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The government is behind a UFO coverup. Do you truly want to know why? |
In my blog I write about the Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) phenomena. The government has gone to extreme lengths in the past seventy-five years to cover up the truth. Some say to avoid panic, others that it will cause social disarray, and others that it is designed to give the United States a virtual monopoly on the off world technology our military Industrial complex needed to collect and develop. This has come from the back engineering of extraterrestrial vehicles, contacts with alien entities, and archeological anomalies and relics collected on this planet and throughout our solar system. There is some truth in all these claims. However, none can explain how this secrecy could have been maintained without a full court press from every agency the government controls and maintains influence over. The secrecy alone has been as stupendous an undertaking as all the rest, involving technologies jump started after World War 2. Why all the hush-hush unless something profound of a stupendous nature was discovered early on, to justify the lengths the cover-up has gone to and the trillions of dollars spent in dark projects that grow every year. It used to be I shared the indignation of being kept in the dark regarding this tremendous period in human social development. Every means known to suppression has been used in this coverup to include murder. Given the excessive means to achieve and justify the ends, one must ask has it been worth it? Whatever the big bad secret is it must have scared and continues to terrorize those who control the Deep State of the Military Industrial Complex and the destiny of the human race. Do we really want to know the nature of the threat humanity is facing? |