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Come on turtle let’s go!!! I know you can go faster. (Familial Spastic Paraparesis) |
Come on Turtle let's go!!! Come on turtle let’s go!!! I know you can go faster. Come on turtle let’s go!!! I know you're not a master. Let's go!!! Let's go!!! Let's go!!! no one walks with me anymore because I walk like a turtle and can't go as fast as everyone else anymore. I may walk slowly like a turtle but at least I am still walking and not going through wheelchair hurtles because I am unable to do anymore in my stockings. My time is coming close to be in a wheelchair But I will walk as long as I can still walk even though I am weak in the legs and among those times I have to be still. By Sharmelle Olson June 2017 Line Count: 17 Lines Word Count: 128 Words Stanzas: 4 Stanza Rhyming Scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh Form: Prompt: Written For: "Second Time Around Contest"
Deadline: The contest will run from the 15th of every month to midnight on the 14th of the following month. (June 2019) 17 lines The Humorous Poetry Contest! (From 2018) I hope this does not have any Prompts in it. I guess I am having troubles with what you mean by Prompts. |