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Exercise for Lesson 2 of Katz novel class |
Lesson Two – Noveling Exercise - Part 1 *Beach* Let's look at plot, and theme, and audience a little bit more this week. For your Noveling Exercise, make up a list with three columns, or spaces, or slots or what ever you are comfortable with. ♥ In the first column/slot write (or type) five different plot possibilities. These are to be very brief – just enough to tickle your memory of what they are. They do not have to be plots you plan to use, now or ever. We're just going to play with these a little bit, to get a good feel of how plot, audience, and theme all fit together in your writing. Possibilities: I will attempt this to the best of my ability, however, I don't consciously think about plot in this manner and never before developing my primary characters. I'll use the Pandora sketches I wrote for the Exploratory Writing Workshop and see what comes of it. General: Sketches (Vignettes) 1,2 and 3 are analogous to chapters 1,2 and 3. They contain no plot. They basically... (1) Sketch the Central Character in the story world, show a Before Snapshot and express their wants needs and desires. Sketch 2, shows the Central Character (CC) caught in an uptempo of events that takes them outside the box of their lives. Sketch 3 shows the CC swept into a Life Changing Event. Plot 1: Pandora and Kindred find themselves caught up in a continuing saga that repeats itself from one generation to the next. In a sense it is allegorical. Each generation has its own challenges. They must confront the forces of evil each more daunting than the last until in the climax they overcome the biggest hurdle of them all. Plot 2: Pandora and Kindred explore a fanciful world of mythical creatures. Each hurdle they face provides a key to the next. In the last crisis they unlock the secret to their destiny, marry and live happily ever after. Plot 3: Pandora and Kindred stumble onto a mystery that ties their two families to a dark and distant past. In seeking to unravel the tangled web of their past lineage, they face forces trying to keep them from discovering hidden secrets and changing the terrible destiny that awaits if they do nothing change it. Plot 4: Pandora and Kindred discover a magical world that is passing into oblivion as creatures flee this world into another dimension. They must figure out why the hemorrhage of ancient magic is taking place and do something to stem the tide before the reality of their world becomes totally cold and sterile. Plot 5: Pandor and Kindred are two star crossed lovers who were never intended to meet. Each has a destiny designed to take the world down a different and diverging path each leading to the demise of humanity. They must reconcile these paths and find a middle road that will save the world. ♥ In the second one, for each plot line you listed enter the type of audience you might direct that plot toward. Include the age group, their main interests, and something about the plot you think would attract them. Plot 1: Will appeal to a mature and sophisticated audience who will chuckle at the allegorical aspects of the fantasy and events taking place in modern day politics. Plot 2: Will compel readers of the fantasy genre. It will have appeal to young adults Plot 3: Will appeal to readers who like historical fiction. Plot 4: Will appeal to science fiction readers. Plot 5: will appeal to an action adventure audience. ♥ In the last slot, put in a possible theme that is appropriate both to the plot and to the audience the plot is intended to reach. Plot 1 Theme: What appears new today, is simply a rehash of of the same old eternal truths. Plot 2 Theme: Love will eventually triumph over adversity. Plot 3 Theme: What goes around comes around, Plot 4 Theme: There is more to our existence than is self evident. Plot 5 Theme: Those with the courage to dare can change the outcome of their destiny. Put this all in one static item in your So You Want To Write A Novel! folder or book item. Lesson Two – Noveling Exercise - Part 2 If you already chose the idea for the next novel you will be writing, use it for this exercise. If you haven’t decided as yet, go back to your Finding Inspiration Noveling Exercise from Lesson One and choose one of those story ideas to use for this week’s noveling exercise. You may find you actually want to use it for your next novel after you plan with it a little bit. ♥ Write up a short, very basic plot outline for your story. Include no more than three main sections and no more than two subplots per section. This is a very loose guideline meant only to get you back on track if you can’t decide where next to go in your story. Outline to Pandora Phase 1: In this Phase I introduce Pandora in her story world, see her caught in an uptempo of events and swept into a Life changing event. The first phase has ten chapters and the first three are devoted to introducing the story world and characters. That leaves seven chapters for plot, layers and the first crisis of the novel, a struggle to free themselves from Tobias. Subplot 1 is Millicents story world. Subplot 2 is Merlin's story world. I call subplots, "layers." Phase 2: In this Phase, Chapters 11-20 Pandora faces an attempt by Monk Stephen to retake Devil's keep from from the army of dissidents commanded by Pandora and Prince Comely. In subplot 3 I develop Tobias's view on life. In subplot 4 I develop Monk Stephen's perspective on the story. Phase 3: In this phase Chapters 21-30. Pandora leads the forces of good agains those of evil for a final showdown with Monk Stephen. ♥ Write up a brief, basic character profile for each of your two most important main characters. We'll dive into character development next week. This week just do the bare basics. For each character include a general description, brief life history, the two strongest positive personality traits, the two worst personality traits, two or three likes, two or three dislikes, and a challenge or obstacle each one must deal with as the story progresses. In subplot 5 I introduce the reader to King Percival, Kindred's father. In subplot 6 I will be introducing the "Three Wise Guys." Pandora: A young Princess who is unknowingly a Dark Witch, is lured by Unicorns out of her placid world and into a Life changing event. She's led an indulgent life where her wants and needs are provided in abundance. She is aware of the dark forces swirling in her life and has resolved to keep a (1)fundamental sense of decency and (2) principle in control of her dark compulsions. She is plagued by voices and dreams of temptations to do things she finds disconcerting. She is (1) impulsive and (2) often acts before she considers the consequences, thinking her knowledge of life is deeper than it is. She likes (1) exploring, her lessons in Magic, and (2) being outdoors. She dislikes (1) being talked down to, (2) told she can't do something, (3) and cruelty towards others. In Phase 1 she finds herself taken prisoner, thrown into captivity, and threatened by low servitude and threats. She must assess her situation while hiding her identity and find a way out of her predicament. Prince Comely: Heir to the throne of a neighboring Kingdom, he is sent by his father to seek the aid of the Magical Realm, Pandora's home. He encounters Pandora as she flees wolves and is swept over the falls into the same Life Changing event. He too has been catered to but often bullied by his more physical twin brother. He wants to prove himself worthy of being King and despises his good looks and gently nature. He is less outgoing and physical than his fraternal twin who has the Kingly profile written all over him. He wants to prove his merit and gain the same esteem his brother has earned in battle. He is very reasonable, thoughtful, has a gift for languages and serves as the leading diplomat for the realm. In his quest he travels incognito at his fathers request disguised as a peasant. Comely suspects that Pandora is somehow tied to the Magic Realm although she is not forthcoming with much information. He decides to become her protector (manservant) as the two travel down the river trying to find a way home. ♥ Write a very basic, absolutely minimal character sketch for each of three supporting characters. Millicent: Pandora's Mother. Also a Dark Witch who is Secretary of State for the Magic Kingdom. Her duties take her far afield and she is seldom home. The raising of her children is left to Merlin her husband. She is beautiful, terrifying and adored by her husband. However, for her subjects she inspires a dread in nearly everyone who feel an irrational fear when in her presence. Merlin: A kind and gentle wizard, who is given the task of being King of the Magical Kingdom. In a reversal of roles, he stays home, administers the realm and raises the children. He spends much time with Pandora, teaching her magic and preparing his daughter for her role of one day becoming queen. Tobias: Referred to as "The Torturerer" He is master of Devils Keep and the henchman of Monk Stephen, Steward of the Dark Realm and claimed by some to be the Son of Satan. Tobias is responsible for the reception and onward movement of Pilgrims on the road to hell. He "reeducates" and brings them under control using various means of mind control, seduction and fear. ♥ Write up a basic description of one or two main settings where your story will take place. Fortress Magnifico. An ancient stronghold of the Elves, captured by evil men, and retaken by Millicent and Merlin who make it their home and base of operations. A generation earlier Millicent and Merlin staged a coup and took control of the castle. Devil's Keep: A bastion ruled by Tobias, surrounded by facilities for the processing of Pilgrims. It is the last stop on the road to hell where the travelers are sorted out and placed in useful categories for the fostering of evil. The Pandora Story with a Science Fiction audience. > Pandora woke wit a start. Her gown was covered in perspiration and her heart pounding. It was that damn recurring dream but this night, even more terrifying than usual. > > The vivid imagery, already beginning to fade, washed over her awareness once more. She was naked and being chased by someone sinister. She tried to flee but her feet seemed encumbered by lead weights and her legs moved lethargically. With maddening slowness she floated from one step to the next, plodding along without any of the urgency demanded by her desperate plight. "Faster! Faster!" she implored her body but it ignored her pleas and continued bumbling along in a surreal and disconnected state. The dark apparition closed from behind, and its claw like fingers clutched her shoulders. "Wake up!" screamed a voice from deep inside and her eyes snapped open. ..... In high orbit the scout ship appeared as a stationary blip in geosynchronous orbit. The planet below, like a blue marble, shone with a beauty that was everything the videos promised. It was one of those things that had to be seen to be appreciated. Seated at his workstation EBEA manipulated the control sticks. The screen glowed with a green luminous sheen. It was focused on a fertile valley at an earthen fortress called Magnifico. For years attempts had been made to genetically engineer an intelligent entity that was biologically compatible with the Serpian genome, however efforts to date had failed. EBEA yawned (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Alfa,) tilted his head back and exhaled. Every time we try and achieve a psychic connection the same thing happens. We can't get past her defense mechanisms. Even in the deepest REM cycle any attempt to gain subconscious access is met with an abrupt awakening. We're going to have to establish a clinical presence with this female in order to ascertain any progress. He summoned EBAB, and motioned him over to the workstation. "We're going to have to establish a Bio-Contact to get into her mind... this orbital interface protocol simply isn't working." "We can send the "Unicorn" life form, along with a specially programmed Juvenile" subform. We already have several of these units operating in the Valley of Men. We should be able to lure her out into the open and pick her up with a utility vessel," said EBAB." "Then we need to make the arrangements and get started," replied EBEA ...... The Pandora Story with a Detective audience. > Pandora woke wit a start. Her gown was covered in perspiration and her heart pounding. It was that damn recurring dream but this night, even more terrifying than usual. > > The vivid imagery, already beginning to fade, washed over her awareness once more. She was naked and being chased by someone sinister. She tried to flee but her feet seemed encumbered by lead weights and her legs moved lethargically. With maddening slowness she floated from one step to the next, plodding along without any of the urgency demanded by her desperate plight. "Faster! Faster!" she implored her body but it ignored her pleas and continued bumbling along in a surreal and disconnected state. The dark apparition closed from behind, and its claw like fingers clutched her shoulders. "Wake up!" screamed a voice from deep inside and her eyes snapped open. Knowing she could no longer sleep, Pandora threw on a robe, took a taper and descended the winding stone staircase into the dungeon. She had a severe migrane coming on and the only place she ever found relief was in the bowells of the fortress. The dungeon with its suite of empty cells and rusting doors was like a sanctuary and the most restful place of all was the torture chamber. How Ironic that in these ancient stone cells lies the one place where i can find escape, peace and solitude. She laid down on the rack and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of unicorns. ..... Merlin was distraught when he received news that Pandora had disappeared. He sent for his Magistrate Lancelot Cleuseau. It was late afternoon and already the sun was low on the horizon. "Took you long enough to get here," snapped the Wzsrd. "I had to do a preliminary investigation when I discovered the nature of the summons." "Yes, and what did you find? "Her pony, Merilot grazing along the hedgerow. Nearby we saw unicorn tracks and an opening where a foal had pushed his way through. On the other side the grass showed sign of unicorn hoofs and slight indentions that evidenced the footfall of a young woman. They led into the forest. "Is that all, we're wasting valuable time." "A team is being assembled as we speak and torches gathered and made so we might continue our search after dark." Good! Get to it and report to me as soon as you have news of her whereabouts. .... Merlin slept fitfully that night and paced the battlements until just before noon, the magistrate was seen emerging from the forest at a double time. He was a bit winded when he met the king sitting on the throne. "Out with it man demanded the Wizard in great haste to learn the news.... ..... |