CHAPTER ONE I could smell it. Taste it, even. The air was thick with the smell of blood. I knew something terrible had happened. I could feel the impending weight of the looming darkness that had penetrated what used to be a peaceful place. I looked to the right, and saw a dim light. Even it this low setting, the brightness hurt. I don't know why. Nevertheless, I trudged on, slowly, to the now flickering light. As soon as I reached it though, a hand, cold and coarse, pulled me painfully back to the darkness. I gasped for air, clawing at this sinewy, cold wet hand. Then I heard it. The chainsaw. I woke up, gasping for air, clawing for something, anything. I felt something wet touch my face and it set my heart beating at an even faster rate. It was here, it was here. It was real. I was done for. I waited to hear the chainsaw rip through my bones. When nothing came, I tentatively opened my eyes and saw the source of the mysterious wet touch. Russel, my pet Doberman, had woken up and sensed my distress. He sidled up to me and licked my face in effort to get rid of my tears. I loved this dog. "Thanks, Russel." I smiled. "I can always count on you." He let out a small friendly yip and I got up from bed. I stood up and stretched. "Let's get you some breakfast, yeah?" At the sound of breakfast, he yipped, jumped off the bed and dashed towards the kitchen, Ah, a dog after my own heart. I walked to the kitchen to see him wagging his cute little tail and panting excitedly. I gave him his kibble and went back to my room to get ready for the hellhole we all call school. I took off my clothes and slipped into the shower. Twenty minutes later I was out of the shower. Russel sat at the foot of my bed, watching me as I padded around the room, getting my essentials. "Out, boy!" I commanded. He obediently trotted out and I closed the door. As I passed the mirror, I caught a glance of my reflection. I think I look pretty ordinary, I've got fair caramel skin, a heart-shaped face, yellow-hazel eyes, a small upturned nose and plump, full lips. My dad sometimes called me Angel-face. Once, he stared at me for a long period of time and I turn around and asked him why. He said, "I'm just wondering why God gave me the most beautiful creature on Earth as a daughter. My heart hurts - the good way of course - whenever I see the beauty you possess. I'm so lucky to have such a precious being in my possession." My heart had considerably swelled that day. Shaking myself out of my little reverie, I gave myself a once over. Black ripped jeans, white T-shirt, red leather jacket, black combat boots and a white choker. I pulled my afro up using an elastic tie and grabbed my bag and keys, heading to the kitchen. I dropped a bowl full of kibble on the carpet and left to pick up Nathen, my best friend. The drive to Nathen's house took about fifteen minutes since we don't live in the same neighborhood. I pulled up at his house, a three story stone monstrosity, almost as tall as mine. His was full of people, where as I lived alone since both my parents were actively deployed in the military. I zoned back in as I saw Nathen and his trademark curly hair, as he bounced down the steps. He was always happy for some reason. I wonder what that must feel like. I mean, I smile fairly a lot, but not that much. He opened the door and slid in, planting a light kiss on my cheek. "Hey best friend!" "Why are you so happy, even happier than usual?" I immediately asked. Shut up. I know I'm inquisitive. Screw me really. Just screw me. "BECAUSE I GOT DONUTS!!!", he bounced in his seat. I shook my head. This boy. I don't blame him. Donuts are life. "Well can I have one?" I asked. He eyed me and shifted away. "No." I stared him down till he sheepishly offered me one. "Thank you." I said smugly and asked him to put on his seatbelt. Which, of course, he did with some reluctance. We drove down to Weequahic High School with One Republic's Counting Stars playing on blast, the windows open and donuts melting deliciously in our mouths. A normal day. And little did I know, it would be one of my last. *************************************** AUTHOR'S NOTE HOLA MUCHACHOS AND MUCHACHAS It is I, your heroine, your queen, your mere reason of existence... Jkjk Imma geek with a big personality and a big heart and I really hope you liked my first chapter! I will try my best to update this every week and I really hope and pray y'all stay with me till the end of this book. Thanks for reading, Hayat Akuamoah ![]() |