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An ancient warrior from a war 10,000 years ago, calmly walks into a museum. |
I walk through a section of a museum that has dedicated itself to discover the myth and legends of my people. Legends. That's all my people are now, legends passed down through generations of civilizations we saved. As I walk past models of various vehicles and power armor that are no where close to the actual thing, well the power armor is kinda close. The one thing this place prides itself on is that the weapons are actually real. As in they found weapons of my people and have them on display. When I heard that, I made my way here hoping they had the key that has been passed down from supreme commander to supreme command until me that is. Besides being used as a tool of death, the sword serves another function. One that only I know of and will do everything in my power to prevent from happening again. My journey to the weapon gallery takes me from the (not even close) replica gallery to the gallery of myths. Apparently they also collect stories created about my people. I come across a picture of a dark being fighting a demonic monster. The description beneath the painting is one I've grown fond of ever since I came out of a over ten thousand year cryogenic sleep. "A dark mighty powerful army that traveled the heavens to battle against the demon horde bent on the death and destruction of the galaxy." Out of all the stories, that one line from one of the thousands is my favorite. I'm glad the survivors didn't let our sacrifice be forgotten, even if it's just a myth now. I chuckle at that as a memory of something one of my commanders said prior to the final engagement. "Well sir, we might become extinct ourselves, but we will become LEGEND!!" At around the last part he throws his arms up causing much needed laughter. He'll never know how true his joke became. "Enjoying the artwork sir?", said a female voice from my left. Surprised I look over and see one of the museums employees standing there. Similar to the disguise my armor is creating except she's real not fake and I'm generating a male disguise. Lime green skin, one eye like the rest of her species, slim female build, and completely in love with her work by the looks of it. "I am, but it's not what I'm really here to see." I replay. "Oh, I guess you must be here for the weapon gallery then.", she replied rather hotly. "Actually no, I came here looking for something else. Just wasn't expecting terrible artwork." I reply not showing any sign that acknowledged her anger. Walking away from the picture and continuing my way through gallery "Surprise, surprise a male who isn't thinking about weapons", she sarcastically states. Chuckling I reply, "I'm full of surprises." "So what do you think of the other galleries?", Mainly the gallery of armor, vehicles, and other items?" She asks. I give her a questioning look prompting her to continue. "I did the research for that gallery and even though there hasn't been an actual find of anything in one piece, I proud to say that everything is at least 90% accurate." She says smiling like a mad women. I couldn't help but laugh at her statement. She notices this and threatens to call security to escort me out. I'm quick to apologize, "I'm sorry that was rather rude of me." "What did you find so funny about that gallery if you don't mind telling me?" she coldly asks "Its just that the only thing that is even remotely close is the power armor and I'm giving you about a 40% and that's pushing it," I reply still chuckling. Stopping in her tracks, jaw dropping, I merely look back not missing a step, "What? it's true." I could hear her running up to me after a brief twenty-second brain restart. Once more beside me, she just gives me a hard stare that only says "I'm going to kill you". I couldn't help but chuckle some more. Around this time we've entered the weapons gallery and I begin scanning to see if they have what I'm looking for. "How would you know that?", she asks letting anger control her, "I have a doctorates degree and I've traveled to different worlds on a limited budget in order to make this and you who probably doesn't know what's out there beyond our green sky, comes in here and says that "ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE!!" she yells that that last bit me. As she yells at me, I glance over and find what I'm looking for. In a 12inch thick glass display case in the center of the room. Walking up to it I can only gaze at it and pretty surprise the key or the "CHIEF SWORD" as they have it identified as it sits in surprisingly mint condition. Below the name they have a brief description and it says: THE CHIEF SWORD " The Chief Sword is to believe to have belonged to the leader or leaders of one of the two civilizations involved in the fighting that took place over ten thousand years ago. It was through diligent research that this information came to light. We are proud to have such a legendary weapon in our possession ."At least, they got that part right and good to know they haven't discovered its true purpose. Snapping me back to reality, "I see you like the sword. I personally found, discovered its importance, and carried it out. I found it in a buried unrecognizable ship that crashed on a planet in the dark corner." She proudly states. Raising my right hand, "Wait...she allowed you to carry her out of the Herm!!" Puzzled by my slip of the tongue she opens her mouth to speak only to be cut off by gunfire erupting from the gallery entrance. 6 figures wearing black clothes, black ski masks, and black one eyed shades carry firearms that are the local norm. I've studied these weapons and their caliber can't penetrate my armor. Great, I'm in the middle of a museum robbery. As they spread out one of the figures yells to the others, "Be quick and find that key the buyer wants!" <WHAT!!! WHO COULD POSSIBLY KNOW OF THE KEY!!!> "Found it boss!!" one of the figures states looking in my direction. <HOW DO THEY FUCKING KNOW DAMMIT!!> "Move out of the way folks and you'll live." the leader says in a rather calm manner. I'm impressed...no, not really They proceed to plant something onto the glass. Standing back they activate the thing and in a few seconds the glass shatters. The leader grabs the key and proceeds to walk to another figure who has a bag just the right size for it. Until it hits the floor as if it gain a few hundred pounds, causing the leader to face plant. All 6 of them and the museum employee except me is shocked by this. Getting up the leader tries as hard as he can to lift the key, but he can't lift it. The others join in and even with all 6 of them they can't lift it. Finally, they give up as sirens are heard approaching. Then the sword at a snails pace starts moving away from them towards me. "What the hell is going on here?" one of the six asks Everyone turns to look at me as I openly laugh at them. "That's happening because it doesn't belong to you." I boldly state between laughs. The female now facing me slowly backs away to my back left, probably to avoid of being shot. The leader not in a good mood due to the current events points his gun at me "Let me guess because it belongs in a museum and your going to stop me." My digital appearances rolls its one good eye as I reply,"Rephrasing what I already said, It's happening because it doesn't belong to your species." I actually heard the employee stop dead in her tracks. Once I said that the key leaves the floor and flies in my direction hilt first. I catch it with my left hand as my right-hand raises up with a pistol I had on my hip hidden by the disguise. The three closest to me die as rounds cause their heads to explode. The other three run out shooting in my direction and miss completely. Surprising enough they miss "Miss Employee Lady" who hadn't moved an inch since my statement. Looking back at her, she stands wide eyed at me that is until my disguise fades away revealing my armor. "Just so you know, nothing in your model gallery is even remotely close to being considered remotely accurate," I inform her. Then she faints. Chuckling I simply walk towards the entrance following the other three that ran away. I admired the gallery one more time as I make my way towards the entrance. As I exit through the front doors I come across the would be thieves. The one in the middle nearest to me hears the door, turning with weapon raised. I send him flying back as a three-inch hole is craved into his body. The other two at this point have dropped their weapons and are backing away from me as they start down the steps leading to the street. Why they stopped was unknown to me until I drew close enough to see why. In front of the museum is a lot of firepower. The local police are out in force and have a body at their feet that flew about 30 feet before landing and I'm to blame. Note to self: Do not do body shots "PUT THE WEAPON DOWN!!", they command "You better do what they say, even with that armor you can't survive that." states the leader of the now band of 2 in his still calm manner. I merely chuckle completely ignoring the police's second command to drop my gun and sword. "Nope because my ride is almost here," I reply to him "No one is coming for you, no escape for you, my friend." he says "If you have a warship there is.", I state At this, a shadow covers the area as something large blocks the sun. Looking up everyone sees a gigantic black warship seemly appear out of thin air. Descending from it is one of the few automated drop-ships I was able to get up and running. Luckily there is enough space to land. Even after I begin my walk to the drop-ship as its ramp is lowered the police still think they are in control of the situation. "FREEZE YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!!" At the foot of the ramp, I stop, turn and tilt my head at the speaker as if saying "Really". Before I continue my path onto the ship another voice yells at me this time from the museum. Looking over I see the employee has regained conciseness and is running to me. "Stop your stealing museum property.", she says between breaths. "Uh, I'm not stealing, I'm reclaiming lost property." I deadpanned turning back to the ramp I proceed to enter the ship. "Not until you answer my questions--Hey get back here!!" She grabs my left wrest hitting the controls to release the helmets face plate and lifting it up. Turning to her she goes wide-eyed, gasps and releases her grip on me. Looking towards the police line I get a similar reaction. Entering the ship I raise the ramp and move towards the cockpit. From outside the police make one finally demand. "GIVE UP YOU CAN'T HIDE" Are they trying that with a warship above their heads? I'll give them balls for that. Over the ships loudspeaker, I speak to the police "Um yeah sure I'll get right on that. Bye Bye." With that, I instruct the dropship to return back to the ship satisfied that I got what I came for. Once aboard the warship begins to move away from the city towards space itself. Once there the ship plots a course for home, for what I discovered to be now known as the dark corner. As the ship begins the jump sequence I couldn't help but wonder as I take the time to examine my old friend. "Who knows of you and do they know your true purpose?" |