Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2143640-the-glass-that-parts-us
Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #2143640
ok for now this a jumbled mess of what a writer's brain looks like when they have an idea.
*a place split down the middle by glass
*on day L required to walk everywhere, next drive and vice versa
*illegal to talk
" At the time, there was a boy about my age on the other side f the glass. I saw him every day and he saw me, but we couldn't even make eye contact much less less talk. Plus, I didn't even know if he could her me through the thick glass.
I smiled and waved at him "hi" . He looked at me funny then pointed at the cameras that were always there watching us. I shook my head "no" and held up my handful of cords. He smiled. I didn't know if he could hear me so I yelled "DO the same to yours." HE could hear me and he nodded, throwing a rock at the camera and shattering it. we watched as the light went from green to red. Then I pointed to the edge of yard where we would be free from neighbor's cameras.
I sat in the cool grass on one side of the glass with him on the other. We talked for hours about the most pointless things. We laughed together and cried together. in the few hours I had known him, he became my favorite person in the world. I knew him better than anyone else In the world. On my side and on his. We had never kissed, hugged, or touched in any way. But, in that moment, with him, I felt like we were connected.
The day that I started asking questions I think I was around ten. I remember clearly, my mom and I were in our car driving to a store when I finally blurted out the question that had burning inside of me since before I could walk.
"Who are the people on the other side? Some say they are devils, yet others say angels, and still some say they are just our reflections. Which one is true?"
"They are people just like you and me." My mom said gently,"Long ago, when the world was made, a thick piece of glass was put between us so that if something happened that could cause the human race to become extinct, one side would survive. That eventually happened. In the 20's, the Left went extinct. We sent Right volunteers over to the other side by tunneling underground. They grew and prospered. Now we are just the same."
"How come I can't talk to anyone on the other side, Mommy?"
"That I don't know, sweetie. I really don't."
"Why don't people ask,Mommy, don't they question the glass too?
"We live right near the split, Natalie, some people have never seen the glass. They know of it's existence,but some don't believe. Nobody fights it because that's the way it's always been."
At the time there was a boy who looked about my age on the other side of the glass.We shared a back yard and the glass cut it in half. I saw him every day and he saw me, but we couldn't even keep eye contact much less talk. I didn't even know if he could hear me through the glass anyway.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2143640-the-glass-that-parts-us