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A rather dark story about the struggles of a broken family |
An ever changing sky Dan This is purely fiction it does not in any way reflect the writers life. All accounts and names are not actual people. Readers of this book are to bear in mind that the relationships in this book are expanded to dramatic proportions for entertainment and full effect of the story. With that said many of the relationships in this book are a somewhat common occurrence in the world around us. People tend to hide things in order to look decent in the eyes of others. People tend to hide behind an impregnable shield of deception. Some people like to manipulate and abuse those they believe less than themselves for whatever pleasure they gain from the actions they take. Some people are kind and have love for each other whether or not it is accepted. There are abusers and the abused but not all relationships are that way. A lot of us would like to stay out of the situations some of the characters are in this book while some people would gladly be in a character's place. Some things in this book might be found distasteful to the reader. main Characters Sarah sky Victor sky Karson sky Sam sky sally (mother) Gerant (father) Jane(teacher) BOOK 1: ACCEPTANCE Friday,August 10th 2010 It was a good day, If you can call it that. For now at least. Mother did not hit him this morning because she was asleep. Probably recovering from last night's drinking episode. Thinking about the last time she had a angry alcoholic episode made Karson shudder. He was glad his brother stood up to her to protect him but was as scared for his brother as he was for himself. He knew his brother was a good person who loved him and that made him sad. Every time his brother Victor stood up for him he would get hurt badly by mother until father returned home to calm her down. Mother was scary, very scary and there was nothing he could do about it. "I want to do something about this but i can't stand up to her at all" he thought worriedly. His hand instinctively reaching up to his face touching his scar that ran partially down his left cheek. He knew that if he tried to resist, things would get worse, way worse. All he could do is hope and pray for his siblings safety. His other brother sam was not included in that prayer because he left home when he was sixteen to live his own life. Sam. Sam was an aggressive boy, never backing down from mother. Mother stopped trying to abuse him when he was fourteen because sam hit back and he hit back hard. A naturally strong and large kid as opposed to the thinner built sky family's children like Victor, his sister and himself. Sam's dominant genes where not the same as Victor's, his own or his sister's. Karson was small and frail. Even for a six year old. His white hair had not yet reached any substantial length like his brother and sister's. Sam's was different, Sam's hair was a dark brown witch he kept rather short and clean. Not to the militaristic extent but well enough to be noticed. "Karson class is over, Are you ok?" his teacher asked calmly sitting down in the desk next to him. She was a kind woman in her early thirties ."yes, sorry teacher." he managed to mumble in response. He turned his head to the right to look at her. She was attractive in an soft way. Nice kind turquoise eyes that showed concern and care. A average figure with humble fashion. Her slightly dark blonde hair falling down her back. Not that he noticed these things in a way a seventeen year old would but they were soothing to him the way he wished his mother would be to him. "If something is wrong at home let me know." she softly said to him in a kind voice. He wanted to let her know badly but at the same time was scared of what would happen if he went home after mother found out. For some reason in witch he did not know why he also did not want to get mother in trouble either. Tears began to well up in his eyes as he thought about what would happen to brother and sister if that would happen. Before he knew it he was crying hysterically. His teacher put a hand on his back and softly said "It is ok to cry. Just let it out. Then when you are ready, tell me what is wrong."After about what seemed like forever he stopped crying and sobbing enough to make understandable words. He couldn't hold it back anymore and he told her everything from the night he got his scar to the daily abuse of himself his brother and his sister. It took a lot more crying and sobbing but everything came out. Every single thing from the hitting to the starving to the nights where he had to sleep on the floor huddled together with his brother and sister in the garage in the middle of winter to not freeze waiting for father to return home to let them back in the house and give them their blankets and pillows back that mother had cruelly taken from them. When he looked back at his teacher he saw she had tears in her eyes and a shocked expression on her face. She couldn't help herself and she held him tightly in her arms and they cried together as she stroked the top of his head softly. Eventually she let him go and looked into his round purple eyes and said "Just wait here in the classroom and I will go talk to the principal for a little ok? I will be right back." It was all over he thought. There was no going back now. He began to feel incredibly scared for his brother and sister. Would mother call them home from school? He hoped not. For their sakes. After about ten minutes his teacher returned to the room with the principal in tow both with concerned looks on their faces. The principal, a tall well built no nonsense man in his late fifties walked up to Karson slowly and unassumingly and sat down near to him and said slowly "Karson, Would you please tell me what you told jane if that is not too hard for you right now?". Karson looked at him timidly. His vision blurred from the tears in his eyes. The principal looked back at him understandingly with a soft expression saying nothing, waiting for Karson to draw up the courage to retell his account of what happened. After a little bit Karson told him what happened while the principal listened to everything, taking it in with a sad expression almost as if remembering something in his past. "I see. Karson, You are doing a brave thing by letting us know this. Please stay here for the next hour while we work on this. If you need anything let jane know and we will get it for you immediately ok. Please do not be shy. We are here for you and would like to let you know that we would never hurt you. If there is anything else you would like to say to jane or me let us know. Only if you are ok with it." Karson looked down at his desk and asked quietly almost as if to himself "I am scared. Will brother and sister be ok?". Jane softly said to him " look at me Karson." and Karson lifted his head up and looked at her. "I am here and you are ok. You are safe now. Principal James has been doing his job for a long time and he is going to contact the Child Protective Services and they will help you and your family out. You are safe now. Thank you. You are so brave." She smiled at him with still wet eyes. "you will be ok." she said And for the first time in a long time he saw hope. "Thank you" he said softly and he repeated that over and over half to himself, half to the teacher and principal. Victor could not concentrate on anything. He knew the answers to the five math problems but he just could not remember. What where they? he knew 4 plus 3 was seven but he just did not get the rest. His mind was focused on his sister and little brother. He was worried about what was going to happen when he got home. Mother always wanted to see his homework and if it was not satisfactory she would berate him about how useless he was and say profane things about him and then say foul things about her husband and drag him to his room and lock him in there without food for the night. Luckily when dad would come home from work he would unlock Victor's door and give him a dinner and try to console him in the only way he knew how. By listening to him vent and hug him and let him know that it wont be like this forever. That him and his brother and sister would be in a better place soon. Victor waited with hope but that soon never came and he eventually began to believe that there was no hope, but tonight that was all going to change. He was going to murder his mother. He was going to kill her for all the times she hurt him. For all the times she harmed his little brother and for all the times she hurt his little sister. Especially his little sister. His fists clenched as his anger boiled. He did not care what happened to himself but his little brother and sister where going to be safe at last. They would never feel pain at his mother's hand again he promised himself. The question that came to mind after that was "Why does my father not stop her from hurting us? Why can't he do anything?" He was not angry at father but more confused at why he could not save them. It would not matter any more after tonight anyways so he pushed the thought out of his head. He had the perfect plan. He would wait till mother passed out in her room and when father went to sleep he would go upstairs to mother's room and slit her throat. After that he would steal her purse and wallet and buy a ticket to the city and find a tall building and jump off. He wrote a note for his father, little brother and sister that he was going to leave near his mother's body telling them what happened so when they woke up the next day they would know what happened. He also decided to have a copy of the note in his pocket so when he died there would be evidence that his sister, brother and father where not falsely accused. It said this. Dear family I did it. I killed mom. To end all of our pain. To end your suffering Sarah, karson, dad. I did it for you. I am going now and I am not coming back. I love you a lot. I will miss you. Please do not be mad. This is the end. Looking back my life has been failure. Now i can finally save you all. I love you. Please forgive me. Vic Ps:Dad i love you. i will miss you. take care of them all please. You did your best. your son 3 Ps2: Sarah please be good to karson. he is the only brother you will have after i die. Love him like you do me. I will live on through him. I will look down on you from above always protecting you. Your angel of love. Ps3: Karson be a good boy and dont cause your sister many problems. Protect the life i love like i protected you. look for me in your heart when i am gone I will always be there. Tears welled up in Victor's eyes as he looked at the letter again. He couldn't stop crying. This was the end for him he didn't know where he would go after he died but he didn't really care. All he cared about was ending the pain. His pain, His sister's pain, His brothers pain and if dad was feeling pain he would be ending that too. His head slammed his head into the desk to remind himself one final time that this was all real. He could not control his crying. He felt dizzy and light headed. He heard people shouting his name then it all went black. Sarah looked at the backs of the heads in front of her. "The heads of people without worry. The heads without pain." She murmured to herself. She longed to be away from her dreadful life. To be away from all of this. She did not belong in this school. She did not belong in this town. She did not belong anywhere. She cried silently a little then delicately wiped her eyes with her handkerchief. Her left eye still slightly throbbed from when mother had hit her last night so she had hidden it with her long white hair. Nobody noticed what was going on for nobody cared. She was the odd one, the freak with the white hair. The other kids would call her ghost and other names in the hallways behind her back. She felt alone. The only people in her life who cared about her even a little where her two brothers and her father. It was painful. No one even tried to be her friend. She was no one. Just an ornament in the back of the classroom to be mocked. There was no end to it. She wanted to escape. To run away. It did not matter where, just anywhere away from the pain and suffering caused by her mother. She used to fantasize about father putting his foot down to mother and telling her to get out of the house and then the family living happily ever after but she soon realized how foolish that was. Every day when father came home he looked a little more tired and weary, as if his energy was being drained away from him. She felt sad seeing his once happy face turn into a dejected somber frown. He put on a mask when he knew his children where looking but she had seen his face a few times when he thought no one was looking and he looked weak and tired. She never asked him but she knew something was wrong. It was up to her to do something. She knew her Victor would never do something cowardly like run away so she said nothing for a long time and suffered quietly. She loved and hated him for it. He would always try to defend her and Karson from mother. Even if it didn't save her or Karson he took the beatings without a word. She wished she was brave like him but was scared and never once tried to stop Victor from defending her and Karson. It pained her to know that she was helpless in the situation. She vowed to herself that she would make it out of the situation using her brains. Victor's endless pain and sacrifice would not be in vain. She had done a lot of thinking about this and had finally come up with a decision. She would leave class and go to Victor's school and get him then go get Karson and they would run to the police station and tell the police about it and beg to not be sent home. She could not tell the teachers or school staff for fear they would not believe her and inform mother that she was acting crazy. Or so she thought. She would finally end the madness. They would finally be free. She wondered how Her brothers would react to her plan but decided it was for the best. They would go along whether they liked it or not. It was the only way out and she knew it. "Hang on just a little longer and you will be ok." She said silently to herself and to her brothers. She was going to be the savior here. She smiled slightly then told herself "don't smile it is not over yet." Then for some reason she felt a cold shiver up her spine as if something bad had just happened. "What was that?" she asked herself. She started getting nervous. She did not know what happened but she was sure it was not good. "Sarah Sky Please report to the principal's office" blared over the loudspeakers. She froze up. No one had ever called her name over the loudspeakers ever. She looked around nervously and all the heads where turned to her. A wave of terror washed across her. She knew something was not right. She meekly asked to no one "Me?". The teacher asked impatiently "That's your name right?" Sarah looked down at her hands witch where furiously fidgeting of their own accord and Said "yes I will go now" so sheepishly low that she barely heard herself. She got up shaking and ran out of the classroom. She asked herself halfway to the principals office "Wait should i run away?" but her feel carried her the rest of the way there before she even could make a decision. She knocked softly on the door and a few seconds later it opened. She walked in to see the principal and two police officers in full uniform with a rather portly man wearing casual dress clothes and a police department jacket. Sarah panicked. Something was dreadfully wrong. The portly man asked her in a slightly gruff voice "you are Sarah Sky i assume?". "yes I-III am." she stuttered nervously. The man smiled at her in in the kindest way he could possibly muster witch just scared her even more and she backed up nervously into the door. "My name is detective wilson these are my men ben and erik. Don't worry you are not in trouble we just want to ask you some questions. If it is ok with you?" That did not reassure her at all. "What are the police doing here asking me questions and why did they have to bring so many officers?" she asked herself in her head. She wanted to run out of the office but her feet where rooted to the ground. "uhh o-ok" she said nervously. "please do not be nervous we are not here to hurt you or arrest you." He raised both his hands in the air and said " No cuffs see". That slightly reassured her but she still felt insurmountable dread. "please sit down we don't bite" he said with a stupid smile. Her legs brought her over to the chair nearest the door and she said "Ok what do I need to do and why are you here? Why am I here?" The officers and principal sat down and looked at each other worriedly. "So they where here for a while talking with each other before I was called" she thought to herself. "Miss Sky? Can I call you that?" Detective wilson asked her. "yes" she answered cautiously having regained a little of her bravery. "Miss Sky are you the sister of either Mr. Victor Sky or Mr. Karson Sky?" A wave of sheer panic and terror washed over her and she started shaking nervously. "y-y-yyess i-i-i am-m" she slurred and stuttered nervously. "Take a deep breath Miss Sky and try to calm down" Detective Wilson calmly told her. " I know it may be hard to talk with us and you are obviously very distressed but please hear what we have to say before you run away". Sarah took a deep breath and then a few more until she was able to breathe somewhat properly and struggled to say "ok tell me". Detective wilson took a deep breath than said "About two and a half hours ago your little brother Mr karson Sky broke down in front of his teacher and told her everything. The entire story about what has been going on in the household and we are holding him in protective child custody at our station. Your mother has not been informed of this of course and we want to confirm a few things before we move forward. So the first thing is can you please move the hair from your left eye so we can see something? then we will move on from there. " Sarah's jaw dropped. She never in a million years thought it would end like this so she moved the hair that was covering her left eye to reveal a dark circle around her eye. Detective wilson nodded to his officers and said "I was afraid that would be true" So he looked back at Sarah and said "Thank you for cooperating with us thus far now we have some bad news for you. Sarah's heart skipped a few beats as he said "About forty minutes later your brother Victor was noticed by classmates crying hysterically then he passed out at his desk. we have him in custody and are deciding what to do with him. In his hands was a note that was addressed to you, your brother and your father. He.....well i will let you read it. Here is a photo copy of it." He handed her a sheet of printer paper. Her skin turned pale as a ghost as she read it. She was shocked. She didn't know what to say for a long time so she just sat there looking at the paper with a far away blank stare. Then she just lost all control and started bawling and crying for a long time. When she finally raised her head she looked like all her life had drained out of her. "He was going to kill mother and then himself to save us? Why would he do that?WHY? I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE HIM!!! THAT GOD DAMNED BASTARD!!! i HATE YOU BROTHER I HATE YOU!!! DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT!!" she screamed then collapsed into a ball off her chair sobbing and crying hysterically. She just layed there for a good 10 minutes while the officers sat there with concerned looks on their faces. Then she unfurled looking like a mess and sat there on the floor looking into nothingness. She then got back up and sat on the chair and asked them quietly " Why does my brother always have to be a god damned hero? He always takes the beatings for us without even a single complaint even if it doesn't save us. Now he wants to make the ultimate sacrifice just to save us. I hate him! I never want to see him again! That god damned fool. What would I do without him? What's with the angel of love thing and the protection doesn't the fool know he can't protect me if he is dead! that god damned boy! I hate you brother!". After about a minute Detective wilson said. "please try to calm down if you can I know it is hard but we need to do a few more things before we can settle this." Sarah looked at him with cold eyes and finally said "Go on". Detective wilson then said "I will give you a choice but do not make me regret this. Do you want to come down to the station now? or do you want to take a walk to clear your head a little? there are cars stationed at all the exits of the school for your safety in case you try to run away. " She scowled at him and said "just take me to the station. What good would a walk do?". "Thank you Miss Sky. We will be leaving now....Oh and Mr principal do not say what happened to any of the teachers or students please. This is confidential." Detective Wilson said. They walked slowly out of the office and down the hallway with Sarah looking like she just went to hell and back with the officers at her side. By the time they got to the car Sarah felt completely defeated and hopeless as if her world had shattered a million times over. Karson Karson sat nervously on the metal bench in front of the police station. Worriedly watching the enterance to the parking lot hoping that his brother and sister would be alive and well when they where eventually brought to the station. The officer who sat next to him was a young hispanic female that was tasked with keeping an eye on him. She had offered him food and a drink but he turned those down. The conversations they had where very brief and not much was said other than "try to stay calm" and "They will be ok". When the cruiser pulled into the lot and parked Karson got so nervous the officer had to hold his arm to calm him down and make sure he did not run over in case it was not the car with his brother or sister. He watched as the door opened and time seemed to almost stop as his big brother Victor in handcuffs steped out of the back with tears on his face. They looked at each other and when their eyes met Victor turned his head and looked away in abject shame. Karson did not know what had transpired beforehand and was confused so he screamed out "Brother it's me karson!" When Victor did not respond or look his way he screamed it louder. If karson had seen the intense pain etched into Victor's face at that moment Karson would have broke down in tears for a whole day, But he did not see the anguish and despair on his face and he did not even see the handcuffs. The officers walked Victor into the station without a word. Karson did not know what to do, His brother Victor who had loved and protected him for all his life was ignoring him in the time he needed him the most. He looked at the officer and asked her "why is he ignoring me?" The officer just shook her head and sighed. Victor On the ride to the station after he was questioned and the officers decided to bring him in he was told to do a few things. The first was to remain calm as any emotional actions could end up badly for him. The second was not to worry too much as he had not committed anything very serious but that he most likely would be sent to a boarding school away from his brother, sister and father. The third was that there where only two boarding schools that he could possibly go to and that they both where not that bad. The final thing was that he would have time to say goodbye to his siblings before he was sent away and that his mother would not be informed of his whereabouts. He asked two questions. The first was "Can you tell my father goodbye and that I love him? and the second is will my siblings be ok? They answered him with "Kid lets be honest here. You where about to kill your mother. While we get that she was a worse than shit parent you should be counting your blessings alright? Your brother and sister will be torn up on the inside for a long time probably you will see them in the future and probably will be able to call them depending on where you and they are. as for your father once you are safely removed from the situation he will be notified that you are safe and that you love him. Does that answer your question?". Victor dropped his head and sat in silence for the rest of the ride. Karson Karson was running questions through his head. "Why did he not respond to me?" was the major one flying through his head at the time. The female officer responded to something on the radio and told him to come with her inside the building for a few minutes. He followed her into the lobby and sat down on a chair while she talked to the man behind the desk in a hurried conversation witch ended in her hurrying out the front doors. So karson just sat there for a while humming to himself in an attempt to distract himself. The guy behind the desk took no notice of him at all. He started to get worried and decided to take a little walk around the lobby but the guy behind the desk said "what are you doing kid? If you want to take a walk go outside. This is a police station not a playground. Go outside if you want to play around." Karson dropped his head and slowly walked out the front door and sat on the bench waiting for his sister to came into the lot. After a while he needed to use the bathroom so he walked back into the station and asked the man behind the desk if there was a bathroom he could use. The man just pointed with his pen to the end of the hallway to he left and said "second to last door on the right. Try to keep it clean." then went back to writing his report. Karson nodded then went down the hallway and entered the bathroom. Sarah The ride back to the station was like a ride to hell. Sarah felt like the car was shrinking and that the frame would crush her at any minute. "Why did he have to go and do that?" she asked herself. "Are you ok?" detective wilson asked her through the plastic shield between the front and back seat of the car. She did not respond. They sat quietly for the rest of the ride. When the car pulled into the lot Sarah wondered what she would say to her brothers when she saw them. She wondered if dad was there too. When they got out of the car she looked up at the sky and realized just how late it was. Mother must have realized they where gone by now and that they didn't get home. "what if she comes looking for us? No we are safe with the police" she said to herself. when they came inside the station she was surprised how empty the large yellow brick building was. No one was in the lobby besides a security officer behind the desk. "they must be in an office talking right now. no need to worry." They walked down a hallway to the right of the entrance and she was told to wait in a small white room with a desk and a few chairs. After a while a middle aged man in a grey sweater and blue khakis walked in to the room and sat down opposite of her and said " Hello miss sky. Where do we begin?" Victor When everyone got situated in the room with him after they had brought him in, he looked at the people in the room there where two full uniformed cops and the detective that brought him in and someone who he couldn't discern what exactly his title was. "So mr sky please tell us again what is going on here for the record?" after a long period of questioning, waiting, then some more waiting he heard a bang then commotion outside the door and heard something about gunshots nearby but then someone closed the door and he sat back down. "What was that?" he worriedly asked himself. "Not my business" he reassured himself. As long as his brother and sister where safe he did not care about anything else and as far as he knew they where probably in the building safely speaking to an officer. Sally "What was going on? why are my kids not home? What where the little shits doing?" she asked herself. It was twenty minutes past the time they should be home and they knew that if they did not come home on time they would get hurt. "Why where they disobeying her now?" she decided that it was going to be extra bad for them today when they got back. Another fifteen minutes passed and nothing happened. She decided to call one of her "friends" that could tell her what happened to her kids at school. The phone rang four times than someone picked up and said "I was wondering when you would call. I have some interesting news for you The police have all of your kids apparently they all had some sort of spontaneous break down you should go over to the station and check it out but of course don't go inside i hear the little one is outside of the station walking around randomly. I think you should give him a piece of your mind before it is to late for you. They probably ratted you out. Better get moving." *CLICK* . Sally hung up the phone and in a fit of rage she ran up to her room and got her glock g43 loaded the 6 round chamber with a crazy smile, laughing to herself and singing to herself the iconic "just you wait henry higgins". Karson Karson got out of the bathroom feeling somewhat relieved as he had held it in since the whole incident started. So he walked back out to the lobby, saw no one then decided to go outside to wait on the bench again for his sister. After about ten minutes he began to grow impatient and worried so he began to pace back and forth. It was beginning to grow dark and he did not want to miss his sisters car so he went out to the entrance of the parking lot. That was what cost him everything. He heard a loud bang, felt something really hot in his chest, then he heard another bang, fell down and then slipped into blackness never to breathe again. |