Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2152301-My-personal-thoughts-on-today
Rated: E · Bulletin · Personal · #2152301
As I currently sit waiting for the editing to be finalized.
Hello I am Christina since I am bed ridden thanks to this awful flu, I currently sit waiting for my fiancé/editor to finally have the editing of my novel finalized so I'm able to proceed into the thirds chapter of my novel. I'm sorry for how late I am at writing this thank you though I also wanted to state that it has only taken my this long to reply because I was both at loss for words and taken back because no one has ever helped me this much with anything other then my fiancée and I am so grateful more then I can write!! Plus you ended my membership on my oldest son's birthday which is amazingly awesome!!! However I would love to give a HUGE shout out to who ever blessed me with my membership I can not even began to thank enough!!! I'm currently hoping to get a part time job other then my fiancée and my company because it is slow right now, we only have one house we clean and that is maybe once a week to twice a month.My novel is currently at 6,187 words and is expected to only climb as we edit "In trouble & not even knowing it". We are finding both new and more exciting ways to captivate you my readers into my novel so I hope once we are done and I post it you can have the chance to read it before reading the third chapter. I would also like to warmly welcome who ever donated my membership and all other members to go check my page out & tell me what you think. Also send me a Email with a idea you think might fit into my next chapter, or just want to help me set/make weekly word goals to reach as I write.

-Yours truly Christina F.
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