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Thankful to express what is on my mind daily! |
I love the fact that every single time I open Facebook, I am forced to consider what is on my mind. Usually there is something on my mind and no one around for me to express it to since I no longer work. LUCKY YOU! Here is what was on my mind when I was blessed enough to pop out of bed (yes, that Amber is still working). I am so thankful that God so loved the world that HE gave His only begotten Son to save a wretch like me. What a sacrifice! I look at or think about my children pretty much every single day, and I KNOW that there just is no way that I would give up a single one of them (that includes grands and great grands) for ANYBODY I KNOW.! What an unselfish act. That alone is something to think about, but then move beyond that thought , focus on JUST YOU, and think that God did that for YOU! Right? You lie, you cheat, you steal, you sin knowingly and unknowingly. You try to hide it, disguise it, deny it, forget it, ignore it, and even sometimes pray about it and SEEK FORGIVENESS. I know, none of this is you. Well ALL of it is me. I take ownership of my behavior and know without much thought that I am a work in progress and even though I have grown a lot over the years, I still have a ways to go. That "ways" to go is why I am so thankful each morning that I am given another chance -- another day to perfect me. Yesterday as I had an awesome day with my daughter, I was reminded of this scripture: 2 Peter 3:8 King James Version (KJV) - 8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. IF YOU have been given this day, use it wisely. Do not lay around wishing you had done something with your life. You have today. Do not sit there thinking that your life has been wasted away. YOU have today. WHEN you have done all that you can do, want to do, hope to do, etc., you no longer have a purpose to live, and you might ask yourself the question --"Why am I still here?" Well, for me that is an easy question as I stated earlier -- "God is not done with me yet, and I am STILL a WORK in PROGRESS. So, since I have been so generously given another day, I SHALL/WILL make the best of it. Random acts of kindness are in order. Taking people where they are and just letting them be is also a good place to be. Looking for the positive in all things rather than dwelling on the negative will allow you to move on regardless of the situation. FIND SOMETHING to LAUGH ABOUT -- I always find reasons to laugh at myself because when I can do that, I can understand and appreciate others. TRY enjoying this day. YOU are so wonderfully made by a creator that cared enough to give you HIS SON to die for your sins (human frailties)! Check the mirror right now! Don't you look good -- if you are reading this, you are on FACEBOOk and classified as one of my friends/family, and YOU show look GOOD TO ME! MUCH love today and always. Peace and blessings always. |