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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2138197
In a town when wishes come true and no one cares what harm their wishes bring.
Point of view mostly in Amelia’s and Third point of view

Amelia's POV
Who wouldn’t want to have a wish come true? That's what people wonder but why would they give their life away for one wish it’s stupid if you ask me. My name is Amelia Harper I am a 15-year-old high schooler. It sounds like a bad dream but it is real. Everyone living in Springfield Carolina gets one wish it’s funny most people already gave up their wish but I haven't, I refuse it’s just wishful thinking. People think all their dreams will come true yeah right. People here are selfish ignorant idiots. No one cares what harm their wish can bring. People need to be careful of what they wish for because it will all come back and bite them in the butt. They don’t understand the dangers of wish making, people are dead because of it but no one cares. I won't stand for it they are being foolish and not thinking at all. Most people want wealth, power, bring people back from the dead. But it all crumbles down and then we will all be dead in time. It’s time for school got to go see you later.

Little did Amelia know that someone was following her to school. Someone she never met, no one really walks to school they all ride the bus or get dropped off but Amelia likes the silence on her walk in the morning. Amelia felt weird that day she had a weird feeling but didn’t know what it was. When she got to school she was greeted by her friend Harry William together they walked to class chatting with each other. Harry was her best friend, they knew everything about each other no secrets.
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