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The story of Nathan who gets turned into a vampire and thrust into a new life. |
My name is Nathan and when I woke up this morning, something was wrong. I had a craving. A craving so vulgar and disgusting. I did my usual routine; Get up; Get dressed; Go downstairs and have breakfast. I usually had cornflakes or coco pops for breakfast so I poured some of them into a bowl of milk, I got a spoon from the drawer and sat down. I picked up the spoon and plunged it into the milk, drowning a few cornflakes in the process. I lifted the spoon to my mouth and smelt the mixture, it smelt off so I decided to taste it. For some awful reason I couldn't stand the taste. I came to the decision that I just wouldn’t have breakfast today. I could hear my sister walking down the stairs and my brother following suit. Smelling something so delicious, I followed the smell. I stood in front of the stairs facing my sister. She was the mouth-watering smell that was making me hungry. I had to get out of there immediately so I ran to my room, barging past the reason I was hungry and my brother. I ran to my desk and fired up my computer, searched what was happening to me and it felt right what I was reading but I didn't want to believe it. I fell asleep at my computer and woke up somewhere else... I knew I had been kidnapped as I didn't wake up in front of my computer screen, nor did I wake up in my own house. Feeling pain in my stomach and head, I was hungry for a specific thing and I knew what it was but I didn't want to admit it to myself. A boy came in through one of the only doors in the darkened room. He introduced himself and I couldn't say anything to him as the pain in my head and my stomach was too much, I didn’t know how long I’d been there but judging by the starvation feeling it felt like years. Though he seemed to know this and said he brought food with him. It was then that I smelt the same delicious smell that I smelt in front of my sister. He reached into his rucksack and pulled out a bag and I almost couldn't stop myself from lunging forward to the bag that he had. The bag was red, blood red. It was a blood bag which was stolen from a hospital. He saw that I was foaming from the mouth as I was chained to the wall, he backed up a bit and made a comment that I faintly heard, “You look like you haven’t fed in weeks”. Maybe that's how long I’d been here asleep. Wait, did he just say 'fed'. What the hell does that mean. I didn't even notice that he had sat closer to me with the bag in his hands, He asked me if I wanted it. I said that it was disgusting but I knew that I wanted it so badly that I would end up killing for it. He pulled out a knife from his back pocket and I backed up into the wall. He used the knife to cut open the bag and a desire filled me to move closer. As I moved closer he saw the look in my eye and decided to unlock my chains. I moved even closer to him until I was right in front of him. He held the bag up to his lips and drank a bit, he held it to me and I grabbed it with shaking hands. He steadied me and I held the bag to my lips and poured the thick red liquid into my mouth. The pain in my head and stomach faded immediately and I downed the liquid. It felt so pleasing to drink; there were no words for how remarkable I felt. He spoke to me, 'Do you feel better?', but as I looked at him to answer, he backed up like he was scared of me. 'Are you still hungry? He asked, panicky. He escaped before I could answer and he came back with a bigger rucksack in his arms. He pulled out three more bags filled with the same fluid as the first one. He chained me back up to the wall with new chains that were thicker and more heavy-duty. One after another, he cut them open and fed them to me but nothing changed other than I was not hungry for blood anymore. He still looked panic-stricken as I told him that I was not hungry anymore. Another man came into the room and the boy stood up and bowed, what was that all about? He came over to me and looked at me with confusion and a hint of disgust. I felt anger towards him for a reason I didn't understand and I stood up, shattering the chains in the process. The boy seemed to want to protect him but he didn't dare move. The other one pulled something out from his pocket, “How do you feel about this?” He asked. “It doesn't do anything for me but it doesn't hurt either”. He held up a cross but he seemed to be hurt by it more than I did so I walked to him. As I got closer, he seemed anxious. I was standing right in front of him, the cross nearly pressed against my chest. I tried touching it but it felt like fire. I tried to move and I couldn't. The one with the cross, appeared happy that I was hurt by it touching me. I felt even angrier at this point and I looked at him and said, “Run, please get out now before the other me takes over". He seemed startled by how I asked him to run but as soon as he saw my eyes, he told the boy to help him chain me up again. They held my arms firmly to the wall but this time they chained me standing up. And these chains were different... The chains scorched me and were as painful as going to hell and back, one of them put the cross against my skin and it was tremendously excruciating. There was so much pain that I didn't think I could last with this much pain. The man left and the one that was left with me was the boy who fed me earlier, I noticed that he was comforted by the fact that I was chained up. At this point, I couldn't hold the torment in any longer. I let out a blood-curdling scream and the other one came back in with a load of other people wondering what the noise was. My screams of agony could be heard from miles away and a lot of them actually looked traumatised at how I had been treated, a few of them felt pity for me but none of them dared say anything about how they felt. The man introduced the others as vampires and introduced me as a vampire too. The chains seared my skin; the cross was painful; there was more pain that I didn't understand and I nearly passed out but I kept screaming because it kept me awake. Two of the other vampires sprinted to me and attempted to remove the cross but they couldn't touch it either. It was then that someone else came in and broke through the crowd. He advanced to offend the one who put me in this hell while I was becoming weak. He walked over to me and removed the cross, he unlocked the chains and I passed out. I woke up but I couldn't move or speak, I just looked at my surroundings, I was placed on a kitchen table. I saw a kitchen; an oven; a fridge, and a man. I didn't recognise him but I assume he's the guy who helped me before I passed out on him – oops. He walked over to me however; he didn't know I was awake. He said 'I knew I was going to meet you soon; I have killed the person responsible' KILLED?!?!?!?! He proceeded to talk, 'You're scarred all over, I am sorry I got you into this world and I'm sorry about what they did to you. Well, they will never hurt you again'. I felt the sting and arched my back because it hurt so much. He attempted to comfort me but nothing helped. I felt something trickle into my mouth and the pain got better. I opened my eyes to another one of those bags being dripped into my mouth. I knew it was disgusting but if that helped with the pain I didn’t care. I sat up to the guy who helped me earlier, he looked like a normal guy with really pale skin. The pain was better now and I sat up steadily, he said to take it easy as it would hurt to do anything too big. I asked him where we were and he said that we were still in the same place but just in a different area of the warehouse. He introduced himself as Jack - my sire and mentor, even though I had no idea what that meant so I asked. 'It means that I turned you into a vampire' he said. And that name was completely an alias. He did this to me... He fucking did this to me! He ruined any chance of happiness I ever had. I think he saw the anger in my eyes because he backed off which allowed me calm down a bit. I asked him why he backed off and he said that my eyes turned black. Black...? I know I was angry but I didn't know that that would happen. The pain was almost gone now so that was good. I got up and asked if I could explore. He agreed so I left the dark red room. Walking through the pristine black door, I smelt blood again. I followed the smell and came across another door. This one was not as untouched as the last one and had an indication that read, 'Blood Room'. I turned the brass door handle and it squeaked and squealed as if it was aching. Hesitantly, I pressed the door open and the smell of blood smacked me in the face. This blood smell was different but I welcomed it as it filled my nose. The smell was more divulging than just a blood bag; I opened my eyes to see something nauseating and stomach-churning. It was grim to look at. Men and women; Draping over the floor; Tied by the arms and ankles with bulky-thick chains; Bruises and bite-marks were all over their bodies and showed that they had been abused for years upon years. I noticed that Jack was standing behind me, pondering why I was here. I didn't answer because the smell of blood had devoured me. He was concerned that I wasn't answering so he walked around me and looked at me. He looked nervous like the other guy did. He said that my eyes had gone pitch black. I asked what it meant and he said he didn't know; he had never seen anything like this before. That made me a little unsettled but the smell of blood comforted me. He whispered into my ear that I could drink from any of the people in this room whenever I wanted because he thought it was hunger-related. I felt repulsed walking in this dreaded room but I managed to find a man, late twenties that appeared to want to be drunk from. I looked at his face and to my surprize he looked sympathetic towards me. He even beckoned me towards his neck. My vampire side took it as the okay to drink from him. I asked him why he was okay with me – a vampire. He came to accept the fact that vampires had kidnapped him at a young age and that it can be fun, pleasuring a vampire. He tilted his head to the side, and I said that I had never drunk blood straight from the vein before. Jack sat beside me and guided my hand to where I would bite with my fangs. I felt his softened skin. I cried that I had never actually used my fangs before so he tried to teach me how... When that failed, my sire pulled out a knife and cut the man who was tied up. In an instant, I felt a sharp sting in my mouth that was so intense I squealed a bit. It felt like all my teeth were being pulled out WITH PLIERS!! The pain stopped after a few minutes and I felt my teeth, every single one of them were razor sharp. Jack said that he forgot to mention that the first time getting your fangs hurt, a lot. I moved closer to the man and bit into his softened neck. His blood tasted sweet and I kept drinking. Jack told me to stop draining him, I acknowledged him but couldn't stop drinking. He knew that I wasn't going to willingly stop. I noticed that his body was becoming limp but Jack had to pull me off him. Jack thought this was peculiar but he let it go. I turned to him and he asked to look at my fangs, asking why, he said that there were two types of vampires. Daywalkers like him and Nightwalkers, like the person he killed earlier. I agreed and opened my mouth; he looked surprized as he observed my fangs. He mumbled 'Shit!' under his breath. I asked why he cursed and he explained more about the two types of vampire. Daywalkers can obviously walk around in the sunlight without harm – Clue is in the name - and have blue-coloured tattoos on their body that expand with age, they are perceived as good vampires. Nightwalkers get hurt when walking in sunlight and therefore confined to only going out at night. They have red tattoos are fuelled by how much blood you drink. Nightwalkers have to drink blood to stay alive and Daywalkers don't need blood as much as Nightwalkers. Daywalkers can also refrain from killing while feeding... Jack said that he was a Daywalker but he didn't know which one I was yet. I asked to see his tattoos and he took me back to his room, took off his top, and showed me his back. His tattoos were light blue and covered the top-half of his back. I said that they were beautiful but he disagreed with passion. I felt tired and asked if I could go to bed. He took me to the bed and got in, I got in the other side and fell asleep almost instantly. In the middle of the night, I felt a pain on my back that only got worse. After about an hour, the pain was excruciating and I let out a scream that woke Jack up with alarm. He asked what was wrong and I said that my back hurt. He rolled me over and his face went pale. I let out another piercing scream and I heard him say that my tattoos should not be appearing yet and I asked him what colour they were. He wouldn't answer me so I shouted the question through my pain. He said nothing. He ran out of the room and turned the light on. A few minutes later, he walked back in with another person and they went pale when they saw me too. When the pain stopped, I got up and asked them what was wrong. They both said that I was a Nightwalker and that my tattoos were red and they covered my shoulder. Jack asked the other person to leave. I asked him to look at my tattoos and he did; he said they were the same as his but with less of the tattoo itself. I said that I was getting hungry so he took me to the blood room again but this time with fear in his eyes; I didn’t understand why there was fear though. I opened the door and chose the same man again and this time he looked scared of me because last time I almost killed him...oops. He looked reluctant to allow me to feed from him but Jack whispered something in his ear, which made him scared but sympathetic to me, he tilted his head again and I bit through his soft skin. He was trembling as I drank his blood. This time I couldn't stop myself and I guess my sire sensed it and said it was okay. I could feel the man in my arms going limp and weak as I drained all the life out of him. Only when he was gone was I finally able to stop drinking. I asked Jack why I couldn't stop and he explained that Nightwalkers, when 'feeding', are unable to stop and that is why they are perceived as bad vampires. He said that in order to not kill anyone, I would have to drink from blood bags like those that I had before. I was shaking as the reality sunk in that I would never be in sunlight again. That if I ever drank from a human, I would not be able to stop until they were dead. When we got back to our room, I let all of my emotion out. I cried into his arms as he comforted me and said that everything will be okay. After a while, I stopped crying over the murder that I had just committed. Jack and I took a midnight stroll to calm my nerves and for the first time in a while, I felt more than okay. The moonlight on my deathly-white skin felt amazing and I felt at peace with the darkness. Before all this happened, I was troubled in the dark and now I felt at peace with the blackness. All of the craziness faded away in the dark. And my mind, clear as glass. I talked to Jack about anything and nothing and before we knew it, the sun was climbing up the horizon. The Panic of a Nightwalker began to set in. Jack felt scared for me too as we were too far from our house to get back in time. We ran to the nearest shadow as rays of holiness fell on the city. He told me I couldn't scream too loud since day time was the time for the humans to wake up and do normal work. I knew the sun was unavoidable... We were vaulting from shadow to shadow as noon fell upon the bustling, crowded city. Now there were hardly any shadows to hide in and for the first time I felt the sunlight on my new-born skin. I wailed loudly in pain and Jack felt distressed as he couldn't do anything to help ease the pain. Obviously, he could not feed me his blood. We ran to a near-by alley cloaked in shadow and only had one human in. He laid me on the floor and beckoned the human to come closer. The human could see that I was in distress so he rushed over, Jack made a notion to drink his blood. When I refused, he grabbed the human and cut his neck. Instantly, my eyes went pitch black again and all I could focus on was the man's blood. The thick red liquid, dribbling down his neck onto his ragged clothes. I sat up and viciously bit his neck before he could react and I killed him. The tattoo was a plague, spreading from my shoulder to my back as I held in the torture. Jack asked me if I felt better and I replied with an agonising 'No'. I turned around and showed him my back, he traced the dreaded tattoos and I flinched. I was beginning to hate those tattoos and I understood why Jack didn't like them either but I couldn't avoid them because I needed blood to stay alive. We stayed in the alley until nightfall and we started to head back until a group of humans decided to jump us, they seriously hurt Jack and I was brimming with rage. I ran to him and he warned me not to feed on them and kill them because it will draw attention to ourselves and that if I slaughter them, we would be hunted down. I walked over to them and tried to act tough, they called my bluff and at that moment, I knew I would have no choice but to dispose of them. I let my vampire side loose and it slashed the biggest one first, smart move. I could see that Jack was laying on the unforgiving ground, disapproving of what my vampire side was doing – what I was doing. Vampire me then took out the other two humans by draining them. I managed to regain control of my own body and I hid the bodies, as people would notice if they were just lying in the street. Not that they were doing anything good for society anyway. My sire and I walked back in silence, I asked him why I shouldn't have killed them, he didn’t answer. We were back at the warehouse and I walked in first. I had forgotten that there were other vampires here and they were wondering where we had been. I stayed silent as one of them ushered me to another part of the warehouse and I could see that I had done something wrong. Jack was wondering where they were taking me so he followed. We all arrived in an empty room and I could see him in the corner as I was pushed to the middle of the room. One of them walked forward and asked where I had been, I told him the truth and he asked another question… He asked what type of vampire I was. I stayed silent for this question. Instantaneously, a sharp pain in my back paralyzed me like the first vampire tattoo I got. I could see Jack push past the others as my legs gave out; he caught me and put me face down on the floor as I was losing consciousness. I was fighting and stirring as he pulled up my top to find that the tattoo was spreading again - faster. I could feel the tension in the room as everyone discovered I was a Nightwalker. The pain only carried on and got so much worse, anything would be better than this pain. I could hear the others talking to each other, 'How much blood has he had today!?', 'He killed four people today', 'One of them was hunger and the others threatened him. Yesterday he had five blood bags due to hunger’. Now the pain seemed to be getting better but the tension in the room was so thick I couldn't even cut it with a knife. I got up slowly and steadily and leant against the wall; my sire looked at me with empathy. I asked the others what was wrong and they explained that my tattoos were larger any of the Nightwalkers here have. One of them even looked at me as if I was the worst of them all! Jack and I walked back to our room and went to sleep in silence when I could smell humans walk in looking for trouble. Jack turned to me and had a look on his face that said, 'Don't even think about killing them yet'. We walked to where the humans were and questioned them as to why they were here. They didn't even try to hide that they were looking for trouble, needless to say I was about to let loose so I asked him if I could kill them. He said no and he took them back to our room, they looked scared shitless but they had no choice but to obey. Jack tied them up in our room with the same chains that were used on me, obviously I was furious that he kept them, and then he said that I could kill them with him. He knew I couldn't refuse that offer so I made him a new one, ‘What if we turn them?’ He refused instantly as he bit into the first person, the guy was short, slim and in his late teens; He looked out of place in the group but he was killed anyway. I killed another boy who looked the same as the last one and I was about to drain the last person, who was a girl leading the group, when Jack took up my offer and taught me how to turn them. It was surprisingly easy as all I had to do was feed her my blood and kill her; he told me that she should wake up in an hour if she could survive the transformation. About two hours had gone by and she had not woken up. She had not survived the transformation; it wasn't too bad because I was going to kill her anyway. We got rid of her putrid, rotting body and walked round the warehouse. I asked my sire why I shouldn't have killed the three thugs. He hesitantly said that if a Nightwalker drains too many people in a short space of time, their tattoo grows faster but even more painful. My tattoo now nearly covered my whole back, it was painful to the touch but it looked breath-taking. It is also said that if a Nightwalker completes their tattoo, they get a special power. Of course, it's never been done before. All the Nightwalkers were killed before they could complete their tattoo or find their new power. That did not make me very hopeful at all, I wonder if the vampires at the warehouse want to kill me… We didn’t find anything of interest and it was getting late so we headed back to our room started getting ready for bed. As I got changed, he looked at the tattoos that now covered my back. He looked at them as if they were just scars. We got into bed and immediately fell asleep. My sire woke me up in distress as everything was burning and on fire. I screamed and yelled in fear of being set on fire but my sire had an escape plan set in motion. In the warehouse basement there was a sewage tunnel that led to the nearest town if any of us were ever discovered by vampire hunters or fearful humans. The trap door to get into the sewage tunnel was actually hidden in plain sight – The black rug in front of the bed, if you pulled it up there was a hole in the floor with a ladder to get down. The ladder creaked as I went down because it hadn’t been used in years according to Jack. The tunnel smelt absolutely revolting but it was our only way out. After a while walking in crap, literally, we came to another ladder, it was as shabby as the first one we went down. As it was night-time, the town was dark and looked abandoned so we tried to find a house that at least looked like it hadn’t been used in ages. We found a house that was okay for us to live in but we had to choose the house with a full family – didn’t we? Jack commanded my vampire side to feed on every single person in that house. Then the hunger crept in so my vampire side took over; I had already started killing. The two children first – their lifeless bodies lay on the ground in front of the three parents. One of the mothers started screaming and we couldn’t have that so I drained her of her blood and I could feel the tattoo spreading once more like a disease but I held in the pain so I could drain the father and the other mother. As soon as I had finished my meal, I collapsed and Jack caught me. I pulled up my top and the tattoo was spreading down my chest, it almost reached over my heart but stopped before it could corrupt it. Jack explained to me why he wanted me to feed on everyone in the house; he wants me to complete my tattoo and find my power before I die. He also explained how he forced my vampire side out. Jack and I tried to figure out what set the fire but we couldn’t find out so we just blamed it on the other vampires because they didn’t want a nightwalker who completed their tattoo and got their power – I think it scared them that I would become more powerful. After Jack said he wanted me to finish the tattoo, I suggested that we invade and raid the hospital blood bank. He said that it was the perfect idea and I agreed. We waited for nightfall because I cannot go out in the day. Once the dark skies had swept up the sun, we walked to the hospital and I killed the receptionist – she was delicious. Jack used her computer to work out where the blood bank was. We had to walk to the other side of the building but we got there before anyone noticed – and by noticed, I mean found the woman dead and drained – The fridges with blood were stocked full so we just shoved all the blood we could get into our rucksacks and ran. I suggested that we find a quiet area so I can drink blood and spread the tattoo without anyone finding us. We find a barn about an hour away that looked like it hadn’t been used in decades. Jack unpacks as I prepare for voluntary, deadly pain. He puts all the blood bags in a pile and says that he is going to pass me one as I finish the one in my shaking hands. I use the knife that Jack keeps to cut the one in my hands open and I start to drink. After about 3/210 bags, I start to feel the pain – It hurts so much but I have to finish them all. Now I hear Jack telling me to carry on drinking through the piercing torture. He pulls off my top so he can watch the scarlet tattoo spread. I’ve drank about 109 bags now and I’m close to losing myself in the torment. He supports me through the suffering and he is very distressed from watching me in agony; he knows he can’t stop the suffering but he can't and won’t stop me drinking blood now; not when I am so close to finishing. I pass out. I dream of a voice telling me to stop drinking; they tell me that I have finished the tattoo and show me the full extent of what my tattoo looks like; It's striking. It covers my whole body except my dick. They whisper in my ear what my power is and it’s a pretty useful power. I can walk in daylight – without harm. |