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Charmer sacrifices her soul. |
"Our mistakes make us stronger. We must not dwell too much on the past or we might miss what could be happening right now." Wu said taking a sip of tea. "Do you really think I could be the silver ninja?" "You are the silver ninja." Charmer smiled and pulled down her hood. "I have something to give you." Wu said pulling out a necklace with a silver dragon on it and a letter. "Your parents told me to give it to you when you turned sixteen, but last month I couldn't get a hold of you. I'll leave you alone." He said leaving the tent. Charmer put on the necklace and read the note it read, *Happy Birthday Dear! If you are reading this, we have probably passed. You're probably thinking how we would be dead by your sixteenth birthday. Well, we knew we would die soon, because many people have been after us and you. It is not your fault that we died. Never lose sight of your destiny. Watch your temper. I know you will make us proud. Always use your powers for good and keep Wu and Garmadon in check ok? Hope you like the necklace.* *Love Mom and Dad.* *P.S. Find a good boyfriend.* Charmer face palmed at the last part. "Parents will be parents." She mumbled to herself. Charmer walked out of the tent. "Guys, let's pack up camp. We have a mission to finish." ~~~~ "How long until we get there?" Jay whined. "Jay!" Charmer said annoyed. "We get there when we get there." "Don't worry Jay." Nya said. "We're probably almost there. Charmer's just a little cranky. Aren't you Charmy?" Charmer just rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "It is best we do not anger Charmer." Zane said. "It may result in disaster." "Thanks Zane." Charmer said quietly. "I'm pretty sure it's not going to end in disaster." "Are you sure, cause last I checked you had a temper problem?" Nya snickered. "And last time I checked you were annoying. So I suggest you shut your mouth." "Hey, hey. Let's all calm down. We can be civilized for a couple days can't we." Cole said petting Rocky Jr. "I'm not sure that's possible." Mistyfire snapped. "Some people might not survive the night if I keep hearing what I'm hearing." Mistyfire said glaring at Nya and her blue dragon. "Guys we're here." Charmer said looking at the big lake of spirits. "What do we do now?" Lloyd asked. "This is as I feared." Garmadon spoke. "One of us must sacrifice ourselves to get Zora's spirit." Charmer took off her hood. "I'll do it." Lloyd's POV I saw Charmer take off her hood and she said, "I'll do it." "Charmer no." I said, but she just handed me her necklace. "Keep it safe ok?" She said walking towards the lake. A big blue spirit arose from the lake. "Who do you seek?" "I seek the spirit of Zora. The one who has sold her soul for an evil one." The spirit nodded and said, "A spirit for a spirit." Charmer nodded. "I am the trading spirit. Her spirit must return to her and bring her peace." Zora's spirit disappeared. The blue spirit then said, "Come with me young one." I saw Charmer follow it and her spirit fell into the lake. He put Charmer's lifeless body in a box. "It's time for us to go." Garmadon said forcing back tears. It seemed like my life was drained out of me. She sacrificed herself for someone who had been mean to her and banished her. I looked at Nya and her expression was totally changed. "She did that for Zora?" Nya questioned. "I would have never done that for someone who had been so harsh to me." Then she sat there quietly. "Wait!" I said as I pulled out her necklace. "I want to put this with her." "But didn't she say to keep it safe?" Kai said as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I have a good feeling about this guys." I said confidently. "Wait Lloyd, let me see that." My dad said. I gave it to him. "Lloyd, make your energy ball around this." I did as was told and the have the necklace turned golden. "As I suspected." Garmadon said quietly. "What?" Cole asked. "Hang on. Mistyfire, admit all your powers into this necklace." Garmadon said with hope. Mistyfire did as told and a silver and golden mist went out of the necklace and towards where Charmer lay. We quickly rushed over as the mist went into Charmer's body. Her clothes were replaced with a silver ninja costume and she started breathing. She opened her eyes and sat up. With no hesitation I embraced her with a hug. No one's POV Lloyd quickly embraced her in a hug. Kai smiled that Charmer was alive, then frowned disapprovingly at Lloyd hugging her. Garmadon and Wu chuckled, while Cole, Jay, Zane, and Nya joined Lloyd in the hug. "Who are you guys and why are you hugging me?" Charmer asked. ~~~~ Back at the mansion. "So your saying that I have lost my memories amd that they'll come back to me in a couple days." Charmer said to Wu. "Yes that is correct." "Well okay thanks." She said walking out of his room. Lloyd sat on the couch with a pile of comic books by him. "Hey Charmer." "Hey Lloyd." She said as she sat right by him. "Whatcha reading?" "Just some comics I found in the library." "Cool." She said picking one of them up. "Mind if I read them?" "No, they are yours anyway." "Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting that I own this place." Lloyd smiled and put his arm around her. * You don't understand." Charmer said burying her head in her knees.* *"I don't, so tell me." Lloyd said said putting his arm around her.* *"I am the reason for my parents death."* *"How?"* *"The people who killed my parents weren't supposed to kill them. They were supposed to kill me. They wanted my powers and when my parents wouldn't tell them where I was, they killed them and I just sat in my hiding place watching. I should have surrendered to them. If I wasn't born my family would be just fine." Charmer said tears streaming down her cheeks.* *Lloyd sat there quietly. "Charmer, if you weren't born we wouldn't be talking together and I wouldn't have had the chance to go on such a great adventure"* *"And that's a good thing? You could be having the time of your life if I wasn't here."* *"Charmer I enjoy hanging out with you. You're my friend and I'll be here every step of the way."* *"Thanks Lloyd." Charmer said wiping her tears and embracing Lloyd in a tight hug. Lloyd sighed with relief and returned the hug.* "I remember when I was told you about my past and you comforted me." Charmer said. "What really? You remembered something?" Lloyd said getting excited. "Yeah, I told you it comes bit by bit. "Yeah I guess." They sat quietly and read their comics. "Charmer?" "Yeah?" "This is yours." Lloyd said pulling out her necklace. Charmer grabbed the necklace. "Thanks for keeping it safe." "You remembered?" "You could say that." Charmer said resting her head on his shoulder. Then Mistyfire walked in the living room and growled. "Come on Mistyfire. Lloyd is a good guy." Mistyfire just moved them apart with her powers and sat in between them, glaring at Lloyd. ~~~~ "So you remembered everything?" Jay asked. "I'm pretty sure." Charmer said twirling her hair. "Okay. Who banished you?" "Zora." "What's the name of your butler?" "Edward." "Who has a crush on you?" "As far as I know, Kai and Lloyd." "Who has horrible cooking?" "Cole." "Hey!" Cole yelled from the dining room. "Who's the most annoying person?" "Jay." "Alright let's continue our conversation." Jay said. "Who's your boyfriend?" "Ha funny. I don't have a boyfriend." Charmer said petting Mistyfire. "Really? Cause you and Lloyd sure do train a lot together." Jay said loudly. "JAY, SHUT YOUR MOUTH! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO TRAIN TOGETHER. WE'RE THE GOLD AND SILVER NINJA! " Lloyd yelled from the game room. "Alright, alright. Just saying." "Jay I swear, if you keep mentioning how Lloyd is crushing on Charmer I will pummel you." Mistyfire said. "I'M NOT CRUSHING ON CHARMER!" Lloyd yelled. "YES YOU ARE!" Jay, Mistyfire, Strut, Cole, Nya, Kai, and Zane all yelled. "NO I'M NOT!" Lloyd said closing the game room door. "Hey how about we all play a round of seven minutes in heaven?" Kai said plopping on the couch with Blazer. "How about NO." Charmer and Mistyfire said at the same time. "Okay, it was only a suggestion." Kai said petting Blazer. ~~~~ "So you guys are living here?" Charmer asked Wu, Garmadon, and the ninja. "Yup. It may take a while for all our stuff to get moved in." Wu said. "Oh, I got that covered." "How?" Wu asked. Charmer clapped her hands. "Why don't you all check in your rooms." They all checked. "Everything is here, but how did you..." Charmer stopped Kai. "I have my ways." "Wait, what about my wife Misako?" Garmadon asked. "Don't worry. Edward already contacted her. She should be here in..." *Ding Dong* "Right now." Garmadon answered the door. "Misako, I'm so happy to see you." Garmadon said hugging his wife. "You must be Charmer." Misako said. "Yeah, that's me." "Very nice place you got here. Very nice indeed." "Thanks. Well, your son is in the game room. If you would excuse me I need to find my students." Charmer said leaving towards the library. "Is that the girl our little Lloyd likes." Misako said with a giggle. "Yes indeed." Garmadon said. Misako walked to the game room. The door was slightly ajar so she decided to listen in. "Is it true you like Charmer?" A little kid asked Lloyd. "Heh no, I mean yes." Lloyd answered as the kids giggled. "If you kids tell anyone I won't let you have any of my candy for a month. Got it." "Look we got it Lloyd." Alex said as his tail flicked from side to side. "If you like her just ask her out. Is that gonna hurt you?" "Yes. If the guys found out I asked her out I wouldn't hear the end of it." Lloyd said petting him. "You know nothing about love." "And like you know anymore than him." Misako said opening the door. "Mom?" Lloyd said his face red with embarrassment. "H-how long have you been listening?" "Long enough." Misako said. "I think I've found Charmer's lost students. Charmer!" "No mom why would you call her?" Lloyd said. "I'm not presentable. The kids ruined my hair and if she sees me like this then..." "What did you... ok I'm sorry, but Lloyd what happened to your hair?" Charmer said holding back a giggle. "See, exactly my point. Your students seemed to have ruined my hair." "Kids, what are you doing? Edward is waiting in the library. Let's go." She said leading them to the library. "I can see why you like her." Misako said. "Mom, can we not talk about this?" "You can't hide it forever you know." Alex added. "Who is this?" Misako asked. "It's my dragon, Alex." Then Mistyfire walked in. "Lloyd, Charmer wanted me to tell you that dinner's ready. Alex, Blazer said that he was going to kill you because you ate his fire kernels. Oh, hey Misako. Dinner's ready." "And who are you?" "Oh, sorry, I'm Mistyfire, Charmer's companion. I also have powers, which is how I knew your name." "I thought Lloyd was Charmer's companion." "Mom!" Lloyd said. "Ha, ha, no. Never in a million years." Alex and Mistyfire said in unison. "Oh, come on Lloyd, you know I was kidding. Let's go eat dinner." They walked to the dining room, where everyone was already seated. Misako sat by Garmadon, so the only seat left was by Charmer. "Oh, come on guys." Lloyd said. "What, you don't want to sit by me?" Charmer said. "No, it's not that, it's just that uh, never mind." He said sitting down. "Okay everyone, eat up." Charmer said. "I made sure Cole was not in the kitchen while dinner was being made." "Hey!" Cole said frowning. "Oh Cole, you are so cute when you're upset. You know I was just joking." Everyone laughed and started eating. Everyone finished dinner and Charmer and Edward started picking up the dishes. "Here, let me help you with that." Lloyd said taking the dirty dishes from Charmer and bringing them to the kitchen. "Thanks Lloyd." Zane was in the kitchen washing dishes with Kai. "Why do we have to do this?" Kai whined. "She has a butler for a reason." "We now live here and we should help care for it as well. We are very fortunate to live in such a luxurious house. Others are not as fortunate." "Yeah, well what about Cole, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd? They're not doing anything." "Ahem." Lloyd said holding a pile of dishes. "I stand corrected." Kai said. "But Jay, Cole, and Nya are still doing nothing and why are there so many dishes?" "Stop complaining Kai." Charmer said walking into the kitchen. "You should be thankful that you guys are only cleaning up the kitchen." "Typically I have the newcomers dust everything in the house and wash the floors, but I left that job for Jay, Cole, and Nya. You guys are my favorites. Just kidding. I like all of you guys except for ..., never mind." Charmer said slightly pushing Lloyd before exiting the kitchen. "Lloyd, you are so crushing on Charmer." Zane said washing a plate. "What makes you think that?" Lloyd said setting some plates in the sink. "I have my ways. You know I can scan you right?" "Zane let's not talk about his." Lloyd said putting away some silverware. "You should ask her out. You know she would like it." "Hey!" Kai yelled. "How come I'm not getting a say in this, she's my girlfriend." "Ha in your dreams." Lloyd snickered. "You know she would never like a rude hothead like you." "Take that back." Kai said grabbing Lloyd by the collar of his shirt. "Why should I? You know it's true." *Ding Dong!* "I got it." Cole and Jay said rushing towards the door. They opened the door to be greeted by Morro. "Hi I was wondering if..." They closed the door before he could finish. Charmer walked towards them. "Hey guys. Who was that?" "Oh, no one you want to talk to." Jay said. ### (Morro is human and 16.) Then Morro knocked on the door again. Charmer answered the door. "Hi Charmer. Nice to see you." "Nice to see you too." Charmer said hugging Morro. Cole and Jay's eyes widened with surprise. "Is something the matter boys?" Morro said smirking at them. Cole and Jay just walked into the kitchen to find Lloyd, Kai, and Zane. They saw Kai and Lloyd fighting each other while Zane was still washing plates. "Um Guys?" Cole and Jay said as Zane lifted his head to look at them. "GUYS! CHARMER HUGGED MORRO!" Jay and Cole yelled as Kai and Lloyd stopped fighting turned their heads in disbelief of what they just heard. "WHAT!?!?!" Kai and Lloyd yelled as they ran out of the kitchen and into the living room where Charmer and Morro were talking and laughing. Mistyfire walked into the room and sat on Morro's lap. This made Kai and Lloyd shocked and angered. Morro gently pet Mistyfire as she drifted off to sleep in his lap. Morro smiled and continued petting her. "So I was wondering if my little brother, Tony, and I could stay here. I heard that this was the sanctuary of elements, but I didn't know you owned this place. I was really disappointed when Jay and Cole shut the door on me. I was going to leave, but I heard your voice and knocked again." "Where is your little brother?" Charmer said as she pet Mistyfire. "He's at our little place we own now, but it's a bit small and run down and I knew we needed to find somewhere else." "Let's go get him." Charmer said getting up. "Wait right now? It's a two day trip." "Not anymore " I have portals everywhere in my mansion. We can just get there grab your stuff and walk back through." "Thanks Charmer." Morro said hugging her. Kai and Lloyd frowned disapprovingly and walked towards Morro. "What do you think you're doing?" Kai said clenching his fist. "I came here to find a good place for me and my brother to live." "No, I mean hugging Charmer." "Oh well, we are friends." Morro said walking away with Charmer. |