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A disabled man is violated by the AVGN and his friends. (Greentext) |
>Be 11 >5ft 5inches tall >Was born with a disability that makes my left leg all fucked and cant walk without a crutch >ugly af >No friends because of my looks >Depressed >Find a site called cinemassacre >I fall in love with the AVGN series >Years later I follow AVGN (James Rolfe) on youtube >This is my only relief in life as I have no friends, ergo no social life >James essentially becomes like a big bro to me >8 years later I hear that James and his retinue (MF Mike and Bootsy) are going to vidcon >I get really excited and instantly book a ticket for vidcon >At vidcon >I am at James' panel, sitting in first row > James, Mike, Bootsy and other panellist are answering questions from the crowd >I raise my hand several times but each time I am ignored >James finally glances at me >Zoinks.jpg >He contorts his face as if he was disgusted by my presence >I felt kinda sad but told myself it was just my imagination >The show was over, ignored throughout the whole event >I feel seriously depressed as I walked out from the show on my crutch >I am about to leave vidcon as I didnt care about any other youtubers >I hear a familiar voice across the hall >It's James giving an interview to some journalist >I start hopping towards them, but changed my mind as I didn't wanna interrupt >I decided to wait until they finish >Once they finished I started walking towards them but they were leaving fast >I put on a gruelling pace with my crutch and It really hurts my retarded leg but I was determined to speak to James >I see them standing by their car just chatting and laughing >I finally reach them, caked in sweat, barely able to breath >James, Mike and Bootsy looks at me with a surprised expression >"H-Hi g-guys" I stuttered as I was winded from running >They look at me with obvious confusion painted on their faces >"I-I-I am a big fan of you's. Ju-just want-ed to say I-I love your w-work man!" >"Bu-Bu-Bu-Bu" Says James >They all laugh like it was the funniest shit in the word >I feel kinda awkward and just giggle with them with my raspy voice >"What you laughing at STICK BOY?" Mike shouts >"Yeah, what's so funny STICK BOY?" Continued bootsy >James covers his mouth with his hand to conceal his laughter >"Wh-what?" I asked >I was shocked, I was being punked by my favourite youtuber and his friends. >"Wha-Wha-Wha?" James said with a mocking grimace on his face >"Pl-please stop I-I just wanted to t-talk" I said > "Get the fuck out of here, STICK BOY!" said Mike >"Yeah, get your ass out of here you goat cunt" Bootsy said >Massively depressed by this point >I can't believe that my idol is just shitting on me cuz of my stutter and disability >I start to walk away with my eye lids swelling with tears >James kicks after me and hits my retarded leg >Didn't trip but stumbled >They laugh like maniacs and Bootsy is on top of their car jumping up and down whilst howling >"Assholes" I scream back with a cracked voice >I walk to my car, crying my eyes out > I turned around and saw James and the others following me >I started walking a little faster, still fatigued from my previous run > They shout obscenities at me, trying to ignore them >By this point I have tears and snot running down on my face > "Better run STICK BOY" Mike shouts >"Haul your ass out of here STICK CUNT" said James as he was cackling >"JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, PLEASE" I screamed >A sudden pain strikes me in my sides >Bootsy has ran into me from my left and knocked me to the ground >I was on the floor cursing at them >"AAAAAAH BAD LUCK BOOTSY" said James and Mike in unison >Bootsy comically shrugged his shoulders as James and Mike laughed >Suddenly they all start spitting on me >I reach for my crutch and try to raise myself from the ground to escape >James kicks me with such force that he breaks my nose blood spurts over his boots >"HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT STICK BOY?" James leaned in, laughing. >"STIIIICK BOY!! GONNA GET FUCKED STICK BOOOOY!! said Mike in an annoying voice >James and Bootsy pin my arms to ground with their feet whilst laughing viciously >Mike unzips his trousers >Ohsheitnigga.jpg >"Pfhuck yuo" I said as i spat out blood and teeth from my mouth >Mike reveals his gargantuan cock >It's a solid 10 incher >I scream and kick as he pulls down my trousers, it was no use >"AS YOU WISH STICK BOY, AS YOU WISH" said Mike in the same voice >He starts pulverising my anus with his dick > I scream loud, begging for mercy and help, but nobody hears me >Blood flows from my orifices as Mike rapes me >He repeatedly punches me in the dick whilst doing so >He whips out his schlong and starts pissing on my face whilst cumming buckets >The other two also unzip and join in, urinating on me >They rest for a moment, tired of the non-stop laughter >I try to crawl away whilst they giggle and point at my mangled body >They all look at each other, smiling, with malice in their eyes. > James runs to me and grabs my shirt and flips me on my back >"Fffaucking cunt, I- hopfe your fphamily diesff" I stuggled to form words with my swollen, bloodied lips >James pulls his trouser down and stands above me >"Flick that shit switch" Mike says gently >"and crank up that diarrhea dial" Bootsy continued >"I got Dark Castle...ON C...D...IIIIIIIII !!" James screamed from the top of his lungs >His bowels released the foulest, most vile shite right onto my broken visage >Liquid feces entered my nose and mouth as i was trying to scream >The diarrhea discharge is almost ceaseless >All of them hail as James releases his despicable defecation on my desecrated, abused body. > I am curled up into a ball as my body ached and shook because of the trauma >They walked back whilst shouting STICK BOY back at me and laughing relentlessly >I spent 5 years in therapy after >Never ever went back onto YouTube, in case i would come across a video by James Rolfe >Didn't want to re-live this experience Let this serve as example for people, that not all YouTubers are what they seem. They may appear friendly or charming on camera, but you may never know what they are really like in real life. |