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here are the next two chapters of my book |
3 Jail. Ricky was taken straight to the Sparta jail; youth division; which was located in the City Hall; in order to get to the youth division, one had to go through the regular jail. "Let's go! Please step out of the car." Officer pancake grabbed Ricky's arm and led him into the building. “Okay I'm going to need you to stand right here at this counter; now I'm going to remove these here handcuffs; when I do this please place your hands flat on the counter." Ricky placed his hand on the counter. "This is Sgt. Parker who will be checking you in." "Okay, first thing I need you to do is empty your pockets for me, and put all the content on this counter.," Said Sgt. Parker. "I don't have anything; my pockets are empty," said Ricky. "Well let's just make sure of that," said officer Pancake as he had Ricky step back and began searching him. “ all right Ricky I need you to take off your hoodie for me and place it on the counter and also I need you to remove your belt for me,said Officer Pancake. " Well then what is he being brought in for?" "well let’s see here; I really don't know all of his charges; I'm just transporting for Officer Hendrickson and Detective Greevey. I do know that he kicked out the window in Hendrickson’s cruiser. so one of the charges will be malicious mischief. When they get here, they are on their way; you can ask them about any other charges they may have on him. " "Okie dokie, I will just put criminal mischief for now, he said as he started typing. I need to put your details into the computer kid what is your full legal name?" "Ricardo Hendrickson." "Do you have a middle name?" "Yes, Emanuel." “date of birth?” "May 13th 1999” "so that would make you sixteen right?" "correct.” George and Detective Greevy walked in and came by Ricky. Sgt. Parker looked up from his computer screen. "Hi guys”, he said. “What is he all being charged with? Officer pancake already told me about him kicking out your car Window; malicious mischief; right George.” “Right Parker.’’ "The original charge on him is domestic assault; he hit his mother; giving her a pretty good shiner, and a bruise on her arm," said Detective Greevy . "After he kicked out the window of my car he decided to spit on me so I'm going to charge him with assault with bodily fluids on a police officer. You got all that Parker?" "Sure did George; domestic assault, assault with bodily fluids on police, and malicious mischief, right?” "Right Parker," said George. Coincidentally Officer Jamison; the K-9 office came in with Marlon the drug dog at this time. The dog went right over to Ricky; Ricky backed up. "I don't like dogs!" Screamed Ricky. But Ricky really did love dogs; he always wanted one. Ricky did not understand how he could have such bad luck; he had gotten away with it for so long but his secret was soon going to be found out. Out of all the things that happened today this upset Ricky the most; he never even touched the stuff; he just supplied the stuff to his buddies. That’s how a measly little sophomore gets invited to a big shot senior’s party, and not just any senior but the captain of the football team. The dog started sniffing by Ricky’s shoe; then he just sat down by Ricky’s foot. "According to my dog your suspect is hiding something in his left shoe," said officer Jamison. "Ricky please remove your left shoe," said George. "Why; the only thing in there is my foot; your dumb dog bonkers." Before Ricky had time to protest George had grabbed his left leg and yanked his shoe off’, and a baggie full of a white powdery substance fell to the ground. "You wouldn't happen to know what this here is," said George as he bent down to pick it up. "That's not mine; I don't know what it is; powdered sugar maybe." Looki here no wonder the dog hit on his shoe. Powdered sugar my ass, looks like cocaine to me kid but we will test it to be sure” said George, as he took a small amount and placed it in a testing pouch. He then broke the glass capsule in the pouch, and low and be hold it turned blue; positive for cocaine. Ricky clenched his jaw, drew his hands up into fists and visualized decking George right in the face; that thought brought a smirk to his face. .“Okay Parker now you can add possession of a controlled substance; cocaine; to his charges, said George. "Do you know how much yet?" Said Sgt. Parker. "No not yet, but I am pretty sure it is a felony amount", said George. “A Felony? Said Ricky. “Yes; a felony, oh you didn’t know that more than 0.1 grams of coke is a felony; oops your bad,” said Detective Greevy . "But that’s not mine!" Screamed Ricky. “Is this your shoe?” asked George as he put the shoe in Ricky’s face. “Of course dummy but not the other stuff. “ "So the shoe is yours, but not the coke that I stood her and watched fall out of your shoe that came off your foot. Than how did it get in your shoe; did a friend hide it in there when you were sleeping?” said George . “I didn’t know that was in there, or how it got there; I did not put it there!” “Wait let me get this straight. if I believe your story which I don’t; this shoe is yours but the coke we found inside it is not, you did not put it there, and had no clue it was in there,” said George . “Come on! Don’t play us for fools kid! We didn’t just fall off the turn up truck. And this certainly ain’t our first day on the job. You’re trying to tell us that you could not feel this rolled up, squished up baggie in your shoe, and you did not wonder what it was. If I felt something in my shoe, I would take it off. Look inside and get rid of it, not leave it in there; anyways you can cut all the shenanigans; because we all know that this is yours; so you are being charged with it", Detective Greevy said. "Let’s see here,” said George as he placed the coke on a small digital scale; witch confirmed his suspicions that it was more than 0.1 grahams and a felony amount. Ricky was put in a holding cell, and he was not so mad anymore, but his stomach sure was growling; He gets super hungry when he’s nervous. his heart was pounding so fast he thought it would pop out his chest; he started biting his fingernails. He did not know what was going to happen to him; getting arrested for hitting his mother and felony drug charges were the last things on his mind when he woke up this morning. Can I please have something to eat? I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a rag doll; Ricky asked one of the officers standing outside the cell he was in. “Fine,” the officer said, “you can have a bologna sandwich and an orange and some water, cause that’s all we got.” “I’ll take it,” said Ricky. Ricky scarfed down the food, it looked like he had not eaten in days, but in reality he had just eaten pizza about two hours ago. “Ricardo Hendrickson”, officer Johnson said as he opened the cell door. “yup, what’s it to ya?” Said Ricky. “Could you please stand up for me?,” Officer Jonson said as he grabbed Ricky’s arm. “Ouch! My arm, what are you doing, mumbled Ricky”. “Well excuse me; I am so sorry to inconvenience you young man, but this is what happens when you come to jail,” officer Johnson said as he proceeded to place handcuffs on Ricky. “Hay what are you doing now, no way don’t do that, please!” “Don’t you dare kick me, said Officer Jonson as he preceded to put shackles on Ricky’s ankles. It just so happened that the chief was down by the holding cells trying to talk to another prisoner. “What’s with all the commotion in my jail?” He asked. “Sorry chief I am taking this boy upstairs to the juvenile center; and as protocol says I was handcuffing and shackling him but he was having no part of it I guess.” “Oh, let me take it from here Johnson,” replied the chief. “Sure thing, chief.” “Now what is your problem boy, in here you do as you are told and that is that. You don’t tell my officers what to do. This is my house, and their house, not yours; Did I make myself clear?” “I guess, but Grandpa do you have to be so mean to me.” “Shush boy, in here don’t call me Grandpa, cause I could give a crap that you are my grandson. If you think I am gonna give you special treatment because you happen to be related to me, sorry kid you’re barking up the wrong tree. Every person brought in here is treated the same way; why I wouldn’t care if you were the president himself. You did the crime or crimes; now you do the time. and I believe in tough love and if being tough gets you to listen, then that is what I will be.” Let’s go he said, as he grabbed Ricky by the arm. He brought him upstairs using a small elevator that had a sign on it that said for prisoner transport only. “This is your stop Ricky,” the chief said. Ricky stood there frozen in a cold sweat; the first person he laid eyes on was a huge intimidating burly man with a shaven head. He had on a green polo shirt that was tucked in. It had the letters S U D. and a generic police badge shape printed in the right corner of it. Ricky assumed S U D stood for Sparta youth Detention. khaki pants with a black belt completed his outfit. He had to be at least six feet tall a towering tree compared to Ricky who was only five, five. He must have been at least one hundred and ninety pounds; mostly all mussel. “Hello chief”, how are you? How is the Mrs.?” The man said. “Oh fine, she is doing fine, replied the Chief.” They started chit chatting like two old friends sitting on the front porch in summer catching up on lost time. “Now, let’s get back to business, do you have this young man’s paper work?” “Dang nab it, I forgot it, but I will fax it to you right away,” said the chief. “Okay you do that cause without that we can’t process your prisoner into our facility”. Ricky did not like the fact that they talked like he was not there and that they referred to him as prisoner, not his name. “Have a good night Lou,” the man said. “You too Connie” said the chief as he left. As soon as the chief left the man said to Ricky “you, boy sit right there,” pointing to a chair behind him. Ricky sat quick fast and in a hurry. He began to bite his lip and his eyes were dancing to every corner of the room. His breathing and heartbeat began to speed and fill his ears with white noise and a cold sweat had broken out between his shoulder blades. After about five minutes the man said “Stand up kid lets go” he walked Ricky over to the wall with a green mat on it. “First off let’s get this straight my name is Officer Seville and you shall not call me anything else” “What is your name kid?” Ricky was scared shitless he could hardly talk his voice was quivering so badly. He finally managed to softly sputter out “Rick, - Rick, Ricky.” “You will need to speak up louder than that kid; I know you talk louder than that on the outside. Ahem, Ricky cleared his throat and repeated his name much louder. “Just keep staring at the wall. Put your forehead on the mat. No hanky-panky. I am going to remove these cuffs and shackles on you. When I do place your hands flat on the wall do I make myself clear?” Ricky was about ready to cry he just stood there and did not say a word; “Yes” he said softly. “speak up boy I can’t hear you, do you understand me or not?” He got right up into Ricky’s ear . Ricky was stunned and did nothing. “ are you def boy!Do you understand me or not ?” Officer Seville shouted. “Yes Sir, I understand.” he removed the cuffs and shackles. Ricky was very happy to have the handcuffs and shackles removed. “step back” Officer Seville said, as he began searching him. If I have to get searched one more time I’m going to scream, thought Ricky. “OK you can have a seat right be hind that desk. “give me your right hand.” Ricky put out his right arm. Officer Seville snatched his arm and placed it in the cuff that was attached to a metal loop that was bolted on the top of the desk. Ricky was getting very irritated. He did not like being restrained at all. But in this place it seemed like every place he went he got restrained in some sort of way. “Now here is a paper listing your formal charges. Please read it and let me know if you have any questions. If you don’t have any questions just sign at the bottom by the x. and here is a pen for you to sign with, said Officer Seville. Ricky read the paper he had place in front of him. he did not have any questions. He signed the paper. Thanks Ricky , now here is a notification of your rights," said Officer Seville I need to read them to you” He placed a piece of paper in front of him. "After I finish I need to know if you understand them. If you do Then you can sign.” “ My rights, you mean like I have the right to remain silent and all that junk I already know them and understand them, said Ricky . can’t I just sign ” “That’s fine an all but I still have to formally read them out loud to you”. Ricky rolled his eyes as Officer Seville started reading “Ricardo Hendrickson You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you. Do you under stand these rights I have just read to you?” “Yes I do.” “Do you wish to answer any questions or make any statements related to your charges” No, I have nothing to say. Can I please sigh this stupid paper now.” “yes, here is a pen just put your john Hancock right her at the bottom by the x. Thank you very much Ricky. “Today is Friday so you will have your first detention hearing on Monday probably around two pm,” said officer Seville. “Wait you mean I have to stay in this rat hole till Monday”, said Ricky. Officer Seville un-cuffed his arm and said “let’s go!” “Wait up man you go like shit off a shovel”, said Ricky. “Well if you would pick up the pace a little bit you would be right in line with me. Officer Seville took Ricky to have his picture taken and then get fingerprinted; they still fingerprint the old way with ink; that is so messy. Some places have electric scanner that put your prints right into the computer, but not here in Sparta; they are lucky they even have a computer which they got six months ago. Ricky watched too much Law and Order on the TV; he thought he knew all about jail procedures. He found out that TV and real life are nothing alike. Officer Seville led Ricky to a bathroom with a glass shower. “Now strip all the way!” ‘Buck naked!” “Yes, remove all clothing.” Ricky just stood there; he did not want to undress in front of a total stranger. “What are you waiting for boy take off your shirt and pants?” Ricky had no choice; he had to strip in front of him. He started to cry a little bit, He undressed slowly shaking. “ Stop that blubbering, now what I need you to do is squat down like a catcher and cough for me two times,” demanded Officer Seville. Ricky was confused; he did not know why he had to do that. He complied, he was much too frighten to disobey. Officer Seville had Ricky step into the shower and he gave him a plastic cup with a lid and told him to pee in it and when he was done to put the top on it . Ricky did and gave it back to him. He then had Ricky stick out his hand and he gave him some disinfectant liquid and told him to put it all in his hair; he informed Ricky it would kill any lice and germs he may have. He told him not to get it in his eyes because it would sting really badly. the liquid was cold and it had a strange smell to it not a stinky smell, it just smelled like cleaner. Ricky put the junk all up in his hair and rinsed. Than Officer Seville told Ricky to wash with the soap in the shower. Ricky noticed that he was still watching him. OMG what did I get myself into. Here I am taking a shower and I have Mr. commando over here watching me. Like what am I going to do; there is nothing in this dingy nasty shower stall that I could use to harm myself, and where in the hell am I going to go I'm in a police station and I'm naked. I hope he's not gay or something; getting turned on by watching me shower ewe! And all this because I wanted to attend Daryl’s party. No, it's all mom’s fault she should have just let me go to the party and then I wouldn't be here; I be kicking it with my homies, Ricky thought. “Here” said Officer Seville as he handed Ricky a pair of underwear, whitey tighties to be exact. They did not smell but they did have a stain in the crotch. It looked like someone pooped in them. Ewe is he serious; I really don’t even want to touch them let alone where those for all I know; the last person who wore them might of had gonorrhea, thought Ricky. He got an idea he turned them inside out and put them on. He was also given a plain white undershirt and a yellow jumpsuit thingy, with orange slip on shoes. He put it all on; he thought he looked like Big Bird from Sesame Street. Ricky met Officer Crockett, who was Ricky’s pod supervisor. He was a skinny middle aged man, most likely around forty-five years old; who wore his pants to high, Ricky thought . He looked a lot friendlier than officer Seville Therefore, Ricky liked him. The building was broken down into five small units called pods and each pod had a supervisor; there were only about twenty kids in a pod. Ricky knew he shouldn’t do what he was about to do but did it anyways; he began to sing “Davy, Davy Crockett king of the wild frontier.” “Very funny, now knock it off,” interrupted Officer Crockett. “No more messing around kid.” Officer Crockett told Ricky that when he walked down the hall he had to cross his arms over his chest and hold onto his neck. They went down a long hallway; “one sec Here”, said Officer Crockett as he handed Ricky a bedroll; which consisted of a blue mat, a fitted sheet,a blanket and pillow; a very flat Pillow all rolled up together. Than Officer Crockett stopped at a door marked eighteen. “This is you,” shouted Officer Crockett. The room wasn’t very big; it was quite small; it was the size of a bathroom give or take a few inches, there was a toilet and sink combo, and a cinder block for a bed. “Here is your new home, now let’s go over the rules, said Officer Crockett. “First shoes are not allowed in room; No bare feet either. You have to wear socks at all times; now I want you take a good look around, because this is how your room should look all the time neat and clean; the toilet must be flushed. Lastly, we document your behavior all the time; we have a video camera in your room we can watch your every move, so if you’re doing something you should not be doing we will know A SAP.” “You mean you could see me going to the bathroom, gross don’t I get any privacy!” said Ricky. It creeped Ricky out knowing that people he did not know could see him use the toilet. “Dude, you are in jail. Privacy is a privilege not a right. Don’t worry only male staff can see you. Do you understand these rules as I have explained them to you?” “Yes, I do.” “Ricky what do you get on your birthday?” Officer Crockett asked. Ricky thought that was an odd sort of question. “You get presents,” he said. “Do you think you’ll get a present in here?” “No.” “Right”, said Officer Crockett, because I don’t deeply care about you and I don’t love you. I will get a nurse if you are sick. I will make sure you are all right and I’ll keep you safe from harm, because that is my job. I will treat you like a human being. When you leave here I will not miss you. The people who truly care about you and love you are on the outside of this facility. You are here because you could not behave on the outside. You could not make the right decisions. So now you will be told when to get up, when to go to bed, where to go and what to do. People will make decisions for you. Now I will leave you alone to think about why you are here. I reckon you do some soul-searching and really think about your life.” He closed the door with a bang; Ricky was all alone with nothing but his thoughts to keep company Ricky always thought he was bored when he could not think of something to do at home. Now he knew what extreme boredom was being locked in a small room with no form of entertainment was hard for Rick 4 let’s talk. George was upset that Wendy did what she did. Well, not really, he understood why she had to do it. He was more upset about her attitude when the detective and himself came out. He could not figure out why she would call the police and then decide that she wants nothing done. Did she really think that police were just there to discipline people’s children? And the fact that he had to arrest his own son is not something he enjoyed or will soon likely forget. When he finally got home it was late but he decided to talk with his wife. “Wendy, we need to talk”, he said when he walked in the house. “About what!” “About Ricky that’s what!” “What’s there to talk about, he hit me I called the police, to come talk to him and possibly frighten him and get him to change his attitude. I never wanted him arrested at all. but it was too late I guess and you arrested him anyway, and that is that my baby boy is sitting in jail tonight. I thought we had this all settled. “I just wish you would have talked to me about all this before calling the police.” You would have just brushed it off as nothing. I did not know what else to do. I did not want you to come out here. Don’t you know he has been acting out for quite some time but then you would not know that you’re never home, because if you were home you would know that Ricky hits me all the time!” “If he hits you all the time then why would you be against him being arrested? Maybe by him sitting in jail he will learn that is where people who beat up other people; carry drugs, spit on people and damage property go and it ain’t a place he wants to be.” “Wait a minute”, said Wendy with a confused look on her face. “Back this buss up a minute, drugs? Spitting on people? Damaging property? What? What are you talking about?” “Oh, yah you weren’t there. A lot happened with Ricky when we left. First off when we put him in my car he got angry I guess and he kicked out my back side car window. So, I went to talk to him and he spit right in my face. When we got him to the jail we found a baggie of cocaine in his shoe.” “Really, Not my child, not Ricky drugs? “Yes Ma’am” “he needs you to be home more George. You would know how to handle his sassy attitude. As for me I try but I am just to reserved and I am a push over and he knows it. He knows he can intimidate me more. You would not be intimidated by his crap; like I saw this evening you put him in his place. but you are never home you are all ways working.” as she said working she put her hands up and made air quotes and smirked. Well I have to work and I am sorry I work late but there is this new lady at work, Luann Corbin and I have been spending a lot of time after work with her to get to know her. I am trying to make her feel welcome; she is the only woman on the force.” “So you spend extra time after work with her is that why you missed our anniversary dinner last week, when you said you were working, again she made air quotes after she said working. “I hope she is pretty. I am going to bed,” she said as she slammed the bedroom door and locked it. “Wen, come on I don’t like her like that, she is just a friend.” The door opened and a pillow and blanket went flying out the room hitting George right in the kisser; as the door slammed shut and locked. “Come on let’s talk I did not intend to make you mad honey.” “Just leave me alone please I don’t want to talk to you right now.” George scooped up the pillow and blanket and muddled down the stairs to the living room and slept on the couch. The next morning when he woke his back was as stiff as an ironing board. After he drug himself up from the couch and stretched; he found Wendy sitting at the kitchen table drinking some coffee. She looked at him. “Good morning I would have woke you up, but you were sleeping so soundly I did not want to bother you. I am sorry about last night. I am just stressed out about Ricky, I can’t get over the fact that y’all found Drugs on him especially cocaine that was the last thing on my mind. I never ever thought he would be into that.” “No I am the one who should be sorry; I came home yelling at you. It is just that I feel at a loss with Ricky I don’t know where I missed all this acting out crap. When did he go from a cute innocent little boy to a teenage delinquent? all I know is we need to stay united for Ricky’s sake.” “So now what do we do?” said Wendy. “Well we will have to see what a judge says. But Ricky was charged with Criminal mischief class B because the damage to the police cruiser was more than fifty dollars. Domestic assault for hitting you. Assault on police for spitting at me, and possession of a controlled substance cocaine more than 0.1 grams; which is a felony. , He could get one-year detention, and or a ten- thousand dollar fine. But seeing he is a juvenile and he has no other criminal history I think the likely hood of that is very slim. “Do you want him here anymore?” Said George, “because Frankly I don’t, I just don’t feel safe anymore. He needs help more help then you or I can give him.” “I really just don’t know anymore,” said Wendy. |