Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2144601-New-Year-Reboot
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Sci-fi · #2144601
Resolutions in the future.

The time has come again for New Year’s resolutions,
and 2050 seems an Internet among the stars.
So as I pen my hopes on twenty-weight white paper,
there is the latitude in which my ship can safely veer.
Here on the eve of change I sit with my intentions,
feeling refreshing winds at century’s dividing point.

I vow that I will obey speed limits,
when flying my anti-gravity car.
I assert that when I receive home calls,
I’ll tuck the land-line in and turn off the walls.
And during the time of Super Bowl frenzy,
when holograms are beamed ‘round the room,
I will not get up and run with the play
(the game belongs to younger men,
and I know I’ve had my day.)
Resolute (on this eve),
new year reboot.

Here on the edge of new I talk with my computer;
she offers sympathy as Windows 40 will oblige.
She mixes me a drink as per the replicator;
much like on Enterprise that went where none had gone before.
I hit massaging lights--they soften knotted tendons;
I scribble once again as music coincides with mood.

I vow that I will learn a new language;
perhaps that of the Alien Grays.
They have settled en masse atop Mars Hill;
(to speak Gray would surely give me a thrill.)
And I pledge in day-to-day course of business,
that I will offer countenance grin.
Then if anyone looks up from smart phone
I’ll toss them all a dash of friendliness,
and I won‘t feel so alone.
Resolute (this I vow),
new year reboot.

34 Lines
Writer’s Cramp Co-Winner
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