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Rated: 13+ · Article · Family · #2160426
Why've witches(AKA Satanists), been TRYING to place hexes on TRUMP? Trump's exposing them!

Trump is CONSTANTLY under attack by DEMONIC forces...

...Satanic Coens, some under the guise of "Wicca" and "New Age" who are really Satanic Covens , Have declared every FRIDAY (their "holy day" which is "sacred" to them and Satan by the way)

...It's no surprise to Christians that witches(AKA Satanists), have been doing the devil's work by TRYING to place spells and hexes on TRUMP,"for the good", they say. Many of the leaders of this Witchcraft movement are also FEMINISTS who call themselves, "WOMYN", which is defined in several dictionaries as, "spelling of "women" adopted by some feminists in order to avoid the word ending -men". Men-hating-Women is what they are. Not just TRUMP, but MEN in general. But even the male witches are attacking TRUMP too.
....So there you have it. Out of the mouth of Satan, these "womyn" and men who support the RITUALISTIC killing of Babies through Abortion, have realized TRUMP is STRONGLY PRO-Life,PRO-JESUS,PRO-AMERICA BEFORE OTHER NATIONS, ANTI-ONE WORLD ORDER. This is why TRUMP, and his supporters are being attacked 24-7. These are the ones urging the foolish real "WOMEN" to support pro-abortion, which is nothing more than the legalized, ritualistic murder of our unborn people.
....While the higher class of covens all know they use abortion as a "spell" to gain Satanic power, from "Gaia", Hecate","the Mother Goddess", or whomever they pray to , as these are names of nothing more than DEMONS,
.....At the stroke of midnight on Friday, followers of witchcraft across the US perform mass spells , Some of which designed to stop the president from coming against their Satanic agenda. Recently, a Facebook group devoted to the ritual has attracted over 10,500 likes, and coined the hashtag "# magicresistance ".
The development has sparked a justified backlash of 24-7 prayer groups for our President among Christian conservatives, who have rightfully accused the witches of "declaring spiritual war" and committing TREASON against our Nation and Trump, his LOYAL administration, and his followers.....
Writer Michael Hughes, who describes himself as a "magical thinker"...AKA-"channel-er of demons" posted a version of the spell online, saying he had seen multiple versions on private witchcraft groups.In it, he suggests using a stubby orange candle, an unflattering picture of Mr Trump, and a Tower tarot card. ...
Followers of magic are told to carve the president's name into the candle using a pin, recite an incantation, and then burn his picture in the flame.

'You're fired!'
The words of the spell include a plea to the Wiccan deities to "bind Donald J Trump, so that his malignant works may fail utterly" and so that he "shall not break our polity, usurp our liberty, or fill our minds with hate, confusion, fear, or despair".
Mr Trump's supporters were also included-, as the spell asks that their "malicious tongues" be curbed too.
Mr Hughes suggests that instead of the normal closing line, "So mote it be!", witches could burn the former Apprentice host's image with the words, "You're fired!"...
Allow me to be abundantly factually clear on something...Witches are followers of SATAN, they deny JESUS and GOD. The Bible states that if we are not followers of Jesus, we are followers of the WORLD, and Satan is the ruler of the fallen Earth, The reason why Jesus Christ was incarnated in the flesh to save us. While they "say" they are not "bad" witches, ALL witches are bad. They admit to using spells. Where do they pray to get that power to cast them? DEMONS, they call them "HECATE, GAIA, etc.", and while some foolish novices who play with WICCA think it's some HIPPY=DIPPY, "cool" thing to do?, it runs much more malevolent than they realize....
....MaryPat Azevedo,a Satanist Coven Witch, who took part in the ritual in Arizona, said she saw the ritual as "a unity prayer".
She told the BBC: "A true witch would never cast a spell on anyone without their permission. This prayer is for wellbeing and peace for all beings."...Excuse me?...Then why do the bodies of murdered pregnant women, newborn babies, and children wind up being connected to Wiccan, AKA WITCH Coven circles? ...
....Ms Azevedo said she hopes to see "physical, emotional, and spiritual changes in Donald Trump and American politics".
Did you get that?...In her own words,Ms Azevedo wants to see PHYSICAL CHANGES" in TRUMP! Yea, I'm sure she does. Changes such as Impeachment,Poverty,personal loss,disease,harm,death.
....The recent raids on discovered Child sex rings, which are run by the Globalist's Shadow Government Cabal,including Rothschild,Rockefeller, and other illuminati family lines, Their purpose of which is to get "Magick/Magic" power from Satan. They use Sex, Twisting the act of sex into a perversion of sex and sacrifice as a conduit to conjure demons.
...They also use CANDLES , Pictures of intended victims before they are taken and slain, etc. And if people cannot connect the dots between this and what the so-called "peaceful,loving White Wicca Witches" are doing"? then they need some education in facts, Hence this article, which I hope will wake up the Spiritually ignorant masses to the Truth .
As we would expect, many in HOLLYWOOD are participating in this demonic protest against our Nation's God-chosen leader.
...CHRISTIANS- Please make time to pray for our Nation's Leader, President Trump, Not just EVERY FRIDAY, But EVERY day. Pray to our LORD Jesus Christ for him to impart TRUMP with continuing discernment, wisdom, protection, and continued safety and good health. Pray for his admin, to be supportive and vigilant in their aid to him. TRUMP REPRESENTS YOU AND I, and the GOOD of AMERICA. Pray that more people continue to come to see it as well.
...Facebook has begun using the deplorable site of SNOPES to "verify" and fact-check FB user posts, and FB has begun pop-up prompts to some users sharing truthful(anti-shadow gov, pro-trump, etc posts, With suggestion,"Are you sure you want to post?...there is another story about this on SNOPES, Do you want to read it? No? Yes? Proceed to post anyway?"
There you have it, Facebook is colluding with Shadow Government and Satanic Cabal. Wake Up America.
...FB tags...

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