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Rated: E · Poetry · Entertainment · #2148070
Mystery of our life
They Say God Is A Man

There was a wise old man his name is unknown,
Who said I am the great, l am
Leaving his name and history,
One big mystery,
But as the winds of time
Sings or nursery rhymes ,
As lalabuys tuns into lies,
And life seems to pass us all bye,
The day a Oklahoma tornado touched down on the land and in the heart and hands of a Filipino woman soul’s
It was a start,
And the end of a wayward soul lost in the dark cold world we all know as home,
Once all alone,
Without family or home,
Lost and rooming ,
Never learning,
Where he was journeying,
As a bastered child comes to manhood,
And a girl lost without knowing love of her own,
Needing more then the light in her hart to guide her along life lonely high ways and bi ways,
Knowing only mother marry,
To carry her burdens and pain,
As she see the coming rain,
And as the storm clouds are missing on the horizon,
Leaving only broken heart and homes,
Living in even a life without a phone,
Or a place of ther own,
As two clouds smash into ones past,
And the lightning will strike,
And the lost children of the night will learn to hold on tight,
As the winds of time will blow as you know,
And it will be cold as snow on ones lonely mind and soul,
And as two become one,
Night becames day,
And there lives are not always fun,
But the deep loneliness is on the run,
Not knowing we’re life will take them,
But in each other’s arms,
At lest they can breathe,
And try to be free,
Of the darkness of the night,
And the chains of Tara that binds there Hart’s and minds,
And when the child that is hidden deep inside of us all,
Cry’s out in the darkness of the night,
Praying for the love of a man or woman,
That will never came,
That never will love them as there own,
And to think,
That love is not to fear,
And the years can’t hide the tears,
Of the children crying in the darkness,
Echoing through time,
And the light of day will came,
If not by morning light,
But through the lovers holding each other tight,
Through the long lonely night,
You must know,
That the storm will come and go,
My friend,
As the sea crash’s on the shore line,
And the wind of Time only echos though ones mind,
As we all know the feelings of lost time, As we sip our wine,
But not always in finner time,
Yet the lovers maybe still lost,
And yet only to each other,
Nether without father or mother,
But only lost under the covers,
Learning about Gods mistorys,
And each other history,
Yet not caring about the history of lost pages of time,
Just trying to make there way through life’s open doors,
As the winds of change,
Echoes through out time,
The lovers will take each day to learn to learn to live and pray,
Not asking God,
“Oh Lord why me”
But to thank him for each day,
That we get to walk along our way,
Maybe we will never find out the answer to every mystery,
But get one chance to make our own history,
And not living in the past,
But looking into the looking glass,
We may just pass by,
What was inside of us all the time,
As the children of the night,
Dance and play,
Even on rainy days,
And little boys, and little girls,
Turn in there toys and dolls,
And the lost are found,
And no longer wonder through the hallway of endless broken dreams,
And broken heart are mended by young girls,
Who sew and stitch up the heart of little boys that think they were all grown up,
But are just wayward souls trying to find a home of there own,
And little girls grown up to be young women,
And day turns to night,
As the winds of time blows,
It’s as cold as snow on ones mind,
And as two become one,
They can feel the sunshine,
And the rainy days will come and go as to learn to grow old,
And there lives are not always fun,
But the deep loneliness is on the run,
Not knowing we’re life will take them,
But in each other’s arms,
At least they can breathe,
And try to be free,
Of the darkness of the night,
And the chains of tara that binds there heart and minds,
Will loosened in time,
And when the child that is hidden deep inside of us all,
Cries out in the night,
Praying for the love of a man or woman,
That will never came,
That never will love them as there own,
And to think love is not to fear,
And the years can’t hide the tears,
Of the children of the night,
And the light of day will came,
If not by morning light,
But through the lovers holding each other’s tight,
Through the long lonely night,
When darkness comes,
You feel lost and all alone,
You must know that,
The storms will come and go,
As you know,
And the raging sea will crash on the shore line,
And the wind of time only that echoes though ones mind,
As we all know the feelings of lost time, As we sip our wine,
But not always in finer time,
Yet the lovers maybe still lost,
But only lost under the covers,
Learning about God’s mystery,
And each other history,
Yet not caring about the history of pages of lost time,
Just trying to make there way through life’s open doors,
And trying to out live the shadows of the past storms of a life that we all lived,
And some adorned,
Takeing each day to learn to live and pray,
Not asking God,
“Oh Lord why me Lord”
But to thank him for each day,
That we get to walk along our way,
Maybe we will never find out the answer to every mystery,
But get one chance to make our own history,
And not living in the past,
But looking into the looking glass,
We may just pass by,
What was inside of us all the time,
As the children of the night,
Dance and play,
Even on rainy days,
If you pray,
Time will pass,
And little boys and little girls,
Turn in there toys and dolls,
And the lost are found,
And no longer wonder through the hallway of endless broken dreams,
And broken hearts are mended by young girls,
Who sew and stitch up the hearts of a little boys that think they were all grown up and are just a wayward soul,
And little girls grown up to be young women,
But carry there burden,
And the scares of there heart,
Like a badge of honor,
And day turns to night,
Yet again the world spins,
And the wind of change,
Only changes ones mind,
Life is not a fairy tale,
But your life and my life is a mystery,
As life is meant to be,
Some can’t find there way,
But all need help someday,
And looking into ones self is often when we see we ant alone,
But God is calling on the phone,
And he will never leave his children all alone,
Always sending an angel to help us find our way home,
And as it is written,
God gave light to rule the night,
As he gave the love of a woman,
To rule the darkness in a wayward soul,
And to lead him into the light with love and to help him make a home.
The day a Oklahoma tornado,
Turns into a whirlwind,
We cannot pretend,
When a woman touches you some where deep in your soul,
And teaches an old dog new tricks,
That love can live yet again,
And two can be friends,
As darkness is always ruled by
The light and the love in a woman’s soul.

Yet again the world spins,
And the wind of change,
Only changes ones mind,
Life is not a fairy tale,
But your life and my life is a mystery,
As life is meant to be,
There once was a wise man his name is unknown,
But now he walks this world knowing he is not alone,
But God is calling on the phone,
And he will never leave his children all alone,
Always sending an angel to help us find our way home,
And as it is written,
God gave Adam and Eve,
As he gave the love of a woman,
To rule the darkness in a wayward soul,
And to lead him into the light with love and to help him make a home.
We cannot pretend,
When a woman touches you some where deep in your soul,
And teaches an old dog new tricks,
That love can live yet again,
And two can be friends,
As darkness is always ruled by
The light that was given to a woman that lives in her hart and soul.
There was a wise man who made love so man don’t have to live alone.
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