Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160248-Ahh-The-Art-of-Show-vs-Tell-Classroom
Rated: E · Assignment · Thriller/Suspense · #2160248
Something has happened to the members of Show vs Tell. What happened to them?
Ahh... The Art of Show vs. Tell

This past month I have learned how to describe in detail just what others need to see in my words. Not just telling them is enough. They need to see, touch, taste, to be able to experience what I am doing or what my character is doing and /or experience at that moment.

As I sit here munching on a Moon Pie. You know, the big luscious chocolate kind, it also comes in banana, yum as I take a bite tasting the chocolate coating that surrounds it. The gooey marshmallow inside and the three layers of graham crackers, it made me sigh in Heavenly Bliss. This is designed to make your mouth water uncontrollably.

I savor the taste as I roll my tongue around the inside of my mouth, mixing the chocolate, marshmallow, and graham crackers. I am taking a deep breath inhaling the chocolate aroma that fills my senses. As I take another bite, I think that it would be nice to share this experience with each one of you.

If I could, I'd stuff one to each of you through the internet, I would! But, now that would be a very sticky, gooey mess. Then, none of us would be able to use our laptops, tablets, or our phones. What a mess that would be, I could see the marshmallow oozing out of your keyboards. The chocolate is dripping from the edges because it had gotten hot passing through the electrical currents. Sparks flying this way and that, eventually, shorting out the wall plugs.

Oh, dear me, we just couldn't have that now, could we? So, I'll sit here and enjoy another one. I reach into the box to get one. My hands are going from side to side, top to bottom. As I look inside, my eyes widen to find to my dismay. There was not even one more left. Now, where did they all go?

As I'm searching, I hear giggling. My ears perk up straining to hear the location of the giggling. My eyes dart to my laptop. I narrow my eyes, placing my fingers upon my lips. I gasp air in, as I realized that Patrece ~ Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃 Quick-Quill and Hannah ♫♥♫ were munching on chocolate Moon Pies!

And Warped Sanity The Dark Faery are giggling and trying to get their Moon pies out of their laptops. While Sally and Jayne, we're sitting there, shaking their heads, and looking bewildered. They are trying to figure out what to do with the mess that just came oozing out of their laptops and onto their desks.

If it wasn't for Bikerider being on vacation with his family, he'd have one oozing from his laptop. Oh No, I hear someone screaming, "What the heck is this?"

Oh no, its Bikerider he opened his flip phone, and it has sparks, chocolate, graham crackers, and marshmallows pouring out of it. His wife looks at his hands and shakes her head back and forth. "Someone at WdC sent you something, honey?" she laughs, putting a hand over her mouth, trying to stop.

I quickly logged off and closed my laptop. Looking around to see if anyone saw what just happened to the "2018" class of "Show vs. Tell?"

It was around 2 a.m. when I decided to log back on—shaking uncontrollably, hitting each key on my laptop to see what happened to my dear friends. Or had it all been a dream, no a nightmare is what it was!

My screen opens up; everything seems normal. No wait, I have 65 emails, 85 Newsfeed, and 53 notifications. It looks like we just might have a second wave of Yellow cases and Blue cases like we did in February. Yeah, that's probably what all the messages are.

I decided to open the newsfeed first. I know, usually, I go straight to the emails, I reminded myself. My eyes widen as I read post after post. My head is spinning, I can't swallow my mouth has become dry, and all I can get out is "Oh my this can't be!"

My hand is shaking, and it is hard to navigate my mouse. I am hovering over one alarming post. My eyes start to water as I read It's the Great Pumakin! has posted that his whole class has disappeared and is looking for anyone who has heard from his ten students. My hand jerks back, sending my mouse across the page.

My heart is now pounding out of my chest and into my throat, making it very hard to swallow. Frozen in time, my mind whirling with questions. "How could this be?" I asked myself repeatedly over and over, seeming like hours. Only minutes had passed, I glanced at my clock it was 2:10 a.m.

I message It's the Great Pumakin! and wait for his response. Not knowing his exact time zone or not knowing if he was asleep at this time of night. I stare at my laptop, hoping and praying that everyone is alright, that this is still some kind of nightmare.

As I jerk awake, not realizing that I had fallen asleep on top of my laptop. I now have an imprint of the keyboard on my face. I fell asleep on my right arm, and it is numb with pins and needles surging through it. Rubbing it fiercely to wake it up, so I can log back on and see if It's the Great Pumakin! has contacted me again.

I have an email from The ScaryMaster asking me if It's the Great Pumakin! had contacted me back. He had noticed that I had sent a message to Jim and was checking on Jim and me. Story Master had messaged Jim and wanted to see if he had heard from any members of his class.

I frantically write back to The ScaryMaster, letting him know that I hadn't heard from It's the Great Pumakin! and that I was okay. "I am, just shaken up by what was happening," I replied. I told him as soon as I heard anything that I would let him know.

I debated if I should email The ScaryMaster and tell him about the Moon Pies. I typed as fast as I could and told him what had happened the day before. I knew that I had to do it quickly. Before anything else might happen to my dear friends, I hope that they're all alright.

The ScaryMaster replies quickly, "I know what to do, hang on, I'll be right back."

I know that he will take care of what has happened. He always seems to know exactly what to do and say. It seems like hours passed before he messaged me again.

"Teresa, Are you sure that those are the only members that you sent Moon pies, too?"

" Yes, The ScaryMaster, those are the only ones! Why did you ask?" I replied to him.

There appears to be a couple of hundred members missing, now! I think that we might have Moon Pie Virus, here," he says.

I can't believe what he is saying, blinking my eyes, I slapped my face on both sides, then I shake my head. With my eyes wide open, I read what he just wrote. "MOON PIE VIRUS?" I replied. " No, how can that be?"

"Because we are a magical writing site when something is typed into our system, it becomes a reality. He reminds me, Teresa, didn't you read our reality clause closely?" he asked.

No, I guess that I didn't," I said, tears streaming down my face. I sniffed, reaching for some Kleenex. I can't believe this, "How could this be?" I asked myself.

A message pops up onto my screen, then another, then another, and now I have six IM messages. I stepped back from my laptop. I'm so scared to open them. I have sweat rolling down my forehead, and my breathing is faint. I feel like I'm going to pass out as I reach up and move my mouse over the first message.

It is It's the Great Pumakin! GOTCHA!!! I stand there, staring at my screen.

"WHAT?" my eyes widen, and my mouth dropped open.

I hit the next one, Bikerider GOTCHA!!!

"WHAT?" is going on, wait just a second. I opened each message, and every single one said GOTCHA!!!

Even the final message from The ScaryMaster GOTCHA!!! See what happens when you send Moon Pies through the internet. They get stuck! "CONGRATULATIONS CLASS"

To my classmates of "The Art of Show vsTell" class of June "2018,". I have enjoyed this class very much; each one of you has fantastic stories. I learned from every one of you. I believe that the class "The Art of Show vs. Tell" opened up our minds and let our creative juices flow onto the pages that we wrote upon. It gave us the ability to see what was needed to show our readers.

It helps uniquely describe every little detail right down to the hole in the tip of my left sock. I probably would have never told you about the hole in my sock. If it hadn't been for this wonderful class, "The Art of Show vs. Tell."

It opens minds up to our imagination that is already there, and it just needed to be unlocked. It's like a Dam that has cracked and now has exploded from the pressure of the millions of gallons of water—just waiting for the floodgates to open and flood the minds of all these gifted writers here at WdC.

The questions that It's the Great Pumakin! asked, had us think about that emotion and how we could relay it to our readers. He made it seem effortlessly easy. Not only that, in the process, it also brought out other emotions. We were making the class come alive with discussions and ideas.

May all of your writings be blessed, and we all become famous for them.

Image for Ahh... "The Art of Show vs Tell"

Word count: 1599

The Art of Show vs Tell Courses  (13+)
Have you ever been told, "Show, don't tell?"...a 2018 and 2019 Quill Award Winner
#2129581 by It's the Great Pumakin!

Final Assignment #6: Critique Show vs. Tell June 5, 2018

Grade: A+

My bestie wrote this article about Moon Pies, and I wanted to share it with you. It is very detailed and informative. Enjoy our "Moon Pie Madness"

You Want To Read Something Really Scary?  (E)
A very true ghost story that's spine chilling and unbelievable at the very best.
#2177407 by Bubblegum Jones

Thank you for the awesome review.
© Copyright 2018 LegendaryMask❤️ (tblakely5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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