Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2133525-Cupid-and-Ariadne
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2133525
I wrote this on one of my '3 things' challenges.
The new semester had brought a flood of students to the university from all over the country. With the maps provided by the school, the new attendees wandered, exploring the campus, while those already attending moved quietly and directly from building to building carrying on with the day.

Cupid and Ariadne sat on a high ledge of the Administration Building, just outside the Dean of Women's window. Their perch afforded them an unfettered view of the crowds below, and they took advantage of the random pattern of criss-crossing foot traffic to carefully study them all as they milled about.

Cupid was the first to speak: "Oh, oh...look there! The tall girl with the black hair! I think she'd be perfect for your young man." His wings threatened to spread of their own volition and carry him on the wind down to the athletic young woman.

"Calm yourself, my dear. We want to be sure of these things, now." Ariadne's melodious voice had an instant calming effect on her mate. She was heartened by his enthusiasm for their relatively newfound endeavor. She looked carefully at the girl he had pointed out, sizing her up for the potential match she sought for the sandy haired young man who sat reading on the shaded bench near the open grass in front of their customary haunt. She reached out carefully with her mind, listening to the rhythms of the soul present in the dark haired girl. The vibrations were so very in-line with what she had wanted for her assigned person. Her heart swelled with pride at her companion and how well he had taken to their purpose. She looked at him, remembering his dark blue scales when he was young, and thought for a moment how well the silver of age suited him now. He noticed her gaze, and was a similar mind as her, thinking of the red and white scales of her youth, and how well they had mellowed to the pink and white that now defined her form. The centuries had been kind to them both, and he knew they had found the right calling in this new profession.

"Cupid, have I told you lately what a handsome fellow you are?" she asked with a sly grin. He chuckled as he replied, "Oh, don't flatter me, my dear, just tell me. Do you think she's the one?" She looked down once more and began to flex her wings. " Oh, yes. She is indeed." Ariadne spread her wings and whispered, "Time to go to work." She began to fade as she dropped down from the ledge to hover over the head of the young man she had chosen earlier. Similarly, his colors faded away as he soared downwards to float near the young lady's left ear. In barely a whisper, he guided her steps across the grass in front of the Administration Building, on a near-direct path towards his wife and her charge.

Laura found herself leaving the sidewalk, tired of just wandering around taking in the sights of the university grounds. The grass looked so inviting, especially over towards the huge tree with the bench. The shade looked so cool, and she did feel a little warm right now, and she did want to sit down for awhile, and...and...oh...she saw him sitting there reading. She felt for sure she had dreamed of someone that looked like him. He had a gentle expression on his face, and was obviously totally engrossed in his book. She thought about turning away towards the other bench on the opposite side of the tree.

Thomas had reached a good spot in the book to take a moment. A gentle breeze stirred the cool air under the tree. He looked up and noticed a striking girl approaching the tree, and just knew he had to say something to overcome both his own shyness and hers. But what to do? What to say? A thought dropped into his head just then, and he reached into his book bag.

Laura had turned her steps ever so slightly when she heard him speak. "Excuse me, there's plenty of bench here, and I don't bite." She looked over at him, and saw the M&M saxophone dispenser with the sunglasses on, just like the one she had in one of the boxes in her new dorm room. Her mom had given it to her last Christmas, and she had eaten about half the candy already. She smiled, "If you're offering to share some of those, I might just sit right down." He popped open the container and smiled, holding it out to her. "I'm Thomas" was all he could think of to say. She sat down beside him. "Laura," she said as he shook a few into her palm. She already knew her day was going to be just fine.

Cupid and Ariadne had returned to the ledge as Laura and Thomas began an animated conversation. As they watched their handiwork, Cupid turned to Ariadne, and they warmly touched noses. Catching a motion in the corner of his eye, Cupid looked into the window, noticing the Dean of Women approaching her office through the glass doors beyond the desk. "Come in my sweet, she's back from lunch." Ariadne took one final look down at the two newfound lovers before she blinked and followed her husband through the glass.

Deborah had spent a little longer at lunch than she'd intended, but as she sat down at her desk, she was ready to get back to work. She was looking forward to the semester and pulled the stack of files for the new students to the center of the desk. As she was looking at the first file though, she had the oddest feeling that something was going on. She swiveled her chair, looking at the credenza and the two cherished dragon statues that sat there next to the window. Fondly, she thought of the day she'd found them in that odd little shop, and to this day wondered why she never was able to find the place again. "You know," she said aloud, "I've always had the feeling there's some running conspiracy between you two." She laughed a little to herself, then turned around to get back to work on the files.

Cupid and Ariadne winked at one another. Ariadne's mind reached out to his, "Maybe we can finally do something for her...what do you think?"

But Cupid was only barely aware of her thoughts. Out beyond the glass doors of Deborah's office, he saw Ben, the newly appointed Director of Food and Nutrition standing there gazing through the door. Cupid quietly said, "My love, I think I'm one step ahead of you."
© Copyright 2017 Vincent Coffin (vcoffin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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