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This story is about Moka from Rosario Vampire undergoing something that changes her life |
It was just another day at Yokai Academy for Moka Akashiya as she was making her way to the cafeteria, well aside from Tsuki not being here ever since he went back home after the events that took place last year. Once she was at the cafeteria, she went to the vending machine and bought a can of tomato juice. She then made her way towards an empty table with her tomato juice, sits on a chair, pokes two holes into the can and starts drinking it. As she was drinking her tomato juice, she noticed that it was tasting more like blood and was drinking it as if she was draining someone dry of their blood. Moka stopped drinking as she had a confused and shocked look on her face. "That's strange, I could have sworn this was tomato juice. Hmmmmm, maybe it tastes like blood because I hadn't drank Tsuki's blood since he went back home to his family" she said to herself, but suddenly the room started to smell like blood....fresh blood. Not wanting to find out what's going on, Moka covers her nose and makes a b-line out of the cafeteria and out of the academy as fast as possible. She had no idea why this is happening to her let alone the reason why it happened so quickly, she has her Rosario Cross on her at all times, that and she never had a hard time keeping her vampire urges under control. So the fact she's smelling blood concerned her a lot, especially since she's in her human form. But unbeknownst to her, Saizou was following her, but he had a concerned look on his face for reasons only he knows. 4 hours later Moka was in the middle of the forest breathing heavily to calm herself down as much as she could regardless of not being able to get the smell of fresh blood out of her nose. She tried her best not to think about it as she was trying to do her best of regaining control again, but all of that effort almost amounted to nothing when she saw Saizou in his Orc form. "Relax, I just came here to tell you something regarding on what's happening to you" he said. "Then why are you in your Orc form if you just wanted to tell me something?" she asked. "Because as of today, the line between human and vampire for you has been broken" he answered and Moka had a scared and confused look on her face. "(Sighs) here's the gist of what your going through, every monster reaches a point where inhibitors like your cross become nothing but a paperweight. Depending on how much someone has to rely on their monster form inhibitor will determine the amount of power and side effects that person gets. Since your an S Rank monster, the power your going to get is massive, the fact you can smell blood from here is an example of that" he said and saw Moka's eyes widened. But from out of nowhere, Moka's heart started beating at a fast rate as she was experiencing a desire to not hold back and go all out. She didn't like what is happening to her whatsoever.....at first, but as she kept trying to control herself, this feeling was making her pent up with lust and the blood she was smelling wasn't as repulsive at it was before. But what surprised the Orc was when Moka got up and took in the smell of that fresh blood like a breath of fresh air, this caused Saizou to get into a battle stance waiting for the moment to hold her down, all the while Moka's breath was getting ragged. "Moka get a hold of yourself! You have no idea what'll happen once you take in all of that power!" he yelled hoping that she'll hear what he said. "I KNOW.....but this feels sooooo goooooood!" she said and jumped onto him with enough force to slam him into the ground as well as break a couple of his bones. "I hope that you'll forgive me for what I'm about to do, but I just can't HOLD MYSELF BACK ANYMORE!!!" she yells and bites into Saizou's neck as hard as she could. Saizou was screaming in pain as Moka was drinking his blood at a rate that'll kill anyone else in an instant, but his screaming is only making Moka bite deeper and deeper as she felt like she was on Cloud 9. Then every muscle on her body started to feel like their on fire, which only caused her to drink his blood faster that she already is. Saizou looked like a dry prune at this point and he was hoping that she'll stop before he dies, but when she saw him, she let's go of his neck and got up to admire her work. "I'm really am sorry for almost draining you dry of your blood, ......but seeing you like this brings me sooooo much joy" she said and gasped at what just came out of her mouth. As much as she wanted to take back what she said to Saizou, the blood she drank and the feeling of power she's experiencing has overridden her kind hearted nature and all of her muscles started growing at an insanely fast rate. Moka's quads, inner thighs and calves were the first to grow, those muscles were pulsating and throbbing as if she was a shemale succubus with a huge dick is having a boner. She bit her lip due to being overwhelmed by how muscular and horny she was getting, especially since her leg muscles had just stopped growing when they became 60 feet in size and mass. Her biceps, triceps, forearms, deltoids, traps and pecs were next, and she had that same pulsating and throbbing feeling she had with her leg muscles. Yet they're growth ended much quicker since they completely destroyed her uniform, leaving nothing but her skirt and panties exposing those 70 foot upper muscles in size and mass. Although she was quite surprised that she still has her breasts, even though they weren't as big as they were before her transformation. Then shortly after that, she gained a rock hard six pack. But her transformation ended when her eyes became blood red and her hair turned silver and grew so long that it reached to her thighs. "(Moans) this transformation was the best thing I ever felt" she said and Saizou was paralyzed with fear when it was Moka's normal voice that came out of her mouth, albeit it was slightly deeper. "I know that you expecting that apology, so here it is, I'm sorry for reducing you to a dry prune, saying "but seeing you like this brings me sooooo much joy" and drinking all of your delicious and mouth watering blood Saizou" she said kindly and picks him up. "I didn't think you would even apologize considering what you just did" he said. "How about I take you to the nurse and let bygones be bygones?" she asked. "Fine, but don't expect me to forgive and forget so easily" he said, but was dumbfounded when realized he was laying on a bed at the nurses office with the nurse looking at him suspiciously. "I assume what you said wasn't for me Mr. Komiya?" she asked. "No mam, it was for someone that I got into a fight with that brought me here" he answered. Somewhere outside of the entrance to Yokai Academy Moka hid herself in the trees holding her collar that has the Rosario Cross on it recently reverting back to her human form wearing a spare uniform she got from her room at the girls dorm. Looking at the Rosario Cross, she threw it into a nearby lava pit used by the bodyguards for training. She then walks out of the area where she was hiding and makes her way into the academy hoping that she won't be late for the last class of the day. "Alright Moka, even though your still kind hearted and nice, your no longer that weak and powerless girl with an alter ego. So get in there, and show everyone the new and improved Moka Akashiya!" she said psyching herself up. Once she made it inside, she walks with confidence and makes sure she doesn't show off too much, although she can't stop the smell of fresh blood coming into her nose, she doesn't seem to mind at all as she's gotten used to it very quickly. So much in fact, it seemed like she can walk into a gory massacre like it was a walk in the woods. But she noticed that the Lizard men are bullying a student, so she went to them preparing herself in case she needs to fight. Tadashi sees Moka heading to where him and his two lackeys are, so he signals one to keep an eye out on the student while the other one backs him up. "Excuse me Ms. Akashiya, but were in the middle of enforcing the rules to this delinquent" he said. "Well from where I'm standing, it looks like you were bullying that "delinquent" Mr. Wanibuchi" she said which caught him by surprise. "I don't know what your planning on doing here-" he stopped mid sentence when Moka wrapped one arm around his neck with some "applied" force. "It looks like you didn't learn your lesson from last time Lizardboy, but I'll be more than happy to show you your place again to "re-teach" it to you" she whispered into his ear and tried her best not to smile when she saw the look of terror in his eyes. Moka saw the one lackey trying to sneak in a cheap shot at her, so she replied with a simple headbutt which knocks him out cold. Tadashi was about to fight back, but he noticed that a crowd of students was watching, so he told the other lackey who was keeping an eye out on the student to hold him hostage. But Moka did the same with Tadashi putting a tight grip on him. "Look Moka, I don't why the hell you suddenly acting like your personality did a 180, but now I hold the cards bitch!" he said with confidence. "Oh really? Because I just knocked out Lackey 1 with just a headbutt, imagine what I can do to your special snowflake of a leader?" she said but a thought crept into her mind which caused her to smirk showing off one fang. "On second thought, why don't I start now by making Tadashi squeeeealllll like a pig?" she said and used just enough of her newfound strength to break his arm without tearing it off. And Tadashi did just that the moment she broke his arm, although it didn't sound anything close to a pig squeal. This caused Lackey 2 to let go of the student and run like hell, all the while Moka throws the Lizardboy to the side. The student who turned out to be a girl that happened to be a freshmen who's looks like she's 14 runs to Moka and the vampire hugs her making sure that she was alright, as for the students watching this, they.....look like they've seen some shit. "Thank you for helping me out Ms. Akashiya!" she said happily. "Please, just call me Moka, that's what my friends call me" she said kindly. "Uhhhhh, excuse me? But do you mind explaining how the heck did you went from a kind hearted lady, to a badass?" one of the students in the crowd asked. "I'll tell all of you about it once school is over for the day" she answered and the crowd of students resume their walk to their last classes for the day. "Ummmmm.....Moka? Since you saved me from those bullies and all, I though I'd introduce myself, especially if were going to be friends" she said and Moka breaks up the hug. "My name is Daishika Musasake, the first female Lizardwomen to attend Yokai Academy" she said. "Moka Akashiya, I'm a Vampire, one of the Legendary S Rank Monsters, but you didn't hear that from me" she said which almost caused Daishika to do a jaw drop. "And just so you know, theirs a rule that forbids anyone from saying what kind of monster you are" she said and gave her a wink before she heads to her last class for the day. 4th Block Class - Monsters 101 Moka was sitting in her assigned seat for the start of the new class in the 3rd semester since the last 4th block teacher is currently in a asylum, and the Succubus Kurumu Kurono happens to be her partner for this class. But she was preparing herself for the questions she knew she was going to have to answer. Meanwhile, Kurumu was making her way towards Moka with a smile on her face, and once she was sitting next to her, she'll plan on getting an "exclusive interview" in regards to how Moka really ended up the way she is. "Hiya Moka, hows the Badass of Yokai Academy doing?" she asked cheerfully. "The Badass of Yokai Academy?" she said puzzled. "That's what everyone is calling you, although it was about time you'd dropped the good girl act and became a bad girl with a heart of gold" she said. "You and me both Kurumu" she said agreeing to what she said. "Soooooooooo? Can you tell me the "Actual" story on how you became this bad girl with a heart of gold?" she asked playfully. "Wellllll.....if you want to know as badly as I think you do, come to my room after school, I'll tell you every juicy detail" she whispered to her playfully. "Are you coming onto me?" she whispered. "Only in your dreams Kurumu" she whispered back and saw that the teacher has arrived. "Good afternoon class, I hope that your ready to begin today's lesson. Because in case you've forgotten, this your first time here, so let's get introductions out of the way shall we?" she said and wrote her name on the chalkboard. "I am Ms. Tukozaki, an S Rank Werewolf, a silver werewolf to be more precise" she said and gave one of the students a stern glare knowing what he was going to say. "I know full well that it's against the rules to never say what kind of monster you are let alone your rank, but this is Monsters 101, so I can bend the rules for educational purposes and ONLY for those purposes. Now why don't you come to the front of the class and introduce yourself?" she said and he gets in front of the class. "Hello everyone, my name is Terry Kisagama, I'm a sorcerer" he said meekly and returned to his seat. "Before you sit down Mr. Kisagama, Can you tell everyone your rank?" she asked. "Ummmmmm.....I'm a B Rank sorcerer Ms. Tukozaki" he answered and sits down. "Now I expect everyone else to do what myself and Mr. Kisagama have, hopefully this will expand your knowledge on what you know about monsters and ranks" she said and the rest of the class stood up and waited to be called on. One by one, each student introduces themselves and tells the class what kind of monster they are as well as their rank, although some students were more hesitant to do so than other. Then it came down to the last three students, and Ms. Tukozaki brought those students to the front of the class hoping to see an S Rank monster amongst the A's, B's, C's and D rank students. "Hi, I'm Daishika Musasake, an A Rank Lizardwoman, it's a pleasure to meet you all" she said and Moka eyes perked up, while Kurumu had a sly smirk on her face looking at Moka with a "So THAT'S the student you saved from the Lizardmen" look on her face, that is until Ms. Tukozaki saw it. "Alright Bimbo, why don't YOU introduce yourself and see if you still have that smirk on your face?" she said with some confidence and Kurumu sighed in annoyance. "Well Ms. Tukozaki, this "Bimbo's" name is Kurumu Kurono, the first Succubus to reach the Legendary S Rank!" she snarled back. "Normally I would put someone like you in detention for the shit that came out of that mouth, but I'm not your run of the mill Yokai Academy Teacher, so your off the hook. Just learn when to keep that mouth shut and we won't have any problems" she said liking the bark in Kurumu's bite. "Oh I will, you can count on it Ms. Tukozaki" she said and returned to her seat. "Now then, tell me your name, the species of monster that you are and your rank Ms. Badass of Yokai Academy" she said. "I'm Moka Akashiya, an S Rank Vampire, and I'm a bit flattered that you heard about what I did" she said. "What can I say? I have an ear for these sort of thing" she said and Moka returns to her seat. 3 hours later Moka was heading out of the academy after she told everyone the "Abridged" version of how she became the bad girl with a heart of gold, she was making her way to her room where she was expecting Kurumu to be. But as soon as she was at the door that leads to her room, she felt a cold aura nearby. "I know your here Mizore, so quit hiding and show yourself" she said being slightly annoyed and saw the ice girl appear right next to her. "So what do you think about my new trick? I figured since you can find people by smelling or sensing their blood, I wanted to see if this trick can allow me to sneak into an enemy vampire's lair, castle or one of those fancy condos undetected" she said. "I can see that Invisible Ice Cloak of yours working on B, C and D rank vampires, but it needs some work for it to be effective against an A or S Rank Vampire" she said. "Thanks, I wasn't expecting you to say that. Although now your this Bad Girl/Ass kicker of Evil, nothing you'll do now will surprise me" she said. "Your welcome, now about the part you said nothing will surprise you?" she said and the ice girl raised an eyebrow due to what she heard. "What about it?" she asked and saw Moka opening the door to her room. "Come with me to my room Mizore and you'll find out, and just a heads up, Kurumu is going to joining us, so she should be at my balcony by now" she said and the two women make there way inside Moka's room. Once they were inside, Moka closed the door behind her and sees that Kurumu was at her balcony so she went there and opened the door for her. Kurumu closed the door once she was inside, but she noticed that Mizore was here as well, she assumed that she was here for the same reason she's is. "Alright girls, as much as I want to start telling you my story of how I ended up the way I am right now, I have to take a trip to the ladies room, so just sit down on my bed and wait till I get back" she said and heads out to go to her destination. At the ladies restroom in the dorms Moka had just arrive and took a much needed leak, and then washed her hands with soap and water. But once she dried her hands, she noticed that she didn't get electrocuted, so she takes a good look at her teeth using the mirror and found out that they look like they belong to a feral vampire that's half human. Moka then lifts up her shirt to see her belly, and saw a visible, ripped and strong six pack. "Huh......I didn't think any of the muscles I've gained would have stayed once I'd changed into my human form, ....let's hope I have more than this six pack I'm now rocking" she said and put's her shirt back down, rolls up her sleeves and did a double bicep flex admiring how hard and ripped they are. "To think that just a couple hours ago, I was terrified about what was happening to me. Now I'm starting to regret holding myself back with that paperweight cross" she said but was a bit surprised that she didn't gasp whatsoever. "Yet I got to admit, I can get use to having these muscles and....new personality, but I wouldn't mind keeping my "bad girl with a heart of gold" reputation intact ^-^" she said and heads out of the restroom. Moka fast walked her way back to her room hoping that Kurumu and Mizore were still there, but as soon as she made it to the door, she overheard the two having a conversation about her. So not wanting to go inside and have them end there little chat, she puts one ear next to the keyhole and listens in on what they are talking about. "Look, I know you didn't come here for the same reasons I am. So why don't you tell why your here now while Moka isn't here" she said without coming off as suspicious. "I just came here to be surprised" she said. "By what?" she asked. "By whatever it is Moka is going to show you" she answered but Kurumu raised an eyebrow for what she just heard. "Hey wait a minute! Last time I checked, Moka told me that she's going to tell me the uncut version on how she ended up being the bad girl with a heart of gold!" she said feeling like she's been duped. "Actually I'm doing a little bit of both, so as long as you promise to keep what I'm going to show you after storytime a secret" she said and closed the door behind her as the two look shocked that Moka overheard there conversation. "(Sighs) so as long as you keep your promise, my lips will be sealed" Kurumu said. "If it means I'll find out why you suddenly have muscles as well as why your not wearing that cross collar, I'll play ball" Mizore said and sees Moka sitting down on the floor not seeming to care that she saw her muscles as she was ready to tell her story. "It all started just like any other day, I went to the cafeteria, bought a can of tomato juice at the vending machine, sat alone at a table and started drinking it. But as I was drinking, it suddenly starts to taste like blood, so I stopped drinking.....that was when the entire room started smelling like blood......fresh blood. So I'd covered my nose and made a b line out of the cafeteria not wanting to stay and find out what was happening to me" she said and took a deep breath before she continues. "But I decided to get out and as far away from the academy as I could just to be on the safe side, since I didn't want to run the risk of hurting anyone or killing them. Little did I know, Saizou was tailing me....and at the time, I didn't know why. .......That is until he told me" she said. "What did that orc bastard tell you exactly?" Kurumu asked. "He told me that the reason what was happening to me was the result of me reaching to a point where my Rosario Cross no longer works, which brought all of that power to the surface.....after I took it all in" she said but looked at the two knowing what they were going to say. "I'm going to lie to you, at first, I was holding myself back not liking what was happening to me. But then I started to feel like I was pent up with lust, and that fresh blood didn't seem to smell bad anymore. So I got up, took in that delicious smell like a breath of fresh air, and proceeded to drain that Orc dry of his blood" she said and starts to "Truly" express herself. "In that moment, I felt like I was on cloud 9, and I didn't give a damn in the world that I was enjoying every single second of it! But since I was in control of my actions, I stopped drinking his blood after he looked like a dry prune...that and I didn't want to kill him. But what happened next.....was the reason why I got these muscles" she said and cleaned the drool that was on her mouth. "So in other words, you hulked out" Mizore said. "Oh I didn't just "hulked out", my muscles grew so huge and ripped, that all I had left was my skirt, panties, heel boots and socks" she said not even putting the slightest amount of effort to hide the love and enjoyment she had. "Even though I didn't regret what I did to him, I apologized, took him to the nurse and got out of there before anyone saw me" she said and then quickly takes off her shirt, heel boots and socks off. The two girls had dumbfounded and surprised look on their faces when Moka almost stripped herself naked, only for their jaws to drop when they saw Moka's muscles starting to grow at a fast rate. Moka couldn't help but enjoy seeing the expression on their faces as her now silver hair had finished growing to it previous size when she first transformed. Then a loud moan escapes from her lips as her muscles finished growing, followed by her eyes becoming blood red. "Sorry for the quick and abrupt transformation, but I couldn't hold myself back any longer!" she said. "It's fine Moka, besides, it's not like no one came or anything" she said and noticed that Mizore was blushing. "Right?" she asked as she was blushing in embarrassment. "To be honest, I thought that you would be the one to came since your a succubus and all" she answered as she was now blushing red. "Hey, just because I'm a succubus, that doesn't mean I would cum anytime I see something sexy!" she snarled. "So you think I look sexy with these muscles?" she asked playfully and flexes one bicep and gives it a little lick causing Kurumu to blush deep red. "Oh relaaaaax, I got Yukari to soundproof my room, so no one will hear a thing" she said but she noticed that there was a scent of hate and fear in the air. "Unless a certain lackey I've headbutted decides to get some payback" she said and quickly opens the balcony door and grabs him by the neck. Moka closed the door and makes her way back to the girls with the lizard lackey, she saw the look of terror on his face, and she couldn't wait to do give a "demonstration" of what she did to Saizou for Kurumu and Mizore. She's also hoping that she would gain more muscles once she was done. "Okay ladies, I hope you have the stomach for what I'm about to do, cause things about to get....messy" she said and bites into his neck as deep as she could and starts to drink his blood. Mizore didn't seem to be disgusted by what Moka is doing, and she had this "Eh, I've seen worse" look on her face. While Kurumu was covering her mouth hoping that she wouldn't throw up, that is until she sensed some of aura emanating from Moka. This caused her to be concerned for her friend, reason being, stuff like that is guaranteed to put a succubus under there spell regardless of how resistant they are to being seduced by other monsters. But little did she know, she's already under that spell, it just took a little longer for her to realize it. Yet it only got worse as she couldn't even move, but for some reason Moka didn't take advantage of the position she's in, probably because she was too busy drinking that lizardmen's blood. Then she saw something that she wasn't expecting to happen, Moka had stopped drinking his blood and knocked him out cold, that was when she realized that Moka almost killed him as she saw that he looked like a shriveled up corpse. "MOKA WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROB-" she was interrupted when Moka covered her mouth. "I know I know, I almost killed someone today, it's just that I become an entirely different person when I start drinking someone's blood. Also, I'm getting used to having all of this muscle and power 24/7, but I am trying my best not to let this get into my head.......even though I have no regrets for what I just did. Now when I let go of your mouth, promise me you'll not throw a bitch fit?" she said and heard a muffled "no I won't", so she removed her hand from Kurumu's mouth. Mizore created an Ice Clone of herself and tells it to take the lackey to the nurse, all the while Kurumu had a grumpy pouty face as she sees the Ice Clone taking him away. A few hours later Moka still in her vampire form, was flexing her muscles, although she was a bit bummed out that they only grew 5 feet in size and mass. But the silver lining to all of this is that she now has an excuse to buy a full body mirror, that and she can just simply enjoy being a musclebound vampire, although now she had to make sure no one else knows about the side of her that she loves a lot.....even if it means she has to resort to doing something she doesn't want to do, .......she just hoped that she'll never have to do such a thing. |