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After the events of Splatoon 2, Callie finds herself in a evergrowing situation with Marie |
Callie, Marie, and Agent 4 landed at Tentakeel Outpost after a particularly long Super-Jump back. Marie and Agent 4 had just defeated DJ Octavio and the Great Zapfish once again, and freed Callie from her brainwashing with Marie's Low Tide Ink. Agent 4 had defeated the Octobot King II with a modifed Rainamaker, which they still wielded. Callie still wore her Octarian costume, with a short black tank top, black shorts and leggings. She however had ditched the many Octopus accessories she had, along with her Sunglasses. Marie had changed back into her normal black Yukata. Agent 4 walked off, examining the Rainmaker they held, it's Golden exterior shimmering against the light. Marie watched Agent 4 for a second, before being tapped on the shoulder by Callie. She turned around to look at Callie, who had a somber expression on her. "Listen, Marie. I didn't really get a chance to thank you back there for saving me from the brainwashing. Both you and Agent 4. I know you must've done so much for me." "It's nothing Callie, it really is. I'm just glad to have you back." Marie said as she grinned. Callie grinned back, and the two squids embraced each other in a hug. Afterwards they stood back and watched Agent 4 "test" out their Rainmaker before Sheldon would make then give it back. They both chuckled everytime Agent 4 would stumble or fall down from the force of the mighty golden weapon. "Say Marie..." Callie turned to her cousin. "Hm?" "You didn't happen to use Low Tide Ink when you freed me from my brainwashing" did you?" Callie asked. Almost immediately, Marie's face turned a light pale, as her expression changed to a frighten one. "Ughhh. Marie, you know I'm allergic to Low Tide Ink, it makes me puff up like a balloon." Callie said as she became visually annoyed. "Oh my god, Cal, I'm so sorry!" Marie began apologizing profusely "I totally forgot about that! It was just the first thing I thought of!" "Marie its fine, its fine." Callie looked down at her flat stomach."Might as well enjoy it while i can..." "What was that?" Marie asked "Oh nothing, say, do you have any helium tanks or air pumps around here?" Callie asked with the slightest hint of a smile. "Yeah, they're behind the shack over there." She pointed towards the little hut she used as headquarters during her time looking for Callie. "I use them to fill up the balloons around here. Why do you need them?" Callie chuckled slightly. "You'll see... Oh and by the way you might want to get Agent 4 out of here." "Ah! That's right!" Marie quickly ran over to Agent 4, who was still playing around with the Rainmaker. "Agent 4! Hey uh... S-Sheldon just called right now! He needs the Rainmaker back ASAP." Agent 4 put on a puzzled, and then disappointed look. They sighed, and began slowly walking towards the kettle exit from Octo Canyon. "Well what are you doing? Hurry up, he needs it right now!" Marie began to push Agent 4 to the kettle, much to their dismay. "Me and Callie will close up here so you don't have to come back. Go play some Turf Wars or something." The two eventually reached the kettle, and Marie promptly shoved the other Agent in. "Have a good day! Thanks again!" She shouted into the grate. "Phew. Glad that's out of the way." She wiped a drop of sweat from her forehead, and turned around. There she saw Callie carry out an air pump, and set it next to canisters of Helium tanks she had rolled out. "Callie, what's this?" Marie asked as she walked over. "Heh, its a little something I learned the last time I had a reaction to Low Tide Ink." Callie smirked. "And that would be?" "It won't take long for you to figure out. Now c'mon help me out a bit." "Callie." Marie said in a firm tone. "Tell me whats going on." "Here hold this." Callie handed Marie a small, long clear tube. It was connected to the air pump. "Wha? Whats this?" "How long has it been since I was hit with your Low Tide Ink?". "Callie!" "I'd say about an hour. That leaves me..." She began to count on her fingers. "Perfect!" She walked back over to where Marie was standing. "CALLIE CUTTLEFISH WILL YOU OR WILL YOU NOT TELL ME WHATS GOING ON HERE?!" Callie turned around "Here, hook me up." Callie than grabbed her shorts, and began to pull them down, exposing her ass. "Eh?" Marie's face became a shade of red, and was now very confused. Callie continued to pull them down until both of her buttcheeks were exposed. She stood herself up strsight, and put her hands on her hips. "Well?" "Callie, what the fuck. Whats going on?" Marie quickly glanced away from Callie's butt, and tried not to state at it. "Oh come on Marie." Callies twisted her head around to look at her. "I'd thought you would've figured out what was going on here by now." Marie looked around at the things Callie had brought out. A few helium tanks, the air pump, the tube she was holding. "C-Callie, are you planning on inflating yourself?" "Bingo! Now hurry up already, we don't have all day." "Why would you do something like that?!" Marie wasn't understanding half of what was going on here. "Aren't you already going to become inflated when the swelling comes? Why are you making yourself even bigger?" Callie sighed. "Marie, I love you and all, but just trust me on this and stick the damn tube up my ass." Marie tried to say something, but nothing would come out. She took a deep breath, and walked forward to Callie. She knelt down besides her, and held up the tube. "So uh, where should I uh, stick it in from?" Marie nervously asked. "Just put it in between my buttcheeks, shove it in a bit and I can take the rest from there." Marie sighed again. She reluctantly placed one hand on Callie's left buttcheek. As soon as she did, it tensed up slightly. She then pulled it away from its right counterpart. "Here goes nothing..." She muttered to herself, and stuck it in. As soon as she did, Callie let out a soft moan, which startled Marie slightly. "A little farther please." Marie shoved it in a bit more. "Just a hair more." She finished putting it in, and took her hand off of Callie's ass. "Perfect!" Callie then reached for the tube herself, and started to adjust it slightly. She kept on playing around with it for a minute or two. All Marie could do is stand up and glance away. She didnt know quite what to feel of the whole situation that had occurred. Whether it felt awkward, or something else. Something more simulating. "Alright." Callie had seemed to get the tube in a position she liked. She then pulled up her shorts and leggings. After she did and the tube was hidden, she turned around to Marie. "See, that wasn't so hard." "I still don't get why you're doing this." "You don't have to" Callie smiled at Marie "Just enjoy the show." Callie walked over to the air pump. She leaned down and turned a valve on it. When she did, the tube seemed to stiffen out a little, and a second later Callie let out another small moan. Marie shook her head. She needed to think about this for a minute. "I'm gonna go clean up the rest of Tentakeel Outpost. You have fun doing whatever you're doing." "Make sure to check in to see how progress is doing though." Callie laughed. - After that, Marie did begin to clean up the area they were in. Every now and then she walked past Callie, who now sat and rubbed her air-inflating belly, which grew larger every time Marie saw it. Eventually Marie learned to ignore Callie, and became focused on the task at hand. Later on, Callie called to Marie. "Hey Marie, come over here!" Marie looked up from cleaning up the outpost. She hadn't checked up on Callie in nearly 20 minutes now. She got up, and walk over. As she rounded the corner, she saw that Callie was now standing up. In her arms she held the biggest belly Marie had ever seen. It stuck out nearly 2 feet in front of Callie. It was an enormous glob of flesh that looked almost glued onto Callie's slim figure. Marie was glad that Callie only had a tank top on. If she was wearing her Squid Sisters costume, her belly would've ripped it along time ago. Callie smiled at Marie as she walked to her. "Well... What do you think." Marie looked at Callie's titan of a stomach. It moved with every breath Callie took. She didn't say anything as she placed a hand on it. To think that something like this could be created with air. She placed another hand on it, and began to rub it. Moving her hands all around the globelike sphere of a stomach. "Heh, looks like you finally gave in, didn't you?" Calllie asked Marie as she grinned. Marie didn't say anything, but instead placed her head on Callie's belly. It was warm and embraced her face rather nicely. "I-I think I see why you wanted to do this now." Marie muttered as she blushed. "Trust me, it feels a lot better than it looks, and it's about to get a while lot better." Callie responded. Marie lifted up her face. "What do you mean?" Callie pointed towards the air pump. "Unhook me over there, and put it in the helium tank over there." Marie walked over to the air pump, and hooked on the tube to the helium tank. As she did, Callie let out a burp. "'Scuse me." She said afterwards with another grin. "What do I do now?" Marie asked "Set it on a timer for..." Callie thought for a second. "80 seconds. Hurry!" Marie quickly set the timer, and walked over to Callie. "What now?" "Put your arms around me like I was gonna give you a piggyback ride, and hold on tight." Marie followed the orders, and Callie started to count down. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... All of a sudden, Callie's entire body began to swell. Her ass started to grow outwards, enveloping the air tube. Her thighs started to thicken as well. Although Marie could not see it, Callie's cheeks and breasts had also started to balloon up. While this was happening, Callie began groaning pleasantly. Behind her, the timer for the helium pump went off. The air quickly traveled to Callie's rump, and the inkling let out a loud moan. Her belly also began to swell with along with the rest of her. However something else was happening. As Marie held onto Callie, not sure what was happening, she felt her feet leave the ground for a second. "What the-" Before she had time to react, the pump let forth a huge amount of gas into Callie. Her belly began to grow, larger than it had before, and faster, until it outsized Callie herself. Unable to keep the mountain of a belly standing any longer, Callie let go, and let it fall to the floor. But it did not Instead, her belly began lifting her upwards. Another burst of helium and the two were sent skyward along with the rapid growth of Callie's stomach of gas. Callie had been turned into a human air balloon. In the air, Callie had been turned over, so it seemed she was laying on her stomach on a bed. Marie tumbled off of Callie's back onto her belly, which acted as a platform. Marie took a second, before getting a hold of her surroundings, and getting up. She couldn't find her balance, so instead she crawled over to Callie's face. Next to it, were two orbs of flesh. They were both covered by Callie's tank top, which had somehow expanded to fit them. She squeezed her legs passed them to look at Callie's face. Callie was still laughing with excitement. "That was amazing! Even better than last time! You should definitely try it Marie!" Marie sat down on Callie's right breast, and looked down at her face. "This really is something else, huh?" "Yup, and we're in Octo Canyon so we have all the privacy we want!" Marie started to rub the breast she was sitting on. "So what now?" Marie asked "What?" "So what do we do now." "I dunno. Last time I kinda just floated around until I got rid of all the air." "Callie, how high up are we right now?" Callie seemed to shrug. "You tell me." "Because it's getting a little hard to breathe right now if you haven't haven't noticed." "Haven't." Marie sighed. She laid back down on Callie's breasts. It would be a few hours until Callie got rid of all the gas, whatever ways she could. Marie settled down for a nap. When she woke up she would go explore Callie's enormous rump. Lord knows she had been longing to rub it. And who knows? Maybe later Marie would be the next blimp. |