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Flat Earth
They say that all good things come to an end. In this case though, I think that the "good things" are just about to begin.
Several years ago I found myself "smack-dab" in the middle of a conundrum that still baffles me to this day. How does one reach enlightenment in a world so cold and calculating such as ours? So many questions get thrown at me on a daily basis about "Global Warming" and "Is the Earth flat?"...How does one respond to those questions with an educated answer if one doesnt know about these things. Sure, there is alot of speculation out there on these as well as many other topics but really...how do we really know the answers?
I sifted through copies of old articles on these subjects and for more than a week already what I found was that the majority of "Beings" on this planet genrally have sound answers, with science to back them up. So factor in their religious aspect of these inquiries. The esoteric end of things is quite a bit more in depth...and I dare say, a much more interesting read! So how does one make conclusions on questions such as these?
Well, Id like to begin with the one that I consider to be the easier of the two topics. Do we live on a Flat Earth? Hmmm, lets see. Has any one of you, ever had the honor of attending church? Any church...doesnt matter the denomination. If you have than most likely you have studied some on the Bible. In order to form an opinion about this you must at least try to look at the Bible...lol...but seriously, try picking it up and perusing. Look at the very begining. In the first chapter of Genesis, God says, "and he created the Earth, and the Heavens and the stars and moon and sun..." The first question that should ask would be, "Do YOU believe in God?" Not "Are you spiritual..." Just simply "Do you believe in God?" What would your answer be? In order for you to have any bearing on this conversation at all you have to know what you believe in. Let me make it simpler for you. Does modern day science hold the secrets to the universe? Or, Is there a One, true God of the world that has pre-ordained all existence?
Such questions are asked of scholars everyday.
If you have come to the conclusion that you believe in a Deity, then you may begin to understand that every written word of the Bible is true and factual. now , Is the Earth flat? According to the Bible, we are beneath an entity known as the affirmement. Let me explain. The affirmament is the Earths "ceiling". The "Flat Earth" is one "plane" of our celestial home. Some Christians believe that there are more than one demension of existence. This would explain the sightings of Ghosts and spirits. And also might explain the existence of Vampires and werwolves. In the early 1900's, A man named Alestaire Crowley introduced the modern world to pschysim and divination. As well as a little known science called Alchemy. See, Crowley believed that there were different demisional portals that allowed demonic figures to move here unknowingly to Human Beings. These "demons" were the supposed source of Crowley's power. Ironically, these inter-dementional beings looked alot like our "grey" aliens that have plagued our nightmare for years. More to the point, if we live under a domed ceiling, then all the experiments that Crowley was attempting...well, they would be true. Creepy, huh? The "Dome" that we live under would only be one small facet of this mystery. That would mean that "Aliens" were really "beings" from another reality. Wrap your head around that a moment.Maybe I should explain further how the "firmament" really works...
A young man named Eric Dubay has been studying the esoteric nature of our existence for a few years now. I am under the assumption that this started out to be a personal journey of discovery for him and now its simply a lifes mission! Eric has a YouTube chanel that you should check out. He shows facts that I do not have the room to share with you here.

Behold! The Flat Earth. Beautiful isnt it? But is it possible? Well, here is what we know. The Earth is a wonderous place. Thats a fact. But have you ever wondered if it was flat? Have you ever watched a ship moving away from you out of a bay? Notice that the ship looks as if its "disapearing" over the Horizon. Now we know that it didnt sail of the planet. So why cant we see it? Simple. Because of a little thing called "point of view". Aka, "perception". See, the human body has these little things called "Eyeballs". And said eyeballs can only see what is range of them. Like a camera. Eyes on a human being recieve information which they send to the brain in signals and the brain decides how, where, what and when the reaction to what it recorded is.Just think of our eyes and brain as a big digital camera. As you see the boat sail past the horizon, the disapearing act it pulls is simply your eyes not being able to see any further. Easy answer right? Now if you looked through a pair of binoculars...well thats definitely a different point of view. The binoculars would help your eyes to see farther away. Making it easier for your eyes to see further. See what I mean? What would you see with the binoculars? You would see the boat NOT disapearing. Ok, so what does that mean exactly? It means that the Earth is a flat surface and not round.

Heres a look at a flat earth map. (Notice anything?) The heliocentric (globe) model is the ideal taught in school. The "Flat Earth" model (like this one pictured here) was actually adopted by the U.N. for use as its Flag. The U.N....wow, they are the ones that tell us what is true. Odd...huh? No matter what your opinion might be, the facts are the facts. Begining int he 1960's we started launching Nuclear misslels into space. Well, trying to actually. These missels didnt make it very far. Some even say that they only made it as far as the top of the dome. Interesting. This would explain why we have "Global Warming" now. A "crack" in the dome perhaps? In any case its questionable either way.
This leads me to a man named Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Who is he? If you have ever heard of the Flat Earth theory or about Antarctica, then chances are you have most likely ran into this fella's name a time or two. Born on October 25, 1888; Richard Byrd came from a very prominent Virginia family. Joining the Naval Academy at a young age, he had always had a fascination of "the unexplained". It became an all encompassing habit to question everything. He found himself on a mission that would change his life and the lives of all human beings forever. Sent to the South Pole as an exploratative liason, He realized that this part of the world was harsh and relentless. But why was it so unforgiving? There must be something its hiding past the great outer ice barrier.

Admiral Byrd was a visionary. He had a knack for finding "needles in the preverbial haystack". In the 1920's Admiral Byrd was awarded the Medal of Honor for his flight over the North Pole. Some scientists dispute this fact to this day. But Byrd was definitely on to something as he and his crew ventured to the South Pole. Byrd claimed he and his crew had found a "Hollow" in the Pole of the Earth. He also made claims that the Nazi's had secret bases and worked on alleged UFO projects inside this "opening". His claims were widely televised and printed in exclusive Newspapers. Byrd coined the phrase, "Hollow Earth". A new age of enlightenment had begun. He made claims that there was a "Nordic Looking" race of humanoid peoples that resided in this opening. Having a much more advanced knowledge of every aspect of the human life. Byrd even explained their lifestyles and claimed he lived with them for a time. This "ultra-top-secret"mission was dubbed, "Operation High" jump. Admiral Byrd all but gave the U.S. an integral map to the 'hidden treasure" that would soon be the center of every major government power. In Admiral Byrds book entitled, "The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery in the History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious and Between the Poles" (Hell of a title isnt it?) he made claims of a mysterious land "after" the ice wall that was lush and green and untouched by human hands. Unfortunately, as all Governments do, they shut down the project before Byrd could complete his mission. Hmmm, interesting. And the U.S. Government denies the credibility to this day. Howerver, we, along with all the other major world Governments had to sign a treaty to bar and ban anyone from venturing into antarctica. Now one would think that we should all be allowed to go and see for ourselves. Nope, not the case at all. No one was allowed!

Check out these sights for more info: www.gralienreport.com
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