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after conducting an evil act a girl runs away from her life. |
A Story Cut Short. "why did you do it?" "what?" "why did you do it?" hands shaking like a leaf, legs throbbing. she stood their bleary-eyed staring at the Arizona night sky. "who are you?" she asked quietly. "why don't you know? I am you" a figure manifested in front of the girl, an exact mirror image of herself. Looking straight at her unblinking and heartless. "you should not have done it" "what do you know your just.....me" "yes, and that makes me an expert on this subject, what you did was wrong" "no, it was not it was right" "are you sure?" the exact clone of her began to turn its head slowly, letting out screams of pain. The doppelgangers head was 180 degrees around when it let out a long loud sigh. Then its head snapped to the front completing 360. "these are the sounds of what you did, what you have done is wrong." "no, no stop it" her face overflowed with tears and she cried out in agony of what she had done. "she whipped her and whipped her she deserved it" "So, does that make it right to murder her! What you have done is wrong and you shall pay" "leave me alone" she put on an extra burst of speed and careened down the rocky hill, nearly falling several times. Looking over her shoulder, she saw what used to be her double melting down into a puddle of purple goo. The goo began to move falling down the mountain covering everything in its path. Gurgling and bubbling over the rock it slithered down the hill closing in on the girl at the foot of the hill. Letting out a scream of terror the girl ran as fast as her legs could take her. After running from the police for over 20 miles her legs already felt like falling off. Soon the purple color began to take over everything, then everything the purple touch became red. Red everywhere in the sky, in the moon, on the ground. The girl tried to pull her leg up and found that she could not, her leg was covered in red liquid. "no, no let me go" she howled at the moon, like a cayote caught in a trap. The red mass began to drag her down, covering her whole body. Screaming wildly, she tried to thrash about but she was already waist deep. The screaming reached no one's ears, there was no one anywhere, no one to care, no one to love, no one. Then she gave in to blackness. And her body floated gently down the river, with nobody to watch her go. |