Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2147939-Promises
Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2147939
Exes and promises
Don't make promises you can't keep,
It hurts the ones you made the promise to.
You promised so many things
Every promise made you broke
Never kept your word
So who am I to you?
All the promises you made when we were together
About how we would still work together for our son,
And when the time came let him choose
But you don't want to now
And that makes it ok because it's your decision,
Well, it's not your decision to make
I'm tired of you and your decisions and promises
I'm gonna stand and fight, I'm not backing down
You obviously think very little of me so that makes it ok
But even as a man who claims to stand by his word
You don't! What does that make you?
A liar? thief? cheat? narcissist?
You have Asperger's but you use it as an excuse for what you do.
Do you feel the pain you cause?
Or do you like inflicting pain?
Exploiting my weakness to get me to do things for you
Make me doubt myself as a person and mother
Calling me crazy and saying I have diseases I don't
Well, go ahead. Give me your worst,
This time I'm not letting you get the best of me
No, this time I'm gonna stand and fight.
Call me what you want, I found my voice,
And I'm gonna use it, no more of your promises,
I know who and what I am now,
You can take your promises and eat them
I hope you choke on them
I have a promise for you
Keep my son from me again even with joint custody
I will come after you, I will make your life miserable,
You will wish you had never met me,
Just as I wish I never came with my friend to meet you.

© Copyright 2018 Amelia G. Mcneil (angeltears32 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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