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The books are dangerous or helpful...some are are just tomes of knowledge...others,well... |
[Introduction] Welcome to the Grand Library of Valistaad! Do not let its small exterior fool you, for this is place of magic... The interior is somehow always growing, new branches and wings appearing almost daily. With these new rooms and halls come new books...and new dangers. All of this is managed by the staff of Librarians; a rugged group of individuals devoted to located, recording, and efficiently cataloging all the books that can be found. They are also tasked with maintaining the safety and integrity of both the library AND its patrons. Not only do these trusted librarians defend and catalog, they serve as guides as well as ensure that nothing escapes the library. Upon entry to the main floor, you will find the circulation desk, the sanctuary, librarian housing and the reading room. This is a safe place to rest that always remains unchanged as it is the hub of the library. There is also surrounded by a protective barrier which most escaped creatures cannot penetrate. Library Rules! - Absolute silence in the reading room! - All patrons must be accompanied by a librarian as they venture forth into the library. NO exceptions! Librarian assistance can be obtained at the circulation desk. - Absolutely NO CHILDREN in the library proper. - No food and drink in the reading room. - Only approved books may be removed from the library, or carried into the reading room. Dangerous, unstable or unknown books may only be read within the confines of the Sanctuary. - Under no circumstances may patrons attempt to access the Vault of the Void or any books relating to the Void. As always, please be sure to sign your waiver at the circulation desk before entering the library and stay safe! Librarian Equipment - Wayfinder Key aka Skeleton Key The Wayfinder Key is a silver key with a skull on it, decorated with intricate engravings. Many librarians keep it on a chain around their neck or latched to their belt. This piece is critical. Should you venture too far into the library and become lost (due to poor sense of direction, similar shelving, or a hall shift) using your Wayfinder Key will transform any door, temporarily into a portal back to the standalone door frame at the circulation desk. Simply close a door, insert the key and turn it. Upon reopening the door, the portal will be open and you will have a window of 15 seconds to step through before it closes. - Binding Stones The binding stones are small, blue ceramic stones that can fit within the palm of one's hand. It is recommended that all librarians carry at least two binding stones. These stones are to be used against any creatures that may slip out of their books. To use, throw them within a five foot radius of whatever you aim to capture. Be sure that the ceramic stone shatters on impact to absorb creature. Do not fret! The magic within the stone will be released and create a new crystal orb, varying in size depending on the target, with said target trapped within. Those things caught in the orbs are not harmed in any way! They will merely remain in stasis until they can be safely returned to their point of origin. All orbs containing creatures MUST be brought immediately to the Sanctuary. Shattering an orb can release the captured creature. - Book Diviner A small blue crystal, often worn on a necklace, which can be told a genre, subject or title. The crystal will glow when the librarian is facing or heading in the correct direction of the book(s) in question. - Weapons Librarians are permitted to carry their own weapons so long as they are careful not to cause damage to any of the books. - Rations It is highly recommended that librarians carry water and some sort of foodstuff, in the event they become turned around in the library and do not have immediate access to a door to use their Wayfinder Key. (Keep in mind the time the library created a hall without doors one winter and a librarian was stuck wandering an empty hall for almost three days!) --Please begin your first post with a brief character sheet!-- |
Name: Solirae Wells (A Librarian!) Age: 20 Appearance: Solirae has a fairly average appearance and does not stand out. Her hair is brown and her eyes are a grey-green. She is slender and has freckles across her nose and cheeks. She wears tan pants and a green tunic shirt belted at her waist by a utility belt, sturdy brown boots and a tan jackets with a good number of pockets on the inside, most of which are hand sewn in. Personality: Solirae is very quiet and often keeps to herself. She is happiest when she can explore new branches of the library on her own. She also loves to help patrons find books at times just to see the wonder on their faces as they pass through some of the more exotic sections of the library. She is not a fighter, but can handle herself in a pinch. Solirae has a small amount of skill with healing magic, but that is about it. If she can help it, she avoids using her power within the library itself at all cost. The use of magic can sometimes wakes sections of the library.... Equipment: She carries an old worn out pack filled with provisions and her favorite adventure book (a personal book, not one that came from the Library). She keeps her Book Diviner and Wayfinder Key on separate necklaces around her neck. She carries six binding stones on her utility belt. For her own personal weapons, she has a large knife tucked into her boot as well as a short sword belted to her hip. History: Solirae originally was a scribe that was brought to the library from Tyre to help transcribe copies of newer books found in the library. Solirae did not leave with the other scribes when the job was done and instead volunteered to become a new librarian. She was taken on and paired with another to train her, a man named Reynard. Her training seemed to take longer than normal and she was constantly making mistakes. Reynard had been very patient with her and many assumed the two had been in some sort of relationship that went beyond simply training. Notes: Solirae can heal if in dire need Solirae explores and is familiar with many parts of the library Solirae is a klutz and often makes mistakes (though thankfully nothing too terribly serious....yet!!) |
Name: Cassander Rythe (Also a Librarian!) Age: 24 Appearance: A little on the short side but nothing to linger on. Sometimes appears severe but that’s likely nothing personal. He has very blonde almost white hair and striking blue eyes. Occasionally sports uneven facial hair when he’s too distracted to shave. Generally wears dark blues and grays, and black fingerless gloves — perfect for the dual purpose of keeping ones hands warm and allowing for the easy turning of pages! The only thing of any interest really is a silver snake shaped belt buckle on his belt. Personality: Cassander has this paradox of being able to go from a very good studier and fulfilling his Librarian duties to having zero patience and deciding to crack open the new sketchy looking book that popped up just to see what will happen in .006 seconds. He’s just as fast to apologize as he is to play a prank on you. Sometimes his humor can seem a little mean, but he isn't a cruel person. Also he’s not as good at taking it as he is at dealing it. Equipment: Cassander tends to travel light, and has a very small over the shoulder satchel barely bigger than a fist, where he keeps his binding stones and usually something sweet. He has an ornately carved metal and leather canteen hooked to his belt, but there’s something odd about it. Maybe it’s that he’s never seen refilling it and yet it never seems to go empty… He keeps his Book Diviner and Wayfarer Key on the same chain around his neck, along with a few other keys that are assumed to open something, somewhere… but no one knows exactly what. This may save space but occasionally can get him into trouble when he needs to make a quick exit and can’t find the Wayfarer Key… His weapon? What looks like a silver cylinder attached to his belt that — when he grabs it — lets slip a blade around a foot long. A sword. History: Cassander was always the skilled student who failed to fully apply himself — or at least fully abide by the rules. Given his innate but unpolished talent, the Library took him on following a sort of probation period where he proved himself adequate. Still, those at the Circulation Desk have come to accept Patron complaint forms regarding his behavior as bound to come up every other tour as reliably as the Library is to change on a dime. Notes: Prankster. His arrogance can come back and bite him the tush. |
Name: Obediah “Obi” Adams Age: 26 Appearance: Coffee colored complexion, black curly hair buzzed short and close to the scalp, hazel almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw. Usually keeps a clean cut, short cropped beard. Stands 6’4” with a muscular build. Typically wears fitted jeans and a T-shirt under a flannel, although you may occasionally catch him in sporty sweatpants. Wears off brand sneakers on purpose. Wears a silver bracelet on either wrist with an incantation etched on the inside. (I honestly don’t know what time period this story is set in so let me know if I’m off base on the style of dress.) Personality: Competitive and quick tempered, Obi has the skills to be a good leader, but lacks the patience to effectively delegate people with strong personalities. A perfectionist, he places immense pressure on himself to live up to other people’s expectations. He is introverted, which is not to say that he dislikes the company of others nor is he shy or quiet by any means. He simply draws strength and energy from his time spent alone. Given to bouts of brooding. Has an artistic streak Equipment: Silver bracelets on either wrist that give the ability to heal any ailment physical or spiritual. Of course, like most magical tools, there is a catch. The bracelets act as a conduit that channel the user’s life force in order to heal whoever they lay hands on, making them somewhat dangerous to use. Also, the bracelets are impossible to remove except by magic strong enough to kill Obi. His Book Diviner crystal is laid in a custom made brass ring he wears on the middle finger of his left hand. He wears his Wayfinder key around his neck on a thin silver chain. He keeps a magic sketchbook in his jansport backpack that can produce whatever nonliving object he needs so long as drawn with some recognizability. History: A Cal State Long Beach graduate with a bachelor’s in Kinesiology, Obi was in the middle of taking classes for his school’s physical therapy doctorate program when his parents, both Librarians, mysteriously disappeared. From a young age, Obi’s parents had groomed him to become a skilled Librarian like themselves, believing he would take up the same mantel. But, as he approached high school graduation, his love of sports and exercise drew him toward kinesiology. His parents supported him in his pursuit of a more ordinary career, but they never ceased in educating him in the ways of their profession. When they disappeared, only Obi had any idea of what had happened to them. He forsook his dream of becoming a physical therapist and took the necessary steps to be inducted into the prestigious league of Librarians, in hopes of finding them somewhere in the Grand Library of Valistaad. |
Solirae stretched a bit and yawned, tucking her book back into her pack. Pulling out a notebook, she pushed herself to her feet and glanced upward. There was an illusion of sun and sky above that looked so real if she did not know she was in the library, she would have thought she had stumbled into the clearing of a forest. There was a wide terrazzo path that wound through the room in lazy arcs on a wandering route. Grass was thick and all on either side of the path and the room was filled with massive oaks. When Solirae had stumbled upon the new room, it had been about time for lunch, so she had decided to sit down beneath a tree and read while eating a bit of the food she had brought along. Now she walked carefully through the grass that rose to her hips in places, approaching each tree cautiously and pacing around it curiously. The trees were the shelves you see. The trunks had thick tomes in them, most with a focus on gardening and plants. A few trees even possessed a number of volumes that appeared to be written in elvish. Solirae put in detailed notes and wrote down the titles of every book she found. A good two hours had passed before she had finished and was finally reluctantly stepping out of the new room. Thankfully the room did not have a door, simple an entrance. This made it an anchor room so it would not shift from its current location. This meant a whole new branch had opened in the west wing. Solirae was excited to have found it and wanted to delve further in, but it was getting late. Making a few more notes about the look, feel and contents of the room, she closed the notebook and slipped it back into her pack. For a moment, she considered using her key to open a door directly to circulation at the next door she found, but instead decided a nice walk might do her some good. Pulling the tie out of her hair, she ran her fingers through it then tied it backup in a bun to keep it off her neck. Humming to herself, she hooked her thumbs into her pockets and walked happily back down the halls. There was a sudden low rumbling and Solirae stopped and waited patiently with a slight frown. That was probably the fourth shift today. The library did not usually shift that many times in a single day. Twice was a lot. Three times was abnormal...but four times...? The cafeteria would probably be buzzing about the shifts when she got back. The low rumble grew in intensity to the point she would feel the tremor in the floor and then it ceased altogether. Sollirae glanced behind her. The hall behind had remained the same, although there was a new corridor at the end from which she had come. The entrance way to the Oak Room, as she had decided to call it, was still visible just before the new corridor. Solirae began to walk once more and turned the corner and stopped. This hall was new as well. Heaving a sigh, she glanced up and down the hall. There was a stairwell leading down to her immediate right and straight ahead was a stairway leading upward. Just before the stairs leading up there was a doorway. Moving to the door, her hand drifted to the short sword belted at her hip as she cautiously opened it. The door opened with ease into, of all things, a completely empty room. Solirae frowned to herself and stepped into the room, curiously. She had never seen an empty room in the library before. The walls were a pale cream color and the floor was covered in runes carved into the white marble that she did not recognize, set in a circular pattern around a pale blue crystal set into the floor. She walked to the crystal and knelt down over it, placing a hand down on its cold surface that seemed to pull heat away. Looking upwards, there was the same design and crystal in the ceiling as well. "Weird..." she murmured as she pulled out her notebook and did a quick sketch of the room and made a note about the crystal's coldness. Putting the notebook away once more, she stood and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Pulling her key from around her neck, she slipped it into the door and turned it over and pulled it free once more. As she opened the door, she could see the front room before her and a white light shone brightly from the edges of the door frame. She stepped through into the front room and closed the door behind her. "You're back late," Eunice grumbled from where she sat at the circulation desk. The old woman was always cranky. "Sorry," Solirae squeaked, then with a bit more excitement. "I found a new anchor room!" She pulled out her notebook and Eunice looked considerably less cranky at the news of a new room. "Let me keep this notebook tonight," Eunice insisted. "I need to enter it into the files. You can pick it back up tomorrow morning before you go back in." Solirae nodded excitedly. "I'm calling in the Oak Room," Solirae said with a grin. Eunice looked up at her and rolled her eyes. "Yes, all right dear. Now, go eat before they close the cafeteria for the evening." Solirae hurried off, her mind drifting back to the odd room she had found. She brushed the thoughts off and focused more on the smells of food and getting herself something to eat. |
Cassander was sitting alone in the cafeteria. He always ate alone. Except for when he didn't. He had his feet up on the table, dirty boots shaking dust off onto the wooden surface every time he shifted. Librarians were everywhere, eating, reading -- most of them doing both at the same time. A lot of them seemed to be the "quiet types". The great and studious Librarians! So many of them had already discounted him as a second rate trouble maker. Second rate in relations to being what they thought he ought to be -- he was clearly a first rate trouble maker. He didn't like to think of it like that though. He only ever tried to have a little fun. What was so wrong with that? Yes, the fabled Librarians of Valistaad! With their noses in their books and their heads up their -- well, you get the point. The fire they had going in the great fireplace was unseasonable, and he felt a warmth in his cheeks. Of course, he was experience a bit of a sugar rush which could account for the last part. If anything could be said for all of that book reading, the kitchen chefs sure did know their sweet cinnamon cake recipes. Tonight he'd opted to just skip dinner and go straight to dessert. Perhaps not the wisest choice, but as he wasn't experiences the majority of the repercussions right this moment, he was okay with it. Two Librarians began arguing heatedly about which long dead author had more of a handle on ancient magic law -- Orin Therion or Lazerus Lyons. As they got more and more into it their voices rose and their enthusiasm with it. Orin was clearly in the right, the first one argued. After all, he'd studied ancient magic with the elves, themselves ancient beings. But no! Lyons had been given to visions, all of them but one having come true -- that was the one where every green leaf in the world was supposedly to turn pink. Which, of course, never happened. But really, ancient magic law? Didn't the first descriptor tell you everything you needed to know? Ancient? Still, they went at it, and Cassander thought his ears were going to start bleeding. Orin -- Lyons -- Orin! -- Lyons! -- ORI -- "Who bloody cares!" Cassander finally screamed, slamming his fists down on the table as he stood. The normally quiet cafeteria was dead quiet now. "They've both been dead for six hundred years! And if I have to hear one more word on "the proper applications of Ralaendrian bylaws I swear I will bloody kill myself!" "Is that a promise?" Came a low, humored voice from a dark corner of the room. His eyes flicked to Obediah, busily sketching away. Now he was different. Given to being quiet like the rest, sure -- but at least he thought for himself. This made Cass like him. However, Obi was highly competitive, and this put them at odds sometimes. Cassander was already irritated and the taunting only increased the buzzing around his ears. He was good at jabs and jibes and quips and stabs, but he'd never been the best at taking it himself. "You like listening to this?" Cassander pointed in the direction of the two, now very meek and startled Librarians, but kept his eyes on Obediah. "No," his voice was level, "But I don't feel the need to broadcast my opinions." "Well maybe you should draw yourself a pair," Cassander's remark brought a sort of collective "oooh" from the people in the cafeteria. Cassander thought he saw the man's hazel eyes flash. "Maybe you shouldn't drink so much," Obediah said. "Have you seen anyone here fill this flagon with anything but water?" Cassander picked up the metal flagon from the table and held it out for everyone to see. "I never said anything about a flagon." Now Obi's voice had that smart-ass tone, and his mouth that stupid smirk. He was looking at the silver canteen hooked to Cassander's belt. He couldn't know, could he? That jerk -- Cassander had only opened his mouth to fight back when a Library Teacher walked in on them. "Rythe!" Cassander couldn't help but wince. There really was nothing like hearing your own name spoken by someone who wanted to skin you -- and probably could. Everyone was looking at him now. "I was leaving anyway," was the most brilliant thing he could think of to say, and he stalked out of the cafeteria. As he entered the dark hallway his temper cooled some and his mind went to thinking. Obediah couldn't know about the flask, right? Maybe he shouldn't have baited him like that... He was so caught up in thinking that he'd neglected proper walking, and smacked right into someone who was on their way to the cafeteria. It was Solirae. "Sorry --" she said, apologizing even though it wasn't her fault. "Sorry --" he said, before he could help himself. He wasn't as mean or as inconsiderate as most people thought. Part of this was shown in his gut response of apology. But outside of that... "And where have you been today?" Cassander looked her up and down. She had trace amounts of dirt and maybe wood on her clothes. Some place earthy, to be sure. "I --" her face had brightened excitedly, but then it was as if she had second thoughts about telling him, "N-no where really --" She moved to go around him but he stepped back in front of her, blocking her way. "You've been going pretty deep, haven't you?" He asked. Though the Library and it's wings seemed to open up at random, he knew that this wasn't entirely true. And as much as he talked, he listened. As much as he moved, he watched. As quiet as the Librarians were, there tended to be a lot of whispers... "No," she said as innocently as she could, but her gray-green eyes were hiding something. She tried to get around again, and again he blocked her. He wasn't a very tall young man, and they were almost the same height. But even if he were musclebound and armored, he didn't think it would make much of a difference in his ability to corner her. "Looking for anything in particular?" He asked. "No..." Solirae glanced over his shoulder and then back down the hallway, probably looking for help but finding none. "Anyone, maybe?" Now she was looking at him and her eyes were fiery, her lips set in a thin line. "Did someone drop you on your head to make you like this?" She snapped. Somehow the attitude made her more attractive. He'd always thought she was pretty... but she had this power, this -- potential, inside that quiet little girl everyone thought she was. He was quiet certain that she didn't even see it herself. "Probably," Cassander couldn't help but grin. "Can I just get by please," Solirae groaned and looked at the ceiling as if begging for divine intervention. He knew that she would likely be the last person he'd see on his way to his quarters, beside that witch of a lady who ran the front desk. That after he let the girl pass, he'd be alone with himself. That was maybe the worst part of the day. Cassander stepped aside and bowed his head, sweeping his arm in the direction of the cafeteria. If he didn't so enjoy playing the fool, he could have made quite the gentleman. Solirae made a sort of frustrated noise, gathered herself, and made haste for the light at the end of the hallway. He watched her go with a tinge of regret. Then he shook himself out of it, and started whistling a merry tune as he made his way to his quarters. Maybe he would pay that old hag at the front desk a visit after all... |
Writer’s edit: Since Solirae already has healing powers, I felt that Obi’s ability to heal would create unwanted redundancy. Thus, I have repurposed his bracelets. They give Obi telekinetic abilities which, in addition to moving objects seemingly with his mind, include creating force fields and throwing powerful energy blasts. Obediah Adams watched a disgruntled Cassander saunter off and out of the cafeteria. When the annoying young man was out of sight, Obi when back to his sketchbook. He was drawing his lunch. He made more than enough credits as a Librarian, even if he was still Novice Class, to afford the food they served, but why spend his money when he had a magic sketchbook that could literally make anything he could want? Besides, the food here wasn’t 21st century Earth food. They served meat from animals Obi had never even heard of. The vegetables, too, were strange. He had tried many of the dishes, but it only made him more home sick. With a graphite stick he’d bought from the library’s general store, he rendered a fairly clear image of a hamburger. You didn’t have to be a talented artist to draw the thing you wanted, the sketchbook could read your thoughts as you pressed pencil to paper. It knew he wanted the frilly thing under the top bun to be lettuce and the gooey thing on the bottom bun to be mayonnaise and thousand island sauce. He made sure not to draw cheese or tomato; he was allergic to both. He sketched out a generous side of French fries, the thick crunchy kind. He took a rubber eraser he’d brought with him from home and began rubbing away at the stray pencil marks and mistakes. He would need to draw a new eraser soon as this one was whittled down to the size of a nickel. When he had finished, he looked at his work, scrutinizing it as he stroked his bearded chin. It was in need of a trim. He’d let it grow out over the last couple days while he explored the library. Silvia and George Adams were out there. Alive he hoped. And if they were dead...then hopefully he could find their bodies and... Obi sighed and banished the thought. He laid the book flat on the table and cupped his hands together to make a funnel. He put his lips to the opening between his hands and spoke through it whispering, “Cogitationes facti sunt.” Brilliant light shot out of the book. Obi noticed other Librarians, of all rank and class, turn in their seats to look at him disapprovingly. Were they not accustomed to the casual use of magic in the halls of Valistaad? Even Obi, an Earthling, a man from a world where only the most primitive of the magics, the Magic of Science, could be used, found his own magic sketchbook mundane compared to the magical objects his parents had showed him. But there seemed to be social customs still unbenounced to him. Was it rude to use magic in public? He thought it was strange how defensive Cassander was of that flask of his. There was definitely something magic about it, but why would he hide it? When the light had subsided, a hamburger with lettuce, mayo, thousand island, and a side of fries sat on a platter on the pages of the open sketchbook. People began to turn away and return to their meals. Many of those who had once been speaking at audible volumes lowered their speech to a whisper. Obi took a bite of his burger, still amazed at how the food he drew always tasted exactly the way he imagined it should taste. It was better than In-n-Out Burger, which was a heretic statement in the land of California. He wiped away some of the sauce in his beard with his flannel sleeve. He looked around at the backs of so many strangers, taking in their medieval style of dress. Some of them came from other worlds, like Obi, but most of these people were from Valistaad, a land where all types of magic were possible. Although they acknowledges science as a viable magic, they largely neglected it for the greater more powerful magics. Magic made their water drinkable. Magic made their food safe to eat. Magic made waste disappear. Magic healed the sick and dying. Magic solved everything. Obi was told by his Librarian mentor, Gregor, that Earthlings were very special because of their limited access to magic. With no greater magic than science at their disposal, they were forced to become all the more imaginative and innovative, making them a great asset to the Library of Valistaad. He told Obi that his parents had been two of the greatest Librarians he had ever met. “Is this seat taken?” Obi looked up and saw a woman of average height, with brown hair and a freckled face. As if he wasn’t certain he looked about himself. No one in the Library had ever asked to eat lunch with him before. He had gotten used to the solitude. But he was seated alone with a fairly sized table full of empty seats. It would be stupid to say “Yes, all these seats are taken.” “No,” he said simply. He didn’t motion for her to sit anywhere in particular and he certainly wasn’t going to pat the seat next to him. He wasn’t here to make friends. He was here to find his parents. But this young woman may serve as a valuable ally. She sat on the bench across from him. She wore a tan jacket with two many pockets on it. It reminded Obi of a modern safari jacket like he’d seen a movie, but he was certain she had made it herself. The green tunic she wore underneath matched her greyish green eyes. She was average pretty by Earth standards. She wouldn’t get too many hits on Instagram, but she was type you’d swipe right on Tindr. “So you must be...Obe--Obe--” she was having trouble remembering his name. It wasn’t difficult to pronounce but it was an Earth name. An uncommon Earth name at that. “My friends called me Obi back home,” Obi interrupted. He smiled as he went on to explain, “You know? Like Star Wars? Obi Wan Kenobi…” Her face blanked. Idiot. She doesn’t know what you’re talking about. “Sorry...I guess you guys don’t carry a lot of Earth fiction,” he mumbled, his face growing hot, “Anyway, my name is Obediah Adams. But Obi is just fine with me.” “I’ve heard a lot about you, Obi,” Solirae’s friendly smile returned as she continued, “Reynard, my mentor, told me there was only one Earthling in the whole Library and he told me I had to meet you.” “Well, here I am!” Obi replied with sarcastic jazzhands, “Ta-da!” She didn’t laugh. She simply smiled and nodded a little. “My name is Solirae.” “Nice to meet you, Solirae,” he replied, relieved she had a name that was easy to pronounce. It was silent for a bit too long after that. They stared at each other for a couple seconds. Obi coughed and took a bite of his food. She hadn’t touched hers yet. After he swallowed he asked, “So whatcha got there?” She looked down at her trey. “Mutton and potatoes. Reynard says I need to eat more.” She pushed a tiny steamed potato around with her fork. “Mutton? Like sheep? I thought all you guys served here was griffin and dragon and creatures whose names I can’t pronounce. Stuff like that.” Solirae’s eyes widened, horrified. “What? Those animals are protected species! Magical animals are sacred. Who told you--” She stopped as realization crossed her face. A smile replaced her initial grimace. She began to giggle. Then a burst of ringing laughter escaped her mouth. Obi looked around and again noticed the familiar faces turned in his direction again. More disapproving looks. “What’s so funny?” he finally asked. “You’ve been fooled!” she howled between chuckles. She sighed and calmed herself. “We serve the basics. Beef, poultry, mutton, and pork. Someone has lied to you. I guess not too many of us take kindly to Earthling humans.” “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Obi thought about Cassander. He thought about the disapproving looks. The hostility rising off of the other Librarians as he passed them in the halls. For once, however, it didn’t seem to be the color of his skin that was the problem. He wasn’t the only person in the Library with a dark complexion. It was his clothes, his mannerisms, his aura. He stunk of Earth. The land of no magic. The land of pollution. The land of power hunger leaders, of genocide, of overcrowded prisons, of starving masses. He looked down briefly at his jeans, his graphic T-shirt, the flannel shirt he wore over it. “Do you…” he hesitated. Maybe it would be inappropriate to ask a woman, a woman who seemed quite a bit younger than him, for help with clothing. But he had no friends. She was the first person to show him kindness besides Gregor in the last two weeks he had been living here. “Do you know where I can find some more…” he gestured around at the people seated at different tables, “appropriate clothes?” |
Name: Reynard Pendragon (A Librarian!) Age: 28 Appearance: Reynard is a tall, muscular man with short, dark brown hair and stormy grey eyes. Reynard wears a black trench coat passed down through his family. Black chinos, white dress shirt, and black Oxfords. He is usually wearing a serious facial expression. Personality: Reynard is easy going, but serious. Reynard can be complicated in his actions, but everything he does is for a purpose. While he can be easy about some things, anything about the Library he takes serious. He's very protective of Solirae, as he is her mentor. Equipment: He carries a Wayfinder key around his neck. Also around his neck is a red amulet with runes engraved around it that regenerates any damage he receives. He has binding stones along the inside of his trench coat. On his wrist is a silver watch that turns into a gauntlet or cover his body in full armor. This watch was passed down though his family. He also has a map that shows where people are so he can avoid them. On each of his hands he wears two rings. One is the ring of Kazaru and on the other ring of Praxis. History: Reynard comes from a long line of Librarians. However, his Great Grandfather Benjamin Pendragon who unfortunately died in the line of duty as least that is what everyone has deduced. Curiously though, his body was never found. Benjamin’s son and Reynard Grandfather Reginald became a librarian in his father’s footsteps and made it a mission to find out what happened to his father. Nothing came of it though and eventually everyone decided to let it be. Reynard’s father Alexander chose to become a Science Professor at a local college. Reynard’s older brother Jonathan decided to follow in their Grandfather’s footsteps and became a Librarian. Jonathan would go missing 6 months into his training. Reynard’s mother begged him not to do the same to no avail. Reynard has made it his mission to find his brother and understand what is going on in the Library. Notes: 1. Reynard was given gifts that he wears that were passed down through his family. Unfortunately, his brother wasn’t able to get any as he disappeared before they were able to be offered. 2. Reynard’s gauntlet armor isn’t made of natural metal. It has a mind of its own at times to protect it’s current bearer if it feels its bearer is just in their actions. 3. Reynard uses a map he has found in the deep resources of the library to see and avoid inhabitants of the library. 4. Both rings he wears devour magic and allows him to manipulate it easily. Although, each ring is a polar opposite of the other. One inertly good, while the other is decidedly evil. |
Solirae glanced around at the others then back at Obi, fully taking in his odd look. It was true, his clothing was a bit strange. It certainly set him apart faster than when he spoke. She knew what it felt like to be out of place. She certainly had when she first came to the library. At times, she still did. "You're clothing isn't really...inappropriate. I mean, you're fully clothed..." she said with a laughing kind of smile, "Just...quite noticeably different. Why don't we eat and then I'll take you to a tailor. They might have some things on hand that might suit you. If you really want to blend in with the rest, that is." "Only just enough," he said with a nod as he returned to his food. They sat in silence for a few long moments, eating. "So...what is a 'Star Wars'?" Solirae asked curiously. She had images of celestial being at war with one another; great gods wreathed in flames and shining armor. His face split into a grin after he hurriedly swallowed the food he'd been chewing. "It's a space opera-" he began as he launched into explaining the series to her. It was nothing like she had pictured and she found herself considerably more confused. He spoke of ships and metal golems he called droids and jedi that as far as Solirae could tell, were wizards of a sorts. It made her grin a little, did that make her a jedi for the power she used she wondered. When he finally stopped, after shaking his head insisting that theories of one Jar Jar Binx being a sith lord was absolute nonsense, she bit her lip. "What's space...and...planits...?" He stared at her blankly for a moment, his mouth just slightly ajar. He closed his mouth and ran a hand over his face with a chuckle. Obviously uncertain how to answer her. "It's..." he motioned upward, "It's where the stars are...where the planet we're on is..." He struggled. He seemed frustrated; not in an angry sort of way, but in a confused, uncertain sort of way. "The Void?" she asked in a hushed whisper. "Uh...I...I guess," he replied and she shivered a bit. "Earth's version of the Void is...nothing...like what we know of it," Solirae said, still in a hushed voice. Talking aloud of the Void made people uncomfortable. To speak of it too long was to invite trouble and call to demons. "Maybe you just don't understand-" "No," Solirae said firmly. "We have restricted sections of the library on the Void for reasons. Bad things come from there." He frowned at her looking perhaps a bit skeptical. "Things worse than Sith and Death Vaydors." He laughed and she just stared at him with a look of incredulity. He waved a hand in apology. "No, I trust your word. Bad things. I'm not laughing about it...it's the way...never mind...I'll have to have you come to earth sometime and watch it. I've got the box set." Solirae frowned at him in confusion then set to finishing her meal. Once done, they headed out of the Library to a tailor she knew that usually had a good variety of pre-made clothing for purchase. Colors were limited and small alterations could be made and done relatively quickly. |
Cass had just got to his room when he discovered that one of the silver buttons on his vest was literally hanging by a thread. He lifted it up and sighed. At least he hadn't lost it -- that would have been a minor disaster. That was because these buttons had an ornate imprint of his family crest on them -- a snake wrapped around a sword -- and weren't something you could just "pick up" anywhere. His father would be most displeased, but really, what else was new? Cass knew how to sew well enough, but this kind of fabric was delicate and needed steady hands and the right thread, otherwise he would just make it worse. Cassander slipped out the silver pocket watch he always carried on his person and checked the time. They'd had dinner early and it wasn't very late. There was still some sun left in the sky, admittedly disappearing quickly, but he figured he had enough time to take the vest in. He took it off and replaced it with another, almost the same dark blue but with less costly metal buttons, and headed out. His magical watch had informed him that it was chilly outside but he was still surprised to see his breath heralding each step forward from the Library into the more central part of town. He let his mind slid into neutral as he walked, not really thinking much about anything. Honestly it was a nice break. But when he finally stepped inside the small tailor's shop, he was in for an even bigger surprise than colder-than-average weather. It was Solirae and Obi. He'd never seen her out of the Library before, and he'd almost been operating under the notion that maybe she was bound to it and couldn't leave even if she wanted to. But apparently she could, and she'd taken Obediah with her. The muscular young man was standing on a platform, picking at apparel that were in various places either too large or too tight on him. Cass shook his head, exasperated. Did he have to do everything around here? "Finally decided to try a new look?" Cass asked as he slid his hands into his pockets. Solirae turned at his voice, startled, but Obi sort of just sighed at Cassander's reflection in the mirror. "What are you doing here?" She asked. "What?" Cassander dropped his vest on the counter and the tailor grabbed it like it was made of gold, "You think he's the only one who ever suffers from wardrobe problems?" "I thought you'd only set foot in some fancy boutique or something," Obi said as he finally turned. "And I'd thought your poor fashion sense was terminal," Cass looked him up and down, "I guess we were both wrong." "How much is this?" Obi said as he started to pull his shirt off, clearly wanting to just buy the clothes and get out. "However much it is it isn't worth it," Cassander said as he flipped through some pre-made shirts and jackets, "Not worth going out looking like that." Cass had spent an inordinate amount of time learning proper manners, table etiquette, how to dance, how to speak, and how to dress. He'd just about flunked every class but the last one. "Here," Cass dumped a handful of clothing items into Obi's arms. "I don't --" the young man seemed taken aback. "Unless you want to go from being the freak from another realm to the freak in the too tight tunic and mismatched socks, you're going to want to do this." Obi narrowed his eyes, frustrated and not entirely trusting, but wanting it enough that he was willing to give it a try, and soon he disappeared behind a curtain. Cass turned his head to find Solirae frowning at him. "What?" Cass laughed as he explored the nearest rack of shirts. "Why are you doing this?" She asked suspiciously. "Can't a guy just do a good thing?" He replied as he pulled out a prospective buy. White shirt, pre-attached silver cufflinks -- fake silver, of course, but he did need a new white shirt. "I don't know, can he?" She'd followed him, arms crossed. When Cass turned she almost bumped into him and they were very close. "I guess we'll see," he said with a little smirk, enjoying her look of discomfort. "Here," Obi said as he emerged from behind the current, "Happy?" He picked at the clothes like he wasn't sure what to do with them, but at least they fit. Cassander had even thrown in a tasteful, red plaid handkerchief in homage to Obediah's love of what he called "flannel". Although instead of folding it, it had just been crammed into the breast pocket. Oye... "You look --" Solirae started, and almost seemed to blush, "You look nice." "Well look who turned out to be not half bad," Cassander tilted his head and smiled. Yes, definitely better. "Wear that and you won't have to worry about people judging you on your appearance," Cass said, then added with a smirk, "Just your personality." "Cass," Solirae gaped at him. But Obi actually sort of smiled back and shook his head. The kind of understanding between guys, the difference between an actual insult and just a good natured riffing. It had for once been the latter. "I need this button fixed," Cass explained to the tailor, "Sooner than later preferably. And I'll cover Mr. Tall Dark & Lonesome over there too." "No way --" Obediah said as he took a step off the platform, "I don't owe anyone anything." Hmm. One of those can't accept a favor people. "Trust me," Cass ignored Obi's protestations and slipped two small gold coins across the counter to the tailor, "You'll be doing me a service." He had, at times, felt a little world's away himself, mainly because most of the Librarians didn't share his "perfect, silver spoon" upbringing. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be from an entirely different realm. It couldn't be easy, but Obediah seemed to handle it well. That was... something like courage, maybe. A little admirable... Ugh! Sentiment! Yuck... When Cass turned he nodded at the pile of "Earth clothes" on the ground, then looked back up at Obi. "Those threads were an eyesore," Cass said with a little sideways smile. "I'll pay you back," Obi sort of grumbled in acceptance as he scooped up his old clothes. "Sure," Cass said in a soothing, agreeable tone. On the Librarian's salary? Unnnnlikely. But he didn't really care. Solirae was looking at him again. "What?" Cass shrugged. |