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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2156334
I do not know why but that purple color does not have my fancy.
Please, Any color but Purples

I like all color but the color Purple
I do not know why, but that purple color does not have my fancy
I guess I’ve had ample
Of this color that other colors are more snazzy.

One of my favorite colors is many shades of blues
These colors make me happy and strong
Enough where I drew
Some drawings and sang a song.

Another favorite color is many shades of Pinks
These colors make me feel delightful and bright
That made me start writing with writing ink
In which it made it quite

Then there are many shades of Browns
These colors make me feel peaceful and graceful
And makes my frown
Upside down. In which seems faithful.

Plus, many other colors
That makes me feel earthly and naturedly
Like teals, greens, turquoises, aqua colors
And etc. which these colors become praiseworthy
To me.

By Sharmelle Olson
April 2018

~ The Poet's Place ~
Assignment ~ Creative Instincts ~
Given on April 23, 2018, by Dave
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