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Diaper story about 2 girls learning about each other and their love for diapers. |
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Guest Evelyn woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning. She could hear the birds chirping outside her house somewhere in the nearby trees. It was so relaxing, that if she hadn't felt the clammy, wet pull-up around her waist, she would have just snuggled back into bed. However, she figured she'd better change out of the soiled pull-up. She had received diaper rash before, and it wasn't an experience that she wanted to repeat. As the ginger walked to the bathroom, she wiped the sleep out of her eyes, as well as producing a large yawn. After she ripped the disposable underwear off, she threw it away into the trash bin, and cleaned off her privates with a baby wipe. Then she pulled on a clean pair of panties and a pair of jeans over it. Evy walked downstairs then to the kitchen table and poured herself a bowl of cereal. "Whacha doin Evy?" asked Dad as he tramped in from the bedroom. "Getting breakfast." replied Evelyn sleepily. "So I guess you don't want my Specialty Sunday Pancakes?" Dad queried with a lighthearted tone. "Gosh, I totally forgot it was Sunday. Of course I want your amazingly awesome pancakes!" "I don't know. You don't sound very convincing." Dad jokingly retorted, "I don't think that I should make you any. I wouldn't want to take you away from you cereal. I mean it's not like its everyday you get to eat cereal." "Pleaseeeeee!" pleaded Evelyn "Oh, alright. If you say so. " Dad said winking at the young girl. Then he went over to the cupboard and pulled out the pancake mix. As they were eating, Mom walked in smiling. She said good morning to both of them, and kissed Evelyn on the forehead and Dad on the lips. "How did you sleep honey?" Mom asked Evelyn "Fine!" she replied happily. "Good, because I got a call from your aunt last night, when you were in bed. She and your uncle have to go away to Europe for an emergency business trip, and she wanted us to have Elizabeth over while they were away." Mom explained "That's awesome! I love hanging out with her. When is she gonna arrive?" said Evelyn. She absolutely loved it when she was able to spend time with Lizzy, which wasn't often. Lizzy was about 7 months older than Evelyn, and had an amazing sense of humor. Lizzy was sharper than a tack when it came to witty remarks, and could make anyone laugh. Evelyn's thoughts of Lizzy were stopped abruptly however, when her mother started speaking "Actually we're gonna have to pick her up, and since it's a four hour drive there, I was wondering if you'd wear a pull-up sweetie? Just in case, that's all." "Really." she groaned, looking at her mother "I just think it would be a good idea. Please sweetheart, it would make life so much easier for your father and I" Mom pleaded. "I mean, I'm okay wearing one there. But not back. I really don't want Lizzy to know, so can I not on the way back?" Evelyn said with a hint of hopefulness in her voice. "I don't know. I guess depending on how you do on the way up, maybe you won't have to, but on the way there for sure." she said, relieved that her daughter hadn't put up a fuss. After breakfast, Evelyn went upstairs, grabbed her iPhone, earbuds, and car charger off her dresser, and walked over to the bathroom. To her surprise, her mother was in there with the about 10 pull-ups in her hands. "I left one in there for you to put on." Mom said "Wait, are you going to have those in the car?" Evelyn inquired horrified. "Don't worry honey," Mom said with a reassuring tone, "Lizzy won't see them. I promise I'll make sure she won't." Still unconvinced, but not wanting to push, Evelyn simply closed the bathroom door grumpily, removed her pants and panties, and put on the fresh pull-up. Actually, she had to admit, she sort of preferred the pull-ups to her panties for long trips like these. The padding made it so much easier to sit for so long. Also, she didn't have to worry about squirming when she had to go. After adjusting the pull-up into a more comfortable position, she sat down on the toilet, and contemplated how she was going to disguise them when Elizabeth was over, but couldn't come up with any good ideas. Finally, she pulled her pants up, inspected her long red hair in the mirror, and hurried out to the car where her parents were waiting. "Gosh, I hope I won't have to wear them on the way back" Evelyn gloomily thought as she climbed into her seat and strapped in. Chapter 2: The Car Ride Evelyn was playing a game on her phone as the Texan landscape whizzed past in the window. Over an hour had passed since they had left, and she had been fine so far. The trio stopped into a McDonalds to eat and go to the bathroom. Soon, they were back onto the road and continuing their trek. Another half an hour into the trip however, and Evelyn began to feel a pressure on her bladder. "Mom!" exclaimed Evelyn,"Can we stop? I need to pee." "You just went sweetheart." Mom responded a little exasperated. "I know, but I drank that soda, and now I really need to go!" Evelyn started to squirm and wriggle. "Okay honey, just try and hold it in, we'll stop at the next place with a bathroom. Unfortunately, the road seemingly went on forever without anything but pastures. As the pressure grew, Evelyn squirmed more and more. She pressed her hand to her crotch and squeezed her legs together to try and hold it. She knew it was no use, but was determined that she needed to hold it or she was bound to have to wear one on the way back. Suddenly, a little stream started to eke its way out. Evelyn gasped pressing her legs together even more tightly, but with no success. The little stream only turned into a steady flow. She started to blush, her face turning a bright red. Mom, who looked back noticed that something had happened, and observed that Evelyn was no longer squirming. "Honey, did you go?" She asked quietly "Yes" Evelyn said choking back a sob. "It's okay, you couldn't help it." "Do I have to wear one on the way back?" asked Evelyn now crying. "I don't know honey, based off what just happened, I think you probably should. Don't worry though Lizzy isn't going to notice." she responded soothingly. "What if she does?" "Then we'll say that it was just so that we didn't have to stop along the way, and not because of anything else. Plus Lizzy is a sweet girl, if she noticed, I'm sure she wouldn't judge or comment." Evelyn didn't respond, and there was silence in the car for the next 15 minutes until the car pulled into a gas station and the engine stopped. "Come on honey." Mom said as she grabbed a fresh pull-up and slipped it into her purse. The two walked into the little building, and towards its bathrooms. Outside of the bathroom, Mom handed Evelyn the pull-up. There was a silent exchange between the two. Both were sorry about what happened. Chapter 3: Similarities "Do I have to wear one?" Lizzy pleaded "I'm sure Evelyn doesn't have to." "Yes, and I'm sure Evelyn doesn't need to wear one either." replied Lizzy's mom, Clara, as she handed Lizzy the fresh diaper. "Why though?" Lizzy whined, a little hurt by the comment. "Because, It's a four hour long trip, and you've been having trouble keeping dry recently, now just go and put it on." "DAD!" begged Lizzy now turning to her father "Sure, we'll do it this summer" he said oblivious to the ensuing situation, as he continued to pack his suitcase. "If you don't want them to see you holding a diaper, I suggest you go and put it on quick. They're bound to get here any time now." Lizzy's mom said coolly. After a moment, she decided that she was being too harsh, after all it wasn't really Lizzy's fault. "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm just stressed right now, although that's not a reason to be mad at you." she re-laid, as she drew Lizzy in for a hug. "I know this isn't easy to do. It goes against pride. I just hoped that you would do this so that Aunt Rebecca won't have to worry about any problems "Ok I guess if it's for that. But how could I hide it from Evelyn." "Why don't you go put those overalls that you got last spring on, and then for night you'll be wearing your footy pajamas, so you won't have to worry about anything. Lizzy's mom said. "Now go hurry before they get here." she added with a wink. Lizzy went upstairs and unfolded the size 6 diaper and laid it on her bed, then sat her exposed butt on it. She carefully taped it to make sure that she did it correctly. She had only had to have started wearing the diapers a few weeks ago after a persistent bedwetting had formed. Soon she heard the noise of a car pulling up into the driveway. Lizzy hurriedly threw her overalls on, and fixed a hasty ponytail. Aunt Rebecca, Uncle David, Evelyn!!! Lizzy practically screamed as she rushed over to the trio and embraced them all. Chapter 4: Planning As Evelyn walked into the house to greet her uncle, aunt, and cousin, she tried to walk normally, but with her legs spread out more than usual by the bulk in her crotch, this simple task wasn't easy. The girl was so self-conscience about her own situation, that she never even noticed the slight bulge at her cousin's privates. The trios went into the living room where they sat down. Lizzy and Evelyn started talking with each other at one end of the room while the adults sat at the other side. "So, what is this thing in Europe you're going to do?" asked Evelyn's Dad. "We've been asked to represent Warby Parker, the Glasses Company, as engineers in a new campaign to expand into Europe." Clara responded. "Oh David, I almost forgot, I want to show you our new car!" Lizzy's dad exclaimed. Both men got up and walked to the Garage Aunt Clara looked at her sister, and said "Rebecca, I need to tell you some things too, before we go." She then turned to the two girls who were excitedly chatting together and said. "Girls, could you both go up to Lizzy's room." Once the two girls trotted upstairs, she started back up. "Ok, so Lizzy has been having some issues lately involving bed wetting, and so we have had her in diapers at night. Also, she has a diaper on right now so that she doesn't have any sort of accident on the way there. If you could make sure that she wears one at night, that would be amazing." All of a sudden Rebecca broke into a laugh. "What's so funny about that? "asked Clara confused. "Oh, it's just Evelyn has been having the same problem, and is wearing one now. The funny part is that she was worried about Lizzy judging her." "Same with Lizzy." replied Clara with a laugh of her own now, but then coming to a more serious attitude again. "Could you just make sure that she wears one at night though, or in the day if she starts having accidents. I don't want her thinking that she can get away with that just because we're not there. I'll send a package with her" "Ya of course. She could use Evelyn's pull-ups though." "Are you sure?" "Definitely!" Evelyn's mom said certainly, "That's really funny though." "Should we tell them?" Aunt Clara asked all of a sudden now slightly worried. "Ya, I suppose it would be good for them." Rebecca responded. Then after a moment of silence, she continued, "How about we don't tell them for at least three days, and if then don't figure it out by then I'll tell them. That way they are able to solve that issue themselves." "Excellent Idea!" her sister said approvingly. Later on, after they had loaded Lizzy's bags into the car and all said their goodbyes, the group set back off to their house for two weeks with Lizzy. With Evelyn's mom sitting in the passenger seat smiling about how interesting these weeks would be. Chapter 5: Home To Lizzy's relief the way to her cousins home went really smooth. She didn't have any noticeable accidents, and she was sure that the little amount of pee she had let out hadn't been noticed, well at least not by Evelyn. Lizzy thought that her aunt had known, but thankfully didn't bring any awareness to it. After her cousins helped Lizzy unpack her luggage into the Guest bedroom, they all walked into the kitchen. "How bout, I go grab something to eat?" asked Dad. "Oh we should eat Peppe's!" shouted Evelyn eagerly "We should let Lizzy decide," said mom. "She's our guest." "Whats Peppe's?" Lizzy said, "I'm guessing that's a local restaurant" "Ya its this one guys super awesome pizza place that is amazing" replied Evelyn stressing the amazing. "Sure I love pizza, and it will be nice to try something different." Lizzy agreed. While Evelyn's dad went to get pizza, Lizzy went downstairs to her new bedroom, and undid her overalls. She looked down at her slightly sagging diaper relieved that Evelyn hadn't seemed to notice any pee smell, and then laid on the bed and changed out of it putting on a pair of her panties. While she didn't know it, Evelyn was doing almost the exact same thing right then. Soon the pizza arrived, and was promptly engulfed. Lizzy had to agree, this beat the chain store pizzas. After the pizza, they enjoyed an apple pie that Lizzy's mom had made for them. "Lizzy, your mom did a wonderful job" praised her aunt. "Thanks" Lizzy replied slightly embarrassed. Evelyn than said in a fast excited tone "So what are we gonna do tonight?" "Wow someone has been really excited tonight" noted Dad "Its the pancakes from this morning. Your fault." joked Evelyn Later that night Evelyn and Lizzy were in Evelyn's room talking. Both girls were so happy to be in each other's company, it was like they were sisters that were kept apart from each other. Soon however, Evelyn's mom poked her head in announcing it was bedtime, and the two girls had to end their conversing. Chapter 6: Discovering The next day, Evelyn woke up once again to the familiar feeling a urine soaked pull-up. Today however, it was evident that the pull-up had not been up to the task, and her pants and bed sheets were now also wet. After a sigh, she striped off her pants, and was about to trudge through her daily routine of disposing the training pants and get ready for the day when her cousin barged into her room. At first she took no notice to the ensuing situation. "Morning -" she cut herself off as she apprehended the scene before her. "Are you... wearing a diaper, and a dirty one at that?" She said the last part with a wrinkling of her nose. At the moment, Evelyn wanted to melt into the shadows. Her most vulnerable secret had been revealed, now she would be doomed to spend the rest of the two weeks with her cousin thinking she was a baby. How could she explain it to her? Interrupting her thoughts, Lizzy walked in, closed the door, and said, "That's awesome! I wear them too." A smile spread from ear to ear. "What?" Evelyn cried incredulously. "You heard me, I wear them too. I just threw mine away. Actually, you're looking better than me, I pooped and had it all over my butt. What a mess. Your mom had to help me clean myself up. Apparently, you dad doesn't know about me wearing them, she told me it was something that would remain girl to girl." "I can't believe it!" exclaimed Evelyn, "I spent so much time worrying about how to not have you notice. I thought for sure you would have smelt the pee from yesterday's car ride." "I thought that was me!" laughed her cousin. "I was the same. So worried, that you would notice my diapers." The two girls walked over to the bed, where Lizzy noticed that the sheets were all wet. "Gosh, maybe we both had a bad night in our own ways. You should consider wearing diapers." "I do" "No, I mean actual diapers, not that sagging pull-up that you have on. I used to wear pull-ups too, but diapers help a lot more when it comes to soaking up your pee. They don't leak as easily, and you're dryer because they soak it up so much better." suddenly, she reached down and touched Evelyn's pull-up and quickly withdrew. "Sorry, I just had to make sure this wasn't a dream. I was so embarrassed coming here, and now, I feel relieved I came. They chatted again like they did last night, but now with a new openness to each other that hadn't previously been there. Soon Evelyn's mom walked in, and saw them openly talking with one of them in nothing but a shirt and training pants. "Guess what mom?" Evelyn hollered, "Lizzy wears diapers too. Isn't great?" "Yah, I knew. It is awesome. I'm really glad you both are able to bond over this. I just came up to tell you its time for breakfast." the mother said. She was relieved that she hadn't had to find a way to show the two girls each others problem. Chapter 7: Decisions and Deals Seated around the table, the three ate a lively breakfast casually talking about their bladder issues, and even had an debate over diapers vs. pull-ups. After clearing the table, they sat back down. Then mom began to speak. "Okay girls, Clara and I talked, and we think it will be best that we try a bit of potty training with you both while Lizzy is here. That way, you'll have each other." "I mean that sounds like a great idea, but do we have to do it while Lizzy is here, I want to enjoy the two weeks with her, and not on some stupid toilet plan." "Well Evelyn, call it stupid, but it's to help you. As for being able to enjoy the weeks with Lizzy, this won't take much time, and will only include a few potty breaks every hour and a half or so. Before we started that though, I thought it might be a good idea for us to vote on a few options I looked up. We could do a future satisfaction system where who ever has the most successful nights and days in the end wins a larger prize, an immediate satisfaction system where you get a smaller prize like candy or something, or both where you get little prizes along the way and a medium sized prize at the end" Both girls looked at each other and in unison said "Both" Lizzy supported her claim saying "That way, we'll both win things, and it still motivates us to do better than the other because of the prize at the end." "I thought you'd agree on that." mom replied, "With that, there are also other ways to do this, where we can have you remain as your age in all terms, or we could do it where you progress along the way with the things you're allowed to do. For instance, you would both start off as infants figuratively, where you can't do anything on your own, I will have to assist you, but you earn privileges that occur with growing up such as walking, talking, and before you know it, you will have all your privileges back. This way is faster, but I feel it may be more embarrassing, and it would be hard for you both to complete based off of the directions." "Regularly for sure!" Evelyn quickly replied. "No, I think we should do the other way." Lizzy said after a moments consideration "What? Why?" her cousin retorted "Because," Lizzy continued in a mocking thoughtful tone, "I know that I would beat you for the end prize, and I would get my privileges back before you get to pull-ups" "Oh you're on Diaper Butt." "So I assume we're doing it the growing up way." Mom said "Yes" the two replied with an air of friendly competition. Chapter 8: Ready Set Go The next day, the trio went to the store. There they got pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, baby powder, a changing table, a high chair, footy pajamas, and other baby things. Evelyn walked by her mom as Lizzy sat in the cart. After getting everything they headed home. Suddenly Lizzy was felt a gurgle in her stomach. Though she knew that her Aunt hadn't diapered her yet that day as they were starting once they got home, she wanted to see what would happen. Trying not to make it noticeable that she was doing it on purpose she slowly let her bowels and bladder loose. Soon she felt a trickle turn into a stream and her pants fille with sticky smelly poop. "Mom!!" Evelyn cried pointing at Lizzy, "I think we have a problem." "You're kidding me" Evelyn's mom answered exasperated. "Well, we're a minute away from home she'll have to sit in it until we get there." The minute that they got home, her aunt told Lizzy to get out of the car and into the house. Then she asked Evelyn to grab paper towels and try to soak up as much pee as she could from the seat. Evelyn's mom then went to the trunk and grabbed a pack of diapers, wipes, the changing pad, a pacifier, and the footy pajamas. Leaving Lizzy so proud in a naughty way Chapter 8: Ready Set Go The next day, the trio went to the store. There they got pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, baby powder, a changing table, a high chair, footy pajamas, and other baby things. Evelyn walked by her mom as Lizzy sat in the cart. After getting everything they headed home. Suddenly Lizzy was felt a gurgle in her stomach. Though she knew that her Aunt hadn't diapered her yet that day as they were starting once they got home, she wanted to see what would happen. Trying not to make it noticeable that she was doing it on purpose she slowly let her bowels and bladder loose. Soon she felt a trickle turn into a stream and her pants fille with sticky smelly poop. "Mom!!" Evelyn cried pointing at Lizzy, "I think we have a problem." "You're kidding me" Evelyn's mom answered exasperated. "Well, we're a minute away from home she'll have to sit in it until we get there." The minute that they got home, her aunt told Lizzy to get out of the car and into the house. Then she asked Evelyn to grab paper towels and try to soak up as much pee as she could from the seat. Evelyn's mom then went to the trunk and grabbed a pack of diapers, wipes, the changing pad, a pacifier, and the footy pajamas. Leaving Lizzy so proud in a naughty way Chapter 8: Ready Set Go The next day, the trio went to the store. There they got pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, baby powder, a changing table, a high chair, footy pajamas, and other baby things. Evelyn walked by her mom as Lizzy sat in the cart. After getting everything they headed home. Suddenly Lizzy was felt a gurgle in her stomach. Though she knew that her Aunt hadn't diapered her yet that day as they were starting once they got home, she wanted to see what would happen. Trying not to make it noticeable that she was doing it on purpose she slowly let her bowels and bladder loose. Soon she felt a trickle turn into a stream and her pants fille with sticky smelly poop. "Mom!!" Evelyn cried pointing at Lizzy, "I think we have a problem." "You're kidding me" Evelyn's mom answered exasperated. "Well, we're a minute away from home she'll have to sit in it until we get there." The minute that they got home, her aunt told Lizzy to get out of the car and into the house. Then she asked Evelyn to grab paper towels and try to soak up as much pee as she could from the seat. Evelyn's mom then went to the trunk and grabbed a pack of diapers, wipes, the changing pad, a pacifier, and the footy pajamas. Leaving Lizzy so proud in a naughty way Chapter 8: Ready Set Go The next day, the trio went to the store. There they got pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, baby powder, a changing table, a high chair, footy pajamas, and other baby things. Evelyn walked by her mom as Lizzy sat in the cart. After getting everything they headed home. Suddenly Lizzy was felt a gurgle in her stomach. Though she knew that her Aunt hadn't diapered her yet that day as they were starting once they got home, she wanted to see what would happen. Trying not to make it noticeable that she was doing it on purpose she slowly let her bowels and bladder loose. Soon she felt a trickle turn into a stream and her pants fille with sticky smelly poop. "Mom!!" Evelyn cried pointing at Lizzy, "I think we have a problem." "You're kidding me" Evelyn's mom answered exasperated. "Well, we're a minute away from home she'll have to sit in it until we get there." The minute that they got home, her aunt told Lizzy to get out of the car and into the house. Then she asked Evelyn to grab paper towels and try to soak up as much pee as she could from the seat. Evelyn's mom then went to the trunk and grabbed a pack of diapers, wipes, the changing pad, a pacifier, and the footy pajamas. Leaving Lizzy so proud in a naughty way Chapter 8: Ready Set Go The next day, the trio went to the store. There they got pacifiers, diapers, pull-ups, wipes, baby powder, a changing table, a high chair, footy pajamas, and other baby things. Evelyn walked by her mom as Lizzy sat in the cart. After getting everything they headed home. Suddenly Lizzy was felt a gurgle in her stomach. Though she knew that her Aunt hadn't diapered her yet that day as they were starting once they got home, she wanted to see what would happen. Trying not to make it noticeable that she was doing it on purpose she slowly let her bowels and bladder loose. Soon she felt a trickle turn into a stream and her pants fille with sticky smelly poop. "Mom!!" Evelyn cried pointing at Lizzy, "I think we have a problem." "You're kidding me" Evelyn's mom answered exasperated. "Well, we're a minute away from home she'll have to sit in it until we get there." The minute that they got home, her aunt told Lizzy to get out of the car and into the house. Then she asked Evelyn to grab paper towels and try to soak up as much pee as she could from the seat. Evelyn's mom then went to the trunk and grabbed a pack of diapers, wipes, the changing pad, a pacifier, and the footy pajamas. Leaving Lizzy so proud in a naughty way |