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The avian potion-maker known as Chronia accidentally spills a new creation of hers. |
A droplet of green liquid splashed against the glass wall of a vial as it began to fill up. The hand pouring the substance ceased its flow once the vial reached the marked point on the side of the glass. A cork was put in place at the top, sealing off the exit for the liquid. A blue avian peered down at the vial, a smirk on their beak. The avian was a female, Chronia to be specific. The blue-bird stood with her diapered rear showing, her hand outstretched with the vial in it. "Finally, a complete potion instead of a non-functioning one," Chronia spoke, satisfaction in her tone. She set the potion on the wooden desk in front of her which was covered in various papers, ingredients, and glass objects similar to the vial. The potion rested near the edge, the girl turned to head out when she misjudged the poofiness of the diaper around her waist and it bumped the vial. The container shook and rattled, eventually falling off of the table and shattering upon impact on the floor. Chronia, who had been so focused on going to bed, didn't even hear the glass shattering against the sandstone floor as she made her way to the bedroom upstairs. The door clicked shut behind Chronia as she moved towards the bed. The blankets lay smooth against the mattress which in turn sat upon the wooden frame. The main comforter on the bed looked so appealing to Chronia that upon impact, she passed out without getting any further than the light blue blanket that lay on top of the rest. Morning came rather quick though the typical sunlight that came through the window of the room didn't cast its glow inside. Chronia sat up, stretching, and letting out a yawn, then rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The regular greeting of her room and the morning sunlight did not come to her, instead, Chronia was surprised to see the landscape of a rainforest around her. Her bed where she remembered hitting before passing out was no longer there, her diapered rump was instead sat on a dirt floor with trees, vines, and plants all around her. The small cloth that covered her chest was caked with wet dirt from Chronia rolling around during sleep, the same went for her diaper and the loincloth that was draped over the top of the poofy undergarment. Sounds of a typical rainforest did not meet the girl's eardrums. Everything was silent except for the light breathing that came in and out of her beak. "How strange," Chronia thought, looking at the landscape surrounding her. It certainly was a lush and thriving place, but it wasn't her bedroom, the one she fell asleep in and remembered going to before passing out. Her question was, how did she get to this rainforest if she went to sleep in the desert kingdom in her own home and room. Sleepwalking wasn't a possibility since the amount of time it would take to cross the desert would be more than several hours. Not to mention how cold the desert got at night, dropping to dangerous temperatures that she wouldn't be able to withstand without some assistance. Shaking the questions from her head, Chronia stood up and gave her eyes one last rub just to make sure. After a second confirmation that this really was the situation, she began to walk forwards. Her head moved in all directions as she studied the ground, plants, and then moved up towards the trees above her. One tree, in particular, had caught her eye, its tall trunk stretched into the sky. The branches of this tree reached out in all directions for large distances, what was on those branches shocked Chronia. The branches were loaded with the clothing that she had typically stored in her dresser and closet, but what were they now doing up in the tree? There was no way to get them other than climbing and it was far too high for her to risk it. As Chronia was about to continue on, she felt something brush along her waist and right after, her loincloth fell to the ground. She bent down, exposing her diapered rear as she reached for the loincloth when another brush came across her back. This time, the cloth that covered and supported her chest dropped to the ground right in front of her eyes. The instant reaction to cover her chest brought Chronia into an upright position as she looked around her. A paranoid expression painted her face as there was nobody around and no noises were made during the process of her clothing being removed. From the brush around, vines shot out and wrapped themselves around the wrists and ankles of the avian. Chronia yelled out in surprise and fear, not being able to react quick enough. They pulled her down onto the surprisingly soft, dirt floor as another began to creep its way out. Like a snake coming for prey, the vine brushed along the avian's stomach. It moved towards her diaper and began to remove the tape on the right, doing the same to the left tape immediately after. This vine seemed to be thicker than the rest, looking as if to be the leader of the smaller ones. It pulled a rather big leaf over to the struggling avain and slid it under her rear. Just as a diaper would go, the vine wrapped the leaf around Chronia's waist until it was tight and secure. A smaller leaf crept out of the leaf-diaper near the top where the waist was. The small leaf pressed itself firmly against her stomach before stopping all motion. The main vine retracted back towards the brush, taking the old diaper with it as the others followed suit, taking the rest of the clothing with them. The rainforest went quiet for a few moments until Chronia began to push her way back up, puzzled by the recent events. Fear ran through her body, paranoia taking over as the girl glanced around herself in case of more attackers. At this point being nude was less worrying than the risk of sentient plants coming out and attacking. She glanced down at the leaf around her waist, more importantly, at the smaller leaf pressing itself against her stomach. She used a finger to yank on it and even tried to forcefully pull at it with her whole hand. Not even a single movement, the leaf wouldn't budge from her stomach. It wouldn't have been worrying if small green vines couldn't be seen under the surface of her feathers and skin where the leaf pressed, sinking deep under and disappearing. Nothing could be done, she had tried and at the very least she wasn't completely nude anymore. Walking was the only option left and it was the one Chronia took. She headed forwards for a several minutes before running into a slope that led downwards into a darker portion of the rainforest. Fewer trees were apparent in the crevasse from her current angle though plant life seemed to be thriving just fine. The slope stretched on rather far, only stopping at a tall rock wall on both sides of her. Being that the only other way to go was back where those vines were, she would rather take her chances in the crevasse...no matter how dark it seemed. The slope was steep but nothing she couldn't handle. Chronia moved down sideways, remembering that it was easier to keep footing that way. Daylight began to fade away all around as the bottom grew closer. When she finally got on the level ground, there was no sunlight making its way down to her at all. The only light around to be seen was from the dull glow of various fluorescent plants and mushrooms, mainly the mushrooms as they were all over the place. There seemed to be a cold, damp wall in front of Chronia, her best guess was a rock. The glowing mushrooms jutted out from the sides of it and lined the ground below, none behind, only in front. It was peculiar that the only area the mushrooms went was straight ahead as if they were marking out a path. She began to walk forwards, following the mushrooms. What seemed like minutes passed, after those several minutes time began to feel as if it had stopped. Without the sun or any other way, Chronia couldn't tell how long she had been down here. The ground below became muddier the further in it went. Chronia could feel the mud pressing through her toes and coating her feet as well as sticking under her talons. Ahead the mushrooms seemed to have come to an end, or at least another rock wall. The glowing fungi went up the wall a bit and came to an arch before going back down to the ground. They seemed to outline a small hole in the rock wall, only small enough for a little creature, far too small for the adult avian. The strangest part of this wall and the hole in it was the fact that the closer it drew, the bigger the hole seemed to get. Chronia's steps became awkward, the mud growing thick beneath her. She began to waddle through it, falling at one point which covered her front side in the mud. It was just after the fall when she went to wipe herself off that she noticed a green glow from beneath the mud on her stomach, right where the plant had stuck itself to her. The glow formed a small circle near her navel and looked almost like runes. There was no time to worry about the apparent magic leaf-diaper she wore, if this was an exit then she had to take it. The girl waddled up to the hole in the wall and peered down the length of it, it was a tunnel. A greenish glow came from the end of the tunnel which seemed to open into some sort of room. Even now, the hole was only big enough for Chronia to crawl through. She got down on her hands and knees, quickly sloshing through the thick mud that coated her body. Light from the end grew increasingly brighter as Chronia felt the mud turn to stone beneath her. Her head popped through the end of the tunnel which was followed by her body. Being in a much larger area, she stood back up, feeling wobbly as she did. It took all her current energy just to keep herself upright, but she managed it. The green glow in the room was its brightest in this room. Her stomach had the same tone of green and was glowing just as bright, the circle being large and encircling the entire outside area of her belly. Chronia stood in awe, staring up at the object in front of her. A large bubble-like orb was being held up and inside was a green liquid floating weightlessly. There were roots connected to this bubble, each one having a single streak of the green glow running through them. The roots themselves were massive and ran into the ceiling above her which was both stone and dirt in spots closer to the wall. The light enabled Chronia to see rather clearly even if everything was a light green tone. She looked down at herself, the first time in a while. Her beak dropped open upon looking down towards her body. Her legs were shorter than before, the same went for her arms. Her feathery hands were pudgy and her whole body, in general, looked smaller. What was even more of a surprise was the fact that she hadn't noticed how thick the leaf-diaper on her waist had grown. The garment went from being fairly thin to the thickness of her usual diapers that she wore. The small leaf that was connected to her waist pulsated, exactly the same way as the roots touching the bubble. She blinked, smelling the musky room around her, unable to comprehend her situation. The bubbled hovered in a slow motion and let off a low hum. Her eyes went wide upon looking at the bubble as if locked in a trance. Her hand outstretched towards the object with the index finger pointing towards it. Slow, wobbly steps were taken forwards towards the glow. The bubble grew closer, inches away from the girl's finger before it made contact. The surface rippled and shuddered, the hum grew louder with each passing second after contact until... Chronia shot upwards into a sitting position, blinking a few times as darkness entangled in a moonlit glow greeted her. She looked around to find that she was back in her room, in her comfortable bed. Layers of covers were removed to the point that Chronia was exposed to the cool night air. On her waist was not a leaf-diaper but a regular diaper, soaked from what was apparently a nightmare. Everything was back to normal, none of that had actually happened. Chronia sighed happily before her eyes shot back open. The tone of her sigh was far too high pitched for an adult. She glanced over towards the mirror that sat in the corner of her room, its position aimed at the bed. Sitting in her bed was a young Chronia, confused by recent events. She pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes and rubbed softly, letting out a groan. "A nightmare it was indeed," the high-pitched voice came out as Chronia spoke to herself. "Must have been a really bad nightmare if I regressed from it..." Chronia sighed before laying back down in her bed, it was the middle of the night after all. There was no sense in fretting about this now, she could handle this new situation after a full night's rest. As the girl tucked herself back into the covers, her belly pulsated once with a soft green glow before she fell back to sleep. |