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Game of Thrones theme meets the world of supernatural creatures. Beware. |
The Trinity Trinity, three islands connected by the bridges of old. Each island has a deep history, each of them differs from another, but one thing they have in common and those are the religious beliefs of the people that live in these islands. Unfortunately, these bridges do anything but connect the islands. Alexandria, the liveliest of the three islands in the South, is ran by a church. Secretly are the laws determined by the Society of Ezekiel, religious group that hide from the people of Alexandria the truth which could only be dismissed as scary campfire stories. The Den, located in the West, island where crime and territorial behavior reigns. People have access to the Den, but not many return home happy. Granted, not many return. And Nuverus, the island of the East, fifty years ago finally were the bridges connecting to this island rebuilt. However, this island is always covered in strange mist, blocking the view from any observers of other two islands. It's been said that nobody lives there and this is where the story starts. It seemed like the island of Nuverus, or commonly known the Misty Island, had everyone's attention back from the Alexandria. Despite the history they've been somewhat familiar with of this mysterious island, the curiosity of the people kept bringing them from standing clear of this place and this is where the business started, which was successful, but risky. Long bridges connect all three islands, while the bridge which is for some reason called Road of Eternity wouldn't be seen reaching the Nuverus island because of the thick fog that hides a good part of the place. Right before the fog consumes everything in sight, few armed policemen would stand there to allow or deny people who want to go to the abandoned island, with police cars sometimes going in and out of the fog which are their scheduled patrols around the Nuverus. Though once believed to be rumors, it has been proven by reporters that some people never returned from the island even the ones who were touring with the experts. This day was like every other. Three people were responsible to guide the curious crowd, most of them are college and high school students who were extremely excited to see the place for the first time. There was also an older gentleman who was with this tour group and looked like a successful historian, dressed in a expensive suit, wearing round glasses, well trimmed beard and his hair tied into a pony tail, just lazily resting at his slight hunch of his back, which was from hunching over while reading and writing. His name is Gunther Korngold and he'd come from time to time to see the majestic place of Nuverus, which looked like it more came from old movies more than anything else. The female tour guide got everyone's attention in the van as they drove the long bridge, stopped by the policemen for the regular search before they cross into the borders of the old island. "Alright, do you have your masks ready?" She asked enthusiastically as the visitors nodded, showing that they all brought their masks. "You're probably wondering why we need these masks and if you thought it's because of the fog, you're certainly right. Sir Gunther, would you like to give a brief history of the island to the visitors?" She asked as the historian nodded with a small, yet confident smirk. "Many people in today's day and age believe that this island is haunted and I rightfully believe so myself. A tragedy struck this island two hundred years ago. Nuverus was inhabited by the elite class of people. Artists, poets, politicians, you name it, lived in this island. If you ask the Society of Ezekiel what happened to it and what tragedy was that, they'll tell you that God condemned this place for two reasons. One, the history tells of a man named Nuverus Caine, who found the island and took it as his with his children, who in the religion is the father of sin and gave birth to the demons and second, all the elitists and successful people were his children. They lived a perfect life in finery, they enjoyed and took it for granted by doing terrible and unacceptable things, until a plague took them. In order to protect Alexandria and the Den, the bridges connecting to the Nuverus were destroyed. Fifty years ago, we finally rebuilt the bridges, only to find nothing when we went to see what happened to the place for the first time in two centuries. No remains of the people, nothing was ruined, it was like they all vanished." The visitors watched Gunther speak, listening to the story intently, until the van finally came to a stop. Everyone put their masks on before opening the doors and got out of the van, looking around to see that they're in the city center. It was a circular place, the ground was covered in neatly placed stones. The trees were all naked without sign of life, the branches looked as deformed hands reaching to the heavens for salvation from the cursed place, while in the middle was a enormous fountain with sculptures which had no running water. The houses looked very old fashioned, but they were incredibly well kept as everything in the island. The benches were nicely polished, nothing was thrashed or destroyed. "How come this place looks so new and well-kept?" one brown haired girl asked under her mask as Gunther chuckled, keeping both of his hands behind his back. "I put a lot of money in keeping this place presentable, but in the same fashion as it was in the era when the plague took over. I want to keep history alive." It was obvious that the man was passionate about what he was doing and he was respected for it, greatly. The tour guides began walking the visitors through the ghost town and it was deathly quiet when they wouldn't speak. There was barely any wind and everything looked so timeless. As they walked the main street, they came to a stop where they could clearly see an enormous building that looked like a true palace, the top of it could barely be seen from the fog. "Ah, this is the LaCroix manor, which to me looks more like a palace, honestly. I've seen some photographs of how it looked from the inside, but the gates are chained. We are not allowed to go inside. It's gothic architecture and a massive place in which was told you could easily get lost in." The male guide this time spoke and Gunther joined in. "The LaCroix manor was the home of royal blood, the LaCroix, of course. They believed to be the direct bloodline of the Nuverus Caine himself. The plague struck when the beautiful Princess Felicia LaCroix was supposed to get married to one of the princes from the Geralt family of the North. I think it was Prince Edmond she was to marry. But alas, the plague struck the place and she never got to sit on the throne as the future Queen. She was very famous for her red hair, really uncommon in these areas. That's how you would know you're of the royal bloodline, when you're born with red hair." The two college students who were the last in the line were the most restless of all and the male one nudged the girl, who was his girlfriend. "Hey, wanna bail and spend some time in one of these houses until this shit is done?" she looked at him and chuckled under her mask. "Oh, come on. You really think we can do that?" she asked as the young man looked around and grabbed her hand when he was certain that no one was looking and walked with her to one of the alleyways, trying every door in the place that looked much darker than any other as they walked through. "I'm kind of scared, Clyde. Let's just go back to the group. I feel like I'm being watched." the girl said as she looked around, feeling uneasy in the dark alleyways of the abandoned island. The silence bothered her. "You know they said some people never returned." she stated as he shook his head. "It was just so this place can get publicity. It makes it worth coming here so we can tell the tale when we do return. I call that bullshit." Just as he said that, one of the backdoor opened into a smaller house which he was trying to open and he looked at his girlfriend excitedly. "Come on, I'll make it worth it. We have forty minutes until the end of the tour." Still not feeling like she wants to go inside, the girl listened and followed him inside the house, which looked like a living room with a kitchen to the right. The wallpapers were dark red and gave it really the feeling as if an aristocrat lived here, despite how small the house looked from the outside. Surprisingly, the place looked well kept, it looked like someone lived there very recently. There was a big painting above the fireplace, reminding her of what the Society of Ezekiel deemed to be sin. A naked woman with a snake wrapped around her. It was Vivienne, Caine's woman, which was also a redhead. Goblets on the tables and a knocked over wine bottle. Big chandelier in the center of the room with used candles, clean dishes next to the sink, which looked awfully out of place. "Whoa, this looks... As if someone still lives here." he said as the girl stood in front of the door. "I don't know, Clyde. I really think we shouldn't be here." she said with a worried expression as Clyde shook his head. "Samantha, live a little. I'll walk around the place and prove it to you that there's nothing here. Besides, this is much more interesting than the entire city. Maybe cops come here to fuck around on their breaks. Haunted, my ass." he said with a laugh and began to walk around the house as Samantha followed behind slowly, scared because she knew that they are where they shouldn't be. Clyde was always enjoying himself when he was doing something he wasn't supposed to and Samantha was never able to stop him. They came across the door which Clyde opened and saw that it led down into the dark basement. As he began to go down the stairs, Samantha whispered to him, trying to grab his arm. "Clyde, what are you doing?! Haven't you watched the fucking horror movies?!" Clyde waved her off, laughing. "You're such a pussy, I swear." As he went downstairs, with Samantha following halfway, Clyde stopped chuckling and looked at something in the dark. Samantha walked after him and looked ahead of them and saw what looked like a reversed pentagram on the wall and a few candles were lit inside skulls. A table was set in front of it and there were more goblets, but it didn't seem like they were filled with red wine. It was thicker. "What the fuck, is this some sort of a cult?" he asked, frown forming on his face. Clyde scoped the room and his eyes widened seeing body parts in the corner, with flies walking over the scars and wounds. Samantha started hyperventilating and pulled Clyde by his arm. "Please, let's get out of here." she panted and Clyde didn't fight her, knowing something was wrong here, just as the two turned towards the stairs, the door slammed shut with a dark figure in front of them. It was a man dressed in black and white suit, on his white shirt were obvious blood stains, while red irises glowed as he stared at them. They froze as the man lunged at Clyde. He prepared himself to fight, but monstrous teeth grew out of the violent man's gums and bit down on Clyde's throat. Clyde wasn't able to scream in pain as blood splattered all over the floor and the sound of flesh being ripped from it's place filled the room. Samantha stood frozen near them, watching with terror written all over her face. As his body fell down to the floor heavily and the terrible thing looked at Samantha when she began to scream, she ran towards the door, stumbling and heaving heavily. A pale man came out of the shadows the moment she opened the door in front of her, his hands reaching for her throat as he made an inhuman screech of twisted excitement, a hungry look on his face being the last thing the girl saw. Her screams ended abruptly, while the touring group heard nothing and continued with their tour. *** Moonlit World The police office received a message that the two of the visitors failed to return to the van and were nowhere to be found in the Nuverus and areas that they've visited, which was no surprise, neither to the tour guides or the police officers. They would usually send their condolences to the families and raise the awareness that once the visitors arrive at the abandoned island, they must stay together in the group. They say that they're furthering the investigation and keep these cases secret, but policemen and authorities know one thing nobody in Alexandria does - they work with the owners of the Misty Island, as it was requested from the Society. "Goddamn teenagers." the private inspector Fontaine Stewart said as he drove towards the Nuverus on the bridge while the sun was slowly setting. The cop who was with the inspector looked at him and sighed. "Well, as long as it remains a missing case, it's better for everyone. If they knew what actually happened..." Fontaine shook his head as he stopped to show his badge to the policemen that checked every passenger car and made sure that it was the inspector they've been informed about. "No, it's not better at all. But what the fuck can we do? We would be food for them, if we turn against their kind." he said as he began to drive, not bothering to look at the beautiful sight as the sun slowly set in the horizon. A dark sheet slowly began covering the sky. The two didn't speak as they entered the foggy borders of the island, but at night, the city is much more visible, it's architecture and atmosphere. The streetlights would barely lit up, looking like white orbs in the distance, somewhere yellow, different shapes of light would usually show that it was the light from the windows. Once they stopped at the city center, where the van usually parks with visitors, the inspector and the cop got out, waiting for the city to awake. As the final bits of daylight was settled by darkness, water began pouring out of the fountain. Noise filled the air, doors opening, voices chattering, shoes clicking on cobblestone. The water began pouring out of the statue's eyes like tears of the Vivienne on the fountain, along from the snakes that wrapped around her naked, stone cold body. As the two watched all those people gather around and living their life like normal people, the cop frowned. "I wonder, how would they blend in with us. You know, I mean us, humans." Fontaine looked at him and shook his head bitterly. "They already blended in well, they control us outside these borders. Society of Ezekiel allowed to do this for one reason only, to keep many of our people wondering in here like idiots. It's like they're sacrificing all those visitors here during the tours, just in case they get hungry." he stated and then looked over at manor which got his attention, it majestically lit up as a sign that the people inside are now awake and open to the rest of the inhabitants. The palace looked longer, bigger and much more frightening, the arches of the windows spreading further up the harshly done architecture, while shadows of the gargoyles can be seen against the walls of the building. "But I have to say, they got some style for demonic beings." Cop said as he looked at the structure that rested on top of the hill with raised eyebrows As they walked the main road, they observed beautiful inhabitants. Almost every man was dressed in expensive looking suits, well groomed and mannered. Women were elegant and each looked like they came from different era. Attractive and extravagant, each and every woman looked special and beautiful in their own way. But what stood out the most were the Royal Guards. They wore long red coats with the symbol of a golden lion on their back, which was the symbol of LaCroix family. They obviously looked like the kind you wouldn't want to mess with. They were much bigger and mean looking from all other inhabitants and the two followed after the inspector and cop, which was to be expected. They didn't want either the so called Nocturnals to pounce at the two humans or the other way around while the Royal Blood is awake. They passed the giant, richly decorated gate which led towards the LaCroix manor. Few of the Nocturnals were heading there as well, the long stone path leading towards the enormous palace and at the arched, colossal ebony door of the manor, two of the Royal Guards opened for the visitors for the first time that night. It was the first time for the cop to arrive here and he was awestruck. From the inside it looked almost like something one would expect inside the cathedral, but that was just the throne room. It was spacious, with pillars to the side, the floor was golden with long red carpet leading towards the throne. It was also made of gold, with red velvet and a lion's head as a decoration which has eyes of rubies. Near the entrance was a big bar and a waiter just arrived to serve the drinks for the visitors, especially knowing that the family love to mix alcohol with blood. The decoration on the walls were a different story. It all looked well detailed and like it took years to build. Fontaine never liked how far the arched ceiling was and especially the enormous chandelier hanging above the center of the entire room. He was always paranoid that it would fall on him. Servants were just starting their night and they began walking around, through many doors on the sides of the throne room, rushing and serving the nobles that stayed over in the palace. But the two visitors still felt uncomfortable. They felt watched from every corner of the enormous and rather lively place, which is a complete difference once compared to the Nuverus during the day. At night it seemed as a welcoming place, but entirely different universe. Alexandria is a modern city, while Nuverus feels like they've arrived somewhere they don't belong, in a time long past. But that feeling was right, the Misty Island is no place for a human. As the two waited for the rulers to discuss some terms about the wandering visitors, they heard from one of the hallways a rather authoritative clicking of heels which only got louder as it approached the throne room. The inspector coughed to himself and fixed his suit, while the cop stood at the attention. They were not met by the Queen herself, but by her daughter - Ellanore LaCroix. The color of her long red hair can only be described as a drop of blood on the golden surface that left a light red trail. Her skin was pale as milk, eyes deep emerald green like no other and her lips red and velvety as roses. She was a decent height and extremely good looking woman as expected from the bloodline such as LaCroix, she was the talk of Nuverus and beloved for many reasons. As usual, she would wear long, red and wavy dresses with lace, always preferring extravagant dresses which also reminded everyone of her future position, the Queen of Nuverus and all Nocturnals of the world, just like her mother. The cop wasn't ready for this, he expected the Queen, but Ellanore looked like one, herself. She didn't look as innocent and naive like lovely Princesses do, she had a mature and wise look on her face, even cunning. And what's worse, she spoke like a Queen that had him nervous. Once Ellanore entered the throne room, servants bowing to her as she passed, her eyes met the two inspectors and she approached them. "Good evening. As I heard, the tour happened today and now you're here... Did something happen?" she asked them formally standing in front of them as the inspector said with slight sigh. "Two of the students disappeared once they arrived here. I suppose we all know what happened. There have been too many disappearances here, Lady Ellanore. Especially the lives of the young people were lost due to their carelessness, for which they can't be really blamed. Can we come to some terms? Pope Lucio hoped for a permission..." he didn't get to finish the sentance, as Ellanore couldn't help but raise her eyebrow at him, trying to prevent herself from scoffing at the man who is doing his job. "Well, anything with blood is our life source. And when you enter a predator's domain, you are to expect to be eaten. This is not your territory to tread, inspector Stewart. And we already already came to the terms that as long as you humans walk the main street, you'll be safe. We are not as merciful as you humans, when it comes to law breaking. That's why we have lasted this long without the world knowing." Cop couldn't help but ask. "Excuse me, my Lady, but are you something like vampires? I came to understanding that you drink blood." Ellanore chuckled at that rather ridiculous question and waved to the waiter to get her the 'usual'. "Don't call us that. We are Nocturnals. Vampires are used for your ridiculous horror movies. Well, if this is all you've come to discuss, I'm sorry, but we already had a deal. We have to feed and if they break our own limits and rules, consequences shall happen. Whether they know it or not, but if they enter closed and private properties, they broke the law and rightfully so are punished." she said as the inspector humbly bowed, pulling the cop by his sleeve to do the same. "Yes, my Lady. We wouldn't want to get on your bad side." Ellanore smirked and walked by them while being followed by that loud clicking of heels. "Of course you wouldn't. Stay safe." she said dismissively to the two and walked towards the bar while the two humans left the throne room to leave the lair of predators with the Royal Guard watching their back, as Ellanore took the goblet filled with wine and blood as she usually would start her night. She'd sit at the bar with papers brought by the servant only to see the latest news - the King of the Kings, the Alpha of the Lycans himself has accepted the suggestion of the peace contract that her parents have made. Frowning questioningly, she was met by a familiar presence, none other by her handmaiden in disguise, her secret bodyguard Alissa Tombworth. Brown, short haired girl with very bright blue eyes, about the same age as the Princess, only Alissa is taller than Ellanore with some muscle to her and stronger posture. She is a well trained martial artists and carries a gun with her in case her Princess is in danger. The two were friends since they were children and Alissa insisted to be at Ellanore's side. Funny thing was that Alissa always preferred to wear suits like a butler rather than something a handmaiden would have on and that made Alissa rather more special. "You've just read the news, haven't you?" Alissa asked pointing out at the papers as Ellanore sighed. "Lin won't be happy that they've accepted. This will ruin his mood and he will ruin my day. As usual." Ellanore said with a frown, knowing that Lin gets upset easily lately, which has been affecting their relationship. Not to mention that their wedding was supposed to be happening soon, but Lin was becoming a completely different man, unlike the one she fell in love with. As Alissa looked at her wristwatch, she sighed as well, knowing that it was usually the hour when Lord Lin would arrive at the Manor. "Lady Ellanore, he'll be here soon and in two hours we are to expect the wolves' arrival. Do you need anything?" Ellanore firstly looked into her goblet and shook her head, offering her friend a smile. "No, thank you. We shall wait for Lord Lin's arrival." and she was sick of waiting, she thought. She was the one who always waited. *** Royal Blood Bloodspire Manor was settled in the Eastern part of the Nuverus island as the kind preferred. Home to many of the Nocturnals who can't feed themselves and seek guidance from a Lord that can help with each and everyone of their needs. In the case of the Lord, he was absent lately. His son Lin was left in charge and Lin was a man much like his father. He may have been of noble blood, but he was no fool when it came to things that required doing and shoes that needed filling. The world didn't need another puffed up ignorant that got his way by the depth of his wallet. Jon Lee made each and every man and woman that came through his walls serve. Whether it was military concern or if they were nothing more than a simple maid or butler. They were taught early that there was someone above them, no matter if that someone is still below the position of the Royal Blood. In the case of the Yensal - Ui bloodline of vampires, that was none other than Jon Lee. A true military man, the one responsible why the throne had enough power over the entire island. But his son Lin didn't get the to be the one above them all until he has went through what his father did - blood, wounds and tears. He was beaten, defeated and constantly belittled whenever he would fail, by both his colleagues and his strict father. Yensal - Ui weren't the every day Nocturnals someone would run into Nuverus. While LaCroix or generally known as the Royal Blood are the very Second generation of the Nocturnals, direct bloodline of the Caine himself and Vivienne, Yensal - Ui however are the Fourth generation and they're not even from Nuverus. Their exotic appearance and the inside knowledge among other Nocturnals of the island of this kind made them treat the Eastern vampires differently, yet they still feared Jon Lee and for good reason. When Lin finally got a promotion from his father and the acceptance of being worthy to fill his shoes, Lin finally worked directly for the LaCroix. And the first moment he has stepped inside the manor, greeted by the red haired Princess, he knew she was the one. Even now, after all those years of secret dating and acceptance from the both sides for these two to get married, he feels that way. Even Ellanore felt lucky to be involved in such a strong relationship with Lin. He is a attractive Eastern man, with perfectly symmetrical facial features and pale as moonlight with his raven black hair as a rough contrast. Unlike his father, he had less intense and angry glare. His eyes were deep brown, almost black as his shape of eyes was significantly different from others, as an obvious sign that he's from East, but he also had dimples whenever he would smile, amking him that much more noticeable. Unfortunately for both, they've been smiling less lately, but Lin wanted to change that. Lin entered the manor and not far from the entrance, she awaited him with her personal guard behind her. He stopped for a moment, to take in the sight of the Princess in red dress and smiled before approaching her. He wrapped his arms around her as she did the same and the two met finally with a kiss. "I'm sorry for the wait, my love. I promise I will make it up to you tonight, you know that I always do." he said as Ellanore smiled, but said nothing. She nodded and pressed her lips against his one more time. Lin's hand rested on her lower back, as the two walked towards the bar and he spoke. "I just want tonight to go by smoothly. I don't know these wolves and I would rather be on my guard than caught off of it.. Donovan made sure to let me know that he would be taking out one of the most beautiful women in town...for the third time this week...with a different woman...again." It was just as Ellanore feared, Lin was not approving of the peace contract, but he still went with it because of his trust and respect towards her family. Chuckling and avoiding to comment about his feelings on the wolves, she replied about Donovan. "Well, I'd be worried if he actually was a part of something important. I hope he'll at least attend to some meetings." Donovan, the oldest of the three children, Ellanore being the second, was one handsome devil. He was the charismatic, the loudest and friendliest one, successful with women and a desire among some men and most women. While the youngest brother Victor was King Edmond's pride, Victor being the one who knew everything, burying himself in books and being socially awkward, Donovan was almost everything that Victor was not. And that includes the irresponsible trait. While his father shames him, Felicia expresses her love for Donovan, spoiling him, since he reminds her so much of Edmond when she first met him. As the couple had a light-hearted conversation, the servants and visitors came to their positions as one of the guards announced the arrival of the King and Queen. Lin stood up from his stool, as Ellanore still was in her same spot, for she doesn't need to force any formalities in her home. Behind the Lion's Throne, the symbol of the LaCroix, there was a big red banner spread out to reveal a golden lion, whose roaring snarl threateningly was faced to all observers, letting them know who they're dealing with. Underneath wrote For Men we do not Kneel.It is a historical reference, because only the true and rightful heirs to the Lion's Throne are women, which means that the next person that will sit on the legendary golden chair was Ellanore herself, not the oldest child. When everyone settled silently, waiting for the rulers, from one of the hallways to the side came the two iconic people, none other than King Edmond and Queen Felicia, who was helped by her husband to walk over to the throne. Queen is just weeks away from giving birth to another child, which is happily for everyone in Nuverus a another girl. Queen Felicia was dressed in dark green elegant gown, with her hand on her big belly. The Queen looked like a older version of Ellanore herself, long red hair, face of a mature woman and bright blue eyes. Edmond is a tall gentleman with unmistakable emerald eyes, which Ellanore got from him, he was radiating with elegance, but his comical side was showed. Edmond loved to watch old horror movies when there was no sound and everything was black and white. After the movie Dracula, he would wear a black suit with red satin bow-tie, his long raven black hair slick back and he would wear a black and red cape pretty often, but this time he wanted to show some respect to the Lycans. Though he claims it was ironical to wear a cape, Felicia with some sense of shame admits that he thinks he's interesting and funny, but that's what made Edmond lovable. He was a loyal and righteous man, but he was very relaxed about who he was. One thing he would admit was that Donovan got his father's charm, which made Felicia favor him out of all children. Edmond might've been a relaxed man, Felicia was the one with true LaCroix blood and had all the traits which were historically accurate for the Royal Blood: she was just, unforgiving, but very rational and a strong woman, something she has passed on to Ellanore. After everybody knelt to the Royals, Felicia slowly climbed up the steps to her throne and Edmond helped her until she was seated, the King stood proudly by her side, like a true King should. He was her pillar of strength and support and on top of all, he carried a sword with himself, which was passed on through the generations in LaCroix family and it's special because of it's Ancient steel. It can cut through all beings and successfully wounding them, while other weapons are not as always good in fighting both the Nocturnals and Lycans. Felicia signed the people to rise on their feet and announced. "The court will be held after we welcome the Lycans. Be at your best behavior and be respectful." she ordered as everyone bowed in acknowledgement to her statement and everyone continued doing their jobs. She then faced Edmond and sighed. "I hope you're right about their kind, my love. I wouldn't want any trouble or ambush." Edmond smirked as he caressed gently his Queen's cheek. "Don't worry, my Queen. It's been decades that we didn't encounter the beasts of theirs and it's been peaceful. After all, what better way than to side with someone so strong as them? I know Jon Lee may not approve of this..." he began, but Felicia cut off. "It's not his place to approve. I know what his army did a century ago to Lycans and he has no right to speak about alliances. That man can only affect us badly. I thank Vivienne and her gift of love that Lin is nothing like him." Felicia expressed how much she dislikes Jon Lee. She cannot trust a man fully who has killed his own son for not being satisfied with his results. "I know Felicia, but he's the best out there. What he does with his family is his own business. As long as he doesn't cross the line with us and as long as Lin treats our beautiful Princess right, we might compromise. I know that it's against everything you believe in, my dearest, but you will have your chance to put this man back into his place as soon as he crosses that line." Edmond tried to reason with Felicia and he successfully did so. She looked at him and nodded slowly, taking his hand and lacing her fingers with his without saying anything. While Edmond would be reasonable with each and every kind and group, Felicia was doubtful of each and every one of them. They barely made peace with the house of Griffin Nocturnals and since then, she's been more than aware that anyone could be the enemy. *** The King of Kings The silence overwhelmed the entire throne room as soon as the cars outside were heard and the steps of a good number of people climbing up the steps to the mansion. The moment Lin jumped off his stool to see what was the whole fuss about, Ellanore wrapped her hand around Alissa's arm and headed towards the throne. "I really wonder what werewolves are like. Did you ever wonder about it?" Alissa asked as Ellanore thought about it for a moment. At dinners, she would hear stories of werewolves, Jon lee once talked about his encounters when they fought to keep Nuverus safe from the monsters of the Den. He would speak of smelly and ruthless beasts, big and deathly sharp teeth, even worse claws. Dirty fur, crazed look in their eyes. That's the picture that was painted about the Lycans in the Nuverus. And better yet, they spoke about the many mates the Lycans can have. They collar their mates and call them 'pets', treating them like objects, humiliating and mistreating them in public. Ellanore found that terrible and barbaric. "I don't know." she began to speak as she looked to the side. "I heard nothing good of these barbaric people. But that could be the hatred toward the enemies speaking and not really the truth. That is why I don't trust history, for it was written by the victors." Alissa smirked at the Princess and at her rather intelligent statement, which was cleverly directed at Lin's bloodline. "It's like I'm listening to your younger brother. Speak of the devil..." handmaiden pointed out to Victor who approached the two, fixing his dark brown and very old fashioned suit, then taking his glasses off to clean them. "Father told me that I'm the one responsible for bringing the papers to the Lycans if they are still agreeing to the peace contract..." Victor said as he was obviously trying to keep his cool. Alissa bowed to Victor, as Ellanore smirked to her younger brother and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Your father is using your only weakness against you. What if they start asking you questions?" Ellanore teased playfully, as Victor seemed rather displeased by her playful poking. "Why, I'd answer all their questions! It's absurd if you think that I wouldn't be able to handle such simple task. After all, I've heard that Lycans are nothing like what we thought. They're more civil than Donovan." he pointed out as Alissa chuckled, for two reasons. One being that Donovan isn't really the man to formally welcome someone, he's brutally honest towards the newcomers. Second is the fact that Victor claimed that he would be able to handle the stress of being pressured into social activities, even if it's just questioning. Ellanore nodded with a mocking expression and pointed out: "Sure, you wouldn't freeze or stutter when you have to be friendly, like you always do." as Ellanore said that, the talking only got louder as the visitors were just outside the door of the mansion. Felicia had her hand on her belly, very displeased, ready to stand up, but Edmond wouldn't let her bother getting up. She could barely sit herself down. "I could hear the mess from mile away! I said to check for the weapons when they arrive, not to disturb them!" Felicia pointed out as she looked towards the door as Edmond helped her to ease into the throne. Just at the door, both Lin and the Royal Guards were looking over the Lycans and their vehicles. "Just you sit down, my Queen. We can't have a dozen of Lycans inside the throne room for a simple negotiation until everything is settled." Edmond pointed out as Felicia finally eased into the throne and Alissa rushed to bring the pregnant Queen goblet of special blood, none other than pure blood of a healthy human child, which was favored among the pregnant women. Ellanore looked over to Felicia as she stood next to the throne and the Queen asked. "How was the meeting with Lin, my dear Ella?" It was a simple question Ellanore hated hearing, but she still smiled. "All good mother, I think so at least." at Ellanore's answer, Felicia's smile disappeared and she knew that things have been rather shaky between the two, but it was not like Ellanore had no one else. Men were falling at her daughter's feet like dominoes, both because of her position and beauty. She also knew that Ellanore had a very close friend named Wulfric, the second Lord of the Griffins. But it really didn't matter who was it, as long as the Princess was happy, of which was Felicia doubtful lately. Ellanore lost her radiant glow. "Don't tell me Donovan slacked off...again?" Edmond pointed out with a frown, which was followed by the scoffing of Victor's. "I'm surprised that you're surprised, father." at Victor's comment, Felicia groaned while rolling her eyes and waving both of them off, but before any comment would be said, the doors were now wide open. Everyone in the throne room stood at the attention to see only two unknown figures walking on the red carpet that led towards the throne. Two men confidently walked, almost as if they didn't care that they are alone and surrounded by vicious bloodsuckers. One man looked older and he was just a bit shorter than the other one and it was obvious that they are father and son, dark skinned and exotic should you compare them to pale Nocturnals. Father, who was no other than Alpha Martin Rubiano known as the King of Kings, had his dark hair neatly combed back and he was dressed in a pristine white suit. His son, the Beta wolf Valentine Rubiano, his black hair was more messy and he wore a black suit, completely opposite of his father. Valentine even went as far as to accidental exhale some of the smoke that was coming out of his mouth from what could be assumed was his final drag from his cigarette before walking past those doors. Martin continued until he was a couple steps away from the small steps leading up to the throne, with his son few steps behind. Alpha gave a light bow and said "Ah...so we finally meet Queen Felicia and Lord Edmond. It is good to add a face to a name. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Martin Rubiano and that is my son Valentine. We have come to finish this long game of back and forth with the treaty and finally sign something. We both know we have wasted enough time not doing so." Ellanore was rather stunned by the sight in front of her. While her parents seemed unfazed, both Ellanore and Alissa seemed surprised to see what Lycans were actually like and it was nothing what they've heard. Though the Princess found it hard to take off her eyes from the Beta werewolf. While vampire men were much more elegant and well mannered, Ellanore has just been presented with true physical definition of masculinity and it was the kind she has never met. "It's a true honor to meet you finally and in the good terms, which has never happened." Felicia began to speak, keeping her manners as a true and strong Queen. "This here is Victor, my youngest son and my daughter Ellanore, the next one in line to take my place." As they are being introduced, Victor was stiff as a board, but he still kept his composure, while Ellanore was curious above all else. It was just the moment her glare was caught by the Beta wolf, who's stare was brief at first, but his attention was quickly caught at the second glance at the Princess. It was almost as if he was taking in her presence and his hazel eyes turned into yellow, true wolf's eyes and their eyes met once again. Ellanore couldn't look away for a reason unknown to her. Not until Edmond spoke and Ellanore turned her head to look at him, but she was met with her mother's glare and a smirk on her face. She saw the way the two looked at each other. "Then you may follow my son and I into the study room for more privacy. We need to discuss about your stay in our manor. Would you like a drink, Sir Martin and Sir Valentine?" Edmond asked as Martin was about to answer, but Felicia cut in. "If you'd like to, sweet Ellanore, you can keep Sir Valentine company. Would that be alright with you, sir Martin?" Ellanore froze for a second, but still she smiled, completely caught off guard by her mother's rather sneaky idea. Martin firstly looked towards Valentine, who raised both of his eyebrows as he was waiting for an answer from the Alpha. He then looked at the Princess and smirked, looking back at his son, nodding as if he approves. Young, fertile, beautiful, even though both could tell she was taken, Martin wouldn't cut his son off from enjoying his time while they were here. After agreeing with Felicia's suggestion, Martin followed Edmond and Victor into the study room, Felicia started slowly to get up from the throne. "Do you need help, mother?" Ellanore asked as Felicia smiled, successfully going down small steps from the throne. "Oh come on, this is my fourth child. I need more help with Donovan." Felicia said, winking at Valentine who chuckled lowly at Queen's witty remark, especially since he heard about each LaCroix family member and he knew exactly what Felicia was talking about. "Alissa, come with me, I'll need some help around clothes. I would like to lay down before the big day starts." without waiting a second, Alissa bowed and offered her arm to the Queen as they slowly walked from the throne room. Now it's only Ellanore and Valentine, meeting his gaze once again. She was put with such uncomfortable position, with Lin just outside the manor. She couldn't help but wonder why Felicia would agree with such a thing. *** |