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maybe the start of something new NOTE TO SELF: > ppl r ez 2 R 4 |
THE BEGINNING Ali slammed her coffee cup down on the table. "For the last time Emma he only wants one thing form you and it's not just your animal crackers!" Emma through down her breakfast down on the table and turned around and started walking to her room. "Why do you always have to get in my business; damn it Ali you have not even met him how the hell can you tell that he wants my ......." Emma stopped in her steps and turned to look at her older sister "did you really just say animal crackers? How old are we again?" Emma rolled her eyes and continued to storm off to her room and closed her door with a slam. Ali rolled her eyes she knows that Emma knows better and that this Jacob guy was not all that bad hell he was the first guy that Emma had dated after that ass hole who tried to lead Emma down the wrong road and yeah Ali was the reason that they were not together. But Ali did not want to believe that Emma was growing up so fast. It felt like the other day that her little sister was throwing a fit about some stupid field trip that she wanted to go on because..........Ali stopped mid thought. "Aww fuck that's today." "What's today?" Isabella said as she walked into the kitchen with Alexis. Isabella looked at Alexis "go sit at the table and I'll get you something to eat and started getting out milk and cereal. Isabella was three years younger than Ali but when she did her makeup and her hair she looked even younger. Isabella was tall and had medium length brown curly hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was a scary cat and Ali could remember the days when she still slept with a nightlight. Alexis was the littles out of all the kid she was 4 with long curly red hair and blue eyes; she was the hyper one of the family and every one was always running behind her. Isabella was the main one who took care of her because their mom worked all the time and Ali had just picked up a new job. So as it turned out the baby bonded more with Isabella than any other person in the family."I forgot that today was Emma's field trip. JOHNNY COME HERE PLEASE." Ali yelled as she started digging through her bag looking for her wallet. "You don't have to yell I was on my way in here. Whats up?" Johnny said as he came into the kitchen all ready for school. "Johnny do you need any money for today?" Ali asked as she pulled out her wallet. This is how it has been since their dad passed away; mom paid the bills and the three oldest took care of paying for things around the house. It did not end there all the kids had things to do around the house; this way things were ensure to get done. Ali took care of things for all the kids and school expenses; Jason took care of buying things for the house if something broke he would go out and buy the parts to fix it. Lance made sure that the kids did there homework and studied for their test and passed them. Isabella did the cooking and watched Alexis when everyone was at school and work. Johnny was not your normal 14 year old. He was short, skinny and shy. So he got picked on a lot when he was in school but then he started making friends and none of them let him get picked on again. |