story is not complete, please give feedback so it can be finish

The doctor encouraged a young woman in terrible agony. She pushed
with a final shriek, and loud crying filled the room. Her husband
accepts the baby from the physician to show his exhausted wife their
child. Together, they smiled down at their new son.
the next two days, the couple enjoyed new baby.
it started to go wrong.
at the baby's crying, the woman would refuse to feed her son until
the nurses had to force her. Her husband began to grow frustrated
with having to change diapers every twenty minutes and the sound of a
wailing cry. Both had given up and were considering giving the baby
the last day of their stay in the hospital, there was a knock on the
door, announcing a visitor. A group of people in black suits swarmed
the room. One of the people in black, a man with a blond buzz cut and
black sunglasses, approached the family.
are not here to hurt you," the man assured them. " I'm Mr.
Flagger. Head of a particular department in the US government."
stepped forward to hand them an ID, which the husband took warily. He
examined it for a few moments before giving it back to Flagger.
should we care?" asked the wife. "What do you want with my
may not believe this, but we have reason to believe that your son is
the host of an unusual organism called a shadow."
and..? Everyone has a shadow. How does that make my baby so special?"
sorry Miss, but you seem to misunderstand me. I don't mean that
kind of shadow. I'm talking about a creature. We don't know for
certain what exactly they are. We are aware it dwells within people
like your son and whenever he's unconscious it will take over his
body. They thrive on chaos, only wanting to destroy. Also, they are
biologically immortal to they can be destructive forever."
him," the mother repeated."If these shadow things are as
dangerous as you say, then kill him."
please, there are ways to control a shadow without harming the host.
I'm sure you would prefer one of those options opposed-"
don't care," the woman interrupted. "We weren't going to keep
the baby anyway. Just take him away and kill him. It would be cruel
to allow to live that way." She shoved the child into Flagger's
arms and refused to hold him when he tried to give him back. He
finally gave up and left the room with his cohorts.
now?" one of the asked.
going to take him to a family I know," Flagger said as they walked
to their cars. "They just had a daughter who was also born with a
shadow. They'll be able to take care of him and keep him safe. Go
back to Headquarters and write a report about what happened." He
left his agents and got into the car with the baby.
eventually reached a two story, grey-weathered house with a white
picket fence. A tall woman with brown boy-cut urban hair answered the
door, and when she saw Flagger, a look of delight lit her face until
she noticed the baby in his arms. She quickly ushered Flagger into
the sitting room and took the baby to be fed.
Flagger, didn't 'cpect to see you so soon," said the man,
flopping into the chair opposite to Flagger.
too Bill, but something came up," his voice grew somber in the
otherwise quiet room. The two men could hear Bill's wife rifling
around in the kitchen, the next room over, for a bottle. "The boy
is a shadow host and his parents wanted to kill him when they found
horrible! What kind of parents would allow their own child to die?
What type of person?!" Both of the men looked up to see Bill's
wife standing in the kitchen entryway, the baby in her arms.
glad I'm not the only one who thinks so, Frances," said Flagger.
"That's why I need your help. I don't have anyone to take care of
him, and I was hoping you two could do it. I'll buy him anything he
not necessary. We would be delighted to take him. What's his name?"
asked Frances.
Eric Maxwell."
a lovely name." Frances smiled down at her new baby.
send supplies tomorrow and visit next week. Good luck and thank you."
Flagger rose and headed to the door before getting into the van and
driving off.
Chapter 1
do I have to take the fusion," whined Eric Maxwell. The
once-orphaned boy, now nine years old, was getting ready for bed.
already know the answer to that Eric. Now would you please go get me
the vial?" Eric did as she asked and trudged into the bedroom of
his adoptive mother. He took out one of the clear glass bottles lined
inside her dresser and before returning, considered smashing it to
the ground. While walking past Maria's room, Mrs.Cshman's birth
daughter, Eric could hear the soft sounds of the small girl's cries
and the coos of her dad trying to comfort her. 'Sounds like she's
getting her fusion too,' he thought.
as long as he could remember, Eric had to take the fusion every
night, Maria too.
shambled back into his room where Frances was waiting, and hours
later was curled in bed weeping like his sister. Slowly, Eric cried
himself to sleep. He slept peacefully until he heard, what sounded
like that of a dying bird.
scanned for the source of the deafening noise. Finally, he realized
where it was coming from. His own head. Tears welled in his eyes as
Eric failed to block the sound from his mind. He let out a screech
the rivaled the one in his skull, causing Mr. and Mrs.Cshamne to come
rushing into his room. They tried to comfort him, told him it was
only a dream, but he knew that wasn't true. Not when it started
happening every night for two months straight.
night, instead of the usual screams, Eric heard a soft, raspy voice
call out to him.
curled into himself, hugging his knees close to his body.
be scared, Eric. I'm only here to help you. I want to help you.
me alone," the boy pleaded. "Please! Just leave me alone." He
hugged his knees to his chest and curled into a ball into the middle
of his bed.
can't leave you alone Eric. I'm a part of you.
is a lonely boy. He spends most of his time on the playground sitting
by the trees watching the other kids play tag.
time, they asked him to play, but when they found out about him being
adopted and saw his towering, stone-cold godfather, they stopped
including him. His sister didn't count as a friend. They were never
raised as proper brother and sister. It was more like two long
distance cousins forced to stay with one another. The voice liked
talking to him, though. It would always ask about his day and let him
complain about the bullies at school. It was the first time Eric had
made an actual friend who actually enjoys being with him!
voice convinced him to let see and hear through him. It induced Eric
to relinquish control of his arms so they could play chess. The voice
told him that he was his Shadow. He remembers the night it happened.
won't you tell me who you are?" Eric asked the voice. He was
thirteen years old and had spent four years communicating with the
voice in his head.
don't think you'll still be with me if you find out.'
jerked his attention from the math homework he was struggling with to
voice's appalling words. He was bewildered. How could it think Eric
would abandon his first and only friend?
would never do that," he assured it. "I wouldn't leave you
even if I could. So please, tell me who you are. You always tell me
how much I need to trust you, now you should trust me." There
was silence for a few moments before the voice rang out from the deep
of Eric's consciousness.
your Shadow.'
froze. This was it. This was the very thing the Cshman warned him
about. The dark, manipulating monster that only craves chaos and
destruction. Eric started to rise to run to his adoptive parents and
tell them of what he just learned, but then Eric remembered when the
voice would listen to him rant, sending waves of outrage on his
behalf. It was there for him on his first day of middle school when
he had "accidentally" sat on pudding, and the whole class
laughed at him. It had sent its sympathy through him like a steady
stream. 'If it was able to be there for me when no one else was,
how bad can it be?' Eric thought.
shadow became his best, and the only friend he had as Eric grew up.
He became a short young man with a very slender built and no muscle.
Eric grew light brown hair that he styled in a spiky mohawk and dark
brown eyes blessed his face. His skin became tan from all the times
his shadow makes him go outside so it can learn. That's all the
Shadow did. Learn. It spent years learning. Learning how to talk to
it get to begin the exploitation of its host, learning to read,
write, and interact with others from the time spent looking through
Eric's eyes. Most importantly though, it learned how to gain physical
control over its host.
Eric didn't know was that his shadow was like all others. That it
really was the monster that his parents warned him about. Only
smarter about achieving its goal.
the time Eric turned fifteen his shadow told him the real reason why
he had come to live with the Cshmane. All his life, Eric had been
told that his parents died in a car crash, but The Shadow cursed him
with the truth. That they were so afraid of what he was that they
wanted him killed. Completely broken, The Shadow was able to use
Eric's moment of weakness to take full control of him. Mind and
was the week after his fifteenth birthday that Maria started noticing
her adoptive brother's changes. Eric rarely was in the house
anymore, suddenly taking an interest in different programs and
staying after school for everything. When he was home, Maria often
found him surrounded by books in the corner of their library. What
Eric was researching, she didn't know. He stopped talking to her,
their parents, and everyone else too. Even Flagger, who had spent
months trying to get through to the boy. The change in him had been
abrupt, the boy she had known for years now seemed to be an entirely
different person. Instead of better, over the next two years, Eric
eventually changed into someone Maria no longer recognized.
dinner's ready," Maria said to her brother who was once again in
the library. Eric absorbed books; finishing one in a day, then moving
on to another. Every week it was a different subject. This time, he
was reading about human psychology and behavior.
second, let me finish this chapter," he said reading faster.
Mom said to come right now."
he growled, glaring at Maria before looking back down at his book.
That's another change in Eric. He became increasingly temperamental
with little patience for anything. He had gotten into more and more
fights in school, surprisingly winning them. Eric became so vicious
that he put two classmates in the hospital for calling him "short
stack". He was suspended for three weeks.
not wanting to get into a fight, trekked back downstairs to help her
mother with setting the table. Five minutes later, Eric came trampled
down, a scowl on his face.
Flagger was coming to dinner; something that only happened every six
months. Because of this, Frances set out porcelain china and lit all
the candles on a golden lampstand and placed it in the center of the
table. Everyone was dressed up in something business casual by the
time Flagger arrived. Eric sulked throughout the whole meal, creating
a dense atmosphere. After they had finished eating, Flagger announced
that he wanted to speak with Eric alone, and everyone else cleared
out of the room.
heard you're getting into fights now," Flagger said, trying and
failing to stare the boy down. Eric met his gaze with a defiant glare
of his own. "Wan0t to talk about it?"
really, no."
you sure."
he deadpanned. "Can I go now? I have a lot of studying I have to
Tell me about your studies. Why are you taking such interests in so
many new subjects." Flagger tried to be casual, but the Shadow
could hear the suspicion in his tone.
Is it bad that I like to do more things?When I was younger, you were
always pressuring me to take up new hobbies, but when I finally do,
you still aren't happy!? What do you want from me Flagger?" asked
The Shadow predicting it's hurt tone would make Flagger guilty and
end the conversation. He was, then, proved correct.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you of anything. It does make me
happy to see you take up new interests. What bothers me is how you
changed so quickly.
Can I go now?"
can go."
man was an impressive specimen,' thought the shadow as it climbed
the stairs. 'But he soon will have to be disposed of.' This made
it guilty, as it knew how much its host cared for the man.
did it go?" Frances asked coming back into the room. She took a
seat across from Flagger.
think he just feels alone. We love Eric like our own, and he knows
that but it's not the same as having your birth parents. Plus he
has to share us with Maria. Maybe if you take him out and spend more
time with him, he'll get better."
don't know Frances. I have a booked schedule. I can't just drop
everything because he wants to act like a child."
is a child Flagger," she reminded him. "He's at one of the most
vulnerable times of his life, and he needs someone to be there for
him. You know he looks up to you."
the next few months, Flagger came to dinner almost every day and
spent every weekend taking Eric out. This didn't bother the Shadow as
it allowed it to learn more about the world it was going to destroy.
However, it also allowed Flagger to notice the differences between
the Shadow and Eric.
is he!?" cried Frances to her husband and Flagger. It was four
'o'clock in the morning, eight hours after Eric's curfew and he
still was not home. At nine Frances had called Flagger about Eric
missing, and he raced over. "We should call the police."
Frances. You know how teenagers can get. Remember when we were
sixteens? We ended up staying out until eight the next morning? Eric
will probably come knocking in the next five minutes," Bill tried
to reassure his wife.
could be dead in a ditch, God knows where, and you're telling me to
calm down!" Frances was still yelling at the two men for five more
minutes when they heard a rattling of keys at the door. Eric stepped
through the door covered from head to toe in dirt and blood. He was
whispering to himself when he looked and saw the three adults.
my God! What happened?!" Frances shrieked. She quickly moved over
and grabbed Eric trying to see where he was hurt.
off of me," Eric whined, not liking the attention. "I'm fine.
It was from a dead deer. We were in my friend's basement, I opened
the fridge to get some soda, and it turns out it was the fridge where
she keeps her game. One fell out and on top of me."
what I know, hunters tend to skin and drain their game the same day
they kill them. How did you get so much blood and dirt on you?"
asked Flagger with an air of skepticism. Eric glared at him over his
mother's shoulder.
don't know. I guess they decided to wait until later to do all
"Flagger leave the boy
alone," Frances turned to Eric. "Go upstairs and get cleaned up,
dear. I'll make you some cookies."
did as Mrs.Cshmane said and went upstairs, but not before noticing
the cynical look Flagger was giving him. 'I'm
done with this,'
the Shadow thought. 'I'll
kill him tonight.'
finished showering and went back downstairs just in time to see
Flagger finishing a discussion with Eric's parents and getting
ready to leave. It acted fast.
you stay a little longer?" It asked, adopting a pleading voice.
"I have some stuff I wanted to talk to you about in private."
what's going on?" Everyone looked at the top of the stairs to see
a sleepy Maria rubbing her eyes.
sweetheart. Go back to sleep. We'll all go to sleep" commanded
Mom," Eric whined.
nothing," she cut him off. "Whatever you need to talk to Flagger
about can wait until morning. You don't mind staying the night, do
course not Fran."
Eric cried. 'Excellent,'
the Shadow thought.
the Shadow slowly crept into Flagger's room its pitch black body
concealed it in the darkness of the windowless room. Tightening its
grip on the knife in its hand; it navigated by the echoing sound of
Flagger's snores. A sick, twisted grin appeared on its face. When
the Shadow reached the head of the bed, it swept its hand out,
pleased to feel Flagger's hot breath. It raised the knife above its
head, bringing it down in one smooth motion when a white light
illuminated the room.
Shadow, not able to take the pain of the brightness, let out an
inhuman shriek. It scrambled about, trying to find a shadow for it to
travel through, but all it could see was whiteness. It heard shouting
but was too muddled to distinguish what was being said. It felt hands
grab its arms and went wild. The Shadow flung its body every which
way, trying to throw off its unseen opponents. Eventually, it passed
out from the pain of the light and went limp.
woke at the sound of a high, ear-splitting scream rounding about the
house. She froze in her bed. Hearing the sound of several footsteps
moving down the hall, Maria crept out of her bed and tiptoed out to
investigate. Obviously, luck was not in her favor because as soon as
she stepped into the hall, she walked into her mother.
What are you doing out of bed?" Frances quickly tried to block the
sight of men surrounding Flagger's room. Maria craned her neck
around her mother to see the chaos while Frances ushered her back
into her room.
what's happening? Why are all these people here?" Frances could
hear the worry and confusion laced in her daughter's voice, and it
broke her heart.
back to bed, dear. I'll explain everything tomorrow."
buts," Frances cut her off. "Get to bed." Maria did as her
mother said and went to bed, but did not sleep. As Maria sat in bed,
she could only catch a few repeating words: Shadow, Lightroom, Eric.
She didn't fall asleep until early the next morning.
Maria woke, it was the afternoon and all the soldiers from the night
before were gone. She went downstairs in a search for her family and
found them all gathered in the living room.
stood at the entrance of the room. Her mother and father sat on one
couch with Flagger and a strange boy she had never seen before across
from them. The person missing, she noticed, was Eric.
where's Eric?" she asked.
you're awake," Flagger said. "Come here there's someone we
would like you to meet," Flagger said. He stood to offer her his
seat on the couch.
Eric?" she repeated, staying where she was.
explain everything sweetheart," her mother reassured. "Why
don't you take a seat?" Maria did as requested and sat down
between her mother and father, both of whom had a haunted look in
their eyes. She looked at the boy sitting across from her. He was
slender with some muscles that could be seen through his black
graphic T. His hair was cut into an angular fringe, had light brown
eyes and was unusually pale. He gave her a shy smile when their eyes
met, which Maria ignored for her mother.
Maria demanded.
don't talk to your mother like that," her father said sternly. "I
know you're confused but don't forget that you are a child and must
respect us."
curly brown hair flung everywhere, and her brown eyes grew wide with
anger. "Maybe I would if you guys would just explain what's going
on! What were those soldiers doing here last night, who's this guy,
why is my brother missing and I'm the only one who seems to care.
you done?" her mother asked with a wavering voice.
noticing how distraught her mother was, sank back into her seat.
I'm sorry but.." Frankie choked. "But Eric had to go away. It
was for our and his safety."
do you mean he had to go away," she demanded, looking at both of
her parents. "Where did you guys take him."
listen. What we're about to tell you is crucial," Flagger
interjected, and all eyes were on him.
I'm sorry that we waited so long to tell you, but you're special,
and I don't mean it the way your parents always do," he took a
deep breath. You're something called a shadow host. I know it may
seem hard to believe, but trust me when I say I'm telling the
truth. A shadow is an organism that takes over your body when you're
unconscious to cause mayhem on the outside world. Remember when you
were younger; you always woke up with cuts and bruises on your arm.
That was because of your shadow."
all of that stuff stopped. I-it stopped."
parents have been giving you something called a fusion. Remember when
you were younger, and you had to hold hands with your parents every
night. That was the fusion. Your parents would drink a chemical that
causes their blood to resist shadows, then when you held hands it
traded all of the blood in their body with yours, this causes your
shadow to be dormant for twenty-four hours."
saying I believe you; because I don't, but what does all this have
to do with Eric being taken away."
is a host like you and your parents used to give him fusions as well.
However, you're parents got the idea to give you two multiple
fusions at once. Of course, no one had ever thought of that before so
we didn't know what to expect. It caused you and Eric to have
memory loss, and later we found that Eric's body started to become
immune to the fusion. We don't know for how long, but it appeared
that Eric's shadow has been communicating with him but his body
started to become immune to them. His shadow took over his body."
didn't that happen to me?"
strange boy spoke up. "In a Lightroom. The only way to contain a
shadow is to keep it in a room of white light. The pain of the light
keeps it unconscious and out of the way."
barbaric and inhuman." Maria felt sick. To think that her little
brother could be tortured in some hell hole and her parents were
allowing it. She tried to look at her parents, but they turned from
the only way. We're not cruel because we want to be, it's because
we have to be."
stared blankly at the boy. "I'm sorry but who are you?"
"Maria, this is Samuel.
He's visiting from California and will be staying with us for a
while. He's a shadow host too. He's going to be mentoring you
from now on," Flagger explained. "He's live with his shadow
since he was a baby and only had to use the infusion three times. He
is one of the few hosts that have control over their shadows."
don't know, it just listens to me. I named it Larry," Samuel
what's going to happen to Eric?"
is no longer Eric. His shadow has taken over his control, and he'll
have to stay in the Lightroom until we can find a way to save him."
how soon will that be?" Frances asked. Her eyes expressed her
will take a while. Maybe never. We've never had a case like this
before so we won't know what to expect. Though we'll have our
best scientists working."
started crying, and her mother led her out of the room, eyes also
filling with tears. Bill stayed but continued the conversation