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When Dibs lands on a shore and meets a size changing "Goddess". Chaos and fun begins. |
(NOTES: This story is first person. None of the main characters are real but there are life historical people in this story. Also this story is fantasy with other fantasy races and magic. WARNING: THIS IS A STORY THST HAS SEXUAL, NECROPHILIA, VORE, AND OTHER MATURE THEMES IN THIS STORY. IF YOU DONT LIKE ANY OF THESE THINGS, PLEASE DONT READ THIS! ) CHAPTER 1: Shipwreck Hope I woke up on a large piece of wood from a ship that was sunk. I looked at my ripped up pants, one boot missing and my old white blouse with stains all over it. I rubbed my bright golden blond hair and looked around to see I'm on a island and I could see the biggest trees I have ever seen. I get up and walk onto the beach and notice parts of the ship I was on and dead bodies of my fellow pirates. I get on one knee as I lean over a body of a friend who was dear. I close his eyes and then look at the sea. I jump up when I see the British Man O' War and a bunch of row boats heading my way. I pick up a sword and a pistol that was wet, so I run into the forest and cut down vines with my sword while I go through them. I get to a large vine wall to hit and notice old stone behind it. I look around and find a huge door that had the words over it in black. "Riesin Göttin" I, not knowing what it means walk in and see a huge court yard. I can see hay, a old stable and huge old medieval fort that looked really old. I walked up to a huge door and opened it. I walked into the large dark opened room to watch as the old moist torches become brand new. I held my sword and saw many old helmet from the times of Vikings, to the Holy Crusades. I see a set of stairs and another door at the top. As I place my foot on a step, I could hear the most beautiful singing ever. I walked up there and opened the door to see a large chamber and and a huge bed with a cover over it. As I walked up to it, the bed was as tall as my chest and four times taller then me from head to toe. I see a outline of the cover and pull it off. My eyes widen when I see a large woman at least at the height of 15 feet. Her skin was perfect and her face beutiful. Her hair was dirty blond in a long pony tail over her shoulder and I look down over to see her huge breast that were three times bigger then my head and her dress she was in was a fine gold and gray silk and cotton. I looked down to see her body really curvy and her feet were plain but were really cute even though they are way bigger then mine. I looked back up and looked at a necklace that was around her neck. I admire it gold chain and bright shinny ruby in the middle of it. I pull myself up onto the bed and place my legs on either side of her neck and begin to pull off the heavy necklace. I thought it would be ok since she looked like she was not breathing. As I slowly pull it off, I don't notice the walls light up and a giant window open. As I pull it all the way off, her eyes open and I can see her bright blue eyes look into my dark blue eyes. She smiles and she speaks "Du hast dich von diesem Fluch befreit. Wie heißen Sie?" I looked at her and gave a confused look. "I'm sorry but I don't know what your saying. I'm from England..." I said as I feel both her hands grab me by my side's. She lifts me up effortlessly and also gets up with my face now in her breast for a moment before she pulls me away and says. "Du sprichst Englisch, ich verstehe. Lehre mich!" and she pulls me closer her face to mine and begin to kiss me. I close my eyes as her hands hold me and I rub her face as she does this. She pulls me away and I look up at her as she looks into my eyes. "Mmmm.... You taste so good... How would you like to stay with me while I take over the world since you broke Marlins curse off of me?" She smirks and I nod my head in agreement. Before she said anything else. We heard foots steps running up the staircase. I get free from her grasp and jump to the ground picking up my sword. I wait to see a few men in red coats run in with muskets and they stop before a bunch more pushed them out of the way and standing there were 12 men in red coats and a officer. They stare at the 15 foot giant female. "I'll protect you!" *I yell as I swing my sword in the air. The tall female stands up and giggles and says, "Let me deal with this. I'm pretty hungry right now anyways..." Her eyes begin to glow and she grows to 25 feet which was about a foot away from the ceiling. She walks over me and I look up to see under her dress. She walk up to them with a evil smirk and snaps her fingers which made the doors shut behind them. Some of the Red coats begin to fire there shots but the tiny little musket balls just bounce off. She drops to her knees and picks up 5 men at once with both hands. She throws them in one at a time before swallowing them whole. She looks at the others and one of the men thrust there bayonet at her let which broke the blade and surprise him. She picks up the other men except the officer and ate them slowly before she got the last two men. She bites the first one in half which had blood pours out of her mouth. I could hear the screams before he died. She grin at the last red coat and put him in her mouth slowly playing with him with her tounge. She finally swallows and glare at the officer with a evil smile. She looks at me and wink amd she asked me. "You think I have a nice rear in?" I nod and she stands up. She moans a little and grew her breast and and bigger. The officer and I just watch in awe. She stands facing me and then slams her ass onto the ground crushing the officer. She gets up and looks at the officer crushed body and cloths and she smirks at me while she shrinks to 6 foot 4 inches. I walk up closer to her and she snaps here finger. In her hand was the officer pants, black boots and white blouse. She looks at me. "Oh I almost forgot. I'm Rheda. The Saxon Goddess or so people make me out to believe. I'm not really sure what I am." Rheda said smiling while she undress herself. I look away and look at the sword. "I'm Dibs... a pirate." Rheda looks a little surprise and then smile. "A pirate? I use know a group of people like that. They sure did love to drink. You can turn around now." She said, and I turn around to see her in tight black boots that went up to her and really tight white pants that were tucked into the boots. As I looked up i could see her new tight white blouse with her breast ready to burst out and also notice her cleavage since some of the buttons were not able to button up. She smirks at me with her right hand on her hips. I smile and was speechless. She walk up to me and pulled me closed to her large breast. Her hand went around the back of my neck and her other hand on my face as she came in closer and begin to kiss my lips. I could feel her tounge go into my mouth and it met mine. I wrap my arms around her waist as we made out. Before she pulled away she nibble at my upper lip. I then notice her hair in a bun. She grabbed my hand and walked me to the center of the chamber. She pulled me closer and her eyes glowed gold and I could feel her body vibrate. Soon I feel my feet leave the ground. I notice her body get bigger, and could feel her hand begin to cover my body. Soon all the light around me became darkness as she closed her hand around me. I could hear loud noises and her somewhat evil sexy laughter. Soon her hand opened up and I see a giant face in front of me. She smirks and bites her lower lip. "Hope your not afraid of hieghts... Oh and here you go." She said as a ring appears on my finger. It has a silver band and it has a skull and crossbones. "That will protect you in case I accidentally crush you." She says winking at me. I give a light chuckle and sit in her hand. END OF PART ONE |