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The very basics of Theoretical Physics. |
Today lets start off with a recap. For those of you ust joining us, this ought to help get you up to speed. We began the discussion with an intro to "Wormhole Theory". We discovered that this theory, though plausible, is most likely not going to happen anytime soon. We also covered the basics of the "Blackhole" phenomena. Turns out that blackholes are the front doors to wormholes. And the "Whiteholes" are actually the backdoors. Now on to the next chapter of Wormhole theory. Do any of you know what the "Cosmic String" is. Well, let me tell you...its complicated. Heres the dictionary version. " String": a hypothetical one demensional sub-atomic particle having the dynamic properties of a flexible loop. "Cosmic String": in cosmology, its a hypothetical threadlike concentration of energy within the structure of space-time. Getting all that? Me neither. Well, how then do you suppose that it has anything to do with wormhole technology...aka..."Stargates"? The "cosmic string" is nessasary in wormhole technology to keep all of our human bits and peices together and not flung all over the Nether-world! Without it, we would disentegrate and re-intergrate...inside outwards or some such nonsense. Ok then. What about "Exotic Matter" ? Check this out: https://www.cnet.com/.../time-travel-math-tardis-ben-tippett-exotic-matter-negat... You will be extremely surprised to know that "Time Travel" is most certainly possible. At least according to mathmatics...heres another website to check out: https://www.space.com › Science & Astronomy. You'll be amazed what the "powers that be" actually tell you. |