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Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #2155463
Heaven Sent Spring Blessings in parts of the world that has the season of Spring this time
Heaven Sent Spring Blessings

Heaven Sent Spring Blessings in parts of the world
that has the season of Spring this time of year in great depth.
May it become your place in your dream world that twirled,
from Spring Blessings to bringing a new spring in your step.

Heaven Sent Spring Blessings to us for a beautiful Spring
day; that can bring so much to be delightful in many different ways.
Which brings a spring in your step that makes you want to sing
Will this work while being able to give the Spring Blessings away?

Heaven sent Spring Blessings our way for us just to enjoy
the beautiful weather and the beauty in all of the blossoms.
We will bring the Spring Blessings to all of the hoi polloi;
that love to work with the chrysanthemums.

Heaven Sent Spring Blessings through lovely Angels
That brings us a lot of pleasure in a spring balance.
As we noticed our archangel with celestials
hierarchy around a biblical palace.

By Sharmelle Olson
April 2017

celestials hierarchy ~ a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim.

hoi polloi ~ Common People.

chrysanthemums ~ The flower of any such plant.

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