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A short vore story |
AN- This is more of a premise than a story- more exposition then plot- more idea than substance- more quick notions than detail. But as usual, I have a hundred thousand ideas but rather than write them, or finish the others, I'll just take the easy way out and write a quick one so I feel like I've done something at least. I could always return to it. --- This is a story about me. I know, that's not normally something to necessarily point out when you're using first person perspective, but you won't be hearing from me for awhile. So just keep that in the back of your mind. I'm not one of those giants who honestly thinks he is god. To you I am of course. And I'll drive that point home as I'm toying with you, torturing you, sucking on you, and consuming you for my enjoyment. What I mean, is that I'm not pretending to be omniscient or anything. So don't question how I know what I know or why I'm suddenly giving you some other guy's perspective. Suspend disbelief and just enjoy the ride. But still... I am a giant so remember, this is a story about me. I'm the masturbator. You're just my prey. His name was Colby and he was horny as all hell. At 18, a Freshman in college, he was at the pique of his sexuality and couldn't go more than thirty seconds without having to force his hand away from his stiff cock, hoping nobody noticed how much he wanted to grind into everything he saw. Luckily, for the young pledge, the internet was a thing, and his roommate had the opposite schedule as him. No sooner had he entered his room than he was completely nude. His slight but rippling bronze muscle and smooth supple flesh visible to all who were present. Which was only him. Just a teen jock and a cellphone. He was on six apps at once, searching for the perfect prey. He swiped left, exed out, skipped over, ignored, etc. until he found a girl he was into. Struggling to get his meaty hand into the side drawer for the lube he inadvertently turned on the television. "As the new fad sweeps across college campuses nationwide, sparking an entirely new niche for an all new type of cooking show, in addition to some even less G-Rated shows, the shortage of volunteers has become apparent," the female newscaster was announcing. "When asked whether or not they would be extending the product line to include college-aged girls in addition to the young men, a source was quoted as saying that the technology, so far, did not-" Colby pushed his golden locks back from his eyes where the sweat had slowly begun to build up in anticipation for the triumphant catch of his quarry. He muttered to himself. It was impossible for him to understand how any guy would ever volunteer for a process like that. No matter how horny he got, he would never want to be a pet, or as was most often the case, a meal for some hot college girl. There was no way the fad would last. And yet more and more boys were signing up for their doom. What was sexually satisfying about being played with, tortured, cooked, and devoured by a full lipped beauty? Even if they milked him dry first... This was actually turning him on more than he thought it would and his purple dick grew harder still. Shutting off the television Colby lubed up and was about to begin messaging the girl he had found, when he noticed that she had already sent him a few notes. Before he could click to open the chat he was greeted with the familiar warning message from the app company, making him prove his age, and waive whatever rights he hadn't cared to read when he first downloaded the apps and certainly wouldn't care to read tomorrow. He didn't even understand the purpose of the age requirement. Everyone lied about it. He was on apps like this since he was twelve years old and knew every high schooler in America was doing the same as the college kids at this very moment. There was a quick back and forth between the two. They were both interested and it wasn't long before they were sending pictures back and forth. She had seen his headshot and a selfie with his abs on display for his profile pic, but pretty soon he was showing off his bubblicious, smooth ass, his full nude body in whatever poses she asked for, closeups of his feet for some reason, and finally dick pic after dick pic. She said her mouth was watering and returned the favor with pics of her own. Two pictures returned for every one he sent. All the while the hand not holding the phone was pumping away at his seven inch throbbing cock. Precome had already coated his strong long fingers in goop and his ass clenched as his meaty toes curled, eyes closed, and he moaned audibly. His smooth, blemish free skin was glistening with sheens of sweat and he bit his lower lip. Suddenly he felt a tightening sensation in his balls which spread to the rest of his body. It wasn't altogether unpleasant, but felt strange nonethless. Additionally, the cushioning under his pert ass had lost its softness and now felt like a cold, uncomfortable glass. Opening his baby blue eyes he noticed he was no longer in his dorm room. In fact he was no longer in his college. He wasn't even in his normal body anymore, every part of him was suddenly so much smaller in comparison to the mason jar he found himself lying down inside. A shadow knocked him from his imaginings as his eyes met my own. Remember when I said this was a story about me? Unable to control my excitement, despite the fact that I had done this over ten thousand times already, I remembered procedure and removed my hand where it had been hovering over the jar ready to enclose my prey. Now that I had fifty jars, all with their own nude lad inside (not a bad haul for one day's work), I was ready to give my obligatory speech. The boys who had been here since this morning when they went online to take care of their morning wood had their screams silenced as I boomed. "Welcome, and thank you for volunteering for the..." I couldn't even finish the first monotonous sentence. "Look, nobody is going to listen to you if you complain that I didn't give you an orientation. Here's the deal," I rolled my eyes, bored that I even felt like I had to explain anything to this little morsels, "you all just volunteered to be shrunken and owned by The Corp. Don't argue with me or I won't tell you anything else." I sensed the argument coming so I nipped it in the bud. "You guys never read those waivers, do you? Anyway, the truth is nobody would rationally volunteer to become a sex toy and snack, so this is how we've been getting our volunteers. I've been a tech here since The Corp's discovery last year. It's my job to bait you boys into clicking "accept" and then showing off your delicious bodies to our clients. All but one of you were hand selected from whatever messaging apps you were currently using, all owned by us of course. Our clients, who range from sorority girls to fat old men (they don't tell you the fad has spread to all walks of life do they?), use the same apps like a menu, looking for the tastiest meat. When they select you I use some stock photos we have and get you to send photos to whet the customer's appetite. They decide if they want you or not and pay. The rest, you can figure out yourself. Except the download process of course, but that's too much for me to explain to some little insects about to be torn apart, burned alive, cooked, skewered, fucked, inserted, crushed, and ultimately eaten." I ignored the whimpering. "Anyway, almost all of you are about to be shipped out to your buyers. Most of our customers buy you in bulk anyway since your so delicate and... to be honest... you can't eat just one. Quite a few of you were actually tricked by exes, boyfriends, girlfriends, crushes, etc. just waiting to catch you cheating. I'll save the photos you sent as mementos to the clients, and as bait for some of the gay guys we enlist to volunteer through grindr. A tech should be in in a second to get you all ready for shipment. I'm off." I pretended to leave the room, silencing the shouts and cries, but returned a moment later. "I almost forgot! I've been with the company the longest, and I'm in charge of all the other catfishers and baiters... Anyway, to make a long story short, every day, as Master Baiter, I get to to help myself to any two boys I find on the apps. They weren't selected by any client, after all, just me." I quickly grabbed the jar containing Colby and a younger-looking skater twink who had clearly lied about his age. "You two look very yummy," I said, my mouth watering. Now leaving for real, I tilted both jars into my mouth, savoring the delicious sweat coated supple bodies. Rubbing my tongue along every inch of each of them, I felt myself grow erect. "You taste amazing!" I moaned in pleasure as I battered both guys around. "All of you, once such strong young men, now too small to even see over the top of my dick!" I rolled them around like sucking candies before maneuvering them so that their pert asses dug into the roof of my mouth and their cocks humped my spongey, warm, wet tongue. As neither was able to finish jacking off before the abduction they were both ready to burst. The tip of my tongue edged out and made its way into each crack in turn, giving them the slurping rimjob of a lifetime. A stream of precome spurted out and pooled in the back of my throat where I let them watch as it puddled and then disappeared into the dark abyss behind it forever. Both tiny pricks nice and hard, I took out Colby, a muscly beast of a college guy. Maneuvering the twink just so, taking in his exquisite taste as I push him into a position like a meatball where both delectable musky feet were on my tongue and his head was tucked between his knees, I pushed his bubblicious ass so that it was poking through my lips. With my pointer finger I pushed Colby forward so that his cock went into the former's waiting hole. I sucked on the skater twink and Colby's cock as the latter fucked both the tight ass and my pursed lips, sucking them both for all they were worth, the suction feeling like an industrial sized vacuum to them both. Before I got to my car I reversed the positions. Colby was on his back in the fetal position, his muscular ass being pounded by the twinks surprisingly large cock. By the time I got home both boys were panting, marinated in sweat and come, filled with each other's cream, and trembing from both fear and exertion. Walking over to the terranium where I kept a few of my little volunteers, those who I kept around for a bit as pets before ultimately becoming snacks, I debated between swallowing them both together, or spitting them out for another day. Such is the dilemma of a Master Baiter. |