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by JagdP
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2137373
Korg's first day at work goes horribly wrong.
When Korg was still young, he dreamt that he will be as great warrior as legendary Worf from starship Enterprise. He was a god pupil, a best in his class, so when Worf left Enterprise his Uncle Targh pulled some strings and arranged a transfer of Korg to replace Worf.

Korg will be forever grateful that his uncle made his dream happen. Now Korg could show everyone, even the classy Federation, what he learned. Tactical missions, fighting techniques, history of Alpha Quadrant, he had all the knowledge about it in his little finger.

Korg was especially proud of his knowledge of official language of the Federation. He downloaded practice books from the Klingon net and started learning. It took him a while to learn it, but at the end, at least in his opinion, he spoke it better than some Earthmen.

His uncle warned him that that is not enough and that he should get a tutor, but he declined. He was more that capable to learn it on his own.

His first day in work was not very interesting as Enterprise was preparing for a battle simulation. As a true Klingon Korg respected only a true battle. But he must wait as battles will surely come. Enterprise was, after all, known to attract trouble more than any other Federation vessel.

There is going to be a time when everyone in Klingon Empire will know my name. Korg! Korg! Korg, they'll yell. From Romulus to Cardassia my enemies will whisper my name in fear. My path is only beginning. And some day I will surpass even Worf and will take a rightful spot as Chancellor of the Klingon High Council.

"Mr. Korg!"

Korg stopped daydreaming as he heard Captain Pickard talking to him. Finally, I'll show Picard how good can I speak his language.

As Korg entered the Bridge for the first time earlier that day, he saw that all crewmembers were from Earth. Picard, Riker, Data, Crusher and LaForge. All legends in their own right. He disabled universal translator and began speaking with some of them. But apart from getting a greeting from the Captain, he didn't get the chance to exchange any words with Captain yet.

"Mr. Korg? Haven't you heard what I said? Fire at will!"

Korg didn't expected to get this command, so he just stood there with confused expression on his face.

"Mr. Korg!"

Every crewman on the Bridge turned toward him. Clearly they expected that he'll do something.

Should I or shouldn' I? He knew that a good Klingon officer should someday challenge his Captain, but should he challenge him right on the first day? No, that is way too soon. Besides, this was a Federation vessel after all.

"Mr. Korg!"

He raised his head and said:"Yes, Sir. I am sorry, Sir."

He took his phaser and set it on highest setting. He raised his hand. Then he shoot and killed Will Riker.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2137373-Star-Trek-TNG-Lost-in-translation