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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #2142424
Chapter 1: Noah's Demon

Chapter 1: Noah's Demon

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, prowls about, seeking whom he may devour"- Peter 5:8

There are many different types of monsters that plague the world. The most known type of monster is the type that walks among regular humans.

Another type are the ones that look human, and are very much human, and don't need to wear the face of a devil to be called a monster, they are the type of monster that can still die.

Then there is the type of monster who acts human, looks human, but was never human. This kind of monster can't die. This kind of monster lingers in the world of humans and although may not always seek to reign terror upon others, it patiently waits in the shadows, observing, waiting for the right time to strike.

This type of monster has a name, Alasia Price, a monster who fifteen-year-old Noah Cain has been harboring in his home for the past eight years. An unnatural burden placed on him by his late parents, Marshall and Marla Cain. Their death itself is a burden to Noah, a burden that he can't seem to forget, to leave behind and never look back. Just like how he can't seem to figure out why does such a being like Alasia Price stay with him?

Because, why would she? after all she is the queen of all demons, the very darkness itself. As a child, Noah couldn't tell the difference, he just knew that he had lost his parents. He didn't know why, but he did know that the woman who was replacing them was there to be with him. Strangely enough her inhuman nature never bothered him. And maybe that was a mistake, a mistake to misinterpret fear for love.

A young child, who Is nae of the world around him and just had seemingly lost the only family would become desperate to find some sort of replacement, even if it isn't the same. Even if that replacement is far from human, and is even further from being a nurturing and caring parent. Now Noah tries to forget both past and present, vague about the future but hopes that no matter how small that hope may be that one day he can be live like a normal person, worry about normal things, and not suffer in the shadow of a demon.

Although there is one thing Noah can always count on and it's that Alasia never lies. She is never hesitant about telling the truth. She finds no use in lying, only revealing necessary information until to the appointed time to tell the whole truth. In the past eight years, Noah has not seen another demon appear, he was beginning to think that maybe Alasia was the only one of her kind as there can't be too many powerful entities wandering the earth, the planet itself wouldn't bear the weight and would simply break apart. Alasia only uses less than a fraction of her power, at full strength the destruction would be incomparable.

At least that is what she has described, Noah mostly tries to keep himself from asking her too many questions about her power. He only knows select things about her, she hardly talks about herself very much. She believes there is no use in explaining herself to a mere child. Alasia Price doesn't answer to anyone but herself. Self-righteous indeed, what kind of demon would she be if she wasn't? it's only natural.

Noah has come to a point where he is more and more cautious of her, as he gets older he is noticing her in a way he has never in the past. Most would automatically say it's a sign of him growing up, but most don't know the monster underneath the human mask. He can't admit he might love a monster, and whether it's a familial love or a romantic love it doesn't matter. Loving a monster like Alasia Price is simply a price he is not willing to pay. But he no longer denies that his world revolves around her, and if it wasn't for her he wouldn't know what to do, he would be lost.

He tries not to worry too much about that as he can always count on the one human friend he does have, Veronica Lee. A senior, and a girl with a lot of compassion but misplaced priorities. Although she acknowledges their friendship she at times treats it as if it were an obligation and it worries Noah that maybe he isn't like her other friends who are always smiling and laughing, and lead normal lives. Something he finds funny, normal, what exactly is considered normal anymore? But then again most people have their own definition of "normal".

For Noah, normal is a world where humans deal with other humans, where as anything else that is not considered human or a part of everyday society is considered abnormal. Veronica is the beacon of normality for Noah. She is the one who makes him forget about what is waiting for him at home. In school, he is transparent, hardly noticeable. Although Veronica's reputation makes him stick out like a sore thumb. A social butterfly hanging out with an introvert is often considered odd and incompatible and if high school has taught Noah anything it's that everyone has their opinions on how things should be. They divide themselves into groups, giving themselves a label. It's a ridiculous trend.

Noah is in a group of his own, and because he is acquainted with Veronica he becomes a target for ridicule and criticism. Many of the seniors think Veronica is too good for him and that she is only wasting her time. For a while there were rumors regarding his relationship with Alasia. People thought she was something of a model or prostitute. The school staff often have a hard time dealing with Alasia due to her stern and intimidating nature. They are fooled by her angelic face, a true travesty.

The parents of the other students become weary and concerned about Alasia and Noah's relationship to her. Because of that students seem to keep him at arm's length, all except Veronica who has managed to look past it. She likes to believe everyone has their own situations to deal with and shouldn't be judged because of them. Noah couldn't ask for a better friend, but is worried that one day the truth whether intentional or not will come out and she will no longer be willing to stay alongside him. She will be too afraid to get close to him and probably think of him as a devil worshipper which sometimes he thinks is not too far from becoming true.

Fake devils and gods do a good job at feeding humanity's paranoia and fear, a real devil can only make it a horrifying reality. Religious zealots drive themselves and others around them mad with their rants of a demonic being walking the earth and tempting humans to do wrong or gain magical powers to reign terror upon others. Alasia on the other hand only aims at teaching humanity that true power does not belong in the hands of careless monkeys, but in the hands of true power itself, her, the queen of demons.

"Trump has won the election and is now the next president of the United States of America." The television announces.

"Uncivilized pig. He lacks imagination, he will fall before he can even begin. Humans get dumber every coming century. In the old days, I would incite wars, seduce kings and dictators, bringing out their inner desires and watch them fall as they try to become gods. It was simple, but back then humans despite the severe lack of advanced technology they knew when something was wrong and would attempt to rectify it. Now they just bathe in their own stupidity. It's almost a shame that I haven't destroyed every last one them."

"Yet you are here with me, a human." Noah says annoyed.

"There is a solitude here, one that I haven't felt in a very long time. Also, because I made a contract and I always keep my word."

Noah scoffs, "I don't believe that someone like you would ever be tied down by something like a contract. There is no way you would ever do something like that."

Alasia grins her devilish grin, "Oh? Is that what you think? Or am I beginning to hear hints of admiration?"

She gets closer, Noah wants to back away but when his eyes begin to wander, he finds himself being unable to move. Before anything else, it's her eyes that make him stiff like a plank of wood. It's those eyes, they are like black holes, once he is sucked in he can't come back out. They are something truly unnatural. He snaps out of it and his eyes wander, and it's only natural as Alasia is a rather lustful being and tends to dress in a very provocative manner. Her face gets closer to his, her fangs bare and lips supple and blood red. He can smell something sweet and mesmerizing coming from her. It's a scent he can't describe but can't help but to become aroused by it.

"You smell like heaven." He suddenly admits as if he couldn't help but to say it.

She chuckles, "I find the irony in that amusing. Every human has a different interpretation as to how they see or feel about me. Even something like bodily scent varies from human to human. Some smell death and decay, others smell sex and cum. But you smell "heaven", truly you are a rarity amongst humans."

Noah feels his face turning red and is unsure how to react or what to say. "I don't know, it's just the way I am." He mumbles.

"A long time ago there was a human like you. This human felt a certain comfort towards me. I never understood it and for a long time I stood beside her until her eventual death."

"There was someone else like me?" Noah says with curiosity.

"I've walked the earth for a very long time. I have been acquainted with many humans and many times I've taken certain disguises that required me to play a certain role. Whether it was a mother, grandmother, child, or even a pet. I've taken many forms and been known by many things."

"Is that what you're doing here? Playing a role so you can blend in?" Noah finds himself getting upset as if he didn't already know that Alasia is only here due to a contract that was made by his late parents. Everyday Noah discovers something new about himself and Alasia is always the one to bring it out in the open whether intentional or just by pure coincidence.

"A human such as you wouldn't understand. Your short lifespan has a strong restriction on you. Humans need to change and evolve to truly understand the world around them. The only thing holding them back is themselves. For a demon, it is something different. A demon doesn't need to evolve, we only integrate ourselves in the already established roles laid out by humans. Pretending to be human is not hard. Demons are a lot like humans in ways but not completely. Savagery and ridicule is beneath us, greed for us is unnecessary as we have no use of money or wealth. We only integrate it when we play our roles with in human society."

"You ridicule humans every day." Noah raises his voice.

Alasia in a surprisingly calming tone responds, "I only speak the truth. Tell me, child, when was the last time I have spouted a lie? Do you really think humanity is not aware of its atrocities? Do you think they don't know that they are poisoning their world and themselves? Demons may not need this world to be vibrant and nurturing but humans for all they have, for the many wonders they can produce, they squander it all with their selfish and savage nature. Of the many older human civilizations, I have come across, this generation of humans are the worst and most disappointing. Worshipping false gods and following greedy and diseased men is one thing, but gloating about power that isn't yours is another."

"What do you care? This isn't your world." Noah yells. The red on his face is no longer out of embarrassment but genuine anger. Alasia remains calm, paying no heed to Noah's sudden burst of anger and emotion.

"There is much you need to learn, you are but a child. You know nothing and it may be best that you remain nae. Live how you must, but never imply you know what you do not. Like all humans, you are nothing but dust and water. There is nothing special about you and the sooner you understand that, the better off the world will become."

Noah loses his will to argue back and becomes silent. There is no winning with her and it seems no matter how many times he tries he will always be the loser. Alasia's stern expression becomes soft and she suddenly embraces him, gently pushing his face into her bosom. His face becomes red again and the scent emanating from her body causes his own body to react. He wants to push away but the arms of a demon bring such frightening comfort. Her skin is like silk, touching it is addicting, so much so that he wants to kiss it. Noah finds himself embracing her, tightly. Her long, slender fingers caress his hair. He feels goosebumps run down his arms and back. The sensation of her touch and caress is glorious.

The touch of a devil is bliss and dangerous, it warps human minds. Noah wonders if maybe he's been warped the entire time and has never noticed, or maybe did notice and has been in denial. But for the moment he doesn't care nor does he even want to think about it. Brief moments of happiness are all he needs to have some sense of life. Even if it comes from the queen of demons.

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