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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2132902
Monsters are killed for treasure, one monster names himself to general of monsters.
Ewan (The Deity of Names that grants magical properties to people and monsters that are named and given titles. They have no physical description or true gender.)

Camm the Autumn Follower (A dragonfly humanoid monster that named himself. His body is purple exoskeleton that sports four arms and two legs. His back has orange wings and jet black antennae. On his forehead is an exoskeleton plate that has two orange dragonfly eye goggles. His ‘hair’ is brown and his eyes are brown.)

Stheno the Monster Lord (A snake bottom half humanoid monster that was named by a human on accident. She has water magic using her favorite spell Water Viper. She owns a whip as her main weapon with a vambrace. She had long blue tail and brown human upper torso. Her hair is a mix of black and blue, with eyes that are blue.)

Balm the Lovely Wing (A bat winged monster with horns becoming the first succubus. Her skin is hot pink while her hair is black and her eyes white. She has terrible vision until she steal glasses from humans.)

Humans will be described as they come, their names are not really important to the story.


A whip was cracked between two hands in front of an army of minuscule monsters. Wolves, Bats, Rabbits, Crocodiles, Rams, Bulls, Scorpions, Spiders, Ravens and a lone Dragonfly were organized in ranks like a militia of 80 monsters. The lone Dragonfly hovered forward dropping a small cloth bundle with sixteen stone square disks with pictures of monsters on them.

Stheno: 16 Monster Runes! I gathered the first monster army and sent you to get as many of the monster runes we could. Even recovered a few of our fallen brethen. And you could only get 16? That barely increases our ranks.

Dragonfly: I did my best.

Stheno (glares at the Dragonfly): Your best increases our survival barely any. If only more monsters had names. Then, we’d no longer be just hunted to the slaughter.

Dragonfly: Why don’t more of us have names?

Stheno (smiles): That’s a good question, maybe you’ll find the answer in the next raid.

Stheno looked over her army as she picked up the 16 monster rune disks. She slithered over to a puddle of black mud. The mud bubbled like a boiling pot. The puddle exploded into sixteen monsters. Six gigatonpithecus, two porcupines, three black lions, two hyraxs, two polar bears and one red smilodon were soon taking up the space of the now absent puddle.

Stheno: Follow me my monsters!

The aura that came off Stheno infected the water vapor in the air. Every breath the monsters took made them more and more into subjects of the monster lord.

[Outside a small human settlement]

Man screams in pain from being bitten by the red smilodon: HELP ME!

The monsters ran with a ferocity at the humans. Some humans used weapons and others used magic.

Human: What are the monsters doing? They’ve never attacked us before. What is wrong with them?!

Woman Battlecleric: They seem to be under an influence.


An archer fired an arrow at the left wings of the dragonfly. The wings tore from the body as the monster crashed into the ground letting a black mud leak from his body. Stheno looked from her spot clutching at her whip with a growl as a human choked underneath her blue and black snake lower torso. A pain in her chest as she saw one of her most individualistic monsters suffer from the humans.

Dragonfly panting: I-I-I wi-will not submit. Humans hunt us. They kill us. Take our lives and farm us.

The of a humans’ stabbed into the neck of gigatonpithecus. The black mud splashed from it as the monster broke apart into copper nuggets, a few sticks of wood, a bone made plate having a steaming hot meal on it and a rune disk. The human snatched up the disk that was dripping with the black mud. As peasants gathered up the food, sticks and copper nuggets. The human laughed as he held up the rune.

Laughing Human: They’re nothing but nameless beasts, slay them!

Dragonfly struggling to stand: I am not nameless.

Archer steps up to the dragonfly stepping on his right foreleg.

Archer: Give it a rest monster, you’ve lost. You are but a nameless bug. No monster shall ever have a name.

Dragonfly: I shall name myself, Camm the Autumn Follower!

Light sprung forth from the sky breaking the clouds.

Ewan: For a name shall bring a new destiny.

The archer panicked as he backed away from the floating dragonfly. As the light transformed it into the body of a man. Having the four arms that were of the dragonfly. A purple exoskeleton with orange segment lines. The face of human appeared as the head of dragonfly lifted up and shrunk into a pair of goggles. The right orange wings flapped as the late summer leaves cracked into gold orange autumn. Fungus grew all about him as grass began to crumple. The very hot plate of food in a peasant’s hands cooled as a light mold began to try and take the food.

Snapping his head Camm looked on with brown eyes as his white face and bare chest glistened in the light.

Camm: You will know the wrath of those you butcher for your greed.


Camm looked down at the archer as he breathed hard trying to take in many gulps of fresh air. His antennae took in the foul air that was reeked of the black mud of monsters and blood of the humans.

Camm looking around the raid: What’s going on?

A bat flew up with pink snout and black fur. The bat fluttered around him squealing.

Bat: It was incredible. You said some words and somehow got a name! You then brought the signs of autumn to the battlefield. And the archer just died in shock.

People screamed as they ran as far as they could. Several got on their bicycles and proceeded to ride away from the small human settlement. The majority of humans left as a few archers covered their escape. The archers were soon slaughtered by the monsters.

Camm looked at all the scattered monster rune disks. He was suddenly glomped on by the monster lord herself, Stheno. She rubbed his brown ‘hair’ with her cheeks as she gushed happily.

Stheno: Oh, my wonderful dragonfly. You are so cute and brave!

Camm blushing: What are you talking about? Didn’t you call me pathetic just a few hours ago?

Stheno: That was merely a facade to encourage my fathful monster into becoming my first general. And I couldn’t be prouder. Camm, such a beautiful name. The only thing I’m sorry about is that they ripped from you your majestic left wings. A crime that will cost them dearly.

Camm: So, are you like my mother then?

Stheno pushed him away from her as she yelled in horror.

Stheno: Of course not, I’m your Lord. And you are my general. Just because I encouraged you to be true to yourself does not make me like your mom. You are my subordinate. Don’t read too much into this.

Camm looked at Stheno in a new light realizing that his monster lord was only trying to encourage him to be his best. She may have approached it in a left handed way, but she did genuinely care about his well being. About the well being of all her fellow monsters. Camm stood up as he faced the monsters that were scavaging the bushes for nuts, black berries or chop bush fruit.

Camm: We should thank our Monster Lord. She has organized us to no longer be just mere product for the humans. She has given us a chance for freedom and to pursue our own destiny!

Camm looked at his monster lord desiring to be more than just her general. But, he took a knee knowing that for now he could be nothing more.

Stheno blushed at his looks and looked down on his kneeling. The tip of her tail wagged a bit as she tried to drown her desire to glomp on him. She knew the moment that he named himself that she was in love. But, she tried to play it off as pride mistaken for love. That was until just a moment ago when she saw his eyes.

Stheno whispers to herself: If you want to be more than that, then all you have to do is say so.

Camm: What was that my monster lord?

Stheno loud enough for Camm to hear: Nothing, just swear your feality and go recover. We’ll be moving east to have a good night’s rest.

The monsters snacked on the mushrooms and nuts that matured with Camm’s new powers. Camm walked with his right wings down already missing his desire to fly away. He would have to learn how to live this way.

The bat from earlier watched his back admiring his power. With a hum she spoke to herself dreaming. She giggled at the end of her spoken aloud thought.

Bat: If I had this ‘Name’ then I would make sure he was properly rewarded for his efforts. And I will get this name if it is the second to last thing I do. The last being his reward. * Giggle *
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