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This tale walks through a person's journey on discovering what wisdom means. |
Miari was walking through his village one day when a thought of a life altering question. He went to the wisest people in his village and asked them for help. The wisest people told him that only he knows the answer to this question. Miari was frustrated with the answer he received. He decided to go on a journey to find someone who knows the answer he seeks. “Quien es el les plus sabio entre ustedes. J’ai une prueba que besoins répondus,” One person stepped forward and said that they are the wisest person. Miari asked this wise person, “What does Wisdom mean?” The wise person laughed and replied, “Usted está solo un chico, être sage primero debes ser un homme. Ahora vete con tu estúpida tontería.” Miari was about to leave when one of the sailors came up to him and said, “Sail with us and you may find the answer you seek.” So, that is what Miari did he set sail to find his answer. Ta tõmbas purjed masti ning läks merele, et leida vastus oma küsimusele. Ta purjetas üheksa kuud enne kui laev randus külas, mis oli ümbritsetud vee ja puudega. Kohe kui Miari laevast välja astus, küsis ta kohalike käest, kes on kõige targem inimene nende külas. Kohalikud näitasid talle kuidas kõige arukamat leida. Miari jooksis selle targa inimese juurde, et oma küsimust ta käest küsida. Kui ta oma asukohta jõudis, küsis ta targa käest: "What does wisdom mean?" Tark vastas "Tarkus tähendab mitte rutata oma otsustes, kes kannatab, see kaua elab." Tark mees polnud üldse abiks, niiet Miari lahkus külast, et leida keegi kellest oleks rohkem abi. Il a marché pendant des siècles sans voir dans les villages en vue. Il a perdu tout espoir quand il a trébuché à travers un groupe de voyageurs. Il s’est joint à eux et marcha pendant un certain temps. Enfin, il a travaillé le courage de poser sa question à la sage personne qu’il put trouver, « What does wisdom mean? » Le sage a répondu, « la sagesse est, mais la compréhension de ce qui est autour de vous et rien de plus. » Miari a été confondu par une réponse car il n’était pas quelque chose qu’il pouvait comprendre. Il a quitté les voyageurs pour chercher une réponse qu’il pouvait. Miara seguía caminando por algún tiempo hasta que él vio una masa de agua. Él caminaba hacia la masa de agua, y él esperaba que la masa llevara a un pueblo. Cuando él llegó al agua, todo que encontró fue un hombre, pescando solo. Le preguntó al hombre la misma pregunta como todos los otros, “¿Qué significa la sabiduría?” El hombre contestó, “La sabiduría es la reflexión sobre las experiencias y conocimientos para encontrar las ideas en la verdad.” Lo que pasó antes pasó otra vez, y Miara todavía no puede entender la contesta, porque la contesta estaba hablado en una lengua que él no poseía. Él lo dejó para pescar y continuaba para encontrar una contesta puede entender. Gikk forbi innsjøen og kom forbi en landsby mye større enn den han vokste opp i. Han så på alle bygningene med undring og håpet at de kloke menneskene her ville vite svaret på spørsmålet hans. Han vandret gjennom landsbyen på jakt etter den klokeste personen i landsbyen. Han fant ut at den klokeste personen var en eldre dame som bodde i utkanten av landsbyen. Han gikk til huset hennes og spurte: "What does wisdom mean?" Svaret hennes forvirret ham. "visdom er å bruke kunnskapen sin med innsikt". Igjen, han kom over noe som han ikke forto, og han gikk på søken etter noen som kunne hjelpe han å forstå. Miari 不知道他应该做什么 。他去问四最英明的人,但是他们不会回答___的问题。他决定他要去山找一找他问题的答案。可能山上有一个人知道他问题的答案。他l旅行去了山。在山,他碰见一个哲人。许多天,他们都默默静坐的。 “What does wisdom mean?“ ___ 问了。 “您觉得英明是什么意思?“ ___ 很糊涂。他离开了哲人和山去找一找答案。 Iniziò quindi a fare la sua strada torna a casa pensando che non troverà mai la risposta alla sua domanda. Si imbatté nell'ultimo villaggio prima che fosse finalmente tornato a casa. Tuttavia, questo era nessun villaggio era una città. Persone camminato passato in fretta. Come egli ha attraversato la città che ha chiesto intorno la persona più saggia. Tutto ha detto di andare al sindaco, perché lui sa la risposta a tutto. Miara andato al sindaco e ha chiesto, "What does wisdom mean?" Il sindaco lo guardò confuso e ha detto che sono la domanda sbagliata. “La questione che si dovrebbe chiedere è come a raggiungere saggezza?" Poi il sindaco di sinistra. Miari ponderato del sindaco rispondere, come e ' tornato al suo villaggio. In the end, Miari never found the answer he could understand. He went to many people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and languages asking his question. Each one gave a different answer that he could never fully understand. He went to the Wise Elders of his village and told them of his adventures. He recited each of the answers he received explaining how the answers were not helpful, because he did not understand them. The Wise Elders listened to Miari’s tale and asked “What did you learn along the way?” Miari thought about this for a bit. Well, he learned that most wise people did not step forward stating they are wise. He learned that being patient will lead to answers even if he did not understand them. The more he thought about the more he realized that each person he spoke to did not out right state what wisdom was, but guided him along the path to find his own answer to wisdom. Miari looked at the Wise Elders through a new light understanding why they could not tell him what wisdom means. Only through experience could a person fully be wise. At last Miari responded to their question, “I have learned many things through my journey. Although I did not find the answer to what wisdom means I have been shown the path to become wise.” Translated Version Miari was walking through his village one day when he thought of a life altering question. He went to the wisest people in his village and asked them for help. The wisest people told him that only he knows the answer to this question, so he should ask himself. Miari was frustrated with the answer he received and decided to go on a journey to find someone who knows the answer he seeks. He set out in search of the wisest person who could answer his question. Miari was excited for he had never left his little village before. Everything he came across was more and more different the further he went from his village. He went in the direction of the sea, because from his experience the sea was a mystical place filled with wisdom. When he reached the sea he asked the sailors, “Who is the wisest among you? I have a question that needs to be answered.” One person stepped forward and said that they are the wisest person. Miari asked this wise person, “What does wisdom mean?” The wise person laughed and replied, “You are just a boy to be wise you must first become a man. Now leave with your silly nonsense.” Miari was about to leave when one of the sailors came up to him and said, “Sail with us and you may find the answer you seek.” He set sail to find the answer to his question. He sailed for nine months before the ship docked at a village surrounded by water and trees. As soon as Miari stepped out of the boat he asked one of the locals who is the wisest person in their village. The local showed him the wisest person. Miari ran to the wise person to ask his question. When he reached his destination he asked the wise person, “What does wisdom mean?” The wise person responded, “Wisdom means to not rush into a decision. He who is patient will live long.” The wise man was no help, so Miari left the village to find someone who would be helpful. He walked for ages without seeing any villages in sight. He was losing all hope when he stumbled across a group of travelers. He joined them and walked for sometime. Finally, he worked up the courage to ask his question to the wisest person he could find, “What does wisdom mean?” The wise person responded, “Wisdom is, but an understanding of what is around you and nothing more.” Miari was confused by a response for it was not something he could understand. He left the travelers to seek an answer that he could. Miari keeps walking for some time until he see’s a body of water. He goes towards the body of water hoping that it will lead to a village. When he reaches the water all he finds is a single man fishing. He asks the man the same question as the others, “What does wisdom mean?” The man responded, “Wisdom is the reflection on one's experience and knowledge to find insight into the truth.” What happened before happens again and Miari still could not understand the answer, for it was spoken in a language he did not possess. He left the man to his fishing to find the answer he could understand. Miari walked past the lake and came across a village much larger than the one he grew up in. He looked at all of the buildings with wonder and hoped that the wise people here would know the answer to his question. He wandered the town in search of the wisest person. What he found was that the wisest person, an elderly woman, lived on the outskirts of town. He went to her house and asked her, “What does wisdom mean?” Her response left him confused, because all she said, “Wisdom is just using one’s knowledge with the help of insight.” Again, he came across something that he could not understand and went to search for someone who he could understand. Miari did not know what to do. He has gone to four of the wisest people and none of them could tell him the answer. He decided to look for the answer to his question in the mountains. Maybe someone up there would know his answer. He traveled through the mountains and came across a wise man. He sat with the wise man in silence for many days until he asked his question. “What does wisdom mean,” Miari asked. The wise man looked out into the mountains and answered, “Wisdom means many things. What do you think it means?” This left Miari more confused than ever. He left the wise man and the mountains in search for his answers. He then started to make his way back home thinking that he will never find the answer to his question. He came across the last village before he was finally back home. However, this was no village it was a city. People walked past in a hurry. As he went through the city he asked around about the wisest person. All said to go to the mayor, because he knows the answer to everything. Miara went to the mayor and asked, “What does wisdom mean?” The mayor looked at him confused and said you are asking the wrong question. The question you should be asking is how do I achieve wisdom?” Then the mayor left. Miari pondered the mayor's answer, as he went back to his village. In the end, Miari never found the answer he could understand. He went to many people from all different backgrounds, cultures, and languages asking his question. Each one gave a different answer that he could never fully understand. He went to the Wise Elders of his village and told them of his adventures. He recited each of the answers he received explaining how the answers were not helpful, because he did not understand them. The Wise Elders listened to Miari’s tale and asked “What did you learn along the way?” Miari thought about this for a bit. Well, he learned that most wise people did not step forward stating they are wise. He learned that being patient will lead to answers even if he did not understand them. The more he thought about the more he realized that each person he spoke to did not out right state what wisdom was, but guided him along the path to find his own answer to wisdom. Miari looked at the Wise Elders through a new light understanding why they could not tell him what wisdom means. Only through experience could a person fully be wise. At last Miari responded to their question, “I have learned many things through my journey. Although I did not find the answer to what wisdom means I have been shown the path to become wise.” Translators Cassie - Simplified Chinese Evan- Canadian French Nonnie - Italian Amber - Spanish Sam - Estonian Jackie - Central Spanish Ine - Norwegian |