Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2134427-The-Athena-Blues-Ch-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #2134427
Mae shows off the new game room
"Holy Shit" was all Josh could say as the doors slid open. The room was a bit longer than the lounge they were just communing in. Along one side was about fifteen flat screen TVs with four controllers in front of each on a glass table with a couch and two chairs surrounding it,while along the other wall were twenty desks with a mouse on top, down the middle of the room was an island bar with a table running around three sides, stocked with alcohol,snacks, and a grill. The whole place done in blue and black with the same pattern as seen on the emblem over the outside door and on their armor.
"Wait, where are the consoles, and the computers?" one of the new recruits asked,Sky remembered him being introduced as Leek
Mae walked over to one of the desks and motioned everyone to follow. once everyone gathered around as tightly as they could. She reached under and put her hand on the mouse, they all heard a slight whir as the mouse glowed in her hand. All at once the blue wall became a large computer screen and read "Welcome Founder Ma3lee, on the desk formed a holographic keyboard.
"Wow Mae, you and Mama been working hard."Princess said from the back. Sky went ,sat down on the nearest couch and picked up a controller, he felt as a wave of warmth went through the controller and into his hand. a screen appeared on the glass table and read "Welcome Skywatch114" and a list of games popped up as the screen also appeared on the tv.
"This whole place is wireless, the consoles are in the wall,while i rigged up a holographic touch screen into each table and desk."
"But wait," Matt. sat down in the chair next to Sky, " This place is huge there's still at least another 300-400 feet missing off this place."
Pan looked at Sky confused," you didn't tell them?,"
"Tell us what?", Nate got up from his stool at the counter.
"I didn't want to ruin the surprise" he said putting down the controller,and hitting the exit button on top of the screen.
"Mae, would you do the honor of explaining it?"
"Of course." Mae walked to a door at the end of the room the end of the room.
"Athena Blue does gaming differently, you know how you guys train in holographic enviroments?"
"Yeah, we have special pods that project our mind into a program, basic tech" Laura spoke up
"We took it a bit further than that," Mae pushed the door open and let everybody walk in before closing it.
The room was very dull, covered in small grey tiles from the floor to the ceiling,with large bright lights along the middle of the top. It had two rooms on each side with two door sized holes.at the ends.Mae walked over to a box next to the door and brought it over to the group.
"Everyone grab a pair but don't put them on."
After everyone grabbed one she went over to a small control panel out side the nearest room and typed something in.
"Mercy, would you join me?"
Mama walked over and took her hand.
"this is one of our demo programs we tried before implementing the games. Go ahead and put your glasses on , push the button on the left arm and watch the magic happen."
Kat pushed the button as she put the glasses over her eyes. She watched as the pale room was soon covered in blue light and digital grids , the grids soon began to take the shape of furniture,and statues.A giant staircase took form in front of Mercy and Mae, the blue light then slid from the wall revealing elegant walls with giant windows looking out onto a Carribbean beach, the sun shining onto the lush carpet.
"Holy crap"Mark said in amazement.The group split up to explore the room, Proxy went and leaned on the window sill,while Mae and Mama sat down in the middle of the flight of stairs.
"now take your glasses off"
Matt took them off and looked over at where the steps .His jaw went slack as it appeared that the two young women were floating in mid air.Proxy look over where the window used to be and saw just the grey wall. She lifted her arms up from what she thought was a window sill, was actually the tiles from the floor. everyone watched as they disconnected from each other and floated back down into their spots. Everyone realised when the women got up that they to were sitting on the floor tiles. Mark reached out to catch Mercy as she took a step off but Dante put his arm out to stop him. the tiles in the floor below flew up under her foot as she walked down to act as a step.
"These are experimental microbots that your syndicate gave us, the tests were a sucess so they allowed us to keep these, they are controlled by the computer behind the far wall,they simulate the enviroment that we program into the computer, there are millions of these in this floor that simulate wall, windows,doors,steps."
"But what happens when you run into one of the real walls?" Jack asked
"Simple,"Pan walked over to the wall,"when you get to close the tile bots act as a tread mill."
She began to walk closer to the wall as soon as she stepped within a foot of it the tiles under her feet began to move back. she turned and the tiles stopped as she moved foreward parallel to the wall.
"They're set to be sent out to the training centers if a few months"
Jon looked over at Sky,"why didnt you tell us about this?"
"didnt seem to really matter along the lines of what we were dealing with at the moment"
"So, Sky would you like to be a captain for todays match?" Mae asked
"Sure, why not."
"Alright so Sky and Princess will be our captains today,Blues line up."
As the team lined up Mae walked over to the GAMERS
"its going to get a little violent in here, if you go back down to the lounge ill activate the wall TV so you guys can watch safely, the others will join you soon."
As the others left Sky let Princess choose first.
"I'll take Dante"
as Dante walked over they continued till they had two teams of six
Princess choose Dante, Tabbie,YungMama,Leek,and Ape while Sky had Murder,Doge,Wild,Maple, and Lou
"Sky you got the far side,Princess, near side."
The floor lifted under Sky's team and carried them to the other side where they walked into the small building.
"Alright everyone else head back to the lounge, We'll be starting in a few minutes"
As the last person walked into the lounge the wall with the couches lit up and turned into a giant tv screen, with maes face on it.
"for our guests and new comers this screen will show the whole map, if you look down at the tables and the bar youll see a list of the competitors, just click on the name to see what theyre seeing and hear their teams chat."
we'll commence in 3 minutes." and the screen switched to a view of the grounds

It was dark inside the small building, on the far wall there was a collection of weapon kits and suits. the floor tiles slid up and closed up the door and window opening
Mae came over the speakers
"the map will be Volskaya. Sky, your team will be attacking"

"Alright how are we doing this?"Sky asked
Wild looked at Doge,Maple and Sky
"Wombo Combo?"
"Lets do it "
Sky slid one of the power chips pan gave him into his necklace, once he came out of the digital grid he was 7 feet tall dressed in armor covered in eagles, wielding a giant hammer. As everyone else chose their kit, he walked over and looked through the door and watched the arena transform into a factory in Siberia. Doge doge came out in a blue mech suit with yellow details , revving up the two arm guns as the display came up on the clear windshield. Wild was wearing a pink outfit with purple highlights wilding a machine pistol and miniature teleporter. she then reached out an her hand transformered and was covered in a glove, reaching almost to her shoulder. the ends had small claws with pink glowing wires running up the glove,at the end of it was a wire which she connected to her glasses. Maple had on orange and black armor, with his face covered up by a mask with a ghouls face. He had a bandoleer of grenades holding a glowing liquid, and a sniper rigle holding darts with the same glow in it . Lou hadon a cowboy hat and cloak, she pulled out a revolver and some flash grenades.Pan appeared in black hooded cloak, with dual shotguns, and another mini teleporter. .
Mae came back over the speakers,
"Alright guys Princess' team is ready and set up and the map is loaded,you all ready?"
"you know it," Doge said as the team slid on their glasses
"Alright , in Five,
Attack Commencing!!!"
As the team ran out, they felt a very cold wind hit them with the sun shining into their eyes as they charged into turret fire --End Ch. 2

A Special thanks to the founders and fellow athena blues, you guys have made these past few weeks the best ive had in a while, you guys are what makes athena a family, as we grow larger i hope we never lose that sense of family GO ATHENA !
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