new job, new boyfriend, new house and you are on top of the world. Then slam, your cat dies and your right back down to feeling shiity about your life. I mean what is even the point! Life hands you amazing opportunities and amazing moments for you to run and you take them, then life snatches them right back off you. It's like school sports day, you start running and running and you're winning, you can see the finish line, feel the wind in your hair, smiling that really stupid grin because you are going to make it and then, smack! You fall flat on your face because your shoe lace decides to untie and that goodie two shoes perfect princess wins. There is always that one person that everything seems to just go right for, all the time, they are always so happy and they're life just seems... perfect. They are the top of the class in everything, they get the promotion you worked really hard for, they turn up late and never get caught, they are happy ALL THE TIME, and just... well... perfect. Or are they? Think about it. How many people have looked at you and thought that you have the perfect life. How many people have looked at you and thought I will never be as good as them. Stop comparing your failures to other people's successes. That person at school that always got high marks, stayed up until midnight studying. The person who got the promotion, come in at 6 every morning. That person who's always late, a relative of theirs is sick and needs seeing to every morning, and that person who seems happy all the time? They put on a brave face and try to make everyone else happy, because they don't want them to feel as bad as they do every day of their life. Everyone has different ups and downs in their life, they happen at different times. So instead of dampening others success, celebrate them. Instead of moping about your failures, brush it off and focus on what you have done right. Push yourself a little further, jump a little higher and fall a little harder. Success isn't what we accomplish its about how we pick ourselves up from failures that make our success so rewarding. Think before you compare. You are brilliant, you are strong, and you are you, and that is the biggest success the world has ever seen. |