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A guy which has Hugh struggles from family during to losing jobs |
The struggling guy Intro The guys name is Chris Jackson and is 7 years old. He has calcium and vitamin d deviancy. He lives in st Ann's in nottingham and goes to school at st Ann's well infants school. Chapter one- Way to school Chris is on way to school with his amazing friends when suddenly he sees a guy with serous stab wounds so calls the police then he see this massive and supper mustily guy with an AK47 but he stays till police arrive then the police arrive and there is shooting everywhere , two police offices die by getting shot in the chest but they manage to get his gun and get him in the police van only took 53 police offices. Now after the giving their statements the children carry on going to school, Chis friend says "wow that was awesome i hope to see some epic stuff later now lets get to school" then chis reply's with "This inst going to be a boring day" Chris friend says "don,t worry it will be a great story to tell EVERYONE in school." Chris says "they not believe us" Chris friend says "I know but at least we know were not lying" Chris says "I know".Then they arrive at school. Chapter 2 Chris Friends Chris has 12 friends, eight which are girls and four which are guys. The eight which are girls are called Jess, Leah, Lisa, Asia, Amanda, Hannah, Vicki, Kerry and the four guy are Anthony, Shaun , Dan moor ton , Dan derby. Chris likes Leah out of the girls and wants fuck her hard so she loves it. Chapter 3 Chris last year in primary school Nothing went on from year 4 apart from him losing all his teeth due to health issues now all he can eat is food which don,t require to chew. When Chris is studding all he can think off is Leah so he don concentrate very well but that,s not the worst thing.Hes just about to start his SATS exams but then all his family talking behind his back so Chris ask what its about but not tell him. They said" finish your exams and well let you know but half way into them they say "Your grandma has just died so he is super upset but goes to the funeral in the summer holidays.He did even better than he expected but hes starting secondary school next week so lets see what happens. Chapter 4 secondary school year 7 to 9 Im just abut to secondary school i am super nervois.Only 2 hours to go, whats going to happen this year. Im on my way to school but i get robbed on way and lose my phone so when i get their i lett the school know but they call the phone and the guy brings it to the school so he dont get arrested but the school set him up. The school has called the police and because of that the police are there within minuites and when they get there they wait 5 minuite the guy turns up, and they aresset him and i get my phone back after all that nothing happen till year 9 when im doing my exams a teacher comes in and says i need to talk to you. So what do i asume? Im in truoble but its the head teacher telling me to start an course for people with metal problems and drugs to help get them better grades.. Chapter 5 Year 9 to 11 Not much happen at all between 9 and 11 but had some great news just found out off a freind Leah liked me so what we did is go on a few dates. Close to the end of year 11 we had a day off as it was bank holiday so we decied to go to the vintage fair as we both liked old stuff and it was an amazing day out we laughed all day and also had fun but then i had some bad news. I got really bad eachage half way though so i begain to cry.She thought she didnt something wrong but we just carried then on way back i told her way then she understood and everything was back to mnormal. Chapter 6 16th bithday till 17th On my 16th birthday i got my first tablet so i had fun on that and used it to do my college work as im doing an ICT qualification but had a slight problem my teacher was racist and hated white people so i had to deal with that.After time this got reported by a friend when they observed she changed completely. later on that year she said if you dont believe in Allah i wont pass you but i still passed. Chapter 7 getting a girfriend At the end of college me and leah exchanged numbers we was texting day till night but then we decied we wanted to go on another date but this was the final date after having an lovely sunlit dinner and talking for around 4 hours about rubish .Isaid do you want to be my girlfriend then she said yes then we kissed chapter 8 losing my viginity explict scene After the date I said would you like o come back to mine? She said yes, so we cought a bus together and we was hugging and kissing all way on bus. Once we got off bus we walked hand in hand around 5 minuites to get to mine and went to my bedroom to play trouth or dare.so once up there i said would you like to ask first or second? she said first.So Leah asked trouth or dare and i said dare so she said take you socks off so i did.Then i asked trouth or dare but same happed again.she picked picked dare agin so i said take your trouders off. then same happed to me.Next dare was take boxers off i had sme blue ones one.So she unbuttoned the too buttons on the boxers and the dick just figged and she wow you got a big one ive never seena dick then she pulled my boxes off. The next dare was her getting her knigger off so i slowing pulled them down her vergina looked amazing petite and had a bush just as i liked.She then took my top off so did i to her butthen i could she her buitful filly bra and with bra on her tits looked amazing but then it was her dare but she choose to suck my dick so she nealled do opened hermouth and her head went up and down for an minuite i was controlling her it felt amazingbut then it was my dare and her bra came off. Now i can see her tits they are perfect shape and perfect size to fit in my mouth but next her dare.Which was ive never done anything so i want to feel what its liked to be finged so i did that for 30 second my dare was to have sex, what she said is ive never had it and i said i havnt to bu i layed on top of her and got my dick to go in her virgenia then i very slowly as i didnt want hurt her went up and down. we got faster and faster after time she said if you want you can play with my tits or suck them. so i started by playing with them and went onto sucking them then none of us could go any longer so i rolled off and she said that was amazing i enjoyed sucking you off and also the sex tommorow can you get sucked off while your sucking my tits i loved that as well? I said yes we can also have sex agin if you want?then she said yes. Chapter 9 next day The next we woke up and had breakfast and we cooked it naked together afterwards we went to the other room with nothing in both walked to college together and kissed but while kissing she put her hand on my clothes where dick is and said thats hard i also had my hand on her arse and hit it a few time and she said that was cool feeeling we was in class together but as us two was first two there we sat together she put her hand into my boxers and started to wank me off while i put my hand up undone her bra which she put in her bag noones going to be threre for at least half and hour so i put my head up her top a sucked her tits about 40 minuite later someone walked in and seen her tits and said wow youve got nice tits so we went red and then we stopped. After college we went home but on the bus the person who walked in the class earilier said i know you was sucker her tits and you was wanking him and i took a picyure of your tits but hes head is in it as he was sucking them.When we got home we went stright up to the room and got naked then my dick went into her but just before that she sucked me off so my dick was fully errect and i liked around the vergina was hermones was high on both of us.But then we had sex. Chapter 10 A week later |