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Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #2158870
Hawaiian Breeze is my favorite scent from Glade.
Hawaiian Breeze

Hawaiian Breeze is my favorite scent from Glade
The aroma of this sent is so, so pleasant
That it brings a pleasant Pervade
Through the air that was Extravagant.

As I Inhale the fanciful fragrance
Once more, with the extravagance
Of its sent was so delightful
And with being powerful.

By Sharmelle Olson
May 23, 2018

Line Count: 8
Form: Free Verse with Rhythm
Prompt: Write a poem describing your favorite scent.
Written For: "The Daily Poem"
Deadline: On my Birthday May 23 at 1:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time.

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