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How I gained almost 200 pounds |
First off I'm a padder, or was a padder. A padder is someone, usually a skinny guy who wants to be fat but has a hard time gaining. They will pppwears pillows, stuffing, blankets, balloons or a fatsuit to be appear bigger than they actually are. Most of the time it's done in private and hidden. Then for some guys they will go out in public hoping that it’s realistic enough not to be discovered. I happen to use several pillows and a beachball partially filled with water in a trashbag to achieve that ball like beer belly look. The water gave it a realistic look and feel which i loved. I thought it would also give me an advantage when I eventually gained weight, having the experience of being large and having a heavy belly. But I wasn't prepared. At least not in the insane way that I had gained. I was 5 foot 9 inches tall with a 34 inch waist and about 160 pounds or at least I was the night before I began to blow up. Everything was normal, nothing unusual happened that day, except that night I tossed and turned all night. I barely slept, I did have an odd dream that seemed to continue every time I manage to drift into sleep. In it I had put on my fat gear and went to the grocery store. As I traveled down the aisles filling my cart it felt like my suit was getting bigger and heavier. Especially the belly. After I went thru the check out I observed my reflection in the front window of the store. My fake belly was enormous. I walked or waddled to the car, put my groceries in the back seat. The number of bags seemingly increasing till the back seat was covered in three rows stacked on top of each other. I struggled to get into the driver’s seat pushing the seat practically to the back seat. Before I started the vehicle I unbuttoned the shirt I was wearing and pulled up the tee shirt underneath. To my surprise a real fat belly plopped out and sat on my thighs. When my alarm went off at 5:30 AM I reluctantly got out of bed. I was so tired. I staggered down the hallway and went in to the kitchen and prepared my breakfast like alway, a glass of iced tea and a slice of toast. I turned on the TV and sat at the table. While watching an old 'I Dream of Jeannie' episode I drifted asleep. I woke up two and a half hours later. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should call work and say I'll be in or tell them I was sick and take the day off. After a few minutes I dialed my boss's phone extention, when she answered I told her I wasn't feeling well and had just woke up. After I called out, I put the phone down noticing that my hand appeared swollen. I looked at my other hand. It too was swollen. Not only that but my wrists and forearms were also swollen. I practically ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. What I saw was shocking. My face was round and my neck looked thicker. Looking down I saw a glimpse of my chest that was soft and puffy and then there was my thicker waist. This had to be a dream. Realizing it was a dream meant I will be waking up soon. Or I should have. But after watching an episode of 'Bewitched', I realized I really was awake. I decided I better see my doctor because this was definitely not normal. By now I even felt heavier and bigger. My doctor's office has a special wellness appointments, so when I called they scheduled me for one of them. With these appointments every effort is made that I see my primary physician but there was a good chance I would see someone else in the practice. I really didn't care by now I knew I was huge, I had to be at least 50 pounds heavier than normal. My 34 jeans were extremely tight so I changed out of them and found an old pair of sweatpants. My shirt was tight but it still stretch well enough so I didn't change it. When I got into my car I found I was sitting higher since some of the new weight had gathered in my butt, so I adjusted my mirrors. As I drove to the doctor's office I noticed my belly would bounce and jiggle with the bumps and potholes in the road. After a short drive I arrived at the office complex. I tried to find a close parking space. In a rather that short time I felt as if my belly had grown larger and now my shirt had ridden up. I was feeling a little self conscious with my belly showing from under my shirt, so I really didn't want to walk far in case someone saw me. But no such luck I had to park almost a block away. It sure was difficult carrying the heavier belly, I was a little exhausted when I got to the office door. I was unaccustom to having a protruding belly that when I pulled the door open I pulled it into my belly. Boy! did that smart. I certainly hoped no one saw that. Inside the office I went up to the reception desk. Again I miss judged the size of my newer belly and pushed it into the counter. I told the receptionist who I was, she took my ID and insurance card then told me to sit down. I went to the nearest free chair and started to seat myself and discovered that with my thickening body, I occupied most of the chair. I fidgeted and wiggled myself to get comfortable, but the arms of the chair were now narrower. I sat there for quite a while before they took me to the back office. The whole time I waited I pondered what was happening and was questioning why it should happen to me. Granted that I did padding, but this was different this was real. Most of the weight of my padding was located in the water belly, although my belly was heavy I also found that there was weight in my arms and legs as well. It was a strange sensation. New and welcome but also it frightened me. Soon they called my name and I tried to stand. Still unaccustomed to my new found weight and size I couldn't lift my body out of the chair. I shifted my position forward towards the edge of the chair. Then pushing my belly forward, I rose out of the chair looking like a very pregnant woman. The nurse instructed me to follow her and it she proceeded down the hallway. I pointed my belly in the direction she was off in and followed. She stopped at the end of the hallway where in the corner was situated their digital scale. The scale was just a rubberized platform that had a coiled cord leading to a digital readout panel. She didn't even have to tell me to step on the platform. However the wall was close and my newly enlarged belly hit the wall before I could step on the platform. The unexpected bump into the wall caused me to stagger backwards. "Sorry" she said. " I should have pulled the scale back" If this monster wasn't so huge you wouldn't have needed to move it, I thought to myself. "Wow!" She exclaimed as she read the readout." That's quite a big weight gain. Guess someone's been doing some serious eating " "Excuse me! It just so happens that I've gain all this weight, just this morning. Which is why I'm here." "Oh My!" She couldn’t hide that she suspected that that was the truth. She proceeded to the first office with an open door and motioned for me to go inside. " Tell me what's been going on.” she said closing the door behind me. " I must be having an allergic reaction to something. My body has been swelling up since I woke this morning" " Are you having any difficulty breathing or swallowing? " She asked as she began typing on the portable laptop they kept in these offices. " No." I stated. " Have you eaten anything this morning? Or anything unusual last night?" Did I eat this morning? I couldn't remember. I did put a plate of bacon in the microwave but I couldn't remember taking it out. It was possible it was still sitting inside. I had got home around 10 the night before from working both my full time job and the part time job , so the last thing I had was a 2 piece chicken dinner from KFC. She then put the blood pressure cuff on my arm, as it was filling she put a thermometer under my tongue. After recording both readings on the laptop, she asked, "Besides the swelling and weight gain are there any other conditions occurring?" "Nothing, I just want to know what's happening to me?" She then informed tme hat she was going to go get the doctor. As I sat on the examination table I began to absent mindedly rub my belly. It was the first time since I had noticed the belly this morning that I actually touched it. The fleshy protrusion felt very firm and seemed to be generating a great deal of heat. The touch of my hand was very comforting. I felt very relax and could have fallen asleep. Luckily the door opened and my regular physician, Dr. Mark Arnold walked in. Like always he was reading the notes the nurse made to my chart. He didn't even look up to acknowledge me sitting there. "This isn't your scheduled appointment, Ken. So what brings you in today?" "If you look up from that damn laptop and took a look at me, you'll see what the problem is!" "WOAH!" He exclaimed seeing the newly enlarged me. "What happened to you?" "That's what I was hoping you could tell me." He looked at the laptop again. "Is this right? You've only been gaining since this morning?" "Yes. And I've probably gained more while I've been waiting." "Hmmmmmm" He began typing. "I'm ordering some tests. We'll take some blood and an EKG. Could you lift your shirt up? I'll like to examine this belly". I did as he asked and he looked me over, then very hesitantly touched my belly. Slowly he began to probe and poke me. "Doc, do you know what's happened? He was silent which betrayed the fact that he suspected some idea of what might be happening to me. "Well you're gaining weight. You aren't just swollen from an allergic reaction. I have a feeling I know what's causing it, I'm just not sure how it's happening since you said that you haven't eaten." "I know you don't want to panic me but I am getting frighten." "Well there are several known causes for obesity. For some people, it's heredity and genetics. Others it's age related, just the body slowing down. Then for some it cause by a tumor." he then looked up from laptop. "What I suspect what's happen here is caused by a virus. A very rare virus. It was discovered in a remote south seas island. Every seven years or so the native villagers would experience an outbreak and every male would gain at least 200 pounds in a short time. Since it was discovered it's been found that a lot of people where modern medicine is practice are immune to it. You probably had contact with what is called a carrier. A carrier can be anyone as far as we know and a carrier can be immune or infected by the virus." He then began to tell me about a Dr. Caleb Mathenson, who had heard of the natives weight gains and of the discovery of the virus that was the probable cause of my unexplained weight gain. Dr. Mathenson was a colleague of Mark's since Med school, Mark was constantly being advised of Caleb's findings but had never seen anyone with it till me. He said that Caleb was looking for people affected to actually examine. Most of the outbreaks were still confined to the island. Because of how rapid and explosive my gains are, it was possible that Caleb would want to examine me further. He told me that he was going to share his findings with him. He then left me to get the nurses who would take some blood and give me an EKG testing. The first nurse came in, wheeling the portable EKG machine. She asked me to remove my shirt. Which I did. She looked at my enlarged belly and a look of disgust showed on her face. I patted the protrusion and said "It's why I'm here." "I know." she then hooked me up to the machine and started the testing. When it was finished she unhooked me and left without a word. The next nurse came in she had the blood taking equipment. First she checked both my arms to see which one had the better artery. Usually it isn't that hard but with my weight gain my arms were quite swollen. She found one in my left arm to be the best and proceeded to take 3 vials from it. Next she did something I never witness before both different and a bit strange. She brought out a syringe and began swapping an area of my belly. "What are you doing?" "I'm getting a sample of your fat." she then jabbed my belly and pulled back on the syringe, withdrawing a yellow oily liquid. "Okay, You can put on your shirt and you can proceed to checkout." Checkout was the place where they take your co-pay, schedule follow ups, give referrals etc. The girl at checkout told me that the Dr. said I could leave but to leave my phone on and he may call me back to the office later today. I walked back to my car. A virus, I thought causing me to gain an insane amount of weight. I couldn't believe it but my huge belly was evidence. In the car I saw the clock and saw it was almost 3 o'clock. I had eaten and felt extremely light headed and hungry. I drove to the main road and turned on to it, however I soon turned off into the nearest Pizzeria. Inside I sat at a table and ordered a large meatlovers and a large drink. I quickly consumed everything, which was odd because normally I would have been full on at least 3 slices. I then got back into my car and drove half a mile to the Wendy's where I ordered a Baconator, large fries and a large drink. My belly seemed satisfied for the moment so I stopped at the local ShopRite. I grabbed a shopping cart, somehow knowing that I would be getting more than my usual. I moved through the store, oddly picking up club sized items. Usually I avoided getting such huge portions knowing that i wouldn't be able to consume them before they went bad, Soon I was at the checkout lanes. $120 not bad for all I bought. Back home I brought in the bags and began to put things away. My kitchen looked ransacked there were dirty dishes on the table. The bacon wasn't in the microwave and as a matter fact the whole package was empty. The leftover pizza from the other day was also gone. Maybe I had eaten this morning and it was a lot. I was finished putting the groceries away and was just about to settle onto the couch, when the phone rang. "Hello Ken. It's Mark here" the voice said, "I've got some news for you. Looks like you do have that virus. Could you come over in the next 20 minutes. Caleb sent over a compound that he feels will help curb some of the effects of the virus. And It may not stop the gaining but should slow it down some." I told him I'll be there as fast as I could. I got to the office in under 15 minutes. The office was vacant, the receptonists were even absent. After a few moments I called out, "Hello!" "Ken, is that you?" Dr Arnold called from somewhere out of the back office. Soon he appeared in the hallway and motioned me to come back. "Thanks for coming back. " He lead me to his office."So the good news is the virus will put your diabetes into remission, your A1C dropped drastically. Also your blood pressure and cholesterol is also way down. Don't stop your meds just yet though. Caleb says that may also be a one of the telltale signs of this virus." This was the first time I was aware that they even had personal offices. He then offered me a seat in the leather plush chair, while he went to the far side of the desk and sat down. "Can you possibly get the next month or so off from your jobs?" I told him the full time would be easy but the part time would be trouble. He then asked if I could get him the number for the human resources department for the jobs. He would have his office staff reach out to them and explain the situation. Because of my new body size and image he recommended that I should receive a psychological evaluation before I went back to work. He next prepped a needle to give me an injection of the compound Dr. Mathenson sent over, "Caleb said that this will slow the gaining. Hopefully it will stop things down for the time being . Did you experience anything unusual after you left here earlier?" I told him about how I stopped to eat then drove farther and ate more. "Also I may have not been honest before. It seems that I did eat something this morning. I just don't remember doing so. When I got home I found a big mess that kinda indicates I ate a lot." "Hmmmm, I'll tell Caleb. He kinda suspected something like that with the weight gain. Caleb wants to make you a test subject in developing a control and cure for this infection. It could mean $3500 to $4000 a week. That should help with your grocery bills." Since it was after hours, Mark walked me out and then locked the doors behind us. After leaving I drove to the strip mall a few blocks from my house. There is a pizza-grill shop on one end, in the center a fried chicken restaurant and then a Chinese take out on the other end, From the pizza grill I ordered a steak sandwich with fries, then the chicken place I ordered a 4 piece chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy and then finally at the Chinese place I ordered Shrimp with vegetables. Once home I dug into my feast. The next morning I called my boss and told her that I went to the doctors and found out I had a stomach virus. Looking down at the belly mound, Oh boy! did I have a stomach virus, I thought as I rubbed my belly. It seemed only slightly bigger than the night before. I asked her for the human resources phone number because my doctor wanted it. I told her that I hope I can be back sooner, because I hate sitting home alone with nothing to do. After I hung up I started up my computer and went online. A message from my friend Dan popped up. Dan was kinda odd. Despite being 5'11 and 325 pounds he felt he was too thin. He was always trying to find ways to gain weight. He drank weird combinations of protein powder, weight gain powder, heavy cream , with ice cream and various fruits for flavor. *Hey, not working today. * Nope. *Want to meet for lunch. *Sure, always up to eat. *Denny's, Arby's or Wendy's? *Okay *???? *Let's start at Denny's then we'll hit the others. * LOL 11o'clock, Hotshot. * I'll be there, but I might have to bail if I get a call from my doctor. *You OK *I'm fine, but I'll tell you about it when we meet. I then went into the bathroom I stepped on to the scale. Yesterday at the doctors office they weighed me at 200 today my scale read 215. I figure the clothes I wore at 165 probably would no longer fit, so I decided that I would use my padding clothes and go shopping for some more before I met Dan. After showering I dressed in a pair of 38 waist jeans and a xl polo shirt. I had to go commando because I had no underwear that fit. Before I left the house I decided to call my brother and tell him what happened. He answered the phone, "Accounting" "Hey, it's me" "What's the matter?" " I called out of work." "Kinda figured that" he said with a sarcastic tone. " what's wrong?" " According to my doctor, I have a stomach virus. Going to be out of work for at least the next two weeks." " You contagious?" "Nope. But I’ll have to see a specialist." "I'll go with you" "You don't have to." "What time is your appointment." "Don't know yet, his office is supposed to call me today with details." "Well, let me know." "I can tell you that you won't recognize me when you see me. My stomach is kinda swollen." After hanging up with my brother, I looked up my part time job's human resources on line. After jotting the number next to the number for my full time, I dialed the doctor's office? I told the operator that Mark request the numbers. She told me she would give him the message. I kept wondering what Dan’s reaction would be that I had difficulty finding clothing at the local discount store. Finally deciding on some boxers so I wasn’t commando. Driving to Denny’s couldn't wait to see Dan, so much so that I got to the restaurant earlier than I had planned. I knew he was going to freak out seeing how much bigger I was, Dan was obsessed with being large. Sitting in the car I tried to figure what would be the best way to show Dan my gains. I finally decide that I should wait outside the car and when I saw him pull into a parking space I would walk over to his car. I open the door and got out of my car and walked to the back. I leaned against the back fender and felt the car shift under my weight. I watched as car after car drove by, occasionally one would pull into the diner’s lot. My heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of Dan's car coming down the highway with its blinker on. He pulled into the parking lot then drove to the space next to my car. I waited a few moments and he didn't exit his vehicle, so I walked behind my car over to his. He didn’t exit the car immediately which probably meant he hadn’t seen me. I figured he was listening to a song on his radio, which when I glanced through his window confirmed I was correct. I tapped gently on his driver side window. He looked out at me, Smiled when he recognized me then leaned over to turn his radio off. I backed out of the space between the cars as he hoisted himself out of his car. Once he got to the end of the cars he saw my belly for the first time. "Wow, Great padding job. Looks very realistic." "This is not padding'" I said patting the protrusion. "Uh huh" He then pointed his belly towards the restaurant, "Come on, I'm hungry!" "Me too." I pointed mine in the same direction. Inside the restaurant Dan asked to be seated at the counter, however I insisted on a table. The hostess led us to a booth next to the windows in the front with the view of the highway outside. After the hostess left Dan asked why I wanted a table. "So we can talk face to face and not side by side." Dan was silent as he examined me. Normally when I would meet him padded I would always wear a long sleeve shirt to hide my skinny arms . However today I was wearing a tee shirt and my fat swollen arms were visible. "Okay, got to admit those fake arm sleeves look very convincing. And the fake hair adds a realistic touch." He then reached over and grabbed and pulled on the hair of my forearm. "Ouch!" I screamed out as he pulled several strands out of my skin. "That's real! Even that belly" "I told you that" "How? I just saw you like a month ago. You couldn't gain 40 pounds that quick" "Try almost 50 in a day." I said. "What?" "Let's get our order in and I'll tell you the theory my doctor has about this." We then looked over the menu. Dan ordered a Bacon Gouda burger with onion rings, I ordered a sirloin steak dinner with mashed potatoes and green beans. "Hungry?" "You said it" I said patting my belly. After the waitress left with our orders, Dan leaned forward. "Okay, so telling me how and what is happening ?" He asked. "Well, my doctor said that there is a village on remote south sea island which has been infected with this virus that causes rapid weight gain. Somehow I caught it." "Okay so this virus is causing you to gain weight, but how come I haven't heard of it.?" "So far there hasn't been an case of it in the modern world. There probably have been only a few cases, but they were never documented or associated with this virus. He's sending me to a colleague who has been studying this virus. " Soon our order came and I began eating, becoming so engrossed in my food that I forgot I was with Dan. I finished my meal before Dan his burger. Our waitress appeared and asked if we wanted anything else. I said no and Dan shot me a nasty look. After she left to get our check Dan asked, "Didn't you even think that I might have wanted dessert." "Dessert! We aren’t done, yet." I told him. "What you mean not done?" “We still have two more places left.” Dan shook his head. I wasn't sure he believed I could eat more. The waitress appeared with our check. Dan grabbed the check saying, "My treat." After paying we walked out and to our cars. Standing outside our cars, Dan asked, "You’re not serious about getting more to eat?" "Totally am.” My sides or more appropriate my love handles had begun to itch like crazy. As I scratched I asked, " Do your sides itch after you eat?" "No, is your's causing some discomfort? I think I might know why. Could you lift your shirt so I can take a look." I looked around to see if there was anyone in the lot. Seeing no one I lifted my shirt. He examined my bloated protrusion then rubbed his hands on the bulging flesh. "It's beautiful." he said in a low almost whispered tone. He was impressed by my firm roundness. “If this is padding. It’s really realistic.” Then he noticed some angry red lines forming." I think it Iitches because you're getting some serious stretch marks." "Maybe the store next to Arby's has something I could get to give me some relief. “ I said as I lowered my shirt noticing that the xl shirt seemed a little tighter than before I ate.. "Ready to go. Want to leave your car here?" He asked. " Nah." I got my keys out and started to go over to my drivers side door. "Meet you there" Dan said as he lowered himself into his car. Dan backed out of the parking space then pulled out of the lot faster than anything, I guess he was hungrier than I was getting. I then drove to Arby's, our next meeting place. This particular Arby's was located past the turnpike in what was essentially a truck stop. A convenience store was located next to it. As I pulled in I saw Dan practically running into the convenience store his belly bouncing as he did. The itching of my belly seemed to becoming more intense but I was able to cope with it. I parked next to Dan's car and walked into the convenience store. At first a quick look around and I didn't see Dan, then he appeared walking up to the cashier. I wondered what was so important that he had to rush in to get. The cashier pointed and then Dan walked over to me with package in hand. "This way, my friend." He said leading me towards the back of the truck stop. Passing the restaurant and store’s men's restroom to the shower room. Inside there were cubicles of lockers with a bench running down the center. “Have a seat, Fatboy ." For some unmistakable reason I did as told. He then sat on the edge of the bench in front of me with his legs spread wide so that his belly flowed between his thighs, he fished out his purchase from the bag. "Off with the shirt." He said showing me a tube of Benadryl. "This should help with that itch." I lifted my shirt up and he sat there at first mesmerized by the rounded mass before him. Then he shook himself out of the daze,” I didn’t real believe it was real til now, there’s no Velcro or straps.” He then sguirted a sizable amount on his hands and began rubbing the lotion into my skin. At first it felt cold then the lotion began to warm and felt comforting the more he rubbed. After a while he had covered the great mass of my belly.. "Turn around now, Chubs " I stood up and turned my backside towards him and sat back down. He began lotioning up my love handles. "That should do it, how's it feel?" He asked. "Great!" I said as began lowering my shirt. “Not yet” he dug into the bag and brought out a jar of cream, “ Vitamin E! You know I had blemishes on the belly, this is the same stuff I used on mine and no stretch marks.” He applied the cream over my love handles and belly. "Now let's eat!" He said after he replace the lid on the jar and dropped in the bag. I led the way out, past the restroom through the convenience store and into the restaurant. There was a short line and I examined the menu board. I don't know why I knew exactly what I wanted. When it was my turn I order a classic double roast beef with a large curly fries and a chocolate shake. The only vacant seat was a table next to the window near the door. One side was a stationary bench the other with movable chairs. I let Dan have the side with the chairs and I began to slide in on the bench. However my belly couldn't fit. Noticing my difficulty Dan slid over to the other chair and we sat side by side. We were there only a few moments when my phone started to go off. Fishing it out of my pant pocket, I looked and saw it was a call from the doctor's office. "Hello " I said answering. " Hey, Ken. Mark here. How you feeling." "Okay, just having my lunch." "Anything like what you had yesterday?" "Exactly" "Guess you're still gaining." "Yeah." "When you are finished come to my office. I'll give you another injection. We got to keep you from getting too big. Caleb said for you to be at his office at 6am on Monday." "Okay, I'll be at your office in about an hour and a half or so. I gotta get dessert first.” "Sounds like you are enjoying this, I’ll see you soon. I hung up and went back to eating, shoveling in a handful of curly fries. "Doctor?" Dan asked. "Yeah, he wants to give me another injection to slow or stop this gaining." "So I guess this is the last stop on this eating tour?" "Hell, No” I said. “We stil need to get dessert.” At Wendy we each ordered a large chocolate Frosty. As we sat eating, I said, “ You could go with me to the docs and then we could get some dinner. ." " Nah, besides when Anthony sees this bloated bulge he'll flip.I’m super full right now.”Anthony was his partner and wasn't into Dan's gaining quest. Sometimes I think Dan only sees me so he can escape Anthony's disapproval. I always seem to give him validation for his gains. Several times he would comment how relaxing my touch was when I would caress his belly. "Have you ever consider how much larger you would be if you didn't have him giving you hell for every pound you gain." I said reaching over and patting his belly. "Wish I had met you before him." He said. Before heading out to the cars, I stopped at the counter and order 2 cookies. At my car door Dan grabbed a hold of me crushing my belly into his and kissed me hard and passionately. When his lips parted mine, "Pass that virus to me." and he kissed me again. "Wished you'd come with me. We could go back to my place for another dessert." "Next time for sure. I'll call you later to see how you are." Dan and I got in our cars and drove off. I followed Dan till he turned off to go home while I continued on towards my doctor's office. As I walked in the receptionist remarkably remembered me despite the gain from yesterday. " Mark is waiting for you!" She called out. I started over to the wait area, choosing a chair without arms. But just as I was lowering myself, she called me to the door next to the reception window. She then led me to the scale. I stepped on and she read the read out. "220." Only 5 pounds with all I just ate, interesting I thought. Then she ushered me into his office, the one I was in just last night. I waited about 5 minutes before Mark entered, " Sorry, I kept you waiting. So how much have you gained since yesterday?" "27 pounds, only 2 since this morning." "Ready for the injection?" He asked as he went to the mini refrigerator he had in the office. When he opened the door I saw a half eaten sandwich and a open carton of milk. "I'm going to give you a double dose." He opened an alcohol swap and said," raise your shirt." I lifted up my tee shirt to my chest and he saw all the red lines."Wow serious stretches, I'll give you a cream for that." He then swabbed a area of my belly just below my chest and stuck the needle in."Hopefully I hit the stomach " He then wrapped a rubberized strap on my left arm, found a vein. He swabbed the area and inserted the needle into the vein. Removed the strap and empty the content of the needle. "Now go straight home relax for 2hrs or more. And I mean completely relax......NO eating. Caleb said that the compound must get completely in to your digestive system. Now I'd like to see you tomorrow around 10." "But isn't the office closed?" "It is, but i need to monitor you closely. And possibly give you another injection." "Maybe I should be in a hospital." "No, You're getting better treatment this way, there you would have gained maybe 50 pounds or more today instead of just 27. They would put you thru all kinds of test to see what you have and not try to stop it." I got home and went straight to my bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and sat on the bed. Looking down at the huge rounded ball of fat attached to my body. It wasn't as large as Dan 's but somehow it looked like almost copy of his. I wondered if it would ever stop growing. Could Caleb and Mark stop it from growing more? If they succeeded would it get smaller, back to the way it was? Did I even want to lose this belly. I laid back on the bed and the belly towered over me. I fell asleep comforted in the layers of swelling flab. My phone began ringing crazily, waking me from a deep slumber. "Hello." I said groggily. "Hey Fatboy!" Dan's voice cheerfully called out. "Hey!" Dan hardly ever voiced called me, I wondered what was up? "You up to finishing our adventure?" He asked. I looked to the clock, I had only slept for 20 minutes. "I can't eat for another 2 hours." I said, " Doctor's orders." "Could I come to your place anyways?" He asked. "Sure. What happened?" "Anthony started in on me again as soon as I got home. He threatened to leave me if I didn't try to lose weight. However this time instead of letting him walk out, I did." "I'm sorry I don't wanna come between you two." I said. "You're not coming between us it's this belly of mine that is." He said jokingly. "So can I come over?" "Sure, however I might fall asleep again, if I do just push the front door open and come in." "See you soon, Buddy" I awoke with what felt like a steel beam resting over my shoulder and a steel drum pushing into my back. "Awake?" Dan's husky voice echoed in my ears and I realized it was his monmouth belly pushing into me and his arm lovingly holding me. I tried to roll over on to my back, but my heavy belly held me back. With great effort I lifted it up and over. Dan, who was resting on his side with his head propped up in his bended arm watched in awe as my belly came into view. Then it happened the fat of my belly kept flowing after I was on my back causing me to roll over to my opposite side till my gut came crashing down on Dan's massive belly. "Sorry" I said looking into Dan's blue eyes, "it got away from me." "It's ok. You're not used to it yet. My belly does that too, but I'm used to it" he said his eyes sparkled. "What time is it?" I asked. I realize the the clock on the bed stand was now behind me. "7:30" "Why didn't you wake me when you got here?" "Buddy, you were awake when I got here, or at least I thought you were. And it was a good thing I got here when I did, You were about to get something to eat." " I was? How long have I been asleep?" "About 20 minutes." "I don't remember anything." "Maybe it's a side effect of the injection the doctor gave you." "Or maybe the virus. Yesterday I didn't remember eating breakfast but when I got home from the first visit with the Doctor I found my kitchen trashed and a lot of food was missing." "You hungry?" Dan asked. Sometimes this guy had a one track mind, and it was always on food. Then again it was over 5 hours since I last ate. "Fancy a buffet?" "Awesome!!!" Dan's car was behind mine so he decided to drive. We were at the buffet for less than an hour and I had eaten 4 plates and Dan was on his 5th. My belly had grown tight and heavy. Dan was disappointed when I said I was done, but he was glad I inspired him to eat as much as he did. He went up and filled a plate with deserts while I sat massaging my harden gut. On the way back home in Dan's car I asked if we could stop and get some ice cream form the store. Dan seemed to drive faster and we arrived at the grocery store quickly. He became excited as I picked up bags of chips, cookies as well as 2 tubs of ice cream. At the self service lane he said to me, "I knew you weren't done." After we got home I started putting the ice cream away, Dan came over to me and put his hand on my belly. "That is so solid. How did you walk through the store?" "It was difficult." I then dished out 2 large bowls of ice cream. As we ate the sweet cream, Dan fished out his phone and began reading the messages he had received. Most were from his partner. "Maybe you should go home. He sounds pretty desperate. " "Let him do some worrying for a change." I woke the next morning feeling the now familiar bulge of Dan's belly against my back. I began to inch my way to the edge of the bed. "Not again!"Dan mumbled. "Again?" "You're awake?" "Yes, gonna take a shower" "No breakfast?" "Not hungry?" "Finally!" "What are you getting at?" "You've gotten up like every 2 hours and slept ate" "Oh, man. What's happening to me?" "You're blowing up, fat boy " I stood up and went into the bathroom. I stepped on the scale and struggled to read the readout. 250lbs. Another 25 lbs. I turned and there standing in the doorway was Dan, all 325lbs of him. "What's the damage?" "250" "Getting seriously fat, boy" "And scared" I felt like I was about to collapse. "What if I can't stop this growing!" "Calm down. I'm sure the doctor knows what he's doing" " I'm going to explode like a balloon. A giant fat filled balloon." "You're not going to explode." Dan led me back to the bed and sat me on the edge "I'm going to drown in my own lard" "Relax!" Dan began massaging my neck and shoulders. "I'll go with you this morning, we'll get all the information on this thing as we can get." After showering and getting dress we got into my car and I drove to the doctor's office. After parking Dan and I watched as a oversized van parked in the reserved Doctor space. "Is that your doctor? Dan asked. I had to admit that I didn't take noticed to what type of car he drove the other night. Then the driver came into view and it definitely wasn't Mark. This guy was huge, Limbs as sturdy as tree trunks and a belly that defied imagination, protruding roundly before him without sagging to his knees. "Must be someone with the same virus. " Dan must have thought he was trying to make light of the situation, "That's going to be you." I would have punched him, if I didn't feel like crying. We continued looking at the guy. I didn't know how he managed to carry that huge protrusion. Soon another car pulled up and Mark got out and approached the man, then he opened the door and they both disappeared into the office. "Well I guess it's time we went in." Dan said. We got out of the car and walked to the door. I pulled on the handle and the door opened. The lights were still turned off in the receptionist area but I saw a faint glow coming from the area of Mark's office. I looked towards Dan and he motioned me to go in. "Ken, if that's you, come on back." Mark called out. We walked back to the office, inside Mark was seated at his desk. He was dress casually in a yellow polo and jeans. He looked up at us and seemed to be surprised by Dan's presence. "This is my friend, Dan. He stayed with me last night and he saw what happens when I'm asleep." "Hello Dan." He stood and shook Dan's hand. "You look like you might have the virus too." " No such luck." Dan patted his belly. "This has been hard work." " So tell me what happened last night?" Mark asked. " Well, Ken fell asleep and I thought he was in a deep sleep. it was like a bomb could go off next to him and it wouldn't wake him. And then in an hour he's wide awake, eating up a storm. But he's not awake he's actually asleep." "Hmmmmm, that ain't good." "When I got to his place last night, which was like a half hour after he was here, he was going to fix something to eat. Which was odd since he told me that you told him to rest for 2 hours and no snacking. I kept him from eating and then he seemed to fall asleep. When he did wake up he didn't remember me getting there." " Hey! Caleb did you hear that! " Mark called out. The massive belly man came into view. "That I did. Means the medication we started him on hasn't killed or slowed the virus down." "Ken, Dan this is Caleb, my colleague. He's an expert on this virus." "Or at least I think I am, especially since I've also been infected." He placed a hand on his monstrous gut. "Ken do you mind if I examine you privately in the other room." I was at a loss of words and just nodded then followed him down the hall. His huge belly led the way. Inside the examining room he motioned for me to get on the table. He asked me to lift up my shirt, which I did without hesitation. He placed the diaphragm of the stephoscope he had around his neck, against my back between my shoulder blades, as he did I felt his firm belly press into me. He then moved it down my back. His belly brushed up against me again as he moved and place it on the top of my belly. He slowly moved it down towards my navel. He then went to the table and picked up a thermometer and a pinpoint flashlight. He asked me to open my mouth and with the flashlight he examined my mouth and throat. Next he placed the thermometer in my mouth and with the flashlight examined my eyes. After removing the thermometer he looked at it and said normal. "Do you mind if I feel your belly?" He asked. "Go ahead." He firmly rubbed and kneaded the ample flesh. "Any tenderness?" "No, but your hands feel good on it" I said without thinking. " is that odd?" I asked hoping to cover my reaction. " I know what you mean." He smiled as he gave his belly a rub. "You can put your shirt down." As I pulled it down he sat on the small swivel chair, causing it to sink down. "Okay, now for a little information." He said rolling close to me. "Mark and I go back to college, we were dorm mates. We were actually the same size then, can't believe it, huh? After college Mark went into private practice but I started researching obesity. I was always fascinated by why some people got fat and others not. I heard about a theory that it was caused by a virus. Then I heard of this village on a remote island in the south seas." I nodded indicating I had heard some of this before. "Professor J.William Delagdo while vacationing in Hawaii heard of this island where the men and women lived in seperate villages. Curious as to why he arrange a tour to the island. He arrived on the island the natives called Chubae, landing on the female side of the island. There he learned that the men were secluded because most of them were infected with what was called bellus balloonieous. An outbreak of the infection occurred every seven years or so. If a male survived the outbreak they were permitted to breed with the women, but had to return to the male village before the seventh year." Caleb continued" Proffessor Delagdo, then met his male guide a native called Tantinito who guided him thru the jungle to the male only village. They were met by another villager just outside the village and were informed the outbreak had started." "The professor found several men of varies sizes from muscular to fat. But what astonished him was that he witnessed several men suddenly balloon in size. He examined several and found that they were the healthiest specimens despite being extremely heavy. He set up a clinic and started researching. He radioed for supplies. However by the time they got the supplies to him he had become infected. They found him and Tantinito in a large straw hut sitting on the dirt floor, naked with huge, thick massive bellies protruding and resting on the ground." "Fascinating!" I said astonished, "so,that's the virus I caught?" "That's the virus we both caught." He added,"I began look for this virus, but most of the people I examined were mostly interested in losing weight. So I found many ways that helped them. Never found this virus then one day I discovered these markers in the blood of several people who gained weight suddenly, and we're still gaining all the while they were trying to lose. In several individuals I discovered a dormant virus. " " I started looking for people that had this virus and if it was active. The research I didn't give me a clear clue on how to combat this virus. Most of the patients I treated gained a lot of weight despite all efforts to slim down. They died of starvation, despite being quite overweight. The virus was making them fatter and getting stronger as they reduced their calorie intake. They were starving to death even though they were gaining. About 2 months ago my receptionist stated that I was looking thicker. I checked my blood and found I had an active virus. I began treating myself but I was gaining weight as fast as you are now. " " I knew that if I tried to force myself to lose weight I was dooming myself to death. I decided that I would embrace the gaining. Some of my patients couldn't handle having the doctor treating them ballooning, so they went to others who provide treatments to lose weight and sad to say they didn't survive very long. Some even ended with having a heart attack while having weight loss surgery. "What I discovered that by providing the virus more than it needed actually killed the virus. Unfortunately this....." He lift his belly, "happened" After a few moments of silence,"So, I will eventually stop gaining but only after gaining a huge amount of weight" He chuckled and nodded his head. "Will I gained to your size before I stop?" "Hopefully we'll kill the sucker before then but that's not really certain." "Will I look like you? No offense, but that is one fantastically huge beer belly!" My fascination was apparent but I couldn’t contain myself. "Well here's a kicker. That fat sample we took, came back identical to the fat in my body both physically and chemically. So the chance that we will be twin fatties is very great." There was a moment of awkward silence, "How big is your belly and could I see it, Caleb?" I asked. "77 inches this morning," Caleb began unbuttoning the white tent sized lab coat. As the coat fell aside his huge rounded belly surged forward . A sliver of flesh showed under the tight tee shirt he wore, which looked like it was painted on him. He then lifted the thin fabric over the ball of flesh. My mouth dropped open. I had never see something like it. The skin was smooth and looked tight as if it was stretched to its limits. The firm flesh was perfectly round. It had to be extremely heavy but there was no sagging. It protruded outward and even look like it was hoisted upward and forward,completely defying gravity. "You like it?" "Yes I do." I admitted unabashedly. "Interesting, could you tell me why?" He asked. "Well," I began to tell him my story. "Ever since I was little I liked bellies. Even wanted one of my own but I could never gain weight." "Okay so that's why you're not having much of a problem with what you've gained so far. Most of my past patients complained that it was a nuisance and bothersome. I confess I'm a little confused though as why you aren't having difficulty getting used to it. When I start gaining I would bump into thing which I still because I underestimate the size of this monster. I also had difficulty adjusting to the weight. Sometimes I would almost fall trying to balance myself as I adjusted to a new center of gravity." "I have had some practice carrying extra weight." "So you were over weight before?" He asked. "No, but I've done padding." "Padding?" I began to explain that a padder was someone who uses various methods to look huge. Usually they are a beginner gainer who fantasizes about gaining or admirer who has trouble gaining on their own "So you want to be big?" " Yeah" I said sheepishly, "Always wanted to be a real gainer. but I never thought I might even be close to the size I am now" “ Gainer? Admirer? Padder? Where you come by these terms?” He confusingly questioned. “ For someone who’s been studying fatness and obesity, you haven’t encountered the gaining lifestyle ? “ I asked confused. He just nodded his head. I then began to explain about the Gaining community. I told him about the gainers/feeders, people who want and enjoy being fat and relish in getting bigger, chasers/encouragers/ enablers people who help them get larger. “ Is Dan…..” he asked. “ A gainer. Yes!” “ I’m going to have to have a talk with you two more about this” Caleb then asked when did I last eat. I. Told him I wasn’t sure because as Dan had explained to me I slept ate several times last night, but since getting up neither I nor Dan have eaten. “Do you feel hungry?” He asked. “ Well, I haven’t thought about it but I could eat something.” He smiled and then said,” I know you can. “ he then motioned me to follow him out of the examining room. " I'm going to try to get you into my clinic this afternoon. Do you think your friend will stay with you today and maybe tomorrow if I can't?" Caleb asked. Once we were in the hall. " I can only ask." |