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Very first writing of mine I wrote last night while battling with Anxiety the whole way!!! |
Years ago there was an outbreak of a new disease referred to as BXL. Body XL would cause its host to slowly start growing past what was believed possible for the physical human body. Most effected by this sickness died in a matter of weeks. Some lasted months, but never longer than that. After a year of research scientists finally thought they had found a way to stop BXL from spreading and even possibly sure those effected by it. They were wrong. The so called cure that was meant to halt growth in those effected by the disease, and stop it from spreading. It only accomplished one of these things, and that was stopping it from spreading. In the people it had already been affecting it astronomically furthered their growth, but at the same time, created unity between the host body, and the disease. Those who were growing weren't being killed. When they stopped, some had reached heights of over Eighty Feet Tall! Crowds of people around the world that were but a moment ago filled with hope and joy for this vaccine, soon turned to hysteria filled mobs. Surrounded by giant men and women alike, towns soon turned to panicked war zones filled with screams and blood curdling shrieks. Husbands and wives watched as their significant others were swallowed down into giant gullets with a loud BELCH to be digested. Others were shoved into giant Vaginas with a SQUELCH never to be seen again as pleasure, and hedonistic natures took over these beings. Massive screams of pleasure could be heard from these monsters that dwarfed the small plights of those suffering the terrible fate of being digested alive in their stomachs. As they became more aroused, they continued to swallow and insert these now lesser beings into their bodies. As cities were being ravaged, entire sky scrapers were being used for pleasure as the giant women cleaved whole structures with their breasts. Their nipples alone pierced the steel supports toppling them to the ground. The world order changed in that one night all together. When daybreak finally came, thousands of people were reported missing, or killed. Whole cities had been wiped out or taken over. Civilization was on the brink of collapse and what little sanity was left in the remaining humans pooled together and went into hiding. nuclear bomb shelters were re purposed as strongholds and fortresses. Some only safe because their locations weren't at the time disclosed to the public. A few thousand here and there around the world huddled together as they waded out the storm of a new ear of fear took over. A year after being turned into giants and giantesses, these newly self-appointed rulers had almost completed their work. Capturing every adult that was unfortunate enough to come across the path or a giant. laws and reason had left the most places that had been there for hundreds of years and generations. All governments were toppled in a short 5 months, and their armies were either crushed, captured, or worse. Those lucky to be captured were brought to whatever holds these giants had made for themselves. Sports stadiums and prisons were made into massive cages for the humans to be made "readily available" for these self proclaimed GODS. Captain Sam Holland watched as his men took up positions in a set of nearby buildings. They were on the outskirts on Temple, one of the last remaining human strongholds. Most other strongholds have either been taken, or abandoned by now, shutoff from the rest of the world and at the mercy of the giants. Holland and his men were tasked with scouting the giants that had been encroaching on the perimeter of Temple for weeks now. Being a massive city of over two-hundred million civilians and militia is was virtually that last hope for humanity. With the city itself being underground, the above terrain was a deserted wasteland. A horrible no-man's land that smelled foul, and had bitter air. The smell of giant droppings and other bodily fluids had filled the air everywhere above ground. Rivers of cum from giants and giantesses oozed from the rubble that once were towns. One of Holland's Men was leaning from a railing over one of the small rivers of Cum when the railing broke. With only enough time for a small startled shout the man fell into the river. Desensitized to this kind of loss, the soldier's fellow comrades could only watch as he was instantly churned into the very cum he had fell into. With nothing left of him but white goop, the men paid their respects and returned to their watch, all the more wary of the threat they faced today. Thump THUMP THUMP With heavy hearts the scouting team turned toward their leader. Their faces filled with nothing but fear they knew all too well what the vibrations were coming from. Holland ordered his men to ascend the buildings they were in to find a better vantage point of the approaching giants. Very few giants had ever been killed but Holland knew it was possible. He had been here in what is now Old Temple City when the main city was above ground and the giants appeared from nowhere. They were fortunate to only have two giants that night, One male, and one female tried to fight for control over the city. While they fought Holland took up arms against them with a few other soldiers while they were distracted. managing to being them down while they fought game his men and him time to deal deadly blows to the monstrous humans. Now that the giants had formed an alliance of some sort it was almost impossible to bring one down. As the ground shoot and the buildings rattled, the men could start to see massive shadows through the foggy remains of Old Temple. One man on the ground, new to his post couldn't shake his fear and bolted from the building he was in with four other men. As the frightened soldier ran into the fog he left the sight of Captain Holland. Minutes passed and not a sound but the thumps could be heard. Then off in the distance a high pitched wail came from the direction the soldier ran off to. Following the scream the next bit shook some of the more hardened men to their bones. A single loud SLUURP was heard followed by an even louder BUURP, then silence. Another few minutes passed then what couldn't have been more that a half mile away the men heard "COME OUT HUMANS, WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU, OUR BELLIES AREN'T FULL YET!!!" After the outburst from a nearby giant most of Holland's men bolted for the entrance to Lower New Temple. As the men began to run crashing footsteps could be heard close by. Holland wanted to scream at his men to stay put and not give away both their position and the way into the city. Though he knew that his men were gone, and yelling at them now would only give away his hiding spot. As three nude giants came into view all standing at around forty to fifty feet tall Holland gasped as he saw two males and one female with all three of them having distended stomachs. Luckily they hadn't seen his position and stormed by him; as they passed by he could hear their churning stomachs gurgle with anticipation for their next meals. All Holland could do was hope they hadn't seen the men enter the city through the underground subway that lead to the entrance of New Temple. To be Continued... |