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I'm 20 now and I can't bear to actually read it again. So tell me how it is haha |
This story begins where all love stories begin, with a girl called Monica and a boy called Phillip. They are Pacodoxin creatures They lived on a planet called Paco, where all the happy creatures live. Happiness is what keeps these creatures alive. They never need water or food. However, if these happy creatures become sad and fearful they would disappear, but why is unknown. Some of the Pacodoxins say the guards at the Great Wolf Palace take them away. Great Wolf Palace is where the Pacodoxins that rule Paco live. Pacodoxins are also the most beautiful, polite and magical creatures, anyone could lay eyes on. Monica and Phillip met when they were young. They lived next door to each other. They were best friends, and when they got older, they both studied a planet called Earth together, almost every day. They studied as these so called humans learned, got jobs, fall in love, have children, grow old and gradually die. They watched these humans with their beautifully magical minds, that projected onto anything. Monica found it wrong and pointless of how these humans just work, love, grow old and die, and also the fact that they all agree to themselves that is all they can do with their life. Phillip on the other hand found it beautiful on how they fall in love and grow old together, ignoring the fact that they have to work and die from mostly awful diseases and horrible accidents. They both still loved humans all the same, Monica and Phillip just used to talk about them for hours, learning their languages, wearing their very strange clothes and singing together like humans do. Monica learnt many things as did Phillip, but Monica, most importantly learnt how to feel love and this love was for Phillip. Monica couldn't tell Phillip though, love was banned by the Great Wolf Palace thousands of years ago. They say because love may bring the greatest happiness of all, but only for a short time, when the feeling of love has went dry, sadness will take over. Monica felt not sad, but alone for she could not tell anyone of this secret. "Will you stay with me forever? We could run away to the border of the land and we could just stay there being happy, you know?" Phillip then held her hand and said. "Why would I ever leave you? We can travel all the land together, if that's what you want" Monica then smiled and looked into Phillip's eyes. But, Phillip didn't look into her eyes. Monica then sighed and let go of his hand and realized Phillip would never look into her eyes, like she looked into his. They both then sat up and carried on studying humans. Monica mostly analysed expressions and feelings after that and tried to forget how much she longed for Phillip to be hers. Days later, as they where looking at humans together. Phillip was almost frozen while looking at one human girl. Monica soon after noticed Phillip. She looked at his eyes first and they where glistening bright and beautiful like never before. He then said. "Isn't this human girl wonderful? She is a princess" Monica then felt something she never felt before and it was not love. She felt a deep pain at the pit of her stomach, near sad but not quite. Phillip has fell in love with a human. Monica knew this. Even though, it was never spoken of, she could see it in his eyes. Weeks went by and Phillip felt this secret inside him growing and growing. He needs to tell someone. He said to Monica he needs to tell her something. He decided to tell her while they where climbing their favorite tree. When they both got to the top, he whispered in her ear. "I'm in love. In love with a human" Monica felt that deep pain again. Then whispered back. "I know" Phillip was shocked that she knew. They carried on talking about it till dark. When a sudden silence overhauled the town they lived in. The Great Wolf Palace heard what Phillip said and the guards where coming for him. They quickly climbed off the tree. It was too late. Phillip was taken away and all Monica could do was watch her best friend and her love being dragged away into the darkness. Phillip has been gone for two weeks now, he is still trying to be happy but he is in prison and he is gradually forgetting the human princess that he loved. But, all Monica can do is think about Phillip. She tried to think of a ways to get him out. She has nothing. But she has to get him back for he is the one she loves. But love is the reason why he's gone. She eventually thought of an idea that would get him out but it would come at a price. She built up the courage and set off to tell her idea to the Great Wolf Palace. When she arrived at Great Wolf Palace she proposed that if they let Phillip go, he can come to Earth with her and they can further their research on human studies. With some concern the leading Pacodoxin's agreed to this proposal and let Phillip free. Phillip was very much surprised at Monica's proposal but he decided to agree also. However, just before they left, one of the priest that were there to help free the prisoners of their sins, whispered something into Phillip's ear. Monica saw but never asked, then they both carried on walking out the palace. The rocket was built some time after and Monica and Phillip were ready to go. The palace did have some worring conspiracies about what would happen to them but, they let them go anyway. They then both got in the rocket and sat down on some amazingly comfy chairs. Monica and Phillip then squeezed each others hands and smiled as the rocket lifted off the ground. They waved goodbye to Paco and waved hello to Earth. Once they landed on Earth, Monica realized how hard it would be to live there, knowing there is always a chance of death and having to eat and also the chance of Phillip finding the princess and falling in love again. He sort of forgot about his love while in 'prison'. Monica and Phillip were about to be the first ever Pacodoxin's to ever walk the Earth. Both with excitement and confidence they stepped outside their rocket. It was not as beautiful as they thought it would be, as they were on a muddy field. Monica and Phillip then set of on the greatest adventure of all, discovery. They started to walk on a small path surrounded by trees. With the sun shining bright, Monica felt happier than she ever did on Paco and she started to sing and Phillip joined in and they began to dance. Twirling in circles, holding hands everything was beautiful. With nowhere to go they were still smiling. They started running on the fields and realized it was mad world. Rain soon after poured down. Monica and Phillip thought it was beautiful as they never had rain before, but they began to think they needed shelter and headed to the to streets. Bright lights and massive buildings astonished both Monica and Phillip as they were walking. Also they saw what must of been thousands of people and they tried to wave at every single one. After a long time of walking and waving, Phillip spotted something that looked like a hotel. They both went inside and realized it was a hotel by all the signs, then Monica walked up to the desk and asked for a room. However, the woman at the counter asked for money. They didn't know what that was really. So Monica looked in her bag and to her surprise it had a lot of money in it, it looked like it could be millions. With excitement she paid and rushed off to the room. Once they were both in the room, Monica was about to ask what the priest said to Phillip but, she was interrupted by him swiching on the tv. To them it was so strange what they were seeing on a screen so small, yet the back of it was so large. What they were seeing on the screen was so spirited and optimistic, yet so easy and understanding to them. Even this is complicated. Not what they were expecting the humans to have invented yet. Even though, all the bright lights outside amazed them, to say they have been studying them all their lives they don't know much about them. Phillip then walked out the door into the hallway and asked a mysterious looking man wearing a odd beige hat what the date was. He answered with. "Are you mental? It's the 2nd June 1953. The Queen's coronation. Where the bloody hell have you been?" They then both walked away with a confused looks on their faces. Phillip then turned swiftly and walked out the room once again. Monica followed Phillip and shouted. "What's wrong? Did the man tell you what date it is?" Phillip answered quickly with. "I going to find the princess" Monica then stood up and shouted. "You can't just leave me! We came here together, so we have to stay together... Please" Phillip then slowly looked back at Monica and remembered what the priest said to him. He then said. "Of course you can come but, what you want to ask will have to wait. There will come a time for all questions to be answered" Monica was confused and decided not to ask any questions until the right time. She then followed Phillip outside the hotel. Phillip then noticed they were in London by the tall clock, otherwise known as 'Big Ben'. The time was now half-past midnight and Phillip needed to find the princess. Phillip then remembered the last he seen of the princess was on a small unpopulated island near Chile called Mas a Tierra. With this information Phillip had to find a way to get to Chile. He then turned around to find Monica talking to man with an all black suit on. To Phillips suprise the man had just given her a map of London. She then said. "We're in London apparently and the man I was talking to passed me this paper with odd lines all over it" Phillip rolled his eyes and smiled. "It's a map. It's directs you where to go. Obviously you were not listening when we were learning Human Geography" Monica then thought to herself no because she was too busy looking into Phillips concentrated eyes and wondering what made him so interested in humans and imagining what it would be like to be with Phillip. For him to love her so deeply that he forgot about humans and sorts, eventhough she loved humans too, she loved Phillip more. Phillip directed them both to the Croydon Airport, to take a plane to Chile. Once at the airport Monica paid for the tickets and they got on the plane. They were both amazed that planes where invented so soon and also that they were so big. Passing by their aisle was a what seem to be a sad and tired man, he was in his mid-forties. He was wearing a smart blue suit with a red tie, he had curly locks of blonde hair, covering his soft brown eyes and he was very tall. Nothing like older men on Paco. He was hurrying to the back seats, he accidently hit Monica on the head with his bag. Monica screamed slightly. The man stopped and turned his head to look at Monica, but quickly turned it around again to see someone about to sit on his seat. He then sat on the aisle across from Monica and said sorry to Monica. She then thanked him for his apology and Phillip shook his hand and the three of them talked through the entire flight. After the long 8 hour or more flight to Chile from London, Monica and Phillip were saying goodbye to the man they met on the plane. His name was Adrian and he was late for a business meeting with royals. Both Monica and Phillip had no idea what that meant , but it sounded important. So the goodbyes were quick. Adrian kissed Monica on the cheek and he was gone. Phillip then booked them both a boat to Mas a Tierra. It was short ride and they talked about how much of a fun adventure they were having, especially with all these journeys and meeting people and discovering what they are really like. Phillip then spotted some small mountains, surrounded by trees and sand. Monica could tell Phillip was excited to meet his princess, but Monica wasn't so thrilled , she still smiled. She was glad that he was happy, eventhough it wasn't because of her. When they arrived at the island, Phillip immediately began searching for his princess with Monica picking up the strength to carry on behind him for his happiness is all she cared about at the moment. The search was long it may of lasted days, but to Monica and Phillip the search felt like it lasted a lifetime. They were still happy looking around the island, there wasn' t many people on it, but there were still stalls for food and water, so they could survive the search. Phillip and Monica ended up spliting up for the search. Monica was lost deep into a forest, she couldn't find the princess neither her way out. She eventually found the beach and stayed there until Phillip returned. Phillip was near the mountains and he accidently went into a small cave, he was desperatley searching for a way out the cave. He became very frightened and the cave was much bigger on the inside. He started to shout for Monica. He heard someone singing, he thought it could of been Monica. It was such a beautiful voice, almost magical. He began jogging towards the direction where he could hear the singing and tripped over some rocks and hit his head on the rocky wall of the cave. The collision between his head and the wall knocked Phillip unconscious immediatly. Monica was worried, she hadn't see Phillip in hours and it was becoming dark. She decided she wouldn't go looking for him because she would become lost again, so she slept out the night on the beach. Phillip awoke from his unconscious state because he could hear people talking and drums being played. When he opened his eyes, a beautiful young woman was hovering over him, speaking a foreign language. Phillip was very confused. "What are you saying? I don't understand you" uttered Phillip "Oh good. You speak English. My name is Clementine. Me and my father Adrian found you in a cave, my father said he knew you so we helped you out" "Adrian? You're my princess! I mean you're the princess right? Princess Clementine" gasped Phillip "Yes. That is correct. My father said you came with a friend. A girl. He is asking where she is" said Clementine "Monica? Oh dear, I don't know. Poor Monica. She could be on the beach, where we were staying. Could you help me find her?" "Of course. I'd love to help you" giggled Clementine Monica was still asleep on the beach, waiting for Phillip to come get her. She eventually awoke and could see a blurry image of a person walking towards her. She thought to herself that it must be Phillip and it was but another person appeared with him. It was of course the princess. The princess then walked over to Monica to help her up. "Hello, my name is Clementine. I'm the princess of this island" "I know who you are" Monica snapped "Oh, well me and Phillip have been looking for you for a while to see if you're okay. You seem to have been asleep for a long time" Clementine said softly. "That's just so nice of you. Phillip can we go back home now?" "Monica, I have something to tell you" said Phillip "What is it? Is something wrong? Can we still go back home?" Monica sounded worried "Well I know this is sudden but me and Clementine are proud to announce that we are going to be married" Monica eyes widened "What? This is very sudden. Too sudden. What would the council think of this?" "Oh I'm going to go tell my father. I'm so happy!" Clementine giggled "I also have something else to tell you. It is very important. It is what the priest said" " I'm sorry to tell you that as soon as we came here, we could never go back home. Our world became invisible to us as soon as we came here. If you look at the moon at night, you'll just see what everyone else sees, the moon but while in space we could see bright lights of our cities. Now we would see nothing. Just what everyone else sees, It's still bright but not as it used to be. It is too late to go back." "Oh no, that can't be true. It just can't" Monica cried "There is something more. Have you noticed ever since you arrived here, that you have kept getting sadder? There is no way of going back from that sadness. You will be sad forever and eventually become more evil than any human. This sadness is irreversible. I have stayed happy since I came here, so I have not became sad. However, I have noticed you have and I'm very sorry for not telling you sooner " "But why!? How could you let me become sad. Everything is your fault. You took me here with no way to back and with eternal sadness" Monica shouted Monica then felt something she new that she had never felt before. It was hatred, pure hatred for not Phillip but Clementine. She hated that he loved her. Being stuck on Earth would be more bearable if Phillip just loved her instead of Clementine. Months later Phillip and Clementine are living in the King Adrian's castle. Monica is living with them because she was on her own now and the King felt sorry for her. Sinced she moved in she hardly left her room. Many maids have tried to persuade her to leave the room and join the celebations of the engagement but she declined. Her room was the highest tower in the castle, leaving her undisturbed by the people and their joy for the upcoming wedding of Clementine and Phillip. Her unhappiness has led her to become a recluse. However, one dreadful stormy morning she decides to change her dismal ways and leave her room. She wore a black satin dress, silk kitten heels and her long ebony hair was tightly curled. It was said that she looked completely mesmorizing. King Adrian spotted her coming out her room and was overwhelmed by her beauty, he walked over to her and bowed down by her feet. "Oh your highness, why are you bowing to me?" Monica gasped. "I came over to ask you if you enjoy breakfast and if so, will you accompany me?" "Are you sure? I mean I would be delighted to, I'm starving for something more delectable than stale bread and cheese" Monica smiled but she was a little confused. The dining room was just beautiful, two crystal chandeliers hanging nicely over the golden table with 10 seats each side. The food was already set out, there was eggs, bacon, pancakes, anything you could possibly want for breakfast. Monica and Adrian sat either side and ate the breakfast in silence. When they had both finished their meals, the waiter presented Monica with a shiny gold platter with a box in the middle. "A gift? But for what Your Highness?" Monica was stunned. "I've been meaning to give it you for a while now" He smiled. She opened the box and to her suprise there was a glistening diamond ring. "I know this is sudden but your beauty has overwhelmed me every time I have seen you. I have to have you by my side, as my Queen. Will you do the honour of marrying me, a humble widow King in need of a exquisite woman like you?" Monica sat in disbelief of what just happened. She thought about how she could never love him like she loved her dear Phillip but her love for him no longer mattered as he is with another. The love of a King would not help the darkness in her heart, the darkness that is quickly taking over her. Nevertheless, the King has loved and lost just as she has. They will understand each other's pain. She gladly accepted the marriage proposal and the King was delighted and started planning the wedding immediately. This wedding would overshadow the Princess' wedding and that pleased Monica immensely. The wedding of Monica and the King came soon after. Monica was a beautiful bride, dressed in white and red, the traditional colours of Mas a Tierra. The King looked so happy that he was glowing through the entire service. The service was followed by traditional dances between the bride and husband for good luck and everlasting love. Phillips and the Princess' was short after, the new Queen did not show to the event, instead she told the King she was ill and needed rest. Although, Monica still overlooked the wedding from her old tower room, teary eyed and missing home and Phillip. A few months later, the maids started to notice something strange about Monica. She fell quite ill recently and she was being taken care of by them until she completely recovered the King didn't want to take any chances after what happened to his previous Queen. Monica was beginning to show. Her stomach doubled in size. It was announced to the Island that the young Queen was due to have a baby. The King was thrilled to be having another child, he lifted her in the air and twirled her around. He was the happiest he'd been for a while. Monica was happy too but something felt wrong. She didn't know how to explain it but she became very attached to her baby and she wanted to protect it at all costs. Monica awoke one night, she felt strong pains in her stomach and maybe thought the baby was going to arrive. The King called the maids to help her from her bed. However, when the maids lifted the sheets Monica was laying in a pool of her blood. "What does this mean? I demand you to tell me what this means!" Monica said franticly. The maids fell silent. Monica began screaming and crying for the whole island to hear. Everyone knew what this meant. Adrian became pale and still with shock. He then said that he's sorry then left, not to return for months. Monica went back into the sad, distressed woman she was when she moved into the castle. She spent most nights looking at the sky, missing home and her friendship she once had with Phillip which could of stayed the same if they never left. She wished she never left her planet. Earth caused her so much pain. When the King returned he was badly hurt from a wound that he got from a wild animal on the island. He was helped by many citizens of the town to get to his bed. The wound was infected. He didn't have much of a chance to make. Monica sat by side for weeks hoping that he would heal. The infection was getting worse and no medicines were helping He was coming close to death. Cose to being another star in the sky. The King was on his final breaths and Monica couldn't stop herself from crying. She held his hand so tightly, she was afraid of being alone again. "In the short time we spent together, I really loved you I hope you know that. You may have not loved me truly but I loved you from when I first set my eyes on you" Adrian's speech was shaky. "Shhh, shhh don't speak like that. It will all be okay" Monica held him tighter. "I want you to take my place. I know you will do the right thing for the island and its people" The King said weakly. "No one is taking anyone's place. You're not leaving me" Monica's tears now streaming down her face and neck. "Take good care of Clementine. Goodnight Monica" The King closed his eyes and took his final breath. "No, no. Don't leave me like this. I don't want to be alone. Why do I lose everyone? I don't understand. What have I done? Why is Earth so cruel?" Monica lay her head on Adrian's body. Screaming into his chest. Something changed about Monica that day, she stopped crying and never cried again. She no longer felt the emotions she used to cherish. What she became was cold and mean, nothing of what she once was. Monica took the throne, a girl once pure of heart. Now a woman so full of anger and pain. With her meanness and cold heart, her looks faded quickly. She became the face of evil. The first rule of order was for an army to be made and to arrest Princess Clementine. The people had no other choice than to follow her orders and the Princess was put into the highest tower in the castle where the Queen once was. Phillip begged the Queen for his Princess to be released but she declined. The Queen then decided it was best if he left. She ordered Phillip to leave the island and threatened to kill the Princess if he didn't. Phillip had no choice he had to go, he couldn't risk his Princess but he promised to come back for her. The Queen sat in her throne, growing old and more evil everyday. She forgot her old life on Paco, the feeling of happiness and love. Philllip never returned to the island and if he did, it was too late. Monica had already killed Clementine herself. A once beautiful woman to a wicked queen. |