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An edited rant on the fact that you need a degree to write some stories. |
For starters, I am not a professional as I normally stick with short stories and typical journal entries, But, I have been know to go about a typical rant on Facebook. and boy do I get some responses, so, without further ado; For many years I have sought out to become the best there is of me and with that comes my writings and rants(both fiction and nonfiction) I have been known to describe my emotions as "a soap opera of the ages" as I am very emotional, I don't cry a lot, but due to this I am known to be a "lover about the ages" I am spontaneous and sometimes Sultry, it is just that charm from my clan(McCormick). I grew up in the midwest, born and raised, so I come from what you may call a humble upbringing, never had much money and was not even interested in material possessions, until I started working in Retail, A job that was not the right fit for me to begin with. There were also times where I was mocked and called "cold hearted, a jacka** and an uncaring man" Choices abound, people started to stick their noses in everything I say and do, and for a time, I was cornered. was I to become this "perfect little husband(person, worker, etc) and end up dying unhappy? Or, was I supposed to become my truest persona? I was unhappy, so I chose to change it. simple as silk. Afterwards, I chose to become a man of my dreams, a freelancer, a sultry type of man who was most endearing; A man who was a journalist from very humble backgrounds, or something more. those were my choices, and these are still my choices. Unfortunately, it came with a few pitfalls a) you cannot become a journalist for the bigger publications without a degree(a degree to write stories and make these "facts) b) they do not care for they only care about journalists who are either "Liberals"(left wing, SJW) or Conservative(right wing) and that stuff is not write, sure, you could become an entertainment journalist( gossip, libel, slander, yellow journalism) but that stuff is just a big no no. My responses: a)you do not need to have a bachelors degree b) you do not need to go down these paths, there is more to journalism than meets the eye. I have always kept an observant eye on both opinions and both "sides of the coin." I was, and still am a Mediator who views from both sides, or tries to. I choose to see things from an unbiased and Neutral standpoint, and I'm the bad guy, apparently I am also something that is not worth your time, a kid(I am 24) and a misinformed little Rompeat(please don't ask me about this colloquial, it is obviously a slang word that is very rude), Well, let me tell you something, This Little rompeat is something to not call out, because, I have this thing call big mouth-itas , I say hat I F**cking want, and I tell you like it is, how I feel and everything and if you don't like it than shove off and deal ya bloody dank! By the God(s) heck that feels great to say. Oh my good gosh golly gee, please, excuse my naughty language, (hahaa) nope, I shouldn't have to censor my feelings, like I said. I am very poetic when it comes to my sharp tongue and underlying whit with bits of rhetoric(Hence forth, Emotional) so no, I do not cry, but I tell it like it is. perhaps that's why people hate me, because i'm a Smug and conniving little S** aren't I? |